John C. Wilson Cemetery of Lottie's Creek
Bald Mountain Rd., Yancey Co., North Carolina
Documented by
Beth Bradford-Pytel
updated on

Macro view of the cemetery with
commemorative crosses of Silas A. Hensley and Charlotta Briggs.

PHOTO: Left - Vista from JC Wilson
Cemetery looking down in the valley with Watts Cemetery below. courtesy of Dwight Edwards; right macro view of JC
Wilson headstones and commemorative crosses of Silas A. Hensley and Lottie Briggs in the background - bbpytel Feb 2014.
The cemetery (also known as the Wilson Cemetery) is named after John
"Californey" Wilson, a skilled "wagoner" who made several
trips to California. He is the son of William Wilson and Susannah
Bradford and are suspected to be buried here along with Edward "Ned" Wilson and Nancy
Delothe "Dolly" Briggs
who are my 4th-G grandparents. In 1940, Joe W. Letterman
surveyed the cemetery and referred to it "Willliams" Cemetery with only
two marked graves/tombstones, both for JC Wilson. "Williams" was
most likely a typo when the survey notes were published.
1940 Survey by the CCC
DIRECTIONS: Heading on Rt. 19W from Unicoi Co, Tennessee towards Burnsville, NC,
make a right onto Little Creek Road which crosses over the Cane River
-see map below. After passing a general store/gas station on the
left, make the first left onto Bald Mountain Road. Proceed for
about 2 miles on the winding 2-lane road which climbs in elevation
towards Little Bald Mountain. The road forks; make a right onto Lottie's
Creek Road [see map below]. Proceed for about 3/4 mile to Love
Ones Haven Road which takes you to Watts Cemetery of Lottie's Creek.
The Wilson cemetery is directly behind Watts graveyard up the steep hill
and is dormant graveyard with about 20 unmarked graves.
A special thanks to Dwight Edwards for his contribution of info and
photos for this site and taking care of the cemetery.
[#8], BRIGGS
[#4; 7] EDWARDS
[#5]; HENSLEY [#2-4]
WILSON [#1-2; 6; 8-9]
WILSON, John Charles
b. May 8, 1835 - d.
January 14, 1909
"Jno C. Wilson - Co. E., 3rd NC Mtd.
Infantry - Union
[s/o William "Billy"
Wilson and Susannah Bradford]
NOTES: John was born and raised in the Lottie's Creek area of Bee Log,
Family lore claims he made several trips
to California via the Oregon Trail and became a wagon master. He
acquired the "Californey" nick-name before 1866 as indicated in a
civil document
in which he served as a county
juror vs. John Edwards. It
took about a year to reach California with each trip.
Two of his children, Sarah (b. 1875) and Finetta (b. 1877), were born in Missouri. His son
Charles Allison Wilson (b. 1882 in NC) was killed in Kansas in a hail storm while
herding cattle. During the Civil War, John was conscripted at age
25 on September 16, 1861, to serve as Pvt. in Co. K, 29th NC Reg. CSA.
Records show that on May 14, 1863, he deserted and there was a reward
for his capture
Reward Notice
September 1, 1864, at age 29, he enlisted in Yancey Co.
for 3 years to serve as Pvt for Co. E. of the
NC Mnt. Infantry under Col. George W. Kirk. (photo). John
and wife Martha are present in the 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, (1890
destroyed) and 1900 Yancey Co. Censuses and
all their children noted being born in NC. John is also noted on
the 1890 Yancey Co. Veterans Schedule. He was described as being a
tall distinguished man with beautiful "pearlie" teeth
who never used tobacco. After the Civil War, he served as
2nd Lieut. for Co. E, 2nd Regiment of the NC State Troops under Capt.
John H. Wheeler for the
Kirk-Holden War. According to the Holden roster, he was
mustered into service on July 14, 1870, at age 35 and described as being 6'
2", blue
eyes, light hair and fair complexion. In October 1873, John
and his brother Bill got into some trouble in Burnsville with William
Jasper and George Newton Edney. There was a longstanding feud
between the Wilsons and Edneys when both parties met in Burnsville, hard
words were exchange which evolved into a physical altercation in which
Wilson brother were nearly stabbed to death. The following
newspaper articles detail the event.
