Submitted by Mary Lee Boyer
Posted April 22nd, 2001
Located off Legion Rd. Hope Mills, NC. Take Hope Mills road {hwy 59} from Raeford Rd. {401 bus.}.
Go through town of Hope Mills until you pass the lake on the left. Turn left at the stop
light and go onto Lakeview Dr. Go up hill until you come to light. Take a right at the light
and the cemetery is on the right after you pass eight houses. This cemetery is dated back to
the late 1700's and early 1800's. There are quite a few wooden markers, field stones, and rocks
piled up to indicate graves. It is still in use as a few of the stones are marked with 2000.
Stone at entrance reads like this: Founded Prior to 1800. Restored in 1975 by Hope Mills Cemetery
Committee. Cicero Deaver --Ed Deaver --Welch Faulkner -- Lillie M. Pate. Donated by Fayetteville
Monument Works
Adams, Philip Lewis 1-2-1872 / 12-2-1932
Arnett, Fredrick S. 6-15-1939 / 7-4-1995 -- US Army Korea
Arnett, Alexander 10-28-1870 / 5-18-1934
Arnett, Kenneth G. 3-16-1937 / 3-14-1997
Arnett, Lucretia M. 4-7-1871 / 11-11-1914
Arnett, 2 infants of Alex & Lucretia {no dates}
Arnett, Mabel d/o Alex & Lucretia 12-30-1901 /4-12-1906
Arnett, Inf. s/o Alex & Lucretia 11-1-1896 / 11-8-1896
Arnett, Thomas Lloyd 5-12-1942 / 11-3-1960
Arnett, Harvey 1900 / 1977
Arnett, Harvey Jr. 10-10-1932 / 7-23-1952
Arnett, Curtis Boyd 1929 age 4 wks.
Arnett, Emma d/o J.T. & Lizzie 5-14-1907 / 5-29-1907
Arnett, Inf. s/o J.T. & Lizzie {B&D} 5-8-1910
Arnett, Mable d/o J.T. & Lizzie 2-4-1915 / 5-?-1918
Arnett, Lizzie w/o J.T. 4-13-1875 / 5-2-1928
Arnett, J.T. 8-11-1815 / 10-28-1937
Arnett, Constance s/o J.T. & Lizzie 10-26-1908 / 9-27-1934
Arnett, Clara W. 5-9-1909 / 8-26-1971
Arnett, Marie d/o J.T. & Lizzie 2-4-1915 / 5-2-1918
Arrant, Frank W., Sr. 8-8-1918 / 11-10-1995
Arrant, Ruby Kelly 3-31-1920 / 11-9-2001
Autry, James T. 5-25-1915 / 9-15-1982
Autry, Lena Mae S. w/o J.T. 5-3-1915 / 1-1-1941
Averitt, Pearl Bynum 9-27-1900 / 9-1-1992
Averitt, James Aileen 11-13-1919 / 3-28-1986
Averitt, James Alexander, Jr. 5-3-1923 / 11-2-1961
Averitt, James Alexander, Sr. 7-5-1875 / 1-2-1960
Ball, Olive Mae d/o N.B. & Olive 3-22-1912 / 4-5-1912
Ballhausen, William E. 12-22-1892 / 12-3-1964
Ballhausen, Ira F. w/o Wm. E. 1-2-3-1902 / 2-5-1985
Barbour, William L. 11-28-1910
Barbour, Susan T. w/o Wm. T. Barbour 3-28-1911 / 2-4-1990
Barefoot, Marshall G. 2-5-1902 / 1-28-1990
Barefoot, Leon Roe 11-10-1932
Barefoot, Betty Faulkner w/o L.R. 10-13-1936 / 11-1-1999
Barfield, Hiram Manley 11-15-1911 / 5-23-1986
Barnhill, William R. 10-26-1927 / 4-14-1994
Barnhill, Ola R. w/o Wm. R. 5-12-1928 / 11-25-1993
Barnes, Lonnie L. 3-10-1933
Barnes, Lollie E. w/o Lonnie 8-5-1934 / 6-7-1989
Barr, James Harry 3-23-1925
Barr, Ruth w/o J.H. 1-6-1925
