Its land area is 698.88 square miles and its population in 1990 was 20,388.
Windsor, the present county seat, was established in 1766 and was made county seat in 1774.
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Bertie Co. Message Boards | Bertie Co. Facebook Nearly 530 members! It is a 'monitored group' to prevent spam, but all interested in genealogy are welcome.
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Books, Blogs and Microfilm Resources
Churches (Histories and Membership Lists)
Famous People of Bertie County
Homepages [We need your help in updating!]
Indianwoods - Lost Reservation by Gerald Thomas. Presented at Hope Plantation Conference Oct 2017
Laws, Bertie Precinct 1722 ? 1787
Marriages (Information about bonds/licenses; published books)
Memories of Days Gone By in Bertie
Post Offices/Postmasters-Postmistresses
Research: Basic Steps for Starting Genealogy
Research Visit To Bertie County
Schools Chowan College (Hertford County)
Tools (inflation calculator, etc)
Towns Description of all Communities--present day and historic
Chowan |
Edgecombe |
Halifax |
Hertford |
Martin |
Northampton |
Washington |
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Please send comments and suggestions to
Virginia Crilley
The Bertie County, North Carolina Genealogy Project, makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information found should not be taken at face value, but should be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. You are welcome to copy information found at the Bertie County, North Carolina Genealogy Website for personal use and share information with other researchers or genealogical organizations, but this information may not under any conditions be sold or used in a commercial project without expressed prior written permission.
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