1st Lieutenant Elbert T. Riddick

North Carolina Standard, Raleigh, December 3, 1862
Died, in Charlestown, Va., on the 19th ult., Elbert Thomas Riddick, 1st Lt., Company F, 27th Regiment N. C. Troops, of wounds received on the 17th of September, in the memorable Battle of Sharpsburg. Lt. Riddick was a native of Gates Co., N.C., son of Joseph Riddick, Esq., deceased, and was in the 23rd year of his age at the time of his death. He was among the first of the gallant youths of the South to respond to the call of his country, volunteering as a private in the first company that was organized in Perquimans, the county in which he was then residing. He conducted himself with great coolness and courage in every engagement in which he participated and finally falling victim to his own generosity trying to save from the enemy the body of a dying comrade. Of amiable disposition, generous soul and warm attachments, he has left behind him many friends and no enemies. Thou art gone! Thy voice shall delight thy friends no more forever, nor cheer again thy comrades on to battle; but chivalry shall light thy name a hero, virtue claim thee as a devotee and thy country mourn thee as a martyr.
Fayetteville Observer, December 8, 1862
Died in Charleston, Va., 19th ult., Elbert Thomas Riddick, first Lieut. of Company F, 27th Reg’t., of wounds received on the 17th of September, in the battle of Sharpsburg. He was a native of Gates County, N.C., aged 22 years.
Contributed by Susan C. Griffin