Baxley, Samuel Fred 10-18-1917 / 8-22-1992 --- AS US Navy WW II
Baxley, Lillain B. w/o S. F. 3-11-1929 / 7-1-1996
Beard, James Milton 9-11-1911 / 8-7-1984 --Sp 2 US Navy WW II
Belch, John B. 11-5-1879 / 8-31-1954
Belch, Dora B. w/o J.B. 8-26-1876 / 1-16-1968
Berry, James A.,Sr. 5-12-1904 / 10-31-1990
Berry, Ruby Elliott w/o J.A., Sr. 12-26-1919 / {wed. 12-24-1934}
Biggs, Martha 1910 / 1911
Biggs, Charles 1875 / 1910
Biggs, Martha West Biggs Hurley 7-13-1882 / 10-3-1979
Biggs, Charles Leon 9-5-1908 / 11-1-1985
Biggs, Dorothea P. w/o C.L Biggs 12-3-1912 / 8-16-1990
Biggs, Wilbur 9-25-1969 / 1902 {blank}
Biggs, Angeline 9-14-1829 / 2-5-1904
Biggs, Jennie Eliza w/o Wilbur 12-26-1869 / 6-9-1924
Bizub, Lynn V. 7-19-1928 / 1-22-2000
Black, Karry Adam 1-21-1971 / 1-3-2000
Blackmon, Johnnie A. 7-2-1919 / 8-7-1979 ---US Army WW II
Blackmon, James McMillian B. 6-1-1922 / 6-1-1979 --US Army WW II
Blackmon, Mazie Talbert w/o J. Mc.B. 2-10-1936 ---
Blount, William H., Jr. 6-5-1935 / 1-17-1994 --- YNC US Navy
Blount, Myrtle Kate w/o Clyde Faulkner 10-15-1905 / 8 no date 1930
Bowen, Ossie Merrill 5-24-1921 / 1-22-1997 --- US Navy
Bowen, Jennette Nunn w/o Ossie M. Bowen 2-13-1925 /
Bower, Edwin N. 11-19-1895 / 2-2-1979
Bower, Jean Matthews w/o E.N. Bower 11-5-1895 / 9-24-1977
Britt, Moses 7-4-1851 / 7-22-1928
Brown, Hughy M. 10-27-1902 / 3-18-1989
Brown, Alice D. w/o H.M. 12-4-1904 / 1-15-1990
Buie, Douglas L. s/o N.A. Buie 6-29-1828 / 12-12-1902
Bullard, Martha A. w/o Owen B. 12-15-1844 / 12-12-1909 "Born of Ayes"
Bullard, Lillian w/o J.H. Pridgon 2-15-1865 / 2-20-1966
Bullard, W. Frank 9-4-1879 / 6-27-1958
Bullard, Mary Isabell w/o W.P. 12-14-1883 / 8-2-1917
Bullard, Rinis s/o W.F. & M.I. 7-13-1907 / 12-8-1907
Bullard, Nancy J. 3-5-1840 / 4-18-1926
Bullard, Daniel Patrick 1-29-1821 / 4-18-1926
Bullard, J.B. 5-26-1880 / 9-15-1904
Bullard, H.J. 7-15-1844 / 1-14-1908 --- Co. A 60 NC Armory Guard CSA
Bullard, Margaret A. w/o H.J. 4-4-1849 / 1-23-1927
Bullard, John Wishard {can't find}
Bullard, Mollie J. w/o John Wishard Bullard 12-4-1871 / 4-10-1923
Bullard, William Henry 1-21-189- / -----
Bullard, Margaret Elizabeth 10-8-1873 / 10-1-1963
Bullard, Minnie Marie d/o W.H. & M.E. 2-19-1895 / 3-1-1953
Bullard, Hattie M. 1883 / 1954
Bullard, Clifford O., Sr. 1919 / 1985
Bullard, Ruby Bullard Breece 1904 / 1995
Burley, Richard S. 4-17-1957 / 11-26-1994
Bynum, James A.-------
Bynum, Pearle {see Averitt}
Bynum, Alice L. 10-26-1906 / 1-21-1907
Bynum, Inf. s/o J.A. & Gertrude 1-31-1903
Byrd, Robert D. 6-20-1910 / 10-4-1993
Byrd, Esther B. w/o R.D. 6-1-1913 / {wed 9-3-1928}
Cadwell, Noah 1867 {left blank}
Cadwell, Margaret A. w/o Noah 1869 / 1953
Cain, William H. 11-15-1910 / 6-5-1911 s/o G.H. & J.
