Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

July Session 1842

Ordered that Jos. Alexander, T. H. Alexander & T. S. Hassell audite and settle the estate of Tully Wynne with the administrator.

Ordered that Nancy Wynne be appointed guardian to Lovenia (?) Wynne, Thomas Wynne, Jeremiah Wynne, Eliza Wynne & Sarah Wynne heirs of Tully Wynne deceased & that she enter into bond of two thousand dollars with Samuel S. Simmons & John Hoskins securities.

October Session 1842

The audited sccount of Tully Wynne was returned into open court.

January Session 1843

Ordered that notice issue to Abram S. Hassell & Mary his wife to show reason at next term to show reason why the said Nancy should not be removed from the guardianship of the children of Tully Wynne.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.58), Box 58
Wynne, Tully, 1840

Bond dated 29 Jul 1840 in the amount of four thousand dollars appointing S. S. Simmons administrator of the estate of Tully Wynne deceased, William Wynne & H. G. Spruill securities.

Petition July Term 1840 by Nancy Wynne whose husband, Tully Wynne died recently leaving considerable personal property, out of which she is advised she is entitled to a years allowance for her and her five children. She prays a court order to lay off her years allowance.

Laying off of the years allowance to Nancy Wynne widow of Tully Wynne on 8 Aug 1840.

Bond dated 25 Jul 1842 in the amount of two thousand dollars appointing Nancy Wynne guardian of Eliza, Thomas, Winny, Jeremiah & Sarah Wynne, Saml. S. Simmons security.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in January 1843 and issued 17 Mar 1843 for Abram Hassell and wife Nancy Hassell to appear in court on the fourth Monday in April next to show cause why the said Nancy Hassell may not be removed from the guardianship of Winneford, Thomas, Eliza, Jeremiah & Sally Wynne, children of Tully Wynne deceased.

Petition January Term 1843 by Abraham Hassell and wife Nancy who was the widow of Tully Wynne deceased, who died seized and possessed of a tract of about 100 acres. His widow Nancy has never had her dower in said land alloted to her. The heirs at law of Tully Wynne are his children, viz., Winefred, Thomas, Eliza Ann, Jeremiah & Sarah minors of tender years. Petitioners pray that a guardian be appointed for the children for the purposes of the petition and that the court order the Sheriff to summon a jury to lay off the dower of Nancy in said land.

Laying off of the dower of Nancy Hassell, formerly Nancy Wynne and widow of Tully Wynne in the lands of said Tully Wynne on 19 Apr 1843. Her portion was 55 acres joining William Wynne and including the dwelling and outhouses.

Bond dated 24 Apr 1843 in the amount of four thousand dollars appointing William Wynne guardian of Thomas, Lavinia, Jeremiah, Ann Eliza & Sarah Wynne, Joseph Halsey & Thomas B. Myers securities.

Account of William Wynne guardian of Winnefred, Ann Eliza, Thomas, Jeremiah & Sarah Wynne from 1843 to 27 Jan 1851. Negroes Charles, Venus and her children are mentioned as being hired out. Expenses for Eliza, Sarah & Lavinia are shown.

Bond dated 22 Jan 1849 in the amount of sixteen hundred dollars appointing William Wynne guardian of Winnefred, Thomas, Ann Eliza, Jeremiah & Sarah Wynne orphans of Tully Wynne, Jos. Alexander & John McClees securities.

Bond dated 23 Apr 1850 in the amount of five thousand dollars appointing H. G. Spruill guardian of Jeremiah Wynne orphan of Tully Wynne deceased, Saml. S. Simmons & Chas. McClees securities.

Petition October Term 1850 by Joseph Halsey, Montreville Bowen & Jesse R. Stubbs showing that William Wynne departed this life testate about 30 Oct 1849, the will was admitted to probate at the April or July Term of 1850, and petitioners qualified as executors. Most of the property has been disposed of according to the will except slaves Jerry, Joseph, Ann, Eliza, Grandville & Edea, who should be sold in order to effect a division among those entitled. Pray a court order for such sale.

