Watauga County     
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Query Boards and Mailing Lists for Watauga County Researchers

One of the best ways to help connect to other researchers, is to post messages on free public forums. We suggest that you visit the Message Boards on Ancestry.com which are free to use, although you will have to create a free User account to post and receive notifications of  responses. If you are on Facebook come join the NCGenWeb Project Facebook Page there and post your questions. Remember before posting messages, do the research first, locate your ancestors in Census records to get an idea of where to look, then seek out others researching the same families or researching the same locations.

Ancestry Message Board - Watauga County
Watauga County Mailing List (subscribe in your preferred format)
Watauga County Mailing List Archives - Rootsweb (browseable)
Watauga County Mailing List Archives - Rootsweb (searchable)
 Rootsweb Mailing Lists -Index Page
Pick the Mailing List of your choice and SUBSCRIBE to the ones that will be the most effective in helping you in your research.
GenForum Query Board - North Carolina  (Read only, archived)
Tips on Posting Messages

Remember that when posting a message to either a Mailing List or Message Board, you should be clear and concise as to what you are looking for. In the Subject line, you should include the Name, Location, and a Time Frame at the very least, then in the Body of the message, a more detailed description of the individual and/or family saying what other records you have looked through and where, will better enable others to help you in your research. Never ask for "all the records that you have..." or similar wording when requesting research help, one should always be specific and courteous in any message posted on a public forum, and you will get much better results because researchers are more likely to read through a well-worded message than one that gives little or no details.
Still need additional instructions on posting messages? Click here for further details on How to Post a Query.



© 2014 to present by  NCGenWeb Project

Last updated:  May 31, 2019