Calhoun, Alexander W. 12-6-1903 / 9-5-1937
Calhoun, George C. 5-28-1901 / 12-14-1975 --- SFI US Navy
Calhoun, Geo. W. 2-26-1872 / 10-20-1931
Calhoun, Elizabeth Hill Ray w/o Geo. W. 3-31-1869 / 7-15-1917
Calhoun, James Archie 10-17-1836 / 3-15-1898
Calhoun, Clemintine Caroline w/o J.A. 3-15-1835 / 5-27-1906
Calhoun, Flora Ann 7-29-1874 / 9-14-1934
Calhoun, Inf./o J.R. & Hattie Calhoun 5-15-1902 / 5-18-1902
Calhoun, J.R. 6-18-1868 / 5-16-1914
Calhoun, Hattie C. Henderson w/o J. R. 7-8-1866 / 6-25-1949
Calhoun, Wiley Franklin 2-19-1870 / 1-6-1952
Calhoun, W. Thomas "Tom" 4-10-1904 / 9-7-1984
Calhoun, Robert T. 1-20-1906 / 2-20-1964 ---- NC Pfc 49 STA Hospital WW II
Calhoun, Caroline w/o Arthur T. Hudson 5-19-1899 / 7-21-1984
Calhoun, Arthur T. Hudson 9-19-1897 / 12-8-1934 ---US Navy
Cameron, Wm. M. 3-28-1828 / 11-21-1901
Cameron, Cleopatra Morgan w/o Wm M. 2-3-1842 / 1-13-1920
Cameron, Louvenia Noble w/o Geo. W. Cameron 1-4-1841 / 11-11-1910
Campbell, Mineva W. d/o Douglas & Florence 4-10-1911 / 6-8-1911
Campbell, Florence d/o Douglas & Florence 3-7-1912 / 1-4-1918
Carlisle, Roy C., Sr. 10-19-1925 / 10-29-1990 --- MM3 US Navy WW II
Carlisle, Mary Jane 5-4-1930
Cash, John Earl 11-6-1905 / 5-7-1966
Clifton, Z.V. 12-16-1878 / 9-14-1927
Cashwell, Jerry W. 6-5-1944 / 8-20-1967
Cashwell, Harry 1900 / 1902
Cashwell, Joseph 1871 / 1908
Cashwell, Julie C. 1874 / 1954
Chavis, Charlie 6-21-1920 / 3-4-2001 {cemetery marker}
Collier, Ervin G. {C.?} 4-12-1906 / 1-30-1977
Collier, Flossie J. w/o E.G. {C.}7-29-1909 / 1-13-1984
Colyer, Elmer E. 11-21-1903 / 12-21-1986
Colyer, Catherine T.w/o E.E. 7-6-1903 / 11-2-1987
Colyer, Henry F. 11-2-1878 / 12-12-1954
Colyer, Annie E. Moore w/o H.F. 3-232-1880 / 3-17-1942
Colyer, Robert L. s/o H.F. & Annie E. 6-27-1908 / 12-23-1908
Colyer, Berthie Lee d/o H.F. & Annie E. 1-24-1921 / 10-7-1921
Colyer, Dennis Ralston C. 4-30-1926 / 6-22-1983 -- US Army Korea
Cook, Joseph P. 1-16-1902 / 11-22-1977
Cook, Sallie S. 5-7-1896 / 1-21-1980
Cook, Robert O. 11-4-1900 / 3-7-1963
Cook, Fred 9-10-1905 / 7-28-1954
Cook, Isla w/o Fred 10-25-1909 / 8-20-1993
Cook, Blanch {see Harris}
Cone, James Layton, Jr. 2-27-1957 / 7-30-1990 "Love Always Jenny & James"
Coons, Harry C. 11-18-1938 / ------{wed. 4-5-1959}
Coons, Myrtle Bass w/o H. C. 11-23-1941 / 7-25-1998
Cox, Mr. J.C. 6-6-1875 / 6-28-1947
Cox, Mrs. J. C. 7-3-1883 / 9-24-1936
Cox, Richard 6-1-1900 / 3-29-1976
Cox, Mattie w/o Richard 1-3-1904 / 10-13-1955
Culbreth, D.E. s/o E. & E.M. 5-7-1920 / 11-9-1920
