Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

January Session 1843

On motion it is ordered by the court that the guardianship of Sally Walker orphan of John V. Walker be committed to William W. Walker. It is further ordered that the said W. W. Walker enter into a bond of five hundred dollars with William Walker & Edward Simmons as securities.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.55), Box 55
Walker, John V., 1839

Order dated 23 Feb 1839 granting special administration on the estate of Jno. V. Walker to William Walker.

Bond dated 23 Feb 1839 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing William Walker special administrator of the estate of John V. Walker deceased, Richard Hassell security.

Bond dated 22 Apr 1839 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing William Walker administrator of the estate of Jno. V. Walker deceased, Thomas Hassell & Jesse Hassell securities.

Petition April Term 1839 by Kisiah Walker widow of John V. Walker whose husband died intestate in February last. No provision has been made for the immediate support of herself and her two children. She requests that her year's provision be layed off to her from her husband's estate. This was done by Saml. Rogers, Thos. Hassell & N. A. Brickhouse on 2 Jun 1839.

Petition July Term 1842 by Kisiah Walker widow of John V. Walker who died in February 1839. He died possessed of a tract of land lying on the east side of Scuppernong River bound on the north by William Walker, on the west by Sally Mann, on the south by Isaac West and on the southeast by Juniper Swamp. She is entitled to dower in this land and requests that a jury be appointed to lay it off.

Bond dated 23 Jan 1843 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing Wm. W. Walker guardian of Sally Walker orphan of John V. Walker deceased, William Walker & Edwd. Simmons securities.

Transcriber's Notes:
Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of John Walker to Keziah Tarkinton on 21 Mar 1832, Caleb Walker security; also the marriage of Keziah Walker to John Liverman on 27 Jan 1851, William Dunbar security.
The Tyrrell County 1850 census shows a Keziah Walker, age 37, living in the family of Miles Liverman who has a son, John M. Liverman, age 29. The 1860 census shows John Liverman, age 38, with Keziah Liverman, age 49, and Sarah Liverman, age 24 and other children. Sarah is probably actually Sarah Walker since she is too old to be a daughter of John Liverman.
There is also a Sarah Walker, age 15, living in the family of Thomas J. Cooper, age 32, whose wife is Elizabeth Ann Walker, age 25.

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Updated February 5, 2023
Charles W. Barnes