Currituck and Camden counties only had private family & church cemeteries until recently. Most Currituckians were buried in Pasquotank County public cemeteries. You may want to visit these other sites as well.
USGenWeb Archives for Currituck County Cemeteries
WPA Cemetery Surveys of Currituck County
Find-A-Grave for Currituck County Cemeteries
Documenting Graves in Difficult Locations by Patrick Patterson
Cemetery Census for Currituck County Cemeteries and Pasquotank County Cemeteries
Adams, Royal J. O. Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Ansell, E.W. Cemetery (Barco, NC) Ansell, Henry Beasley Cemetery (Barco, NC) Austin, William Riley Cemetery (Aydlett, NC) Austin Cemetery (Kitty Hawk, Dare Co., NC)
Austin Cemetery (Hatteras, Dare Co., NC) Aydlett Cemetery (Grandy, NC) Aydlett, Sawyer, & Guard Cemeteries (same location in Powells Point) Ballance-Payne Cemetery (Snowden, NC) Ballance-Snowden Cemetery (Maple, NC) Ballance Cemetery (Waterlily, NC) Barco, William Cemetery (Grandy, NC) Bateman, Lloyd Linwood Cemetery (Aydlett, NC) Baum, Edmond Wilson Cemetery (Aydlett, NC) Baum, Josephus Cemetery (Grandy, NC)
Bell-Berry-Hall Cemetery (Snowden, NC)
Bell, James Cemetery (Snowden, NC) Brice-Midgett Cemetery (Powells Point, NC) Briggs Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC) Burton, Dempsey Cemetery (Aydlett, NC) Butler, Charlie Thomas (Aydlett, NC) Coinjock Baptist Church Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Collins Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Corbell, Ashley Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Cowell, James Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Crain-McNeil Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Crank, Caleb S. Cemetery (Mamie, NC) Daniels Cemetery (Wanchese, Dare Co., NC) Daniels, Ezekiel Rollins Cemetery (Wanchese, Dare Co., NC)
Some Dare Co., NC Cemeteries pertaining to Currituck Co. Dozier, John H. Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Dozier, Tully L. Cemetery (Snowden, NC) Dudley-O'Neal Cemetery (Barco, NC) Duncan, John C. Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Dunston, James Purdy Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Dunton, Dennis W. Cemetery (Aydlett) Dunton, Alexander B. Cemetery (Aydlett, NC) Dunton, Joseph S. Cemetery (Barco, NC) Ebenezer Methodist Church Cemetery (Aydlett, NC) Evans, Jesse Jarvis Cemetery (Grandy, NC) Evans-Outlaw Family Cemetery (Grandy, NC) Everton, Mager Cemetery (Bertha, NC) Ferebee, Mitchel S. Cemetery (Sligo, NC) Ferebee, Samuel Cemetery (Sligo, NC) Fisher, Isaac C. Cemetery (Jarvisburg) Forbes Cemetery (Barco, NC) Forbes, Enoch Haywood Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Forbes, Charlie Wilson Cemetery (Aydlett, NC) Forbes, J.W. Cemetery (Powells Point, NC) Forbes, John L. Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC) Forbes, John Staples Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Gallop, Benjamin G. (Harbinger, NC) Gallop-Hall Cemetery (Harbinger, NC) Gallop, Elder Hodges Cemetery (Harbinger, NC) Gallop, John Calvin Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Gallop-Snow Cemetery (Powells Point, NC) Gallop, Willis Cemetery (Martin's Point, Dare Co., NC) Gallup (Gallop), Zadock Cemetery (Mamie, NC) Garrenton Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC) Garrington-Newbern Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Garrison Cemetery (Wanchese, Dare Co., NC) Gibson-Jard Cemetery (Powells Point, NC) Gordon, Nathan Cemetery (African-American) (Jarvisburg, NC) Grandy, Joseph B. Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Gray, Benjamin Luther Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Gregory Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC) Gregory-Gallop Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Gregory, Noah Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Gregory, Thomas Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Halstead Cemetery (Crawford Twp., NC) Hampton, Alonzo Cemetery (Barco, NC) Hampton, Andrew Jackson Cemetery (Waterlily, NC) Hampton, Henry Porter Cemetery (Aydlett, NC) Hampton, John D. Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Hampton, John Thomas Cemetery (Waterlily, NC)
Harrison, Zorababel Cemetery (Harbinger, NC)
Hatteras Community Cemetery (Hatteras, Dare Co., NC) Humphries Cemetery (Tulls Creek, NC)
