Cumberland County Cemeteries ——
Part of the USGenWeb Project

Black River Township Cemeteries
Simeon Godwin Family Cemetery

Beaver Dam Township Cemeteries
Joab Smith Cemetery

Lakedale Township Cemeteries
Mims Cemetery

Grays Creek Township Cemeteries
Tolar-Hall Cemetery
Kirkpatrick Cemetery
Mt. Vernon Baptist Church Cemetery
Swans Creek Missionary Baptist Church Cemetry
Cape Fear Baptist Church Cemetery
Marvin UMC Cemetery
Mt. Pisgah Church Cemetery
Davis-McLean Cemetery

Manship Township Cemeteries
One Lord Grave

Seventy-First Township Cemeteries
Lovett Cemetery
McDonald Cemetery
Galatia Cemetery

Massey Hill Township Cemeteries
Massey Family Graveyard
Holt-Morgan Cemetery
Holt-Morgan Cemetery (By Andrew Schnobrich)

Unknown Township Cemeteries
Robinson Family Cemetery ( Added November 11, 2021 )

Beard Township Cemeteries
McLaurin Cemetery

Stedman Township Cemeteries
Magnolia Baptist Church Cemetery

Spring Lake Cemeteries
Church of the Covenant

Black River Township Cemeteries
Black River Township - Directions to the Cemeteries

Eastover Township Cemeteries
Eastover Township - Directions to the Cemeteries

Cedar Creek Township
Williams-Freeman Cemetery
Autry-McAlpin Cemetery
Starling Cemetery
Love Faircloth Family Cemetery
Reubin Fisher Cemetery

Vander Township
Guy Cemetery
Butler - McCaskill Cemetery

Brookside Cemetery - Courtesy of Monica J Primus.
Potts Cemetery - Courtesy of Bonnie Seiler
Ramsey Street - Courtesy of Teresa Rozich
Lord Cemetery
Levy Family Cemetery
Confederate Women's Home Cemetery
Gee Family Cemetery
Cumberland Cemetery
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
Buie Cemetery
Jackson – Autry Cemetery
Hall Cemetery
Snow Cemetery Road A.M.E. Zion Church Cemetery
Johnson Family Cemetery
Presbyterian Church of the Covenant Cemetery
Stoney Point Baptist Church Cemetery
Culbreth Cemetery
Brafford - Hall Cemetery
Hair Cemetery or Hair Cemetery - Massey Hill - Resurveyed 2006
MacPherson Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Surveyed 2006
McFayden Cemetery
St. Andrews United Methodist Church Cemetery or St. Andrews UMC Cemetery - Resurveyed 2006
Campground Methodist Church Cemetery or Campground Methodist Church Cemetery - Resurveyed 2006
Cedar Falls Baptist Church Cemetery
Mims Cemetery
LaFayette Memorial Park Cemetery
Cross Creek Cemetery #1 Fayetteville, N.C.
Cross Creek Cemetery #3 - Fayetteville, N.C.
Cross Creek Cemetery #4 - Fayetteville, N.C.

Flea Hill Township
Murphy Cemetery

Carvers Creek Township
Rev. James Campbell Cemetery
John Smith Cemetery
Parkers Grove Cemetery
Wood Cemetery
Collier's Chapel Church Cemetery
Palistine Presbyterian Cemetery
Nixon Graddy
Family Cemetery - Courtesy of Jennifer Bell
Cemetery - Courtesy of Cookie Harper

Hope Mills
McNeill Cemetery
First United Baptist Church Cemetery - Courtesy of Steve Sutton
Johnson Family Cemetery
Cemetery - Courtesy of Bonnie Seiler
Cemetery - Courtesy of Bonnie Williams
MacRae Cemetery
Gilmont Cemetery
Morgan (?) Cemetery
Hickory Grove Cemetery
Adcock Cemetery
Hope Mills Cemetery
Lewis Chapel Baptist Cemetery
Johnson Cemetery
Fisher Cemetery
Big Rockfish Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Levy family Cemetery
Grey - Faircloth Cemetery
of Fort Bragg, Camp MacKall and Pope Air Force Base -
Courtesy of Beverly Ann Boyko
of the Cemeteries. Where to write for more information.
Ellis Cemetery
Presbyterian Church Cemetery - Courtesy of Chivest
Cemetery (Also a small McDonald Cemetery or Cottonade
Cemetery (Also a small Taylor Cemetery)
Cemetery - Whitehead Cemetery
McNeill-McEachin Cemetery
This is not an error: It is the number to remember when you want to find
the birthdate of someone when you only have the date of death and age.
How do you figure the birthdate?
Suppose the person died May 6, 1889, at the age of 71 years, 7 months, 9 days.
1. Write the year, month, day as:-18890506
2. Subtract the age at death:-------710709
3. This gives the figure:---------18179797
4. Now subtract 8870:-----------------8870
5. The result is:-----------------18170927
Year 1817, 9th month (Sept), 27th day or 27 Sept,
Source: Platte Co, MO Historical/Genealogical Society
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