Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

April Session 1834

Jno. Tarkenton special administrator of Zebulon Tarkenton returned into court account sales of said estate.

On motion in open court in presence of Jos. W. Tarkenton distributee of Zebulon Tarkenton it is ordered that administration on the estate of Zebulon Tarkenton deceased late of Tyrrell County be granted to Hardy N. Spruill, he entering into bond in the sum of twelve thousand dollars to the discharge of his duty as administrator with Robt. B. Davis, Alexander H. Davenport, H------- Davenport, Caleb Phelps, Thos. Myers, Av-- A. Spruill, Ephm. Powers, Jesse Hassell & Talket Davenport as security said administration being granted to said Spruill as a creditor of said deceased. granted to


North Carolina Archives
Tyrrell County
Original Papers

1. Sale of Schooner American Lady

20 Feb. 1834 I am of the securities for Joseph W. Tarkenton as Administratior of the late Zebulon Tarkenton estate, do agree that the Schooner American Lady shall be sold on the day of sale if agreed by the Magistrates

Signed H N Spruil .

2 Joseph W. Tarkinton Adm. Bond.

Know all men by there presents that we Jos W Tarkinton, Hardy N. Spruill and Caleb Phillips, Mathias Owens, Thos B. Meyers, Jos Hassell are held and firmly bound unto ... in the sum of seven thousand dollars to be paid ...... dated 13 Feb. 1834.

... Joseph W. Tarkinton special Administrator of the estate of Zebulon Tarkanton dec. shall will and truly administer the said estate by taking the same in charge until the next term of the County Court ... and account for such property etc.

Signed: Joseph W. Tarkinton, H.N. Spruill, Caleb (his Mark), Mathias (his mark "M"), Thomas B. Myers, J. Hassell

Jos. Halsey Ck. Test to M. Owens Signature Henry Harris.

3. Sale of Property

We the undersigned Justices of the Peace who have this day granted letters of Special Administration on the Estate of Zebulon Tarkinton dec. to Joseph W. Tarkinton and direct him to sell the following property to wit - Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep provisions except corn, fish and fishing Apparatus. Columbia Feb 13. 1834

Signed L F. F. Fagan JP, Jos Alexander JP, B. Hathaway JP.

4 Note Joseph W. Tarkinton

Note Six Months after date we to pay Hardy N. Spruill Adm. of Zeb Tarkinton dec. on order the sum of $207.76 for value received 23 May 1834
Signed Joseph W. Tarkinton (This signature is different from that of the special administrator Joseph W. Tarkinton )

5. Hardy N. Spruill Adm. --Bond E. H. Powers.

Ephraim H. Powers, Martin B. Spencer, Hugh Armstrong, Joseph Bateman Jr. & Franklin B. Armstrong all of Co. of Tyrell are held and bound unto Hezekiah G. Spruill, Sheriff.... in just and full sum of $316.10 ... this 3 day of Nov. 1834 do and .. appearance before the Justices of the County Court ... at the Court house in Columbia on 4 Monday of Jan. next to answer to J.W. Tarkinton Special Adm. of Zebulon Tarkinton decd. to use of H.N. Spruill Adm. of Zebulon Tarkinton of a plea that they render him $158.05 which they owe and detain to his damage $50.

Signed E.H. Powers, Martin Bird Spencer, Hugh Armstrong, J. B. Armstrong
.....Hardy N. Spruill Adm. the plaintiff... dated 3 Nov. 1834 H. G. Spruill

6. Accounts Listing 21 July 1836

119 Accounts of Zebulon Tarkinton List of people with accounts. Total Amounts of Debts due estate of Col. Zebulon

Clerk reports a careful and minute investigation of the accounts between Hardy N. Spruill Adm. and D. Bateman Adm. in moneys of Col. Tarkinton dec. find a balance from Hardy N. Spruill Estate, Col. Tarkinton Estate $6,75.65 He would also state that he has given Hardy N. Spruill Adm. credits of all judgments against his interstate ad Adm. of Tarkintons and for which he is ? I mean all unpaid judgments existing against him could be ascertained and in which will probably embrace the would the whole... all of which is respectively submitted

Some of the 119 Listings.