Culbreth, Baby 1920 {nothing more}
Culbreth, Betrice Woodell w/o D.E. 6-25-1898 / 5-30-1920
Culbreth, Harry W. 1870 / 1923
Davis, Mary Cynthia 1955 / 1959 "Our Angel"
Davis, Angilina K. 10-29-1934 / 9-30-1996
DeAngelis s/o John & Tina {no dates}
DeBois, Anne 12-1990 / 2-28-1991
Deaver, Herman 8-27-1875 / 12-20-1939
Deaver, Ann Jane w/o Herman 3-27-1880 / 4-3-1967
Deaver, Carrie Lee d/o H. & Jane 12-19-1908 / 5-1-1909
Deaver, Edwin DeBerry 7-24-1901 / 5-2-1987
Deaver, Ruth Kathryn D. Mintz 5-11-1909 / 5-15-1987
Deaver, Bettie Louise d/o E.D. & Ruth 3-16-1928 / 6-11-1930
Deaver, Cicero 7-4-1906 / 12-13-1996 h/o Ruby Bullard Breece
Douglas, Theresa R. 10-25-1913 / 2-27-1996
Draxler, Matilde 8-14-1896 / 7-18 1987
Driver, James B. 11-20-1860 / 7-12-1925
Driver, Fannie Thomas w/o J.B. 8-25-1886 / 2-16-1927
Driver, Florence w/o J.B. 5-18-1820 / 3-14-1900
Driver, Florence d/o J.B. & Florence 10-21-18-- / 12-1-18-- {can't read}
{there must be an unmarked stone for a J.B. Driver, Sr. here}
Eagles, Joseph H. 10-13-1916 / 5-21-1965 --NC 5-2-USNR WW II
Eagles, Kathleen Scott 10-10-1911 / 7-27-1985
Eagles, Pauline Page 5-2-1912 / 2-4-1974
Eagles, Joseph Page 1-29-1886 / 2-3-1950
Eagles, Kate Hamilton w/o J.P. 10-25-1885 / 4-15-1969
Edwards, Shirley F. 4-17-1936 / 4-14-2000
Faircloth, Wilbert {no date}
Faircloth, John 4-3-1873 / 7-29-1875
Faircloth, Amanda 7-17-1837 / 2-5-1927
Faircloth, John 6-3-1823 / 7-2-1895
Faircloth, Daniel Patrick " Born " 1-29-1871
Fair, Brent Richard 7-2-1992 / 7-11-1992
Farley, Jermey Lee s/o dana & Margaret 5-10-1980 {no other dates}
Faulkner, John Welsh 10-11-1916 / 2-8-1989 -- Cpl 55th. Bomb Sq. WW II
Faulkner, Len C. 3-1-1909 / 11-27-1955
Faulkner, Unice H. w/o L.C. 5-2-1916 / 6-7-1992
Faulkner, W.R. 2-29-1870 / 9-7-1951
Faulkner, Fannie Smith w/o W.R. 8-30-1870 / 10-29-1945
Faulkner, Inf.d/o W.R. & Fannie b.&d. 9-11-1900
Faulkner, d/o W.R. & Fannie 1-22-1908 / 8-2-1913
Faulkner, Harvey Lee 5-5-1912 / 4-28-1979 ---- Pfc US Army WW II
Faulkner, Belle N. w/o Harvey L. 7-4-1917 / 7-6-1977
Faulkner, Inf. s/o H.L. & Belle 6-20-1939 {b.&d.}
Faulkner, Raymond Woodrow 2-5-1915 / 1-28-1966
Faulkner, Essie Jean d/o Raymond W. 3-----1936 / 7----1936
Faulkner, Ladoskus P. 4-9-1916 / 7-2-1978
Faulkner, Myrtle Kate Blount w/o Clyde 10-15-1905 / 8-no date-1930
Faulkner, Margie Marie d/o Clyde & Kate 4-no date-1927 / 9-no date-1927
Faulkner, R.A 8-17 1876 / 11-20-1936
Faulkner, Alford 6-10-1843 ---
