Yancey County, North Carolina

Genealogy  NCGenWeb Project

Updated April 24, 2023


                                        CENSUS - 1880


The 1880 Federal Population Census of Yancey Co., North Carolina was performed in 10 districts.  The enumeration began on June 1, 1879 and ended on May 31, 1880.   The following map provides a general overview of these locations within the county.  Listed are 10 regions, each with a corresponding surname index and links to the regional transcription and Adobe PDF images of the original documents for online viewing.   Some surnames may be misspelled based on legibility.


   INDEX - Alpha Order Township  

BRUSH CREEK Images:    [577 - 581]

SURNAMES:  Bailey, Briggs, Buchanan, Callahan, Carson, Collis, Constable, Culberson, David, Deyton, Forbes, Forney, Gardner, Garland, Guthrey, Griffith, Grindstaff, Haul, Hughes, Jarrell, Jones, Kersaun, Laws, Moore, Neufin, Parker, Peterson, Presnell, Randolph, Ray, Riddle, Robinson, Silver, Sparks, Stephens, Thomas, Willis, Woody, Wyatt, Yoerry?, Young.



BURNSVILLE:  Images:   [512-522] 

SURNAMES: Abernathy, Allen, Angel, Austin, Baldwin, Banks, Bartlet, Baxter, Boon, Bridges, Brinkley, Brown, Butner, Byrd, Callaway [Caliway], Carter, Carver, Chatman, Colliroy, Deyton, Dillinger, Dixon, Edwards, Fox, Franklin, Gaddy, Gardner, Garland, Ghinkins, Gibbs,  Gibson, Girlie, Griffith, Gudger, Hampton, Harlan, Harris, Harriss, Hoaber, Honeycutt, Horton, Houghs, Hughes, Hunter, Hyatt, Hicks, Ledford, Lewis, MacCampbell, McCanler, McClellan, McCrackin, McDowell, McFalls, McIntosh, McInturff, McMahan, McPheters, [McPeters], Odier, Parker, Parrot, Penland, Petree, Poore, Price, Ramsey, Ray, Rhein, Riddle, Riggins, Roberson, Rolean, Roy, Scythemore, Shepherd, Silver, Smith, Styles, Tipton, Ward, Webb, Whittington, Williams, Wilson, Womack, Young.



CANE[Y] RIVER:  Images:  [523-541] 

SURNAMES:  Allen, Angel, Anglin, Austin, [Auston], Backster [Baxter], Baker, Ball, Balland, Banks, Barnard, Beaver, Blankenship, Bowditch, Bradley, Branch, Briggs, Buckner, Burlison, Burton, Byrd, Carsier, Chandler, Click, Coon, Copeney, Cox, Cozies, Cozzens, Crowder, David, Davis, Doan, Dockery, Duck, Duncan, Eatmon, Edney, Edon, Edwards, Elkins, Engle, English, Ferguson [Furguson], Fox, Franklin, Gardiner [Gardner], Gibbs, Guthery, Hall, Hampton, Harris, Harvel, Head, Hensley, Higgins, Hilemon, Hill, Holcombe [Holdcombe], Honeycutt, Horton, Houston, Hudson, Huntsucker, Hurst, Hutchings, Ingle, Jamerson, Jameson, Jentsy, Johnston, Jones, King, Ledford, Lester, Lewis, Lisenbee, Lord, Lucas, Manard, Maney, Mathus, MacCalister, McClellend, McElroy, McEwen, McIntosh, McInturff, McMahan, Metcalf, Miller, Mitcheal, Neill, Parker, Parrott, Pate, Penland, Phipps, Piercy, Pinner, Priscy, Proffitt, Radford, Randolph, Ray, Rhodes, Riddle, Robertson, Rogers, Roland, Roy, Sams, Scronce, Segrades, Shepherd, Shook, Silver, Singletary, Sparks, Steward, Stiles [Styles], Sullivan, Sampson, Tallent, Taylor, Tennison, Tomberlin, Tow, Walker, Wampler, Wardamp, Waldrouf, Whittington, Willis, Wilson, Woody, Wright, Young.


CRABTREE:  Images:   [582-591]

SURNAMES:  Allen, Anderson, Anglen [Anglin], Ayres, Black, Bodford, Boon, Bowditch, Branch, Buchannan, Burgen, Burleson, Caraway, Carson, Carter, Carvell, Chandler, Clantes, Cox, Culberson, Edge, Fetts, Fortnier [Fortnor], Fox, Gaddey [Gaddy], Gardner, Garland, Gibbs, Griffith, Guffey, Gurley, Hale, Hall, Harol [Harroll], Harris, Hauston [Houston], Hensley, Hicks, Higgins, Hilliard, Hiram, Howell, Hughs, Laws, Lewis, March, McCourry, McMahan, McNeal, Metau, Milton, Moody, Moore, Murphey, Patton, Presnell, Radford, Rhodes, Roberson, Robinson, Shofe, Silver, Smith, Thomas, Tolley, Wetherman, Wilson, Wiseman, Woody, Worlick, Wyatt, Young.



