Caroline Casey was the daughter of Richard and Polly Smith Casey. Josiah Fields was possibly the son of Jeremiah Fields of Greene County whose son Josiah was born 4 Jan 1820. He appeared in Wayne County on August 11, 1845 when he purchased 69 1/4 acres of land from his father-in-law, Richard Casey. He owned land in Goldsboro, Sleepy Creek and Yellow Marsh in Brogden Township. He was possibly a half-brother of James Addison, Bennet Curby and Robert C. Fields who moved to Wayne from Greene soon after the 1850 census and who lived in Brogden Township.
Wayne County, NC 1850 Census - South Side of Neuse River
Wayne County, NC 1860 Census - Goldsboro
Wayne County, NC 1870 Census - Brogden
The Weekly Standard, Raleigh, NC - August 13, 1856
Muster Roll of 27 Regiment NC Militia, 31 Dec 1862
Tax List for Dudley District 1862
L(ewis) H(enry) Fields to Mary Herring on 28 November 1867 Page 3
Josiah Fields Estate Papers, 1877 - Probate Court Wayne County - The undersigned Guardian of Joseph F. Fields and John L. Fields asks that an order may be granted him to sell the perishable property of his wards a list of which is herewith filed for the reasons that the same is liable to perish on the hands of your petitioner. List of Property - 2/3 Int. household and kitchen furniture, 2/3 interest in one mule, 400 lbs bacon, one cart, 3 bushels peas, farming implements, some poultry. Your petitioner further asks that he may be granted the privilege of selling the above specified property for cash for the reason that he believes it will sell for its full value also that there is risk in selling on time in getting good security and your petitioner or his wards estate might suffer by giving credit. Feby 9th 1877 - Matthew Casey Jr Josiah Fields Estate – Probate 1877, Wayne County, NC - Application for GuardianshipProbate Court: Wayne County - In the Matter of Joseph F. Fields and John L. Fields - To the Honorable, the Judge of Probate of said County: The Application of Matthew Casey jr., respectfully represents that Joseph F. Fields and John L. Fields are minor children of Josiah Fields deceased and are without a guardian: that the said minor children are entitled to real and personal estate to the value of Six hundred and twenty five dollars according to the best information and belief of your applicant. To the end, therefore, that the estate of said minor orphans may be preserved and managed according to law, your applicant prays that Letter of Guardianship may be issued to him or other such person as the Court may think best, for the interest of said minor orphans. This 9th day of July 1877. Matthew Casey Jr. Wayne County:--SS - Matthew Casey Jr. being duly sworn says that he is acquainted with the real and personal estate belonging to the above named children of Josiah Fields deceased; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the value of said estate is about six hundred & twenty five dollars. Matthew Casey Jr. Sworn before me this 9th day of July 1877 W. T. Yelverton Judge of Probate,
Indenture made 11 Aug 1845 between Richard Casey and Josiah B. Fields, for $200 land in Wayne on south side Neuse River and north side of Marshy Branch adjacent to where the said Marshy Branch crosses the New Bern road and runs with said Newbern road to the foot of John L. West School house path not far from the school house containing 69 1/4 acres. Witnesses: Cullen Casey and Benajah Herring. Registered: August Term 1845. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 20, pg 5. August 23, 1851 – Deed - $1 – Lot #15 in Goldsboro - David J. Ezzell to Josiah Fields & S. D. Phillips - Party of the second part hath become Surety for said David J. on a certain bond payable to John H. Crawford and bearing equal date with these presents had given, granted, bargained, sold and conveyed to the party of the second part the following property: parcel of land in Goldsboro known as lot No. 15 fronting 25 feet on East center street, R. T. Gregory’s line, Odd Fellows. Another parcel adjoining the lands of Geo. Brown, Robert Best, D. G. Morisey and others containing four and a half acres. Also the following chattels: stock of jewelry and watches, notes, books, accounts, bonds now due. Registered: September 3, 1856. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds, Bk 25, pg 64. Indenture made 14 Sep 1851 between Saml. A. Andrews to Josiah Fields, for $400 land lying on the north west branch of Sleepy Creek the south side of Neuse river and bounded by the lands of James Griswold supposed to belong to Uriah Bass belonging to or claimed by Buckner K. Hill land of Wm. D. Cobb, Wm. Carraway & Richard Casey being the same tract of land conveyed to me by John Everitt by deed dated Jan 22, 1844 containing 218 1/2 acres. Witness: Samuel Loftin. Recorded Nov’r Term 1851. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 22, pg 250. Nov Co 1851 - Ordered that John Caraway, Wm Futrell, Robert McKinne, Josiah Fields be appointed patrols in the Indian Springs district for one year. NC Archives - CR 103.301. Wayne County, NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions. Indenture made 12 Feb 1852 between J. Fields and Matthew Casey, for $379 land in Wayne on south side of Neuse River and between Carraway’s Creek and Sleepy Creek and bordering Jas. Griswold, Hatch Whitfields line land now supposed to belong to B. T. Hill, William Cobb line, Richard Casey’s corner, conveyed to W. S. Andrews by John Everitt the 22nd of January 1844 and conveyed to me by S. A. Andrews in 1851. Witnesses: Richard Casey and Mary Casey. Recorded: Feb'y Term 1852. