Vander, Cumberland County, NC
Submitted by Robert McLemore Butler
Posted December 12, 2001 - Revised March 26, 2005 by Myrtle Bridges.
From Fayetteville, go East on Person Street. At the Cape Fear River, the
street name will change to Clinton Road (SR 1006). Go East on Clinton
Road. At 3.2 miles you will be in Vander and should turn left onto Rock
Hill Road (SR 1835). Go .8 of a mile and turn right onto Pleasantview
Road (SR 1836). Go .2 of a mile and turn left down a small dirt path. The
cemetery is .1 of a mile off the main road on the right.
Geodetic coordinate is: N 35 degrees 02.725' [35.0454 degrees] W -78 degrees 47.616'
[-78.7936 degrees].

GUY, Laura Vonroe "Vonnie" Nov 26, 1951 - Aug 11, 1995
GUY, William Ambrose US Army WWII Oct 16, 1920 - Feb 7,1995
GUY, Shirley Thorne Jul 31, 1927 - [ndd]
GUY, Winburn Clifton 18 Feb 1893 - 18 Jun 1971
GUY, Willie Dixon 18 Feb 1880 - 9 Mar 1952
GUY, Claudia A., daughter of W.A. & Annie Guy 18 Sep 1877 - 20 May 1942
GUY, Bettie L., daughter of W.A. & J.J. Guy 19 Oct 1885 - 5 Dec 1920
GUY, Nellie Virginia, daughter of W.A. & J.J. Guy 15 May 1890 - 7 Jun 1916
GUY, Capt. Addie L., son of W.A. & Annie C. Guy 25 Dec 1869 - 2 May 1909 age 39 yrs. 4 mos. & 7 days.
GUY, May Bell, dau. of W.C. & C. Godwin 20 Mar 1906 - 23 Mar 1906
GUY, Andrew G., son of W.A. & J.J. Guy 28 Dec 1886 - 3 May 1887
GUY, Ann A. 6 Feb 1882 age 2 days
GUY, James R. 3 Aug 1869 age 16 Months
GUY, Lillie Bell 4 Oct 1873 age 4 mos. & 5 ds.
GUY, Annie C., his wife 1852 - 1883
GUY, William A. 1841 - 1926
GUY, Jerusha J. (Green), his wife 1855 - 1930
This cemetery is on a ridge in a field close to the woods. It is easy to

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