Lakedale Township of Cumberland Co.
Surveyed and contributed by Vicky Sutton June, 9th 2000
Mary Lee Boyer on May 08, 2002
Linda Guthrie November 16, 2002
Sid Pickett November 8, 2010, and February 15, 2020. See Comments at bottom of page.
Hair listings provided by Regina Matthews Masouras Feb. 10, 2012
Bass Listed September 12, 2018 Contact: Myrtle Bridges.
Mims Cemetery, is in the Lakedale Twsp. of Massey Hill. Take Camden Rd. through Massey Hill until you come to a
dead end. The Fayeteville Observer {newspaper} runs along the side of the road and the cemetery is on the left
facing the Observer building. This Cemetery pre-dates the Civil War and is still in use today. There are many
that are marked by field stones, and old hand written cement blocks that are worn and faded with time.
Ackerman, Katherine 4-3-1874 / 11-26-1939
Ammons, Elouise d/o G.L. & Lucille B & D 10-15-1930
Ashworth, Mary Inez 9-18-1910 / 12-18-1940
Autry, Wymon Lee s/o W.B. & Lillie 6-12-1912 / 5-24-1914
Autry, Carlton W. CO B. 2 NC Troops CSA {no dates} This is Calton Autry who died in 1919
Baker, Oclovia Ballard w/o Clem Baker 10-26-1898 / 10-22-1918
Barbee, Charles s/o Charlie & Ella M. Barbee Oct 13 1918
Barbee, Fay d/o Charlie & Ella M. Barbee b/d 7-28-1919
Barbee, Mae d/o Charlie & Ella M. Barbee 7-28-1919 / 7-31-1919
Barnhill, Henry L. II 5-21-1948
Barnhill, Carolyn T. w/o Henry L. 1-12-1945 WED 11-7-1964
Bass, Mary Eliza Odom 8-8-1882 Sampson Co., NC / 13-12-1962 (age 80) Cumberland Co., NC d/o John James Odom (1845-1910)
& Mary Frances Draughon Odom (1855-1882)
Bass, Newell Elum 19-2-1883 Sampson Co., NC / 25-5-1936 Cumberland Co., NC (age 53) h/o Mary Eliza Odom
Benson, Mattie C. 8-1-1903 / 12-31-1971
Benson, George C. 12-19-1882 / 1-23-1928
Benson, Floyd 5-15-1911 / 8-8-1924
Benson, Lelia Eloise d/o G.C. & L.E. 10-22-1927 / 5-6-1928
Bishop, Lottie Lee d/o J.A. & Nannie 1-13-1921 / Age 29 Yrs.
Blackmon, Curtis Elbert 12-9-1923 /6-25-1989 PFC US Army WW II
Blackmon, Dock George 2-15-1877 / 5-3-1930
Blackmon, Fannie Williams w/o Dock Geo. 8-25-1871 / 1-3-1923
Blackmon, Tom Stancil 11-25-1889 / 10-21-1965
Blackmon, Lillian Pope 5-11-1899 / 11-1-1964
Blount, James F. 8-26-1925 / 4-10-1926
Blount, Luther L. 10-13-1928 / 2-7-1929
Blount, Vance C. 7-19-1894 / 8-1-1939
Blount, Annie Underwood w/o V.C. 11-24-1894 / 2-11-1940
Blount, John Curtis 5-14-1921 / 7-3-1978 Tec 5 US Army WW II
Blount, Ida Mae d/o R.D. & Floy E. Blount 12-21-1933 / 12-22-1933
Bolton, George H. 9-29-1883 / 11-29-1944
Brock, Nathaniel 7-24-1870 / 6-26-1935 Co F NC INF. SP. AM. War
Buckner, Marcelle NC S2 USNR WWII Nov 12 1914 / Feb 5 1955
Buie, Ida Ovens Kivett 3-7-1906 / 9-13-1994
Buie, David 10-8-1908 / 1-15-1983
Cainey, Nettie H. 7-2-1913 / 2-26-1990
Callahan, James E. 2-11-1907 / 6-3-1972 NC CSF USNR WW II
Callahan, Merna Batts w/o James E. 7-10-1914 / 1-28-1974
Callahan, W.C. "Bunk" 7-17-1879 / 2-24-1923
Carpenter, E.D. (Ezra) 1884 / 1944 His brother John Carpenter is buried at Bethel Presbyterian Cemetery, Hoke Co., NC.
