
Grateful thanks to Bonnie
Williams for compiling and submitting the Johnson Cemetery records. It is located at
the intersection of Legion Road, Cameron Rd. and River Rd. inside the town limits of Hope Mills.
This cemetery is across from Hope Mills Jr. High School. There is no sign designating it,
but it is known locally as Johnson Cemetery.
Anyone wishing to submit additional records, or notify me of any errors, is encouraged
to contact Myrtle Bridges
Posted December 15th, 1999.

Working from the back, to the corner:
There are two headstones together:
Annie Jane Johnson Wife of James P. Smith
Sept 9, 1899 31 Dec 1900
Jas. P. Smith March 4, 1954 13 Dec 1951
Next row:
Andrew J. Johnson Feb 15, 1912 Apr 15, 1967
Thomas Franklin Son of A.J. & Louise T. Johnson
Aug 9, 1944 May 9, 1957
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