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Chas. Emerson's North Carolina Tobacco Belt Directory
Edwards, Broughton & Co (1886)


Town of Henderson Business Directory

McCauley & Williams, groceries. Garnett bet Orange and Breckinridge
Macy H, agt for R & G R R freight, at depot
Mangum D H, general mdse, Montgomery bet Garnett and Chestnut
Manning Thad R, editor and propr Gold Leaf, published every Thursday, office Montgomery bet Garnett and Chestnut )
  (See adv. page 571
Matthews B F, saloon. cor Montgomery and Garnett
Mayfield Alex, blacksmith. Garnett bet Orange and Breckinridge
Mayo Robt, snack house. Garnett bet Orange and Breckinridge
Missillier J L H, dealer in general hardware, stoves, breech-loading shot guns. cutlery, sash, doors, blinds. &c. Garnett
  bet Young and Montgomery
Mitchell W Z & Co, leaf tobacco dealers, Williams st
Merrimon & Reavis, horse shoeing and blacksmithing, Garnett bet Breckinridge and Orange
Noss Dr X It, physician, "Moss HilI," on Chestnut and Young sts
Newell Geo N., photographic artist, over Dorsey's drug store, Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Noblin R M. wagon repair shop. Montgomery bet Garnett and Chestnut
Noblin & Phillips. mfrs of wagons. buggies, &c. Montgomery bet Garnett and Chestnut
North Carolina Home Ins Co., J R Young agt. office Court House
O'Daniel J, groceries, Garnett bet Breckinridge and Orange
O'Neil. Jas A, manufacturer and dealer in carriages, buggies and wagons, also dealer in carriage and wagon maker's supplies,
  office and factory. Garnett bet Breckinridge and Orange
Orenshaw Geo. manufacturer of plows and plow castings, Garnett bet Orange and Breckinridge
Overton D D, coopering, Chestnut bet Young and Montgomery
Oxford & Henderson R R freight depot. R H Powell agt, Williams st, near the junction R & G and 0 & H R R
Parker & Class, dealers in dry goods. carpets, notions, boots, shoes. fine and heavy groceries, also furniture and upholstering.
  Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Payne R A, dealer in fresh meats, beef, mutton, pork. in R M Powell's store, Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Pender H W & Co. proprs of Henderson Art Gallery, Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Perry A. cooper, Williams st
Persse A B, shoe maker. Montgomery near Garnett
Pierce J. oysters, fish and restaurant. Garnett bet Breckinridge and Montgomery
Pinkston, Shearon & Co, contractors. junction of R & G and O & HRR
Pittman T M, attorney at law, office over J H Lassiter & Son's store. cor Garnett and Montgomery
Powell B I, owner and proprietor of Central Hotel, Williams st near depot
Powell R H. railroad agent
Powell R M. general mdse, Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge, also Garnett bet Orange and Homer
Prichard Geo S. undertaker and cabinet maker, also leaf tobacco dealer, Montgomery bet Garnett and Chestnut
Reavis W W. grocery, liquors, also feed and sale stables, Wyche bet Montgomery and Breckinridge; also meat market. Garnett st
Robinson & Holt, dealers in dry goods. notions, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps. &c. Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Rodgers James. restaurant. Wyche bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Rosenbusch A E, liquors, cigars and tobacco, fancy and family grocery store, fruit. vegetables and candies a specialty.
  Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Rowland I C & Co. dealers in general merchandise. Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Rowland & Dunn, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in brick office Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge, yard n w part of Henderson
Schaum Adolph W, dealer in all grades of leaf tobacco for plug and smoke purposes. Chestnut bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
   (See adv. opp page)
School of the "Church of the Holy Innocence," Rev J E Ingle principal, Mrs C E Waddell assistant. cor Pettigrew and Chestnut
Scott J W, propr city barber shop, fashionable hair dressing and shaving saloon, Garnett st
Sears Anna, dressmaker, Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Side Light Warehouse, for the sale of leaf tobacco, Davis Bros proprs, Garnett st
Skidmore P B, restaurant, cor Montgomery and Garnett
Smith Edward L, dealer in drugs. medicines, cigars, tobacco, perfumery. soap, dye stuffs. &c. Garnett bet Montgomery
  and Breckinridge
Smith Wm H, sheriff of Vance county. office Court House
Smithson G W, dealer in leaf tobacco. cor Montgomery and Chestnut
Smoot W H & Co, leaf tobacco brokers. Garnett n of Church also Wyche alley
Southeriand R J. livery, board and sale stables. Garnett a of Church
Southern Express Co. H Macy agt, at depot
Speed Julius, shoe maker, Montgomery near Garnett
Stephens E. bookseller, stationer and news dealer. Davis Building, Garnett bet Breckinridge and Orange
Stewart H. cotton gin. High st bet Tan Yard and Fairground
Stone T A, saddlery and harness. Montgomery ar Garnett
Talley 0 P, dealer in wines, liquors, fine whiskies, brandies, choice brands of cigars, tobacco, &c, billiard and pool parlor,
  Garnett bet Orange and Breckinridge. and Montgomery bet Garnett and William
Talley 0 P & Co, restaurant, Cheatham Building, Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
The Bank of Henderson, general banking, exchange and collection business. Wm H S Burgwyn pres. R L Daingerfeld
  cashier. Breckinridge st
The Southern Woman Miss M L Hatchett editress, Garnett bet Breckinridge and Orange (See adv, page 572)
The Transient House, Supt Mrs J E Hardy. at Mr J E Clark's residence, cor Charles and William sts
The Western Union Telegraph Office, Miss A F Johnston manager, Burwell Building. Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Thomason H. leaf tobacco dealer, also merchant, Montgomery bet Garnett and Chestnut
Thomason & Parrish, dealers in general merchandise, Montgomery bet Garnett and Chestnut
Tucker F R. groceries, Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Tucker J H, physician, office Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Walden Miss Ada, seamstress and dress maker, Orange st
Walden W S, contractor. Orange st
Walker E M. leaf tobacco dealer, Homer st
Watkins E W. leaf tobacco dealer. Montgomery bet Chestnut and Walnut
Watkins H T, attorney and counsellor at law, practices in the courts of Vance. Granville. Warren and Franklin, office Garnett st
Watkins J B. leaf tobacco dealer, Williams st
Watkins S S C, wholesale and retail general merchandise, cotton brokers and leaf tobacco dealers, office and store cor
  Garnett and Breckinridge
Watkins Warehouse, for sale of Ieaf tobacco, Harris, Gooch & Co prop'rs. Garnett bet Orange and Breckinridge
White J J, groceries and saaloon, cor Garnett and Young
Whitehead L D H. dealer in choice wines, liquors, cigars, tobacco &c. Montgomery bet Williams and Garnett
Whitley R D. jeweler, Garnett bet Young and Montgomery
Wood Frank, contractor and builder. O'Neal Block, Garnett bet Breckinridge and Orange
Wood Wilmot, watchmaker and jeweler and dealer in jewelry, table ware. &c; repairing done promptly at reasonable prices;
  Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Worth A R, attorney at law, pratices in State and Federal courts, money loaned on real estate, Montgomery nr Garnett
Wortham Henderson, shoe maker, office Young nr Garnett
Wyche R J. postmaster. Cheatham Building, Garnett st
Young James R, clerk of superior court of Vance county, also general insurance agent, office Court House
Young Robt E. county treasurer, office Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge
Young S D, physician
Young Dr W W. physician. Garnett bet Montgomery and Breckinridge


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