Carpenter, Hassie 1890 / 1939
Caulder, Cecil s/o Frank & Lula 5-12-1923 / 1-31-1926
Caulder, Cecil s/o Barnie & Lula Caulder July 12 1925 / Jan. 31 1926
Caulder, Lillie Cook d/o S.A. & M.E. 8-17-1901 / 3-26-1921
Caulder, Mary E. w/o S.A. 12-20-1879 / 11-19-1918
Caulder, Mary Ann 1946 / 1957
Caulder, Ruth July 4 1914 / Dec 8 1932
Caulder, Sandy A. 10-16-1918 / Age 49 Yrs.
Caulder, William O. s/o S.A. & M.E. 8-16-1914 / 6-3-1915
Caulder, Paul D. s/o S.A. & M.E. 5-22-`9`0 / `0-`5-`9`8
Caulder, Amelia C. w/o W.F. 6-28-1894 / 4-16-1942
Caulder, Walter 1-26-1900 / 9-22-1959 NC US Navy S2 WW II
Clifton, Rev. R.L. 1-25-1869 / Nov. 22, 1933
Clifton, Susan Brady w/o Rev. R.L. 1-13-1874 / 4-14-1941
Clifton, Daniel J. 4-8-1855 / 5-1-1920
Cockman, Madison Berise b. 4-18-1879 d. 10-13-1918
Cockman, Illa Mae b. 5-1917 d. 12-1-1918
Cockman, Dora d. 10-13-1918
Cockman, Arabella b. 1903 d. 4-1903 infant death
During the Great Flu Epidemic, my grandfather & his daughter..also my great aunt were buried here
in unmarked graves (above). I was given this information some 20 years ago by my great aunt Mrs. Dolly Tew (who
lived on Branson St.). She was close to 90 I guess but her mind was sound. She and her sister Illa
nursed the whole family during this sickness. They are buried in the NE corner of the cemetery. Linda Guthrie
Cook, Lillie d/o Sandy & Mary Caulder Aug 17, 1901 / March 26, 1921
Cribb, Frances L. d/o D.I. & Mary Horne 7-3-1923 / 7-6-1929
Dallas, Hughie L. {C.}12-4-1892 / 6-2-1950
Dallas, Ella West w/o Hughie 10-6-1892 / 3-18-1942
Dallas, Hughe L. s/o H.C. & Ella B. 6-16-1921 / 9-25-1921
Dallas, Richard C. s/o H.C. & Ella B. 8-10-1924 / 8-23-1924
Dallas, Hazel d/o H.L. & Ella B. 6-17-1925 / 6-17-1925
Dallas, Ernest s/o H.L. & Ella B. 9-4-1926 / 3-16-1927
Deaton, John Jr. s/o John & Ruby Deaton June 28 1937
Deaver, William Earl 5-11-1872 / 4-27-1952
Deaver, Louise Dove w/o W.E. 1-3-1872 / 12-20-1932
Deaver, Lester Gene s/o Wm. E. & L.D. 6-6-1908 / 4-4-1935
Duke, Misty Ray d/o H.J. & Netta M. B & D 6-27-1934
Dutter, Cloyoe name looks scratched in with a knife
Eason, Enoch 12-31-1895 / 10-14-1936
Edwards, N.O. Aug 16 1880 / Aug 3 1926
