Hope Plantation

Books at Hope Plantation

The following books on Bertie County can be ordered from Hope Plantation.

Add $2.00 for postage and 6% tax if you live in NC.

Abstracts: Wills (David Gammon)
1722-1774       $17.00
1774-1797       $17.00
1797-1816       $17.00

Records of Estates - (David Gammon)
1762-1790       $17.00
1734-1788       $17.00
1788-1800       $17.00

Marriage Register 1869-1872
One Volume       $12.50

1850 Census
One Vol       $17.00

Deeds - Stephen Bradley
1757-1772       $18.00
1772-1785       $18.00
1785-1794       $18.00

David Gammon's Eastern North Carolina Families Vol 1   $35.00

Civil War

Thomas, Gerald W. Divided Allegiances: Bertie Co. during the Civil War (1996)

Thomas, Gerald W. Bertie in Blue (1998)

To place order, please contact:

Curator of Collections
Historic Hope Foundation, Inc.
132 Hope House Road
Windsor, NC 27983

Phone: 252-794-3140          E-mail hopeplantation@coastalnet.com
Fax: 252-794-5583

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