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Bertie County, North Carolina
Researching Bertie County
Getting There
Brick Wall - What do I do?
Census Records
Courthouse Research
Geographic Features
History of Bertie County
Historic Homes
Mailing List
Jeff Weaver has posted the entire
Thompson's Mercantile Directory 1851-1852.
Poor House
Much information on researching those who lived on the Poor Farms
Published Resources
Recipes from Bertie County
School Records
Surname Assistance
Tax Lists

Towns of Bertie County

Visiting Bertie County
School Records
I would suggest that anyone interested in information about Bertie County
Schools check the Bertie County High School Principals Report found in the
NC Archives in Raleigh. This is a yearly report of graduating students with
names and class year starting in c1926 until 1964 until the county open
Central Bertie County High School. In 1924 NC passed legislation stating
that students who graduated from non-accredited institutions could not
enroll in any of the state owned colleges or universities. Due to pressure
from parents the school board change the school year to 160 days (8 Months)
and from nine to eleven grades with eight to eleven designated as high
school. A few years pry to 1926 the school year was only four months
starting in late November through March. This schedule was to accommodate
the planting, growing and harvest of farm products.
In 1943 the school year was increased to 180 days or nine months. Grade one
through twelve was also added that year. Today we have Kindergarten through
grade twelve in all schools.
Research minutes: Bertie County Board Education in Windsor NC.
Visit Office: Superintendent of Bertie County Public Schools, Windsor NC.
Virginia Crilley
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