Edwards, Pauline d/o N.E. & Henretta Edwards March 4 1911 / Sept 7 1931
Edwards, Walter W. 8-11-1907 / 1-6-1910
Edwards, Francis d/o N.O. & Henretta Edwards Oct 22 1917 / Jan 18 1918
Edwards, Mary d/o N.O. & Henretta Edwards May 27 1915 / May 31 1917
Everette, Mary d/o M.F. & M.M. B& D 11-19-1923
Ev___tt, W.D. name looks scratched in with a knife hard to read
Faircloth, J.J. 9-14-1867 / 9-9-1928 "Woodsman of The World"
Faircloth, Charlotte Ann w/o J.J. 5-30-1862 / 4-12-1917
Faircloth, Joseph s/o J.S. & B.M. 1-24-1920 / 5-10-1921
Faircloth, Lula A. d/o Mr. & Mrs. Lallaster Faircloth 5-10-1901 / 3-13-1922
Faircloth, Josiah 1-16-1894 / 2-1-1936
Fant, Macie w/o Paul 5-17-1913 / 8-23-193-
Faulkner, Ina H. 1-3-1926 1-6-1931
Faulkner, James D. 6-3-1932 / 9-21-1932
Faulkner, Charlotte J. 7-30-1933 / 5-13-1936
Fowler, Eldridge E. 5-4-1929 / 8-3-1970 NC PVT US Army WW II
Fowler, Flora Skipper Mother April -- 1898 Sept.-- 1946 (shares same headstone with Sadie Skipper Harris)
Gainey, Nettie H. July 2 1913 / Feb 26 1990
Gautier, James A. s/o Elex & sarah 6-2-1900 / 4-2-1902
Gautier, Sarah C. w/o Elex 7-7-1866 / 7-7-1904
Gautier, Alexander Franklin b. 1866 / 5-2-1939
Giddons, Emmett 2-22-1871 / 11-16-1935
Gill, Thomas born Aug 1793 / 5-16-1862 69 years
Godwin, Minnie L. w/o D.O. 3-9-1882 / 5-22-1927
Godwin, William O. s/o D.O. & Minnie 8-22-1913 / 1-20-1930
Godwin, Alice G. d/o D.O. & Minnie 8-20-1916 / 10-12-1918
Graham, Mavis A. (infant) March 26, 1947 / November 23, 1947
Grimes, Curtis M. s/o C.W. & Etta 8-3-1926 / 8-26-1948
Green, B. McN. Dec 22 1848 / Feb 28 1926
Green, L.S. (nothing else)
Grimes, Calvin s/o C.W. & Etta 6-19-1919 / 5-9-1936
Grimes, Curtis M. s/o C.W. & Etta Grimes Aug 3 1926 / Aug 16 1948
Hair, Leon Dwight b. 19 Nov 1904 d. 30 Jul 1946 (son of William Henry and Jane Bledsoe Hair)
Hair, William Henry b. 19 Oct 1882 d. 2 Feb 1951
Hair, Jane Bledsoe b. 26 Nov 1881 d. 1 Apr 1957 (wife of William Henry Hair & mother of Leon Dwight Hair)
Hair, Oscar Stanley b. 16 Apr 1917 d. 2 Sep 1956 (son of William Henry and Jane Bledsoe Hair)
Hall, Daniel Louis s/o G.M. & Bulah B& D 6-8-1921
Hall, Maggie Bell d/o G.M. & Bulah 10-21-1918 Age 21 Yrs.