Petition July Term 1850 by M. Bowen and wife Winneferd, H. G. Spruill guardian to Jeremiah Wynne, Thomas Wynne an infant without guardian by his next friend M. Bowen, Sally Ann Wynne an infant by her guardian M. Bowen, Abram Litchfield and wife Ann Eliza represent that they are tenants in common with William Wynne of six certain negroes named Charles, Venus, Jim, Isaac, Jane & Matilda and that petitioners own five sixths of said slaves and that one sixth belonged to said William Wynne, who was guardian to your petitioners and took possession of their estate and received the rents and profits of the same. They charge that said William is indebted on said guardian account in a large sum. They further charge that the said negroes can not be divided equally among the parties entitled. The said William Wynne departed this life in October last, having first executed a last will and testament in which he appointed Jos. Halsey, Jesse R. Stubbs & M. Bowen executors and which was admitted to probate at the present session. Petitioners are anxious to have a division of the slaves and since they can't be divided equally they pray for the court to order a sale. They also request an audit of the accounts between the petitioners and the testator William and report at next term of the balance due them.

Court order at October Term 1850 in the matter of M. Bowen and wife and others vs. W. Wynne's executors. Prayer of the petitioners is granted and M. Bowen is appointed commissioner to sell the slaves named in the petition and make report thereof at the January Term 1851.

Bond dated 29 Oct 1850 in the amount of three thousand dollars appointing M. Bowen guardian to Thomas Wynne, orphan and infant child of Tully Wynne deceased, Jos. H. Alexander & James F. Davenport securities.

Commissioners report at January Term 1851 by Montreville Bowen who was appointed at the October Term 1850 to sell the negros named in the petition of M. Bowen & wife & others vs. Wm. Wynne's executors. Slaves were offered for purchase at Columbia on 25 Dec 1850 and following were the purchasers:
Negro man Charles bought by Jesse Sanderson for $839.
Negro boy Jim bought by J. F. Davenport for $375.
Negro girl Jane bought by J. F. Davenport for $350.
Negro girl Matilda bought by J. F. Davenport for $350.
Negro boy Isaac bought by Saml. Alexander for $200.50.
Negro woman Venus bought by Hardy Hardison for $335.50.
Total of $2450.

Court order April Term 1851 in the matter of the petition by M. Bowen and wife vs. Halsey & Stubbs executors of W. Wynne.
Ordered that the report of M. Bowen commissioner appointed by this court at April Term last be confirmed. Said commissioner to be allowed five percent on the sales of the negroes. Ordered that the expenses of the sale come out of the proceeds.
It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that there is due from Halsey & Stubbs executors of W. Wynne to the plaintiffs the sum of $405.41 of which $81.07 is due M. Bowen and wife Winnifred, $81.07 is due Thomas Wynne, $81.07 is due Ann Eliza, $81.07 is due Jeremiah, $81.07 is due Sarah infant children of Tully Wynne deceased.
It is further ordered that one sixth of the proceeds of the sales of the said slaves is due to the said Halsey & Stubbs executors aforesaid.

Undated final decree in the matter of Stubbs executor of Wynne vs. Wynne's legatees.
Robert S. Halsey in right of his wife Sarah and Sarah Wynne are entitled to be given and have from the executors the sum of $3,211.41 they being legatees of the heritable property not willed away. One half to each is $1,605.70 & 1/2.
The court further declares that Robert S. Halsey in right of his wife aforesaid has received the whole of said sum less $116.25, which sum with interest from this date is ordered, adjudged and decreed and that he recover in full of all claims upon the estate of the testator in the hands of the executor.
The court doth further declare that of the sum of $1605.70 1/2 coming to Sarah Wynne aforesaid she hath received by her guardian Montreville Bowen as follows to wit $1339.28 14 April 1851 and on the 18th of April she hath received in like manner the sum of $116.95 and that allowing interest thereon up to this time, then is due said Sarah Wynne as aforesaid the sum of $116.73 1/2, And it is ordered, adjudged and decreed that she receive and have said sum of $116.73 1/2 in full of all claim on the testator's estate in the hands of the executors.
That Montreville Bowen in right of aforesaid, Abram Litchfield in right of aforesaid, Sarah Wynne & Thomas Wynne per guardian as aforesaid, and Jeremiah Wynne per guardian as aforesaid are each entitled to have and receive $160.20, each with interest until paid and that said Montreville hath received of the sum due him on the 31st of April, 1851, the sum of $112.
All of which is ordered, adjudged and decreed accordingly. And it appears to the court that the executors have retained therefore it is further ordered, adjudges and decreed they pay all taxes & costs.