In the
Charlotte Daily Observer, Aug 2, 1903
The Ku Klux Days In
Yancey, John Californey was mentioned in the article "The John
Wilson Raid" as being
connected with Esau Shelton and many "cruelties" in 1873, resisted arrest for
horse-stealing and he and his brother, Bill, were on the run to the
Tennessee border when the Ku Klux overtook them and were
stabbed / wounded. After the Kirk
Holden conflict, he, Martha and family went out to Missouri around
1877ish, as indicated in letters he wrote back home to his family,
one to his widowed mother, Susannah Bradford-Wilson, explaining
the birth of his daughter Finetta. On December 18, 1903, shortly
after the opening of the new facility, JC Wilson was admitted to
the US National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Mountain Branch
in Johnson City, Tenn
for paralysis of the legs with ulcers and
remained there until July 19, 1905. He was readmitted again on
August 22, 1906 and discharged on July 22, 1907 for the same noted
reasons. His residence subsequent of discharge was Erwin,
Tennessee. JC Wilson left no Will upon death and thus the
county of Yancey appointed F. W. Howard on February 6, 1909 as
Administrator his estate valued at $2,665.67.
Photos of JC
Wilson courtesy of Dwight Edwards
LINK to the complete Estate File
K, 29th Infantry-CSA
E. 3rd NC Infantry UNION Docs - Part I
UNION Docs - Part 2
TRANSCRIPTION OF LETTERS from JC Wilson and W.W. Fender to John

WILSON, Martha Ann
b. September 1838 - d.
July 12, 1930
Though lost to sight,
To memory Dear
[d/o Silas A. Hensley and
Charlotta "Lottie" Briggs; children:
1) William
2) Silas
3) Susannah md.
William Samuel McCourry
4) John H.
6) Charlottie buried
Watts Cem #6
7) Martha Jane
8) Sarah M. (b.
Phinettie "Nettie" (b.
1877 - d. 1967) md. 1st
Bacchus S. Hensley; 2nd John Fender
Hensley Cem. Bald Mnt.
10) William (b. 1879
- d. 1951) md. Texie Phillips
Watts Cem.
Allison (b. 1882 - d. bef. 1909)
died age 89 at 1:00 p.m.; cause of death "arterial sclerosis.". John C. Wilson's tombstone is
sitting on top of Martha's grave. Photo of tombstone courtesy of Dwight
Edwards. During the 1900 Yancey Co., Census, Martha Ann declared
she was born in Sept. 1838, married 41 years, had 12 children and 10
were alive during this census. The 1910 Yancey Co., Census shows
widowed Martha, age 69 living with her son William, wife Texie and
family and it was noted that she was "insane.".
HENSLEY, Silas A. [unmarked
- commemorative cross]
b. 1815 - d. 1852
Berry Hensley and
Elizabeth Littleton buried
Metcalf/Berry Hensley Cem
married Charlotta "Lottie"
Briggs about 1834]
NOTE: tombstone courtesy of Dwight
Crosses for Silas A. Hensley and Charlotta "Lottie" Briggs fabricated
and installed Feb. 2014 by bbpytel.
NOTE: no one is certain of the
exact location of their graves but most descendants believe they are
buried in this cemetery with field stones.
HENSLEY, Charlotta "Lottie"
[BRIGGS] [unmarked - commemorative
b. July 1817 - d. 1902
[d/o Edwards "Big-Ed"
Wilson and Nancy Delothe Briggs; w/o Silas A. Hensley; children:
1. John E.
(b. 1837 - 1864)
Emily Jane
Watts Cem
3. Martha Ann #2
E. buried
Watts Cem.
5. William Garrison
Sarah E. buried
Hensley Cem.
7. Howell M.
Cem #8a
Nicey Mariah
Watts Cem.
NOTE: After the death of her
husband, Silas A. Hensley, she was the Administatrix of the Estate. Lottie's Creek which
served as a marker for many property lines was named after Charlotta; tombstone and Lottie #1
sitting courtesy of Dwight
Edwards; Lottie standing bbpytel.
b. October 20, 1890 - d. February
26, 1914
[d/o Elbert
Edwards and Sarah E. Pate buried Edwards Cem.
Lotties Creek
2nd w/o John W. McIntosh - married
in January 6, 1907]
child: Coy McIntosh
NOTE: Per the
died at 10:30 a.m.; age 23 years, 4
mos, 6 days; cause of death Tuberculosis of the lungs. photo of
tombstone courtesy of Dwight Edwards
WILSON, Edward "Big-Ed" [suspected
/ unmarked]
b. abt. 1780 - d.
abt. 1849
NOTE: photo courtesy
of Dwight Edwards
7. BRIGGS, Nancy Delothe "Dollie"
[suspected / unmarked]
b. abt. 1790 - d.