Hall, James Carey 8-6-1888 / 3-3-1921
Hall, Albert J. 6-17-1859 / 9-30-1928
Hales, Merlie Sep. 10, 1919 / Jan 8, 1979
Hales, Virginia G. Daughter of W.H. & Merlie Hales Jan 16, 1937 / May 24, 1942
Hammond, Dallas 12-17-1881 / 1-18-1931
Hanes, Mary E. w/o J.E. Hanes 4-4-1920 / 11-10-1961
Hardee, Girlene d/o T.D. & M.L. 1-2-1916 / 9-21-1918 Daughter of T.D. & M.L. Hardee
Harris, Ela Frances d/o J.B. & M.V. Harris 8-13-1922 / 8-14-1922
Harris, Sadie Skipper d/o Flora Skipper Dec. 1915 / Jan. 1944
Herman, Annie B. d/o S.M. & M.E. 8-10-1908 / 3-8-1924
Hermon, Norman F. s/o A.P. & A. L. 11-2-1939 / 11-7-1938
Hodges, Boyd 1-10-1902 / 2-14-1943
Hodges, Earl 5-3-1934 / 10-1-1948
Horne, Minnie d/o B.S. & C.M. 11-24-1910 / 11-26-1917
Horner, Inf. s/o G.L. & M.J. B& D 12-7-1920
Howell, Ervin David d 8-2-1867 / 9-10-1903
Howell, Sarah Alice w/o Ervin David 3-30-1867 / 9-24-1917
Hufham, Annie B. d/o S.M. & M.E. Hufham Aug 10 1908 / March 8 1924
Jackson, Nathaniel F. 10-4-1889 / 12-6-1949 NC Pvt 57 Pioneer Inf WW I
Johnson, Marcus Lee 9-9-1893 / 3-11-1999 {metal marker}
Jones, Kitty Bell 1849 / 1943 She is the mother of Hassie Carpenter.
Kivett, William 7-4-1900 / 16-16-1933
Kivett, J.S. 3-12-1853 / 6-20-1922
Kivett, Adline w/o J.S. 7-22-1865 / 9-28-1928
Kivett, James Hardy 4-4-1886 / 4-26-1949
Kivett, Julie Kate Atkinson March 26 1890 June 21 1973 wife of James H. Kivett
Koonce, John C. 1844 / 1921
Koonce, Susan A. 1871 / 1973
Koonce, Susan Ida d/o John C. & Susan A. 9-10-1903 / 3-14-1907
Latham, Hazel d/o N.O. & Henretta Edwards April 27 1913/ July 26 1940
Lewis, Eva Pearl 7-28-1941
Lewis, Ila Jane 4-30-1943
Lewis, William H. 9-11-1910 / 4-11-1985 PFC US Army WW II
Lewis Mattie Hales, w/o William H. 9-10-1941 / 1-5-19--
Lewis, Virginia G. d/o W.H. & Merlie 1-16-1937 / 5-24-1942
McCormick, Neta May d/o R.M. & Georgia McCormick. w/o H.J. Duke 3-25-1913 / 7-2-1934 {picture embedded in stone}
McDaniel, Bertha J. d/o A.F. & M. J. McDaniel 9-6-1913 / 8-4-1919
McGuire, Janie Kate 9-21-1907 / 2-21-1941
McLeod, Ella Mae w/o W.P. 4-22-1911 / 3-29-1933
McLeod, Loretta Inf. d/o Mr. W.P. McLeod 19359 / 1936
McLeod, Archabel J. 2-19-1852 / 2-17-1928
Melvin, Alexander Fredrick 3-6-1886 / 5-18-1951
Melvin, Ida Belle w/o Alex F. 8-6-1893 / 8-8-1981
Melvin, Margart K. d/o Alexander & Ida Melvin Nov. 14 1917 / Feb. 17 1918
Melvin, Alexander Fredrick h/o Jewel Williams 10-21-1919 / 9-18-1959
Melvin, Raymond T. 3-19-1924 / 1-5-1973 NC TEC 5 US Army WW II
Melvin, Willie Alexander Sr. 7-6-1939 / 11-4-1979
Melvin, Alice P. d/o W.J. & Ilar born/died 2-23-1932
Mims, Louise R. d/o J.F. & Alice 5-7-1917 / 10-26-1918
