This cemetery is located at the corner of Cameron Road, Legion Road and River Road, Hope
Mills NC.
Submitted by Vickie Sutton
Posted February 12th, 2000 by Myrtle Bridges.

Annie Jane Johnson Wife of James P. Smith Dec. 31 1900 - Dec. 13, 1951
James P. Smith Sept. 9, 1899 - March 4, 1954
Andrew Jackson Johnson Feb. 15, 1912 - April 15, 1967
Thomas Franklin Son of A.J. & Louise T. Johnson Aug.9, 1944 - May 9, 1957
Mary L. Johnson Dec. 22, 1904 - Feb. 21, 1998
Callie Crutchfield Wife of James H. Johnson July 9, 1873 - April 22, 1931
James Hughey Johnson April 3, 1863 - April 7, 1923
Flora Kate Cameron Wife of James H. Johnson May 29, 1868 - Feb. 1, 1892
Clarence Cameron Son of James H. & Kate C. Johnson Oct. 6, 1888 - Dec. 13,
James Hughey Jr. Son of James H. & Callie C. Johnson April 16, 1908 - June
20, 1909
Elizabeth Harrington Daug.of James H. & Callie C. Johnson Jan. 28, 1918
- April 1, 1918
Thomas Alexander Son of James H. & Callie C. Johnson Dec. 29, 1913 -
April 28, 1919
One Stone Robinson William J. March 13, 1882 - Aug. 13, 1946
Elise May Aug. 29, 1890 - Oct. 13, 1943
Myra Robinson Wife of Paul V. Johnson Nov. 28, 1916 - May 4, 1969
Nellie Mildred Daug. of W.J. & Elise M. Robinson Nov. 28, 1916 - Feb. 4,
James Madison Son of W.J. & E.M. Robinson Aug. 15, 1914 - Feb. 4, 1928

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