From the Raleigh News & Observer
- Mr. William SIMPSON left yesterday for Baltimore and Philadephia.
- Mrs. George W. MORDECAI and Miss Mildred CAMERON have returned from Virginia.
- Mr. Willie KERR is now a student at the Boston, Mass., Institute of Technology.
- Major. W.H. BAGLEY left yesterday for Toronto, Canada, to attend the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the World I.O.O.F., to which he is a delegate from North Carolina.
- The autumn coolness is driving our people away from the mountain resorts, and quite a number returned to the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. James BOYLAN returned from the Warm Springs.
- Mr. Ed HEARTT, who has for some years held a position in the Raleigh National Bank, has resigned, and will make Columbia, S.C., his future home. His many friends here regret his departure, but wish him success in his new home.