Z Tarkinton note and interest $6.05
Zebulon Tarkenton's note $160.71
Ira E. Norman acout 2.14
Zebulon Tarkenton note $1.96
Joseph W. Tarkenton's receipt . $119.97
Sally Phelps in D.S. Godfry's Hand
Sally Mann $262.53
Enos Tarkinton in Wash. Cost of Court $25.32
Cost of a Suit in Washington Tarkintons Adm. vs. Abner Lamb. $25.32

7. D H. Bateman administrator of Z Tarkinton vs. Schedule Bond John H. Fanning

July Term 1838 RB Const. (90 cents)
We John H. Fanning and Noah E. Phelps are .. bound to Zeb Tarkintons adm. in the sum of $19.40
Date 14 May 1838

The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bounded John H. Fanning at the date ?? in with a casa of the instance of said Tarkintons Adm. debts?? for the sum of $9.70

Now in case the said John H. Fanning appear before the Justice of the Court of pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held in said County on the fourth Monday in July 1838 in relation to taking the benifit of the act passed by the General Assembly of this state in the year 1822 for the relief of Insolvent Debtors and not depart the sum without leave first and the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect signed: John H. Fanning, Noah E. Phelps. a test RB Hasell

Items related to Specific People

Samuel C. Patrick and wife Mary:

1. Summons 4th Monday July 1835

October Term: Samuel C.. Patrick and wife vs. Case D.N. Batman Adm. of Zebulon Tarkinton
Summons Daniel N. Bateman Adm. Zebulon Tarkinton ... Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions held at Columbia 4th Monday October next to answer unto Samuel C. Patrick & wife Mary of a plea of ?on the case to their damage for $100. Issued 11 Sept. 1835

4th Monday July 1835 Issued Writ to summons Daniel N. Bateman to appear 4th Oct. Next
answer Samuel C. Patrick & wife Mary of a plea of ? on the case to their damage $100
Issued 11 Sept. 1835 (October Term 1835)

2. Mary Patrick vs. Zeb Tarkintons Adm.

Sub. to Tyrrel Co. Court July Term H. G. Spruill by John McClees
Summons: Carney Spencer & George Litchfield , Mary Patrick Plaintiff vs. Zebulon Tarkenton to appear in Court the 4th Monday in July
Adm. Defendant. 26 April 1836 Jos Halsey Ck

Spencer Armstrong

1. 1830-1830 Spencer Armstrong to Zeb Tarkenton

to (Leon) bushels alum salte at 1-00 per bushel $7
to , note of $3.
to , Shop Work $2.5
1 horse $20
23 July 1833 Personally appeared before Mr. Zebulon Tarkinton and proved the above account agreeable
H.L. Furrner?

2. Outside document: 5 April Term 1834

Hardy N. Spruill Adm. of Z. Tarkinton vs. Spencer Armstrongs Heirs:
Heirs: Thos White and wife Ester, John Armstrong, Ansolum Armstrong, Rosanna Armstrong Rusel Armstrong Ex. H. G. Spruill

State of NC to the Sheriff of Tyrell Co. Greetings:
...Hardy N. Spruill ad. of Zebulon Tarkenton lately recovered in the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held for Co. Tyrrell at Columbia against Charles McCleese Adm. of Spencer Armstrong the sum of $5.35 costs or also the forth sum of $5.35 of said said suit by Spruill , in that behalf Spencer: and it being made appear to the Justices of the said Court, that the said Charles McCleese aforesaid hath not , no had not on the day when the Court of the said Hardy N. Spruill ? out, any good or chattels which were of the said Armstrong dec. at the time of his death in the hand to be administer, and it being suggest to by the said Spruill that the said Armstrong dec. seized and proper of chattels and tenements in the Court of Tyrrell , Whereupon the said Plaintiff hath prayer the said Justices of the said Court to provide him a proper remedy in that behalf and because we rule that those things which are right and just have due execution, do command you that you known to the heirs of the said dec. Spencer Armstrong, that they be sum? appear before the Justices of . said Court at the Courthouse in Columbia within 4 Monday of April next then and there to them cause if any they have why the said Judgment and cost ought not to be levied of the said land and tenements and to be render to the said Hardy N. Spruill we accord to the price of the said etc. dated 4th Monday of Jan, 1835 Jos. Hasey Ck.

3. H N Spruill Adm. of Z Tarkinton vs. Warrant Charles McCleese Adm. of Spencer Armstrong executed by T. Rogers Cons. 1834

27 Oct. 1834 Warrant Summons for Charles McCleese Adm. for Spencer Armstrong to appear before me or some other Justice of the Peace for said County at the Tavern of Joseph Hallsey this day to answer the complaint of Hardy N Spruill Administrator of Zebulon Tarkinton in a plea of Debt by account in the sum of $50 Given under my had and seal this 27 October 1834 Rich Hawitt JP
Back: October 27 1834 Dismiss with Court. Henry Alexander JP appeal Craved and granted and give for Security. Test. Henry Alexander Saml Roger.