Faulkner, Elizabeth w/o Alfred 3-24-1845 / 12-31-1913
Faulkner, Nannie S. d/o Alfred & Elizabeth 11-2-1882 / 4-15-1900
Faulkner, Nannie S. 6-3-1900 / 8-10-1913 { 2 stones with same names dif. dates}
Fisher, Estella 1889 {nothing more}
Fisher, Maggie 1891 / 1895
Fisher, James W. 3-26-1854 / 12-22-1923
Fisher, Effie A. w/o J.W. 9-25-1861 / 11-15-1930
Fisher, William E. 5-11-1887 / 12-2-1950
Fisher, Mary Frances w/o W. T. Fisher 12-31-1880 / 12-31-1921
Fort, Zach J. 1884 / 1908
Fort, Ira 1888 / 1904
Fort, Charles H. 1891 / 1892
Fort, Martha C. 1893 / 1893
Fort, Adrian J. Co. H 30 Inf. {nothing else}
Fort, William P. 1849 / 1898
Fort, Kezia C. w/o Wm. P. 1852 / 1900
Fort, Murphy M. s/o Wm. P. & Kezia 1878 / 1959
Fort, Miles Bluford 1839 / 1902
Fort, Annie Fort Johnson 3-3-1906 / 12-16-1976
Freeman, Christopher Brian 7-28-2967 / 8-28-2979
Freeman, Edward Y. Jr. 9-17-1963 / 11-1-1987
Fry, John Adams 3-9-1858 / 10-3-1938 {same stone}
Fry, Edith Adams w/o John Adams Fry 4-23-1861 / 1-11-1947
Frye, Betty R. 8-8-1924 / 1-8-1990
Gales, Henry W. 4-18-1908 / 8-8-1976
Gales, Fitzhugh L. 1-11-1906 / 3-25-1982
Gales, Henry Wesley 1908 / 1976 Pfc. US Army WW II
Gautier, W. M. Kenneth 12-7-1938 / 7-31-1999
Gibson, Lineberry C. Jr. 6-13-1918 / 2-24-1995 -- US Navy WWII
Glover, John B. s/o D.J. & Bettie {old stone, can't read dates}
Glover, Charlie F. s/o D.J. & Bettie {old stone, can't read dates}
Glover, Minnie James d/o D.J. & Bettie 3-13-1895 / 5-22-1896
Graham, Nellie d/o John & Rosa 8-24-1914 / 1-23-1934
Graham, W.J. 9-29-1861 / 11-4-1930
Graham, Addie w/o W.J. 7-15-1861 / 8-13-1928 (Addie is the daughter of Amanda Faircloth)
Grant, Hazel McDonald 3-3-1921 / 2-1-1999 "Lores Mom"
Graves, Mattie 3-23-1883 / 11-29-1975
Graves, Mamie Davis 2-28-1911 / 11-2-2000
Graves, Francis 8-5-1920 / 6-22-1985--- Pvt Us Army WWII
Greenup, Brian K. 9-20-1968 / 11-24-1990
Grimes, Elmer Crawford 1-20-1931 / 5-24-1995---- Sgt. US Air Force Korea
Guy, Troy Delagonal 2-17-1890 / 2-9-1967
Guy, Florence Cash w/o Troy D. 1-4-1897 / 9-10-1980
Guy, Paul Roscoe 7-16-1928 / 3-18-1983 --- US Army
Hall, Martin s/o L. & Annie {b.&d.} 12-2-1889
Hall, Franklin Delano 1-31-1934 / 7-20-1963
Hall, Janis Elaine Hoke w/o F.D. Hall 7-3-1939
Hallman, Ben J. 1-17-1930 / 3-8-1991
Hallman, V. Maude w/o B.J. 9-28-1933
Harrison, Monroe 1906 / 1989
Harrison, Lillie Floyd w/o Monroe 10-13-1907 / 2-12-1987
Henderson, Margaret w/o J. L. 10-11-1881 / 3-20-1946 ???
Hamilton, Otis Manly died 7-29-1994 , 62 yrs.