EGYPT Images:  [542-550]

SURNAMES:  Bailey, Billings, Brackins, Bradford, Byrd, Camil, Cozies, Cozzens, Crane, Cropes, Duncan, Edwards, Estep, Fender, Hampton, Hany [Haney], Hensley, Higgins, Honeycutt, Houghs, [Hughs], Howard, Jestis, Johnson, King, Ledford, Lewis, Marrow, McCurry,  McIntosh, Moore, Norton, Parker, Parks, Pate, Phillips, Proffitt, Radford, Randolph, Riddle, Robinson, Roland, Silver, Stamper, Taffer, Walkins, Watts, Webb, Wheeler, Williams, Wilson.



GREEN MOUNTAIN:  Images:  [561-566]

SURNAMES:  Ayres, Bailey, Bennett, Carlton, Carson, Conley, Deyton, Dellinger, Ervin, Fox, Goforth, Griffith, Hinson, Honeycutt, Hopson, Horton, Howell, Hughes, Hunter, Huskins, Inglish [English], Jones, Laws, Letterman, Lingfels?, Maze, McCourry, McCurry, McKinney, Miller, Mitchell, Murphy, Peak, Pedssom, Peterson, Phillips, Presley, Price, Ramsey, Randolph, Renfro, Rice, Roggers, Roseman, Stephens, Thomas, Tipton, Wallace, Webb, Williams.



JACKS CREEK:  Images:  [567- 576]

SURNAMES:  Anglin, Arrowood, Atkins, Aryes, Austin, Bailey, Beaver, Bennett, Branch, Briggs, Bryant, Burton, Byrd, Conley, Cooker, Cortes, Crensaun, Deyton, Edney, Edwards, Evans, Fox, Gipson [Gibson], Hains, Hampton, Hams, Harden, Helton, Hensley, Higgins, Honeycutt, Horton, Howard, Howell, Hughs, Hunter, Huskith [Huskin], Johnson, Justein, Kelly, Laws,  Letterman, Lewis, McCollister, McCourry, McCrackin, McIntosh, McLaughlin, McMahan, McCourry, McPeeters, Moore, Morgan, Murphy, Parsons, Patterson, Peterson, Phillips, Phipps, Piercy, Randolph, Ray, Riddle, Roberts, Rowland, Seagrunes, Shepherd, Smalls, Smith, Styles, Tenison, Thomas, Thornburg, Tipton, Tucker, Wheeler, Whittington, Wilhort, Wilson, Woodby.



PENSACOLA:  Images:  [599-605]

SURNAMES:  Allen, Austin, Autrey, Barnard, Barnes, Blankenship, Boon, Briggs, Burleson, Coda, Cyle, Dillingham, Elkins, Gady, Gardener, Gibbs, Gragy, Haney, Harris, Hensley, Houghfirm, Hutchens, McClurd, McKinney, McMahan, McPeters, Moody, Mophit, Nanney, Ogle, Penland, Pyat, Rathbone, Ray, Rice, Riddle, Roberson, Roland, Sawyer, Self, Silvers, Wheeler, Williams, Wilson, Winters.



RAMSEY:  Images:  [551-560]

SURNAMES:  Adkins, Bailey, Baker, Bennett, Blackwell, Bradford, Branch, Bright, Bryant, Byrd, Cannon, Cooper, Deyton, Edwards, Elliott, Fender, Franklin, Hendricks, Hensley, Higgins, Honeycutt, Horton, Howell, Hubbard, Hughes, Hunter, Jarritt, Jestes, Johnson, Ledford, Lewis, McIntosh, McKinney, McLaughlin, Miller, O'Sheals, Peek, Phillips, Pierce, Price, Randolph, Ray, Shehan, Sparks, Swill, Tipton, Webb, Whitman, Whitson, Williams, Woodby.



SOUTH TOE:  Images:  [592-598]

SURNAMES:  Autrey, Ballew, Bollich, Bradshaw, Burgin, Burnett, Byrd, Caraway, Cresaun [Creshawn], Early, Edge, Effler, English, Gibbs, Gouge, Gregg, Grindstaff, Hainey, Hohfield, Hoover, Hours, Hutchins, Jamison, Johnson, Keller, McFalls, McHatta, McNeal, McPeeters, Murphy, Norman, Norton, Owenly, Patton, Puckeridge, Robsinson, Rogus, Saurs?, Shepherd, Shuford, Simmons, Sorrels, Thomas, Trull, Wacaster, Weathegouge?, Westall, Whitstine, Williams, Wilson, Woody, Wyatt, Young.



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