• Joshua Lamb in an affidavit made in Perq, asserted that he was “of Mass Bay, in New England.” Sir William Berkeley granted to Joshua Lamb of New England “the whole Island of Roanoke” April 17, 1676. Test’ James Bray, Darby Maguire, John Culpepper. In this grant he is called “merchant.” Joshua Lamb of Roxbury, Co of Suffolk, in New England, Merchant; sold said Island for £150 unto Nicholas Paige, of Boston, same county, Merchant. Sept 29, 1679. Mary Lamb widow of Joshua, returned to Roxbury, where she signed some papers 1690, and calls herself of said town. As Joshua Lamb made no will, so far as the records of Perq make manifest no direct line can be traced from him, but it seems probable that the next to make his entry into the county, may have been his son, or gr-son.
  • Lamb, William, (next to appear) made his will in Perq, probated April 1758, naming wife Miriam, and dau’s: Elizabeth, Miriam, & Mary. Ex William Newby (bro-in-law). As he named no sons, we are at sea again, as to descent, but he may have “set off” his sons before this date, to use an old Quaker phrase, in use at that day. William Lamb m Miriam Newby 2, 11mo 1751.
  • Isaac Lamb, (s of Henry) m Elizabeth Nixon (d of Phineas) 18, 2mo 1756. As these two appear to be contemporaries, they were probably brothers. Henry Lambs name appears on Tithe List of James Sitterson J. P. 1744. On List of Masters, & mistresses, between Cypress Bridge, & Skinners Bridge, are found the names of Henry & Thomas Lamb (no date). As Henry Lamb made no will it is not possible to find descent from him, although he surely had children, as shown by his son Isaac.
  • Lamb, Joseph, (Thought to be son of Isaac) m Lovey Smith, 1, 11mo 1794. His will p in Perq, Nov 1803, names sons: Nixon, & Stanton, brother John Lamb, bro-in-law Hosea Smith, dau’s: Mary Sarah, & Nancy Lamb.
  • Lamb, Zachariah, m Miriam Griffin, 1, 2mo 1785. He also made his will in Perq, p May 1804. Sons: William, & Chalkey, dau’s: Mary, & Betsy, wife Miriam.
  • Lamb, Phineas, m Dorothy — & had issue according to his will, p in Perq Feb 1809. Sons: Thomas, Jacob, Josiah, & Isaac, dau’s: Lydia, Rebecca, & Elizabeth Lamb, dau Miriam Griffin.
  • Lamb, Restore, m Millicent Winslow (d of Jacob, & Elizabeth). His will p in Perq, May 1823, names wife Millicent, sons: Stephen, & Caleb, dau’s: Sarah Perry, & Mary Lamb, son Jacob, gr-son Thomas Hunter, dau Elizabeth Hunter, dau Kezia Willson, & Gulielma Lamb, son-in-law Sam’l Willson.

Source: History of Perquimans County by Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, (1931).