Contributed by Mary Lee Boyer
July 14, 2002
This cemetery is located in Fayetteville off Fort Bragg Rd. Take Fort Bragg Road toward the downtown area
of Fayetteville. You will come to the Terry Sanford High School on your right. Go very slow past the school
and pull into the parking lot of the school by the athletic field. Staying in the parking lot drive along
the fence and you will see a dirt road that leads down behind the ball field. Take this road and pull down
behind the dugout and you will see two graveyards. The one in the bricked off area is of the Gee family of
The Gee family graveyard dates back to the 1700's. The Confederate Womans Cemetery dates back to the 1800's.
There used to be a Confederate Womans Home in the open empty lot beside the school. There is a Historic marker
there now in the vacant lot. The home was torn down in the 1960's. There also used to be a Chapel that the
ladies used but it was torn down in the 1980's to make way for the school ball feild.
Many thanks to Kenneth Byrd of Cumberland and Harnett Counties for telling me of the cemeteries. Kenneth
lived in cumberland county in the area of the cemeteries as a small boy. Without his knowledge of the
cemeteries this page may have never been listed.
Next to the Gee graveyard you will see the Confederate Womans Cemetery with a brick column archway entrance.
There is a lot of overgrowth of poison and briars but the stones are visiable. I will list both cemeteries
here because they are side by side

Carver, William H. 6-1-1827 / 5-30-1901
Carver, Charles Gee 5-15-1856 / 6-16-1879
Carver, Richard J. s/o John K. & Sarah Jane d. 12-10-1855 Age ?
Carver, Sallie E. d/o William H. & Mary H. 5-29-1853 / 10-3-1862
Carver, Charles Gee 5-16-1856 / 1-16-1879
Clark, ?ennie w/o Malcom d/o Gideon & Charity Vaughn 12-18-1830 / 8-12-1885
Gee, David 4-15-1798 / 3-2-1868
Gee, James d. 6-6-1804 Age 83
Gee, Mary 3-3-1755 /
Gee, James R. 7-13-1794 / 5-29-1859
Gee, Sarah H. 12-26-179 ? / ?-14-18??
***Register, {Regester} Mary Bettie d/o Robery & Mary McDuffie Rigester Gr. d/o Archibald & Rebecca McDuffie grt,gran, d/o James & Mary Walker Gee 1-11-1863 / 7-9-1844 as written on stone***
Regester, Robert 2-15-1824 / 11-1-1880
Regester, Mary w/o Robert 11-12-1825 / 3-19-1897
Regester, Katherine Rebecca d/o Rob & Mary 9-16-1862 Age 8 Yrs.
Regester, David William s/o Rob & Mary 9-8-1862 Age 4 Yrs.Regester, Robert James s/o Robert & Mary 5-19-1867 / 7-5-1903
Regester, Inf. s/o R. & M. d. May 1865
***McDuffie, Martha d/o Robert & Mary McDuffie Regester grn. d/o Archibald & Rebecca Gee McDuffie grt. grn. d/o James & Mary Walker Gee 5-2-1869 / 4-11-1941 as written as stone***
McDuffie, Archibald 1-28-1796 / 3-29-1858
McDuffie, Rebecca w/o Archibald 1-29-17?? / 7-25-1856
McDuffie, Martha d/o Archibald & Rebecca 5-18-1818 / 5-28-1897
McDuffie, Frank Addison s/o James R. & Mary d. 12-5-1862
McDuffie, Margaret Jane w/o W.? ?-2-1851 / 11-2?-1880
Vaughn, Stephen G. 6-26-1852 / 5-29-1920
Vaughn, Gideon 12-5-1793 / July 1857
Vaughn, Charity w/o Gideon 9-28-1796 / 5-17-1823
Vaughn, Quinnie d/o Giedon & Charity 1-6-1823 / 7-2- 190?
Warren, Fannie d/o Giedon & Charity Vaughn ?-21-18?? / 5-?-1896

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