Mims, Ed Jr. s/o Ed & Alice Mims 5-24-1921
Mims, Rebecca 11-17-1934 / 7-3-1938
Mims, Estell 7-14-1925 / 5-14-1927
Mims, Edward Daniel 6-4-1898 / 8-22-1975
Mims, Alice Bishop w/o Daniel 11-2-1901 / 12-17-1986
Mims, Daniel 9-16-1850 / 9-5-1926
Mims, Mattie M. w/o Edward 9-5-1860 / 8-1-1934
Mims, John Franklin, Sr. 3-16-1892 / 4-19-1963
Mims, Earline B. w/o John F. 1-25-1902 / 4-19-2001
Nelms, Dewitt NC PFC 13th Ammo Train Oct 4 1903 / Sept 14 1966
Overton, Andrew 3-4-1844 / 10-12-1915
Overton, Marenda w/o Andrew Overton 1833 / 11-1-1921
Overton, L.L. 9-23-1870 / 7-5-1949
Overton, Laura Jane w/o L.L. 2-6-1870 / 2-23-1933
Overton, Annie Born in May 1890 / 7-15-1929 w/o Bill Brown Bullock the parents of Jake, Willie, Jane and Robert
Oxendine, L.C. 1-9-1831 / 10-18-1913 Age 82 years
Oxendine, Alex A. 9-21-1885 / Jan. 10, 1973 {stone sunken into the ground}
Oxendine, Catherine w/o Alex A. 5-26-1870 / 10-16-1930
Parrish, Andrew J. 4-24-1856 / 7-12-1939
Parrish, Molie w/o Andrew J. 11-10-1884 / 5-14-1952
Parrish, Mrs. Annie 1862 / 1943
Phillips, David s/o J.A. & Cornelia Phillips 6-23-1903 / 12-14-1919
Pickett, Winifield d. 4-14-1864 Age 18 Yrs. Co B NC Troops CSA
Piner, Ira F. s/o Jennie Piner 7-8-1917 / 11-14-1926
Penter, Burton B. 1908 / 1962 (small marker incased in glass--hand made--letters and numbers illegible)
Perry, Anne 1869 / 1949
Pope, James W. 10-11-1903 / 7-10-1992
Pope, Annie G. 8-25-1914 / 6-4-1986
Powell, Mrs Anna 1862 / 1943
Powell, James Oscar 10-1-1866 / 11-3-1944
Powell, Sallie A. w/o James O. Powell 3-9-1876 / 11-26-1930
Ransom, Mary S. Jan. 1852 / Mar. 1935
Reeves, Macy Hales 3-5-1900 / 9-21-1999
Reeves, William M. 6-1-1896 / 12-6-1966
Reeves, Ralph A. 2-16-1927 / 3-12-1961
Robinson, W.P. Feb 22, 1854 / Jan 12-1922
Rogers, Wilson G. s/o G.A. & Dora M. 11-5-1904 / 6-1-1940
Rogers, Dora M. w/o George 4-18-1888 / 6-1-1968
Rogers, George 12-2-1888 / 10-?-1930
Salmon, Emma 5-18-1877 / 4-29-1942
Sanders, John R. 5-30-1888 / 4-4-1954
Sanders, Alice M. w/o John R. 2-21-1898 / 3-5-1981
Sanders, Charles F. s/o John R. & Alice M. 5-7-1921 / 5-1-1923
Sanders, John D. s/o J.R. & Alice 8-27-1918 / 12-12-1922
Sasser, William Lee 6-2-1937 / 6-6-1937
Sasser, L.N. 1878 / 1943
Sasser, Donnie w/o L.N. Sasser 1-8-1890 / 12-2-1918
Seawell, Wilma M. Daughter of V.C. & Ila Seawell Oct 2 1915 / July 3 1917
Sills, Bettie Aug 20 1892 / May 7 1938
Sills, Charlie Oct 6 1889/ Nov 16 1933
Simmons, Harriett J. 5-26-1868 / 9-24-1949
Smith, Peggy Jean 9-26-1844 / 7-23-1950
Smith, Ruffin Harold 10-2-1922 / 8-12-1999 {metal marker}
Smith, Ivie d. 3-23-1928 Age 5 Yrs.
