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Contributed by: Doug Britton shp-a120@suddenlink.net
I was in the last graduating class before it was abandoned in 1963 and the schools were all centralized in Bertie County for the 1964 school year. The school and property were later bought by Harrington Manuf. Co. and later torn down,.
At the time this school was operated, it was used for 1st-5th grades and 9th-12th grades.
It was with regret that Roxobel-Kelford High School was discontinued in 1952. The building now became part of the West Bertie School system with classes 1st-4th and 6th-8th being held in that facility. Classes 1st-5th and 9th-12th were conducted five miles away at the Lewiston-Woodville Building. None of these school building still stand. They were demolished and removed some years later.The county consolidated the smaller schools and built several elementary schools plus in 1964 a Central Bertie High School.
There was a gym/auditorium attached to the back of the school, a cement skating ring at the left rear in the edge of the woods, and a baseball field and grandstands to the right of the school.
We welcome more history of this school building.
Mildred Ann Brown, 'Billie' a second-string guard on this 1953 West Bertie basketball team, fourth from right in photo, tells the story of losing a game against Aulander because the ref called her for having her foot on the foul line; all West Bertie first-string players had fouled out by then.' Thank you, Robert Beale
The players and coaches are as follows: David Joyner, Grady Harrington, John Tyler, James Leggett, Coach Mickey Hale, Blake Baisey, Roy Burden, Douglas Britton, Tommy Jones, Story Wood, Joe Britton, Monk Harrell, Larry Wallace, Bob Harrington, and Assistant Coach Tommy Speight.
This picture was taken after they captured the 1960 tournament championship. Mickey Hale coached at West Bertie for ten years winning eight of ten conference titles and tying for one and second the other. He also won nine of ten tournament championships and played for the tenth. A phenomenal record! Mickey died a short time after the school was closed. Tremendous basketball coach. [Doug Britton shp-a120@suddenlink.net ]
Bottom row left to right: Sandra Smith, Philippi Parker, Dianne Prichard, Thresa Early, Frances Vaughan, Jackie Jones, Mary Lou Morris, Sibyl Lewis, Lee Whitted, Judy Mitchell.
Top row left to right: Grover Taylor, Terry Wallace, Earl Vann, Douglas Britton, Brenda Britton, Alice Wadsworth, Rose Roan, Betty Lou Jordan, Raymond Parker, Johnny Reynolds, Wayne Modlin, Bob Harrington.
Contributed by Doug Britton
Photographs contributed by Molly Urquhart murquhar@bellsouth.net