Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

October Session 1841

Years provision of Sally Sawyer widow of Elisha Sawyer was returned to court.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.44), Box 44
Sawyer, Elijah, 1840

Bond dated 27 Jul 1840 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing Thos. F. Sawyer administrator of the estate of Elijah Sawyer deceased, H. G. Spruill & Jeremiah Weskett securities.

Petition July Term 1840 by Polly Sawyer widow of Elijah Sawyer deceased who died intestate [blank] April last and administration has been granted to Thomas Sawyer. Petitioner being unprovided for she prays a court order for the laying off of a year's provisions for her and her family.

Laying off of the year's provisions on 27 Aug 1841 out of the estate of Elijah Sawyer deceased for the support of his widow, Polly Sawyer by Jacob Snow, Benjamin Chambers & Abel Sawyer. Ten dollars in cash allowed due tom insufficient provisions in the estate.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Elijah Sawyer to Polly Duval on 8 Sep 1829, Stephen Sawyer security.

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Updated May 12, 2024
Charles W. Barnes