Smith, Charles O. 4/17/1947 / 10-15-1949 Gone but not forgotten
Smith, Gena 3-19-1869 / 6-7-1948
Solmon, W. B. April 5, 1869 / June 22, 1899
Spivey, Ida Long w/o D.S. 1907 / 1937
Starling, Leslie P. Died 12-4-1934 Age 40 Yrs.
Strickland Mary Elizabeth April 1 1881 / March 16 1911 Wife of Bud Stickland
Strickland W. Pearce Son of Xantippi Strickland Dec 19, 1903 / July 10, 1922
Strickland, Xantippi 1868 / 1948
Strickland, Vinny Odom 1-25-1914 / 8-22-1941
Strickland, Pearle s/o H. & Xantippi 12-18-1903 / 7-10-1923
Tart, Mary Elma d/o A. & Bulah 12-26-1919 / 5-29-1923 {laying in peices on ground in 2002}
Thames, Joseph C. 11-15-1867 / 2-28-1933
Taylor, James Emmett 6-6-1871 / 12-31-1938
Taylor, Ruby Cain w/o James E. 2-23-1896 / 1-8-1961
Thomas, James K. 9-9-1923 / 10-19-1993
Thomas, Mary L. w/o James K. 9-14-1916 / 5-23-1985
Tousley, Nancy Jane b. 25 Aug 1948 d. 29 Aug 1948
Turner, Daniel M. 10-4-1861 ? 1-20-1956
Underwood, Velma Sewell w/o J.H. Underwood 4-10-1897 / 5-16-1929
Waddell, Alfred M. 5-10-1881 / 2-6-1956
Waddell, Parthena w/o Alfred M. 5-4-1889 / 3-20-1973
Waddleton, George s/o J.M. & Annie 5-20-1918 / 9-8-1919
Waddleton, Jessie d/o J.M. & Annie 7-29-1919 / 6-12-1921
Waddleton, Jewel d/o J.M. & Annie 7-7-1930 / 4-14-1930
Waddleton, Jacqueline d/o J.M. & Annie 7-7-1930 / 10-1-1930
Waddleton, Jolie d/o J.M. & Annie 7-8-1926 / 1-?-1930
Waddleton, Lucile d/o J.M. & Annie Waddleton Aug 8 1926 / Jan 11 1930
Webster, Betsy Ann w/o Timothy Webster 9-12-1816 / 8-29-1893 D/O Thomas GILL Sept 17 1816 / Aug 29 1893
West, Bemus Calvin s/o L.P. & M.J. 4-6-1897 / 5-30-1922
West, Lloyd 1855 / 1937
West, Mary W. w/o Lloyd 1865 / 1941
West, Mildred Inez Dec 25 1928 / Nov 13 1958
Williams, Bessie Pate 9-28-1895 / 1-22-1986
Williams, Annie Crumpler w/o John L. 12-2-1875 / 5-1-1937
Williams, Henry May 29 1898 July 22 1955
Williams, Lula Webb w/o Henry Williams Nov 2 1900 April 3 1942
** Mary Elizabeth {stone is broken and peices missing} d/o --B & A-- 4-1-1881 / 3-16-1919
** Simply "Our Little Frank" **{stone beside Overton}
** Baby Mavis A. --- raham 3-6-1947 / 11-3-1947**{stone beside Smith}
** Baby Earl B&D 3-26-1921** {small stone beside Caulder}
** Ruth 7-4-1914 / 12-8-1932**{small stone beside Caulder}
** McL ?? Margaret K d/o A.N. & Ida B. 11-14-1917 / ?-12-1918
** Robert the much beloved son of John & Mary Lis---?? who after a distressing
illness of many years died May 25, 1817 Aged 16 Yrs. 4 Mos. and 24 Das.
** Green, L.S. {no dates}
** B. McN--- 12-22-1849 / 2-28-1926
Information below provided by Charles Deal. His family has a plot in Mim's Cemetery.
