Hope Mills, Cumberland County, NC
Submitted by Vickie Sutton
Posted November 11, 2001 by Myrtle Bridges.
I read in the paper on Jan. 13, 2001 that the Key Club of South View High School was cleaning up an
abandoned cemetery. This cemetery is in bad condtion with many broken headstones I had to piece some
of them together just to read them, and you should either walk the mile or have a good 4 wheel drive
to get to it. Directions: Need directions.
A.P. Phillips Feb. 15, 1855 - Sept. 14, 1906
Mary D. Brewer w/o Archie P. Phillips Sept. 21, 1861 - July 28, 1942
Harry B. s/o A.P. & M.D. Phillips July 18, 1885 - Sept. 19, 1903
One Stone: Phillips
Father: William David Oct. 29, 1852 - April 30, 1916
Mother: Margaret E. Poer his wife June 7, 1870 - July 5, 1943
William Robert Johnson s/o William & Elizbeth Johnson 1888 - 1950
W.B. Johnson Sept.4 1858 - June 5, 1920
Elizabeth w/o W.B. Johnson Dec. 31, 1858 - May 18, 1941
Lacy C. s/o W.B. & Elizabeth Johnson 1898 - 1939
John Albert Johnson s/o Elizabeth & W.B. Johnson
Maggie M. Johnson d/o William B. & Elizabeth P. Johnson March 21, 1896 - April 2, 1987
marker says Maggie May Johnson
Kinnon Phillips Nov. 24, 1827 - Jan. 27, 1891
Mary Ann w/o Kinnon Phillips Oct. 1, 1830 - Aug. 29, 1902
Susan Laige w/o Charles W. Bodemhamer April 2, 1860 - Sept. 13 1918
Alice w/o R.B. Monroe 1851 - 1925
Robert B. Monroe Feb. 26, 1844 - June 2, 1908
Neill C. Monroe Sept. 14, 1837 - Dec. 1, 1898
Daniel Monroe Jan. 4, 1846 aged 48 years
Elizabeth w/o Daniel Monroe Aug. 31, 1807 - June 12, 1876
there are 5 markers in this plot with a low concrete wall. One headstone lists 5 names.
Colin MacRae March 3, 1772 - July 8, 1865 (see FYI below)
Christian his wife June 3 1770 - Feb. 11, 1845
Roderick MacRae Oct. 4, 1810 - March 15, 1845
Margaret his wife March 4, 1817 - Aug. 15, 1900
Roderick MacRae Jan. 7, 1856 - Nov. 21, 1926
Also in MacRae plot Broken stone Charlotte d/o — Sept. 17, 1867 aged 28 yrs. Stone marker reads C.M.
Here rest the mortal remains of
Catharine Munro
Wife of Robert Munro
and daughter of
Colin McRae
Born July 6 1808
Died April 29 1841
and by her side her
Infant child. Dust returns unto dust and the Spirit to God who gave it (See Query McRAE/MacRAE June 25, 2016)
A.M. Hair Nov. 6, 1839 - May 16, 1917
Rilla Ann w/o A.M. Hair Jan. 27, 1848 - Feb. 12, 1933
C. Hair Nov. 23, 1872 - July 12, 1879
Nettie Musselwhite April 3, 1856 - Jan. 25, 1928
David Musselwhite July 28, 1860 - Sept. 7, 1886
Lones Musselwhite Nov. 3, 1858 - Nov. 14, 1926
Francis E. Musselwhite w/o N.A. Clark April 25, 1850 - Oct. 18, 1901
Neill A. Clark April 30, 1849 - Aug. 28, 1937
John F. Musselwhite Jan. 13, 1863 - July 21, 1916
Jennie E. w/o J.W. King died March 15, 1902 - Aged 71 yrs, 3 months and 3 days
Mary A. W/o John Musselwhite March 2, 1822 - May 31, 18--9
Mary P. Musselwhite Nov. 4, 1845 - Nov. 20, 1912
Delitha Musselwhite Feb. 16, 1844 - Nov. 30, 1912
E.W. Musselwhite Aug. 28, 1842 - March 9, 1908
John Musselwhite June 5 1812 - May -------------
Sarah w/o E.W. Musselwhite Aug. 9, 1854 - July 12, 1902
Katherine McPhaul Died: May 10, 1904
FYI: Died in this County, yesterday morning, at the advanced age of 97 years, Mr. Roderick McRae, one of the most
worthy and respectable citizens of the county. (Not known to be buried here - Bridges)
Source: Carolina Observer (Fayetteville, NC), Thurs., July 17, 1828
Among the early settlers was Roderick McRae, who came from Inverness-shire, and located
in the county of Chatham, on Deep River. He married a Miss Burke, who made an effort to
effect the release of Gov. Burke, in 1781, while he was being carried a prisoner to Wilmington,
by Col. David Fanning. Roderick McRae subsequently lived in Cumberland. His son Colin McRae,
died in 1865 at the great age of 95 years. Among the grandsons were Gen. Alexander McRae and
Col. John McRae, who were prominent citizens of Wilmington. Gen. Wm. McRae, Maj. Henry C. McRae,
Major Robert Burns McRae, of the Confederate Army, Lieut. Archibald McRae, of the U.S. Navy, were
prominent among the great grandsons of Roderick McRae. (Fayetteville Observer, Thurs., Nov. 02, 1893)
Read complete article: Early Scotch Settlers on Upper Cape Fear
Reminiscences ( abt. Roderick McRae Descendants)
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©Copyright November 11, 2001 to present by Myrtle N. Bridges
Revised June 25, 2016
Revised June 27, 2016