North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.55), Box 55
Warnin, Hambleton, 1800

Summons directed to the Sheriff of Washington County for M. R. Byrd to attend court in Tyrrell County on the 4th Monday in July next and show cause, if any, why the administrators of Hambleton Warnin should not have execution against him due to a judgement against him at April Term 1799 for a debt of 37 - 19 - 10 plus costs. Ann Warning & Wm. Slade are the administrators of the estate of Hambleton Warnin.

Execution directed to the Sheriff of Washington County dated 30 Jul 1800 and issued 30 Aug 1800 against the goods & chattels, lands & tenements of Thomas Fagan for 89 pounds, 14 shillings & 2 pence which lately Hambleton Warnin's administrators recovered against him as well for damage by reason of nonperformance of a certain promise by the said Thomas before the time made as for costs and charges in the suit.

Summons dated 30 Jul 1800 for Joseph Oliver, Benjamin Tarkenton & Ebenezer Pain to be at the next court and testify on behalf of Hambleton Warnin's administrators in a suit in which H. Warnin's administrators are plaintiffs and Henry Starr is defendant.

Execution dated 28 Oct 1800 and issued 20 Nov 1800 against Henry Starr for 49 pounds, 5 shillings and 4 pence which Hamelton Warnin's administrators recovered against him for debt plus 5 pounds & ?? in costs and charges.

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Updated August 15, 2024
Charles W. Barnes