There are no markers. Plot is marked by a low cement wall near the CBD Loop end of the cemetery
Wilkerson, Aria Emon May 9 1868 / Jan 13 1938
Wilkerson, Roberta "Bertie" Merdoyle Oct 18 1870 / Aug 10 1919
Wilkerson, Matilda S. Mother of Aria and Roberta Jan 20 1845 / Sept 25 1919
Deal, Mary Juantia Nov. 21 1895 / Dec. 6 1928
Anderson, Marion Juanita Sept 27 1920 / June 26 1928
Deal, Lawrence Aycock May 6 1902 / Dec 27 1921
Hello Myrtle, My cousin and I visited Mims Cemetery in Fayetteville yesterday (11-6-2010) and have one addition.
--Rober- (perhaps Robert)
The much beloved son of John and Mary Ellis
Who after a distressing illness of many years died
May 25, 1817
Aged 16 yrs 4 mos & 2 days.
This tombstone is unattached to any grave and is leaning against another tombstone. It is the earliest in the cemetery.
The next oldest is Thomas Gill – born Aug 1798 died May 16, 1862 in his 69 year
The third oldest is Winfield Pickett (my great great uncle) Pickett, Winifield d. 4-14-1864 Age 18 Yrs. Co B NC Troops CSA
His is the only Confederate grave buried there during the war.
I have continued my research. I now believe the Mims Cemetery is located on what was once Ellis land. Ellis lost the land
and it was sold by John Huske to John Smith. John Smith then sold 43 acres to Jonathan J. Prickett ( my great great grandfather ).
Prickett and Gill were neighbors in 1860. Prickett's daughter, Susan (Miss Sudie), sold the land to H.G. Hill. Hill then sold it
to Dwight Ashely ( President of the Hawthorn Silk Mill). Ashley then transferred the land to Savoy Realty (a related company.)
Thanks for your help,
Sid Pickett
I attempted to contact JC Ledford and the original contributors to the list without success. If you have any updated contact info,
I would appreciate it.
Ms. Bridges, Thank you so much for your research. Since Mrs Semel is the gggrandaughter of Samuel Mims, it explains why the cemetery
is named for Dr. Mims and why she petitioned the city to assume maintenance of the cemetery. I've attached a document dated 1844 where
Samuel Mims is appointed guardian of John Ellis and is allowed to sell his land to satisfy his debts. The land is sold to Sampson Boon,
who I believe was sheriff at the time. You will note in the indenture that the deed excludes one acre referred to as The Family Burying
Ground. This is undoubtedly what we know now as Mims Cemetery. The oldest marked grave in Mims is that of Robert Ellis, beloved son of
John and Mary Ellis who died in 1817. The next oldest marked grave is that of Thomas Gill, who was a shoemaker in Fayetteville who died
in 1862. The census of 1860 shows Gill with his family living just a few doors down from my family, Jonathan J Prickett. The next oldest
grave in Mims is Winfield Pickett who died in 1864. However, the application for the headstone was not made until 1933. Confederate head-
stones were not approved in private cemeteries until 1929. The application was made by a Mr. T. J. Wright. I have no idea who he is or
why he made this application. Winfield's is the only Confederate soldier who died during the war who is buried in Mims. The only other
Confederate buried in Mims died many years after the war and was a deserter awaiting execution when freed by the Union. The Fayetteville
Observer said it would print for free the obituary of any Confederate soldier who died during the war. I've found no such obituary for
Winfield. In any event, after the Ellis land was exposed to public sale, it was divided up and went in many pieces. One piece was Ellis #4
and my great great grandfather bought 43 acres from John Smith. I've been trying for some time to use the references in those old deeds to
determine if Winfield is buried in Mims because it was on the family farm..
Thanks again for your help.
Sid Pickett
Index Cumberland County Cemeteries
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This page created May 06, 2002
Revised September 12, 2018
Revised February 15, 2020 by Myrtle N. Bridges
Revised March 19, 2021 by Myrtle N. Bridges