Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

January Session 1842

Ordered that Pamela Tweedy be appointed guardian to Thomas, Elizabeth, Mary & John Tweedy heirs of Jacob Tweedy deceased and that she enter into bond of three thousand dollars with Solomon Mann & E. F. Melson & William Morris.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.54), Box 54
Tweedy, Jacob, 1838

Bond dated 22 Oct 1838 in the amount of fifteen hundred dollars appointing Jonathan Tweedy administrator of the estate of Jacob Tweedy, deceased, Jno. McClease, Thos. Hassell securities.

Indenture dated 29 May 1840 between Permela Tweedy, widow of Jacob Tweedy, and David Tweedy Senr. of the one part and Thomas, Betsy, Mary & Jonathan, children of Jacob Tweedy deceased. Debts are outstanding against Jacob Tweedy and if his estate is to pay these debts it will be necessary to sell a negro girl named Clarissa, now the property of the estate of the said Jacob. The said David Tweedy Senr. proposes to pay these debts if Permela Tweedy will surrender all right and title to said negro girl to the aforesaid Thomas, Betsy, Mary & Jonathan, children of the said Jacob Tweedy and claim no part of the negro girl for herself. Permela Tweedy agrees. Witnessed by H. G. Spruill and proved by him at October Term 1845. Registered 14 Feb 1845. [Dates appear to be off on this but that is the way they read.]

Bond dated 24 Jan 1841 in the amount of three thousand dollars appointing Pamela Tweedy guardian of Thos., Elizabeth, Mary & John Tweedy, Soloman Mann, William Morris & Elijah P. Melson securities.

Petition January Term 1842 of Parmelia Tweedy against Thomas, Elizabeth, Mary & Jonathan Tweedy, infants under the age of 21 years and heirs of Jacob Tweedy deceased. Petitioner states that Jacob Tweedy died intestate leaving her unprovided for and that he was seized and possessed of two tracts of land, each of about 90 acres, lying on the south side of Little Alligator Creek adjoining the lands of and others. She further shows that the defendants have no guardian and prays that one be appointed to protect their interests and that a writ of dower be issued to the Sheriff.

Court order April Term 1842 for the Sheriff to convene a jury to lay off the dower of Pamela Tweedy, widow of Jacob Tweedy, in the lands of her deceased husband.

Laying off of the dower of Permelia Tweedy in the lands of her deceased husband, Jacob Tweedy on 19 Oct 1842 by John McClees, Sheriff, and a jury of unconnected and unrelated freeholders, Joseph A. Spruill, Jesse McCleese, Thomas B. Midyett, King Hackett, J. W. Parker, Thomas Basnight, John Vanhorn, Michel Minchey, Joseph Basnight, Anthoney Ward, A. H. Smith & Thomas Meekins. The land consisted of 165 acres on the south side of Little Alligator Creek and 52 acres joining the main road and Robert Holmes was allotted to Permelia Tweedy, it being the tract of land that was deeded to Jacob Tweedy by his father, David Tweedy Senr..

Bond dated 22 Jan 1844 in the amount of three thousand dollars appointing Jonathan Tweedy guardian to Thos., Mary, Betsy & Jonathan Tweedy, orphans of Jacob Tweedy, deceased, Jeremiah Weskett & John Spruill securities.

Petition July Term 1847 by Thos. Tweedy, Betsy Tweedy, Mary Tweedy & Jonathan Tweedy who are tenants in common of a parcel of land on the south side of Alligator Creek adjoining the lands of Uriah Swain, Joseph Owens & Anne Holmes and pray five commissioners be appointed to divide the land equally among them in severalty. If the lands can't be equally divided then divide as appropriate and charge sums as approriate to make the division equitable. Commissioners appointed were Joseph Owens, A. H. Smith, Charles Johnston, James Basnight & Antoney Ward.

Petition October Term 1847 by Thomas Tweedy and of Jonathan Tweedy by his guardian, Thomas Tweedy who are tenants in common of negro woman Clarissa and her child, Anne, the said Thomas Tweedy owning three fourths of said negros and Jonathan Tweedy one fourth. Since a division is not practiceable, they request a sale be ordered.

Statement of the amount of sale of negro woman, Clarissa and her child, Ann, belonging to the estate of Jacob Tweedy for $687 in January 1848 by J. Hassell agreeable to an order of court.

Bond dated 30 Apr 1851 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Joseph McClees guardian of Jonathan Tweedy, John A. Brickhouse & J. L. Jones securities.

Bond dated 28 Jan 1856 in the amount of fifteen hundred dollars appointing John McCleese guardian of Jonathan Tweedy, Jesse Sanderson & Wm. McClees securities.

Transcriber's Notes:

The 1850 Census of Tyrrell County shows Jonathan Tweedy, age 12, living in the household of Joshua L. Tweedy, age 39, and Permelia Tweedy, age 43. Others listed are Uri Tweedy, age 7, John W. Tweedy, age 3, and Sally A. Tweedy, age 17.

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Joshua Tweedy to Pamela Tweedy on 27 Jul 1842, Jonathan Tweedy security.

The 1840 will of Richard Spruill identifies Permelia Tweedy as his daughter.

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Updated May 10, 2024
Charles W. Barnes