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Bertie County, North Carolina

The Thompson Files


When Harry Thompson was teaching at the Community College in adult education, he required no tests, no papers, - but did require that each student write down his or her family as far back as they could. The information was not for him, but rather for their children and grandchildren. He helped most of them with their research by bringing in books, etc, and devoted twenty minutes of each class to their research. As a result, most of the students gave him a copy of their family history. He now has two filing cabinet drawers full of their research, plus later letters that came in from people searching for the same info. This is a list of the surnames included in those files. Anyone doing research in the Bertie County area may contact Harry, and he will answer queries as time permits.


Acree Family tree w/ complete sources
Asbill - Chowan, Perquimmans
Alston - Drew
Bird - Byrd
Brown, Robert family
Brown. Dr. Samuel & Desc. Isle of Wight
BOOK OF ADAM Biblical Family tree
Burden -White
Butler - Butler Booklet
Bryan - Snowfield 50 plus pages family history
Carter - Eure Booklet
Clark - in Plymouth, Washington County
Dement - Thomas - Cotton
Craig - Gillam
Davis - 50-75 Sheets
Davis - 200+ Family chart sheets (Heavy Eliz. City and Perquimmans)
Early - Godwin (Married into Cotton Family)
Freeman - Hughes
Grimes - Barnhill-Culpeppers-LLewellens-Roebucks
        93 pages + 11pages list Desc. Wm. Grimes I
        130 page book, unpublished
Grimes - llewellen 69 page book, unpublished
Gill Desc. oif Richard Gill and James Phelps Unpub. Paper
Gray - Clark, Bryan, Norfleet, Williams, Thompson, Urquhart, Mckinzie
Hoggard Notes, Three folders - some original marriage license
Harrell - Gill ties
Harden - 5 Generations, Unpub. booklet
Hardy - Boone, Wynns
Hardy - Tegg
Howell - Hyman
Jordan - Steely, Van Pelt, ASKEW
Jacocks - Unpub. Book 90 Pages
Jernigan Some original 1782 Documents (Court)
Monk - Strong work on Nottingham Monk
Miller - Ruben, John, Peyton, Josiah
MARRIAGE LICENSE Original, 33 including Conner, Johnson, Ward, Bunch,
Miller, David Note: David Hoggard and Mary Brown
          Aaron Cobb and Julia Skiles
          Dates: 1856 - 1901. All thrown out by Court House.
Miller. L.L. "Bing" Miller book "History of the Ancestors in
          America Latham Lee Miller" Unpub. 120 pg. book.
Miller. The Family of Jonathan Miller Sr. Of Bertie Co. NC. 130 pages
          Unpub. Book 100's of photos. Johnson and White family ties.
Myers. George Myers, original hand written Will 25 Nov 1883.
Nichols. Land deeds.
Nowell. Lewis family ties
Outlaw. "Outlaw Genealogy" Pub.1930 70 pages.
Parker. Parker of Bertie. The Family of Parker (Hertford Co.)
Perry. Hughes, Perry, Van Pelt
Phelps. "James Phelps, Sr. " by Susan Heinbuck, Ph.D 25Pgs. 1995
          "Southern Phelps" Article
Phelps. Phelps Rev. War Vet Index. 20 pgs.
Phelps. Original papers and notes of Mattie Phelps of Merry Hill, NC
Phelps. Byrd, Watson, ties.
Pugh. Correspond. w/ Geo. Pugh, Baton Rouge. Harllee Pugh Rothenburger,
               Thomas Pugh of TN and VA, some fam. group sheets.

Pugh. Unpublished book on Pughs by Dr. Pugh. circa 1880's with
        letters of inquiry and replies copied in back portion. 800+ pages.
         Many Woodville families. Goes back to Glendower hall circa
        1450, Wales. Microfilm at Univ. NC and Univ. TN. Impractical
        to reproduce all 800 pages, but I have a copy that is xeroxed
        and can loan out for short periods.

Pugh. Early Architectual book. Has five house plans marked and used by
        the Pugh families to erect five different homes during
        early 1800's
Raynor. (Inquiry letter only)
Skiles. Correspondence with Charlotte, NC Desc.
Smallwood Lockhart, Pugh, Whitmel, Griffin, Gurley. Parts from "Some
          Colonial & Rev. War Families of NC." by Mrs. Smallwood. Pub.
Smallwood Wadsworth, Bryan Cemetary at Snowfield, Smallwood Cem. list
Smithwick. Mizelle, Collins, Phelps ties
Speller. Letter from Tony Speller, Member of English Parl.Family tree
Speer. 11 generations Speers, Yadkin Co, western Va. Kentucky
         My mother's Family
Small. Nicholson, Pool ties. Perquimans Co.
Smith. Smythe, Capehart, Rhodes, Roulac, Bryan, Rombeau, Martin ties
Speight. Cobb ties. Full box of Artist Francis Speights research.
Spivey. Stanley Connections
Tadlock. 325 pages compiled by Anna Turner. 1990 Unpub.
Taylor=Tayloe. Gray, Grist, Grimes.
Thompson, David, Jesse - Sterling Scotland origin
Williams. Bertie Wills, Ga. Land Lottery Records,Ga. Headrights.
           Washington Co. GA


Virginia Crilley

This page was last updated on: Tuesday, 22-Sep-2009 10:48:27 MDT

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