(Jesse W. Lee Cemetery)
Hope Mills, Cumberland County, NC
Transcribed By Vicky Sutton & Susan Privette. Submitted by
Vickie Sutton
Posted November 11, 2001 by
Myrtle Bridges.
This Cemetery is located across from Hickory Grove Freewill Baptist Church.
From I-95 take Rt 59 (Hope Mills Rd) West. At Rockfish Rd make a Left at the
traffic light. Follow Rockfish to Stoney Point Rd. Bare Right on to Stoney
Point Rd. The Cemetery is located on the Left, at the corner of Stoney Point
Rd and Barefoot Rd. Fenced and maintained.

YOUNG Rolandas D. 7/15/1908 5/27/1997 Father
YOUNG Avy Lena Lee 12/21/1904 Mother
HATHAWAY Nedgie Lena Young Gilbert 12/21/1941
BLACKWELL James W. 4/2/1929
BLACKWELL Emmie Y. 2/25/1933
SPORTS Annie 1883 1955
SPORTS Lokley Richard 9/20/1873 6/26/1966
LEE JR. Clarence Andy D:--/29/197- Metal Marker
LEE Jessie 4/18/1883 7/8/1964
LEE Avy Jane 7/3/1884 1/17/1977
PORTER Charles H. 9/26/1933 11/14/1981
PORTER Sam L. Jr 11/22/1944 11/2/1993
Military Stone For Charles Porter
PORTER Charles Hector 9/26/1933 11/14/1981 A 3C US AirForce Korea
LEE Evelyn M. 1924 1965
BLACKWELL Brenda Sue 9/23/1952 8/20/1998 Age 45
LEE Jesse W. 10/9/1913 8/28/1991 US Army WWII - Father
LEE Alice L. 10/4/1925 Mother

Hello, I'm writing you in regards to the Hickory Grove Cemetery on Stoney Point Rd.
The cemtery's name is actually the Jesse W.Lee Cemetery. I'm the great granddaughter of
Jesse W. Lee. Jesse W. Lee married Avy Jane Barefoot. Avy Jane's parents owned quite a bit
of land,out in the Seventy-First township. When Jesse married Avy, they were given land. As
the years went by, Jesse bought more land. The land where the Hickory Grove Baptist Church
is at, was Jesse W. Lee's land. Jesse and Avy founded the church. Jesse Lee died in 1964,
when he died, he left behind his wife Avy, 13 children,85 grandchildren,and 86 great grandchildren.
In July of 1972, my great granny Avy Jane made it in the newspaper at 88 years old. Avy was
armed with a rifle and a jug of ice water, sitting underneath a big oak tree at the Hickory Grove
church declaring was on a minister by the name of Bobby Bunnells. Avy was upset to changes being
made to her beloved church. She objected to a construction project that was under way at the
church. Avy said, that Rev. Bunnells is making the chuch "look like a honky-tonk joint."
The funniest part of the story to me is when she talked aboutg the change of philosphy in the
church, and how they wouldn't listen to the older members. She was upset that a lot of them moved
away to other churches, "But",she added firmly, patting the stock of her Winchester,"I'm gonna
make'em listen this time."
I don't remember my granny. She passed away in 1977. I was only 2 years old then. But one thing
is for sure, I am proud to say that Avy is my granny. Even in age, she stood up for what she believed
in, and she didn't cower down. You can't help to admire her for that. Lori Mason

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