[suspected d/o Fredrick
Briggs and Mary Goodrich of Brunswick Co., Virginia; "wife" of Edward Wilson;
1) Leannah (md. John Broke-Leg Edwards
buried Sampson-Wilson Cem)
2) Mary Jane (md. 1st
Bannister Hensley and 2nd Hezekiah Lewis)
3) Mariah Belle (md.
William B. Van Jones; moved to Coffee Ridge area Spivey, TN)
4) Charlottie #4
(md. Silas A. Hensley #3)
5) Rev. Howell Wilburn (md. Naomi "Omy"
NOTES: During her time, a widowed
woman would resume her maiden name after the death of the husband.
The 1850 Yancey Co. Census, she was listed as Nancy born in
Virginia at age 75, living with her 28 yr. daughter Mariah (md. William
B. Van Jones) and living
next door to her son married son, Rev. Howell Briggs (md. Naomi
Honeycutt). During the
1870 Yancey Co. census, Dollie was living with her son Howell. According
the Toe River Heritage Book, Article #198,
Nancy Delothe was born in South Carolina around 1790. Photo of tombstone courtesy of Dwight
Susannah "Anna" [BRADFORD] [suspected
/ unmarked]
b. abt. 1813 - d. abt 1881
[d/o John Bradford
Jr. and Hannah (Choate?) suspected buried
Honeycutt Cem Bradford Hill;
w/o William Billy Wilson #9; children:
1) Rev. Samuel Wilson
md. Cora Honeycutt
2) Sarah md. John
Wesley Lorance/Lawrence, moved to Howell Co., MO
3) Maryanne
"Annie" md. Geo. W. McCourry
4) Mary-Jane "Polly"
md. Andrew Crane/Crain
5) John C. "Californey" #1,
md. Martha Ann Hensley
William "Billy", (1836 - 1907); md. 1st Myra Phillips; moved
to Howell Co., MO; md 2nd Mary Jane Williams of OH.
NOTE: photo courtesy
of Dwight Edwards; According
to the Yancey Co., NC Probate Records, 1834-1860, pg. 129, she was the
Administratrix of husband's estate
WILSON, William "Billy"
[suspected / unmarked]
b. 1816 - d. 1838
[s/o John Wilson and
Sophronia Eisenstadt - suspected burial Wilson/Byrd Cem., Yancey]
NOTE: Killed by a rolling
log; his father John Wilson was s/o Edward "Ned" Wilson and Mary "Polly"
of Edward Wilson; photo courtesy
Dwight Edwards
[suspected / unmarked]
b. abt. 1810 - d. 1844
[d/o Edward Big Ed Wilson
and Dellothe "Dolly" Briggs; she married John Broke-Leg Edwards
abt. 1831 (buried
Sampson-Wilson); children:
1) George Washington
Catherine Jane - md. Robert Burton Hensley - buried
Old Hensley Cem #3 Spivey, TN
3) John Wesley - md.
Emily Jane Hensley - buried
Watts Cem,
4) Howell - md. Louisa
Jane Hensley - buried
Old Hensley Cem #3 Spivey, TN
5) William Silas - md.
Sarah - killed in GA from Civil War.
NOTE: Tombstone courtesy
of Dwight Edwards; after the death of Leannah, John Broke-Leg remarried to
Margaret "Arty" Higgins and sired 10 more children. John and
Margaret are buried at
Sampson-Wilson Cem.
HONEYCUTT, David [suspected / unmarked]
b. 1865 - d. aft. 1910
[s/o Henderson Honeycutt
and Martha; married Margaret Manerva "Nervie" Edwards #12
on July 21, 1881]
NOTE: photo courtesy
of Dwight Edwards
Margaret Manerva "Nervie" EDWARDS
[suspected / unmarked]
b. March 1863 - d.
aft. 1930
[d/o John Broke Leg
Edwards and Margaret "Arty" Higgins
buried Sampson Wilson Cem.
children: Elijah,
William C., Linda A., Ibba E., Etta Ann,
Texie (buried
Old Hensley Cem #3), Lillie C., Cordelia, Martha Jane,
Gertrude "Gertie", Sarah "Sallie"].
NOTE: photo courtesy
of Dwight Edwards
NOTE: photo courtesy
of Dwight Edwards
NOTE: photo courtesy
of Dwight Edwards
NOTE: photo courtesy
of Dwight Edwards
NOTE: photo courtesy
of Dwight Edwards
NOTE: photo courtesy
of Dwight Edwards
18. [unmarked]
19. [unmarked]
20. [unmarked]

PHOTO: Vista of Lottie's Creek valley from JC Cemetery.
The cemetery below is Watts Cemetery.
---bbpytel Feb 2014 |