Hamilton, William R. 1925 / 2000 US Army WW II
Hamilton, Pauline w/o W. R. 1934
Hamilton, John 11-8-1878 / 4-29-1907
Hamilton, Turentine 1-11-1847 / 11-27-1888
Hamilton, Julia A. w/o Turinetine 10-20-1841 / 1-18-1920
Hamilton, Matthew 5-19-1883 / 7-1-1954
Hamilton, Gertrude w/o J.A. Bynum 6-9-1876 / 4-2-1955
Hammond, Arwood 9-3-1926 / 2-9-1978 US Navy WW II
Harden, Bernice 4-17-1922 / 1-20-1970 US Army WWII
Harris, Blanch Cook 4-24-1932 / 5-1-1954
Harris, Baby Harris {b.&d.} 5-1-1954
Herring, Florence d/o Enoch & Etta 6-6-1906 / 8-10-1913
Holmes, Clarence C. 9-23-1914 / 7-10-1979
Holmes, Nellie Pearle Holt w/o C.C. 2-8-1920 / 1-14-1987
Horne, John D. 2-14-1917 / 9-9-1997
Horne, Bernice w/o J. D. 10-7-1925
Horne, Joyce E. 1933---
Horne, David Jr. 1929
Horne, Beauford H. 1849 / 1929
Horne, Catherine H. 1873 / 1929
Horne, Mary Jane w/o B.S. 6-6-1848 / 3-19-1897
Horne, Etta L. d/o B.S. & M.J. 11-28-1889 / 7-29-1893
Horne, Frank s/o B.S. & M.J. {b.&d.} 5-10-1893
Holmes, Bessie L. 3-18-1919 / 7-8-1981
Huckabee, John D. 2-1-1900 / 12-22-1949
Huckabee, Celeste Deaver Huckabee Roberts 2-7-1904 / 6-21-1991
Huckabee, Maurice Gerald 7-13-1930 / 5-26-1887 CPL US Army Korea
Huckabee, Howard D. 6-23-1925 / 2-12-1966 ---NC S2 USNR WW II
Huckabee, John Douglas 4-23-1922 / 10-16 1980 ---SGT. US Army WW II
Huckabee, John Huckabee {nothing else, name only}
Hup, John Ludwig 10-15-1958 / 7-3-1959
Hyde, William E. 2-23-1925
Hyde, Gerta D. w/o Wm. E. 1-10-1936 /
Jackson, Julius Clyde 9-18-1919 / 12-7-1997 ---- Tec 4 US Army WW II
Jackson, Lyda Reeves w/o Julius C. 2-3-1920 --
Jackson, Robert Lee 12-15-1921 / 1-16-1989 ----T Sgt US Army WW II
Jackson, Lela Reeves w/o Robert L. 2-11-1924 / 6-6-1997
Jackson, Robert Lee, Jr. "Bobby" 4-27-1957 / 4-8-1999
Jackson, Robert Lee, Jr. has 2 stones--newer one has an ariplane etched on it --
it reads "We'll Always Have Paris"
Jackson, Wilton E. 3-12-1925 / 3-15-1987
Jackson, Margaret A {no dates---with the Jackson's}
Jackson, Floyd Mitchel s/o Mr. & Mrs. William Floyd 5-17-1957 / 4-13-1975
Jackson, William Floyd "Billy" 1-18-1937 / 2-7-1987
Jackson, William Howard 10-17-1917 / 1-29-1979 --- US Air Force
Jackson, Howard LeBan 12-2-1925 / 12-4-1995 US Army WW II {I Did It My Way}
January, Ernest Lee 4-13-1914 / 9-21-1978
Jones, Dina Sue "Susie" 5-1-1959 / 5-20-1996
Johnson, Joseph 1869 /1938
Johnson, Mary Attie 1885 / 1919
Johnson, Charles Jefferson 8-12-1898 / 3-8-1976
Johnson, Alice Mae Stevens w/o C.J. 12-29-1898 / 1-2-1952
Johnson, Ella 7-24-1873 / 9-16-1946
Johnson, Alice 11-27-1869 / 9-16-1953
Johnson, Bessie L. 12-1-1888 / 9-16-1946
Johnson, Kenneth B. 1-2-1855 / 5-5--1934
Johnson, Margarat Ann w/o Kenneth 5-20-1852 / 10-1-1919
Johnson, John, Sr. 9-13-1825 / 11-18-1918
Johnson, Annie J. w/o John, Sr. 12-3-1824 / 4-22-1902
Johnson, Andrew J. s/o John & Annie J. Johnson 11-15-1865 / 4-22-1917
Johnson, Margaret Estelle 9-5-1925 / 11-22-1984
Johnson, James Turner 9-30-1950 / 11-20-1995 ----SSG US Army Vietnam Persion Gulf
Johnson, Benjiman Franklin s/o Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johnson 11-16-1890 / Dec. 1894
Johnson, Lula w/o Joseph Johnson 7-18-1870 / 9-20-1904
Johnson, Bertha d/o Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johnson Died 8-31-1904 3 mo.