Bond dated 22 Jul 1851 (1850 ?) in the amount of four thousand dollars appointing Monteville Bowen guardian to Sarah Wynne, orphan, Jos. Alexander & Jas. F. Davenport securities.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in April 1856 and issued 11 Jul 1856 for H. G. Spruill to appear in court on the fourth Monday in July and renew his guardian bond as guardian of Jeremiah Wynne.

Summons dated 28 Dec 1858 to the Sheriff of Washington County for Mounterville Bowen to appear in court on the fourth Monday in January next to answer why he has not renewed his bond as guardian to Sarah Wynne as he is bound by law to do.

Bond dated 20 Jan 1858 in the amount of seven thousand dollars appointing M. Bowen guardian of Sarah Wynne, H. G. Spruill, Jeremiah W. Wynne & Abram D. Litchfield securities.

Petition Spring Term 1868 by A. D. Litchfield & wife Ann E., Jeremiah Wynne, M. Bowen & wife Sallie, Geo. Litchfield and wife Victorine, Albritton Hassell & Augustus Hassell, an infant by his next friend A. D. Litchfield showing that Tully Wynne died intestate about the year 1846 leaving your petitioners Ann Eliza, Sallie, Jeremiah, Winnie & Thomas Wynne his children and only heirs at law, upon whom his real estate descended, between them equally to be divided as tenants in common, each of his children being entitled to one fifth part thereof. Petitioners further show that the intestate was seized in fee simple of a tract of land adjoining Joshua Hassell, John McLees and "The Zebede Land" and known as the "Tully Wynne Land." Petitioners further show that Winnie Wynne & Thomas Wynne subsequently sold and conveyed to Victorine Hassell now wife of Geo. Litchfield , to Albritton Hassell & Augustus Hassell, three of your petitioners, their respective shares of said estate. Because of the size of the tract, number of interests, quality of the soil, etc., it is not possible to equitably divide this land, so the petitioners request a sale be ordered by the court and the proceeds be divided among petitioners according to their interests. The court agreed and issued a decree and the Sheriff advertised the sale and on 28 April 1868 it was sold to A. D. Litchfield, the highest bidder, for two hundred and five dollars. {There are anumber of other papers dealing with the sale and transfer of title of this land that are of no further genealogical significance.}

Transcriber's Notes"
Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Tully Wynne to Nancy Hoskins on 7 Mar 1825, Jos. Halsey security; also Montreville Bowen to Winifred Wynne on 24 Aug 1849, Jos. Halsey bondsman; also Abram Hassell to Nancy Wynne on 27 Aug 1842, Jacob Swain bondsman.
Records indicate that Winifred Wynne, wife of Montreville Bowen, must have died and he married his ward, Sarah Wynne.
See the 1796 will of John Wynne. It appears Tully Wynne and William Wynne were both sons of John Wynne.
The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows Abram Litchfield as 26 years of age and Ann E. Litchfield as 16 years of age; also Mounterville Bowen as 33 years of age and Winneyford Bowen as 20 years of age; also, Abram Hassell is 35, Nancy (Wynne) Hassell is 41, she has several Hassell children and Sarah Wynne is living with them, age 10.

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated February 11, 2023
Charles W. Barnes