Wayne County, NC GenWeb |
Lemuel Fields
Wayne County, NC
It is believed Lemuel, Josiah and William B. Fields were sons of Jeremiah and Mary Fields of Greene County and are named in the family bible. These same three names appear in Wayne County deeds as early as 1841. James Addison Fields and family first appeared in Wayne County deeds in 1852 and all these families appeared in the same area. The 1850 Wayne County Census shows Josiah's birthplace as Greene.
December 25, 1842 – Deed - $400 – 2 acres
Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds
Lemuel Fields of Wayne Co. to James P. Chesnutt of Lenoir Co. - Land in Wayne County near Goldsboro on the east side of Marsh branch adjoining the lands of Wm. B. Edmundson and Wm. B. Fields, beginning at a stake in the center of the Newbern road, Wm. B. Edmundson line. Registered November 20, 1855.
October 17, 1849 – Mortgage Deed - $1063.75 – 75 acres
Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds
Lemuel Fields to William B. Fields for land near Goldsboro adjoining the lands of the said W. B. Fields, Jesse Pipkin, beginning on the west side of the Newbern Road, near Rhodes line, ditch below the turpentine distillery, Marsh Branch. Witnesses: John A Green and John B Griswold. Registered October 17, 1849.
There are no deeds for Lemuel in the Wayne Co. Grantee index to indicate how he acquired the above lands.
Wm. B. Fields appointed administrator upon the estate of Lemuel Fields deceased and is duly qualified by taking the oath prescribed by law and entering into bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with Wm. K. Lane and Jesse J. Baker securities. Wayne County, NC Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb Term 1864