Johnson, Mary C. 1-24-1828 / 8-2-1910
Johnson, N.A. Johnson 7-22-1871 / 9-28-1942
Johnson, Margaret Ella Denby w/o N.A. 10-26-1877 / 1-15-1967
Johnson, Bertha M. d/o N.A. & M.E. 11-2-1899 / 1-15-1903
Johnson, Infant Johnson d/o N.A. & M.E. Johnson {no dates}
Johnson, Infant Johnson d/o N.A. & M.E. Johnson {again, no dates}
Johnson, W. Vernard 10-8-1909 / 8-1-1973
Johnson, George Hubert 6-30-1906 / 5-13-1961
Johnson, Zola Ethel w/o Geo. H. 3-1-1909 / 4-23-1979
Johnson, Teracy w/o Bossman Clifton 2-29-1838 / 2-10-1919
Johnson, Mary Ruth 8-15-1932 / 6-27-1968
Jolly, Oliver C. 2-27-1911 / 10-14-1957
Jolly, Charles M. 1-1-1937 / 2-5-1979
Jones, Jerry Franklin 4-30-1940 / 10-15 1999
Kehoe, Raymond J. 3-26-1906 / 3-23-1977
Kehoe, Florence w/o R.J. 6-20-1915 / 2-12-1994
Kelly, Joseph A. 3-22-1882 / 4-19-1957
Kelly, Dora Fisher w/o J.A. 8-14-1885 / 4-14-1972
Kelly, Roy Adrian 9-2-1928 / 4-16-1990 ---- Pfc US Army Korea
Kelly, Edward 5-25-1936 / 5-5-1999
Kelly, Thurman H. 6-7-1913 / 2-2-1980
Kelly, Dorothy Turlington w/o T. H. 12-21-1912 / 7-2-1986
Kelly, Joseph Leon s/o T.H.& D.T. {b.& d.} 5-12-1954
Kelly, Doris Luclie d/o T.H. & D.T. 3-17-1941 / 3-19-1941
Kelly, Leon Watson 11-23-1905 / 4-8-1953
Kelly, Lucile "TINY"4-21-1916 / 6-24-1933
Kelly, Edward David 1-21-1883 / 2-8-1928
Kelly, Louola Ivy Bullard w/o E.D. 9-16-1883 / 1-8-1960
Kelly, Spencer 10-22-1940 / 6-5-1930
Kelly, Evoline w/o Spencer 8-31-1945 / 7-7-1920
Kelly, Pollie "Died" 11-9-1903 {nothing else}
Kinder, Joe C., Jr. 8-4-1969 / 7-24-1994
Kimbrell, Deborah Sue 4-17-1958 / 7-5-1979
King, James A "Jimbo" 6-23-1967 / 3-23-1981
Knight, Harold, Jr. 3-24-1949
Knight, Peggy M. Cogar w/o Harold 3-29-1946 / 9-14-1999
Koonce, Stacey Lee s/o H.M. & Gertrude 2-25-18---{unreadable}
Krantch, Wm. Robert 8-15-1942 / 7-27-1986 -- Sgt. US Army
Kriner, James T. 5-7-19----
Kriner, Hannah L. 7-----1912 / 10-10-1959
Kyser, Kevin R. 11-8-1970 / 8-17-1987
Lindsay, Earl H. 6-18-1913 / 11-9-1980
Lindsay, Charles Kent 5-11-1941 / 4016 1993
Lanham, John B., Jr. 6-12-1918 / 9-20-1990
Lewis, Ross 6-18-1904 / 6-27-1979
Lewis, Ruth M. 7-8---- / 4-25----
Lewis, David J. 6-26-1911 / 11-7-1984
Lewis, Alice H. w/o D.J. 7-9-1916 ---blank
Leazer, Minnie E. 5-12-1820 / 5-28-1908
Leazer, Ross H. 7-8-1905 / 4-25-1979
Leazer, Ruth w/o R. H.
Leazer, Mammie L. 1891 / 1923
Lott, Robert 6-10-1918 / 4-30-1996 ---US Navy WW II
Lowery, Edward D. 8-23-1921
Lowery, Connie B. w/o Edward D. 7-1-1928 / 1-23-1998
Maguire, Vincent Charles 12-11-1900 / 10-26-1930 {NC Pvt.}
McPhail, Mary Alice 8-6-1876 / 6-24-1939 w/o Malcom McP.
McPhail, Malcom L. died 4-27-1930 age, 73 yrs.