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 22, pg 351. Augt Co 1852 - On motion the court proceeded to elect some person to fill the office of Coroner of Wayne County when Josiah Fields was duly elected whereupon the said Josiah Fields came into court & entered into bond in the sum of (amount not given). Wayne County, NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1848-1853. NC Archives. Indenture made 25 Sep 1852 between Matthew Casey of the one part and James A. Fields and Bennet C. Fields of the county of Greene, for $327 land in Wayne on the south side Neuse River north side of the Yellow Marsh adjacent to a stake in the path in Josiah Fields line, John Canadys line, head of Yellow Marsh, John West line containing 183 3/4 acres. Witness: George Jno. Robinson. Recorded October 21, 1869. West Holland Regr. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 29, pg 424. Augt Co 1853 - Josiah Fields came into court and renewed his bond as coroner for said county with Jesse J Baker and William Caraway as securities. Wayne County, NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1848-1853. NC Archives. Indenture made January 16, 1854 between Josiah Fields of Wayne and Isaac D. Caison of Sampson, for $550 a lot in the town of Goldsboro on the east side of east Centre Street adjacent the lots of Marie A. Borden and others, M. A. Bowden's corner, said Fields' corner, Ervin A Thompson line containing 7,464 square feet and known in the plan of the town as lot No 19. Witness: W C Bryan. Recorded: October 3, 1855. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 24, pg 308. November 10, 1856 – Mortgage - $5 – Tract and 4 lots Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 25, pg 120 Josiah Fields to George W. Collier & William Carraway, Securities 96 acres adjoining the lands of William C. Bryan and Daniel Griffin and wife. Lot in Webbville containing about 5 acres adjoining of Wm. B. Edmunson and others. 1/4 acre in southern part of Goldsboro adjoining the lots of E. B. Borden and others. 1/2 acre adjoining the other lot. 1/2 acre in Goldsboro where Fields lives adjoining the lots of Dr. Craton and others. The following slaves viz: Dick, Mary, Penny, Lucy and Sam, in right of his wife in the estate of Richard Casey in the hands of Abia Herring and Bryan Casey, executors of said Richard Casey. Two mules, two wagons & gear, one sorrel horse, all his corn, fodder, hogs and cattle, one buggy and harness and all his household and kitchen furniture, all his accounts against divers persons for various amounts on his mercantile books contracted prior to his partnership with Francis Casey. Collier and Carraway are to hold property in trust to collect the accounts and sell property as they may deem best. Registered: November 12, 1856 Indenture made January 20, 1860 between Geo W. Collier, William Carraway and Josiah Fields of the first part and Henry Sugg of the second part all of Wayne, for $800 land in Wayne near the town of Goldsboro adjacent to Wm. B. Edmundson's line, Wm C Bryan's corner containing 2 1/2 acres. No witnesses named. Recorded: August 25, 1860. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 27, pg 28. Indenture made 21 Nov 1860 between James Addison Fields and Lovey Lane, for $112 land in Wayne on the east side of the W & W RR known as a part of Richard Casey land bounded as follows: near run of Marshy Branch, (Newman) Potts corner, Potts line, head of Casey Mill Pond. Witnesses: Wm. Vernon and Wm. B. Fields. Registered October 1, 1869. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 27, pg 28. May Co 1861 - State on relation of Nancy Ann Howell vs Josiah Fields - It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the child of Nancy Ann Howell wherewith she hath heretofore charged the defendant is now born and upon the admission of the said Josiah Fields that he is the father thereof, the court doth order and adjudge that he enter into bond with sureties according to law. It is further ordered adjudged and decreed by the court that the defendant Josiah Fields pay into this court forthwith for the use of the said Nancy Ann Howell ten dollars for her living in month and twelve dollars annually for each year thereafter for seven respective years for the support of said bastard child and that he pay the costs of these proceedings. Wayne County, NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions. Indenture made 10 Nov 1875 between Matthew and wife Sallie A. Casey Jr. of the one part and Luvy, Joseph Francis and John Lemuel Fields of the other part all of Wayne, for $458 land in Wayne being on the west side of the Rice Pond Branch on the east side of the Goldsboro and Kenansville Road adjacent to where Arthur's Branch crosses the road, run of Gray's Branch, L. H. Fields Lot No. 1 containing 157 1/2 acres. Recorded: 3 Jan 1876. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 39, pg 464. Indenture made January 7, 1876 between James A. & Sarah Fields and John F. Fields (son) all of Wayne, for $1 land in Wayne in Brogden Township adjoining the lands of Newman Potts adjacent to Josiah Field's line, John Carraway's line, head of Yellow Marsh, John West's line containing 183 3/4 acres. Witness: W. G. Morrissy. Recorded: January 15th, 1876. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 40, pg 66. Indenture made February 9, 1877 between Lovey Fields and Matthew Casey Jr. both of Wayne, for $280 land in Wayne on the west prong of Rice Pond Branch, east side of Goldsboro and Kenansville Road adjacent to the road, run of Gray's Branch, L. H. Fields' corner containing 157 1/2 acres. Witness: Joseph F. Fields. Recorded: Feb'y 27, 1877. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 42, pg 63 Deed made October 2, 1883 between Lovey Fields and John L. Fields both of Wayne, for $400 land in Wayne adjacent to a stake on the run of Carraway's Creek, Mary R. Caseys corner, Anderson's corner, Cobb's line containing 50 acres. Recorded: October 3, 1883. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 50, pg 453