North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.56), Box 56
White, Joseph, 1837

Bond dated 25 Apr 1837 in the amount of three thousand dollars appointing Joshua White administrator of the estate of Joseph White deceased, Frederick Patrick & Thomson Liverman securities.

Promissory note dated 4 May 1837 in which James Cahoon, Enos Liverman & Wm. White agree to pay $5.02 1/2 on order after six months to Joshua White, administrator of Joseph White deceased, for value received. Witnessed by John White.

Writ dated 10 May 1838 to arrest the bodies of Enos Liverman & William White and have them before a Justice of the Peace on 17 May 1838 to answer the complaint of Joshua White, administrator of Joseph White deceased, in a plea of debt due by note in the sum of $5.02 1/2 to the use of B. & J. Sikes. Continued to be tried in 30 days on 19 May 1838 by D. S. Godfrey. Judgement by default on 16 Jun 1838 by Samuel Rogers. Warrant for the arrest of the defendant on 7 Nov 1838 and have him pay his judgment and costs.

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Updated August 10, 2024
Charles W. Barnes