History of Rhodes Monthly Meeting
Written by S. L. Ellen Crow
Read at Rhodes Monthly Meeting 12-6-1913
About the year 1855 we have the first knowledge of Friends in this community.
There was a public school house built about this date known as Union-Academy
where some of the first Friends preached in passing through. William Cox,
Sylvanus Tolbert and wife, John L[ancaster] Moore and some others among the
first. There were no Friends living in the community at that time, only
occaionally Firends dropped in for a service. Years later the second of tenth
month 1890 there was an appointed meeting here by John S[anders] Moore of
Woodland Monthly Meeting who has faithfully kept up his appointments once each
month. Through all kinds of rough weather, he was prompt to be on hand every
first-first day of each month; hardly a dozen meetings has he missed in the 23
years of faithful service for us.
Some years after the first appointed meeting Marshall H. Pipkin and John W.
McClenny joined Friends Meeting at Woodland about eight miles east of here.
About the year 1896 the school house was sold and moved away and replaced by a
new one. Friends continued holding their meetings under a shelter (at B. B.
Grantham's Ginn) until the community came together and built a Union Churdh (it
was called Union-Academy). Soon after, quite a number joined Friends. James W.
McClenny, Sarah E. McClenny and Needham Crow were among the number that joined at
this time and others coming in later until we felt the need of a Monthly Meeting,
which was granted us by Contentnea Quarterly Meeting. J[esse] J[ames] Cox,
William G. Hubbard, James Jinnette, John S[anders] Moore, Ella Perkins, George
C[urtis] and Julia Fisk Mendenhall Moore were appointed to attend the opening and
setting up of said meeting and have charge at same for one year which was set up
day before first-first day.
Rhodes Meeting derived it's name from the family of Ingram Rhodes who lived near
the school house and kept his doors open to Friends and invited them to come and
preach in the school house. Though he was not a Friend, yet he enjoyed the
messages of love that Friends brought and we believed died in the faith.
Sometime after the church was built several Friends held a series of meetings
here. Among them were Barney Perkins, Solomon Woodard, Ada Lee, DeWhit Foster,
Robert Pelt, J. Thomas Chappell, Robert Parker, Miliner A[ngel] Cox and others.
Other denominations failed to keep up regular services (it being Union Church)
but Friends are still holding their own. Surely the hand of God is good upon us.
Woodland Monthly Meeting Minutes, 1883-1907
Guilford College Hege Library
pg 83-84, 9-7-1892
There have been two series of meetings held; one at Woodland and one at the Rhoads school house. The one at Woodland was held in 12th mo. last and lasted one week, in all fifteen sessions. Our friend James H. Gilfreth conducted the meeting and was favored to present the Gospel in its simplicity and purity while there was no professed conversions, the church was greatly edified and strengthened. The one held at the Rhodes school house eight miles south west of Woodland, David Sampson of East Bend NC conducted the meeting assisted by our ministers. The Lord favored him to present the Gospel in such a clear and practical manner that many were convicted and made a cry to the Lord for help. There was about fifteen sessions and many church members were revived. People in the neighborhood, they have not had a series of meetings before in about thirty five years. There has been no meetings held at this place once a month the most of the time during the year. The house is insufficient to hold the people who gather here anxious to hear, a few meetings have also been held at Kornegays school house and some at other places.
pg 205, 4-18-1903
The Friends at Rhodes request that a Mo. Mtg. be set up at that place after consideration it is decided to refer the matter to the Qr. Mtg.
pg 209, 10-19-1903
Received an extract from the local mtg. on Ministry and Oversight recommending that the 1st Mo. Mtg. after each Qr. Mtg. be held at Rhodes with which this meeting unites.
pg 212, 2-20-1904, at Rhodes
At Woodland Mo. Mtg. of Friends held at Rhodes.
pg 2, 3-21-1908, at Woodland
Owing to bad weather there was no meeting held at Rhodes in 2nd month.
pg 8, 10-17-1908, at Woodland
The following request from members of Rhodes Congregation was approved and directed to the Qr. Mtg. for further consideration.
To Woodland Mo. Mtg.
We the undersigned members of Rhodes Congregation feel that the time has come when a monthly meeting organized at this place would be a great help to us in the work of the Master. We suggest that it be called Rhodes Monthly Meeting and be held the 7th day before the 1st Sabbath in each month.
Margaret A. Crow
Needham Crow
Thomas C. Crow
John W. Rose
Susan A. Rose
Marshal F. Rose
Maggie Rose
Johnnie M. Rose
Daniel E. McClenny
Eliza McClenny
James W. McClenny
John W. McClenny
Sallie McClenny
Burnis L. Sutton
Minnie V. Sutton
pg 9, 10-17-1908, at Woodland
The meeting adjourned after which Rhodes Mo. Mtg. was opened with most of the committee appointed by the Qr. Mtg. present.
pg 12, 4-17-1909, at Woodland
Drucilla Rhodes having joined another church her name is discontinued as a member with us.