Carney Spencer: & Hugh Armstrong

1. Note: One day after we promise to pay Hardy N. Spruill Adm. of Zebulon Tarkinton on order the sum $77.87 for value this 1 Dec. 1834 Signed Carney Spencer, Hugh Armstrong
Written Across top Judgment 15 Oct. 1836

2. Daniel N. Bateman ex. of Z. Tarkinton vs. Hugh Armstrong and others .. Jan Term 1842
State of NC to the Sheriff Tyrrell Co.
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions .. at Court House in Columbia 4th Monday of July 1837.. Danl N. Bateman Adm. of Zebulon Tarkenton obtained a judgment against Carney Spencer and Hugh Armstrong for $77.87 with interest 2 Dec. 1834 with credit at Oct. Term 1837 of $52.36 from sale of defendants land and at the judgment being at hand seems to be due and unpaid .... summons Carney Spencer and Hugh Armstrong to ... appear at the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions at Courthouse in Columbia 4th Monday in Jan. to show cause if any they have wherefore judgment man not be entered against them.... dated Oct. (smudge of ink) 1841 Issued 11 Jan 1842. Jos Alexander Clk.
Back: I hereby ? Richard Davenport to Execute this within Jan 1st 1842 John Mek? Sheriff.

Carney Spencer.

1. Account of sale of the land of Carney Spencer, sold by virtue of, v.e, at the ? of Daniel N. Bateman Adm. of Tarkinton & Zebulon Tarkinton Adm. to use Joshua Davenport by Joseph Halsey of Tyrrell Co. Court and sold on 24 Oct. 1837 to Sally Mann for the sum of $95 and than bring the Lash? and highest Big become the purchaser thereof John McCleese Shff.

2. Warrant

You are hereby commanded to arrest the body of Carney Spencer to appear before .. Justice of the Peace.. 20 May 1837 at the Cross Landing to answer the complaint of Hardy N. Spruill ad. of Zeb Tarkinton Dec. to the of Alexander H. Davenport in a plea of debt.. note for $29.40 and interest from 25 Jan 1835 dated 4 May 1837 sign. D.S. Godfrey
Back - 20 May 1837 Judgment for $29.40 and 31 May 1837 signed D.S. Godfrey J.P. Levied on Carney Spencer right of land adjoining George Leatchfield and others signed R.D. Hassell Const.
12 July 1837 .. levy on and expose to sail the goods and Chattles and for want there levy on the lands and tenements of the def. .. and add fees . Notice of the annexed levy delivered to Carne Spencer R D Hassell Const. (Other fees listed.)

24 Jan 1835 Agreement that he owes the estate
$27.40 with interest since Jan 24, 1835 Judgment May 20 , 1837
3 May 1837 Lands of Carney Spencer levied against adjoining George Leatchfield.
12 July 1837 Notice of Levy delivered to Carney Spencer

Early Items before the Death of Zebulon Tarkinton

1 Note: Joseph Tarkinton, Zebulon Tarkinton $100
Nine months after date with interest from date we or either of us promised to pay unto Joseph Hallsey on order the sum of $100.05 for value received this 24 December 1823
Signed Joseph (his mark "J") Tarkinton of John , Zeb Tarkinton, William Tarkinton
Wit: Peter Wynne, Harmon Bateman.

2 William Tarkinton Note
21 July 1823 Tyrrell County, Six months after date I promise to pay or cause to be paid 62,500 shillings to Thomas Fisher signed: William Tarkinton, Zeb Tarkinton
Judgment 25 March 1825 written across front
Back : 7 Dec. 1823 Pay they urther? Joseph Hallsy value rec. 7 Dec. 1823 signed Thos Fisher
20 Dec. 1824 Recd. from Samuel Weston $33 60/100 dollars in pd. Jos Halley
Rec also paid claim for seven 24/100 dollars J. Halsy.. William Tarkinton Note

3 Zebulon Tarkinton's Note $123
Tyrrell Co. N.C. July 7th 1826
One day from date of promise to pay Hiram M. Barney, Luther M. Burden on their order $123 in good Merchantible shingles and Staves for value. $123 Rec. as witness my hand and seal. signed Zeb Tarkinton
Written Across item "Judmt"
Back: July 7th 1826 Recd sixty cents

4 Account Harmon Alexander vs. Zeb Tarkinton
Col. Zebulon Tarkinton To Harmon Alexander (D following name)
1833 Aug.
Fo 9250 Juniper 22 in Shingles @ 17/6 $16.19
7500 do 18 in do @ 15/- 11.25


Personally appeared before Alexander and proved the above a/c in due form
of law this 27th Nov. 1834 signed F.F. Fagan JP

Return to Tyrrell Co. Probate Record Introduction

Abstract by Nancy Reeves
February 22, 2021