Jarvis, William A. Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC) Jarvisburg Church of Christ Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC) Knotts Island Cemetery (Knotts Island, NC) Lindsey, Daniel B. Cemetery (Barco, NC) Lindsey-Poyner Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) McHorney, Edmund Cemetery (Barco, NC) Mathews-Williams (Aydlett, NC) Merrell, William A. Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC) Midgett, Alma Baum Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Midgett, Edward Baum Cemetery (Waterlily, NC) Midgett-Gray Cemetery (Powells Point, NC) Miscellaneous Cemeteries where Currituck persons are buried Morgan, Patrick Henry (Shawboro, NC) Morgan Cemetery (Shawboro, NC)
Morrisette/Baker Cemetery (Grandy, NC)
Morse Family Cemetery (Currituck, NC)
Moyock Memorial Cemetery (Moyock, NC) Native American Cemetery (Gibbs Woods, NC) Native American Cemetery - Baum site (Poplar Branch, NC) New Providence Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery (African American) (Shawboro, NC) Newbern Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC) Olds-Newbern Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC) O'Neal-Overton Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Out of State Transit Permits Owens-Berry Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC) Owens, James Cemetery (Jarvisburg, NC)
Owens, Noah Cemetery (Powells Point, NC) Owens, John & Sarah (Jarvisburg, NC)
Owens, Zachariah Cemetery (Point Harbor, NC) Owens, William C. Cemetery (African-American) (Poplar Branch, NC) Parker-Payne Cemetery (Point Harbor, NC) Parker, Jesse W. (Aydlett, NC) Perry, Josiah D. Cemetery (Maple, NC) Pierce, Herman Cemetery (Sligo, NC) Pleasant Branch Baptist Church Cemetery (African-American) (Powells Point, NC)
Poplar Branch Baptist Church Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Powells Point Baptist Church Cemetery (Find-A-Grave) Powells Point Christian Church Cemetery (Harbinger, NC) Poyner, John S. Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Removal of Graves Certificates Roberts, James Monroe Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Roberts, Thomas Marcellious Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Rodgers, Emerson M. Cemetery (Duck, Dare Co., NC) Ryckwald, John George Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Sanderlin, John W. Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Sanderson, Jefferson Franklin Cemetery (Aydlett, NC) Sanderson, Thomas H. Cemetery (Aydlett, NC) Saunders, Daniel W. Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Scaff, Luther W. Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Simmons, Lewis N. Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Simmons, Casandra T. Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Simmons Cemetery (African-American) (Coinjock, NC) Simmons, Edmond Cemetery (Currituck, NC) Simmons Family Cemetery (Currituck, NC) Simmons, Henry S. (Barco, NC) Simpson, Charlie H. Cemetery (Grandy, NC at the Carolina Golf Course) Simpson, William Cemetery (Grandy, NC) Sivills, Samuel Cemetery (Shawboro, NC) Snowden, Isaac Cemetery (Snowden, NC) Spry, Patrick Henry Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Spry, Jesse I. Cemetery (Coinjock, NC) Swain, Rosalind Estate Cemetery (Kitty Hawk, Dare Co., NC) Taylor, Malachi C. Cemetery (Waterlily (Churches Island), NC) Taylor, Benjamin F. Heirs Cemetery (Bertha, NC) Tillett Cemetery (Wanchese, Dare Co., NC) Walker, Dempsey Cemetery (Maple, NC) E.E. Walker Cemetery (Currituck, NC) Walker, Ernest W. Cemetery (Currituck, NC) Walker, Licineus Cemetery (Barco, NC) Walker-Ross Cemetery (Waterlily, NC) Walker, William Henry Cemetery (Poplar Branch, NC) Waterfield-Ballance Cemetery (Knott's Island, NC) Waterfield-Ferrell Cemetery (Knott's Island, NC) White Cemetery (Knott's Island) White, Robert J. Cemetery (Aydlett, NC)
Wilson, William C. Cemetery (Barco, NC)
by Thelma Greene ReaganToday we walked where others walked
On a lonely, windswept hill;
Today we talked where others cried
For Loved Ones whose lives are stilled.Today our hearts were touched
By graves of tiny babies;
Snatched from the arms of loving kin,
In the heartbreak of the ages.Today we saw where the grandparents lay
In the last sleep of their time;
Lying under the trees and clouds -
Their beds kissed by the sun and wind.Today we wondered about an unmarked spot;
Who lies beneath this hollowed ground?
Was it a babe, child, young or old?
No indication could be found.Today we saw where Mom and Dad lay.
We had been here once before
On a day we'd all like to forget,
But will remember forever more.Today we recorded for kith and kin
The graves of ancestors past;
To be preserved for generations hence,
A record we hope will last.Cherish it, my friend; preserve it, my friend,
For stones sometimes crumble to dust
And generations of folks yet to come
Will be grateful for your trust.
© 2012 Kay Midgett Sheppard