McPhail, John D. s/o M.L. & M.A. 9-8-1899 / 9-29-1918
McDonald, Patrick H. 11-28-1876 / 6-23-1951
McDonald, Jessie Black w/o P. H. 8-15-1892 / 1-24-1928
McDonald, Helen Frances d/o P. H. & Jessie 12-15-1917 / 4-24-1932
McIlwinen, James s/o John H. & Mary 6-24-1888 / 12-23-1888
Middleton, Josephine D. 11-19-1937 / 3-27- 1995
Miller, Harvey 7-1-1920 / 5-7-1980
Miller, Carolyn w/o Harvey 3-16-1929
Milton, Jack William 1-2-1934 / 10-11-1988
s/o Mamie Davis Graves & Jack Ernest Milton Stp/s of Francis Graves {took it from stone as it was written}
Moore, Etta w/o Allen Davis 6-10-1871 / 6-2-1943
Moore, Annie E. w/o H.F. Coyler 3-23-1880 / 3-17-1942
Moore, Henry 3-12-1834 / 10-10-1895
Moore, Annie w/o Henry 9-12-1840 / 6-11-1895
Morgan, Mathew 6-12-1834 / 5-13-1919
Morgan, Pricilla w/o Mathew 5-10-1831 / 5-21-1904
Morgan, Joseph Columbus s/o Mathew & Prisilla 10-2-1875 / 1-23-1906
Morgan, Lizzie d/o Mathew & Pricilla 10-11-1863 / 1-11-1926
Morgan, Mary w/o R.E. Morgan 4-2-1805 / 8-22-1892
Morgan, Charles 1-3-1857 / 7-17-1905
Morgan, Effie C. w/o Charles 9-7-1854 / 9-5-1925
Morgan, Bearth d/o Charles & Effie 3-2-18-- / 6-9-1881
Morgan, J. 3-23-1874 / 4-19-1908 {no name, just J.}
Morgan, Hilaetta w/o Daniel 6-22-1834 / 8-12-1902
Morgan, Lacy J. 11-17-1918 /8-3-1933 US Army WW II
Morgan, Nason
Morgan, Etta Faulkner 4-15-1881 / 12-2-1966
Nordan, Franklin P. 4-6-1853 2-21-1941
Nordan, Sarah F. w/o F.P. Sr. 2-22-1854 / 4-21-1901
Nordan, F.P. 6-25-1891 / 2-2-1922 {just F.P. on stone}
Nordan, Robert A. Co. G 36 NC State Troops {no dates}
Nunn, Mary Eugenia 11-8-1905 / 4-10-1988
Nunn, James h/o M.E. 5-10-1893 / 9-30-1983
Nunnery, Willie F. 10-11-1926 ------ {wed 10-11-1947}
Nunnery, Cora H. Johnson w/o W.F. 6-20-1921 / 12-12-1999
O'Connell, William Alex, Jr. 11-8-1982 / 12-14-1983
Parker, Raymond, Inf. s/o Mr. & Mrs. L.J. 4-12-1903 / 12-10-1904
Pate, Lillie M, 6-18-1921
Pate, Elma Stone 9-21-1897 / 3-27-1965
Pate, Elby Crosslyn 3-3-1897 / 11-11-1951
Patterson, F. Elsie 10-15-1921 / 4-23-1992
Pedin, Slonie 1880 / 1940
Pedin, Robert Howard 8-31-1885 / 3-4-1956
Pope, John Henry 1-16-1878 / 5-8-196? {can't read}
Pope, Carrie Fry w/o J.H. 8-14-1882 {can't read}
Pope, William Fred 11-4-1896 / 8-3-1967
Pope, Addie S. w/oW. F. 10-20-1905 / 7-14-1960
Pozanska, Anna K. PoRay 3-23-1895 / 1-17-1985
Pridgon, Jessie Willis 5-5-1932 / 8-10-1979 --- Pvt US Army Korea
Pridgon, Martha F. w/o Jessie Wiilis 4-11-1933 / 10-10-1978
Pusateri, Nancy Jane 6-24-1911 / 1-4-1997
Quick, Marjorine Elizabeth 11-8-1946 / 10-19-1995
Riley, Hazel Ragland 6-12-1913 / 8-4-1987
Riley, Josephine J. 1890 / 1960
Raper, Donald Lee 9-15-1913 / 9-15-1990
Roberts, Roy 4-13-12909 / 12-18-1975
Roberts, John 6-4-1850 / 4-14-1922
Roberts, Mary Jane w/o John 4-19-1854 / 4-29-1911
Rogers, Elmer, Jr, 5-16-1924 / 3-25- 1999
Russell, Charles T. 5-20-1900 / 11-14-1966
Russell, Jennette M. w/o 11-12-1894 / 8-19-1978
Russell, Muriel B. d/o C.T. & Jennette 6-30-1925 / 6-28-2926
Scott, Shelia A. 4-7-1961 / 12-14-1983 {age 22}
Sessoms, Maxwell Leonard 9-18-1914 / 9-29-1980
Sessoms, Samuel M. 7-12-1867 / 10-21-1938
Sessoms, Sylvia Clifton w/o H.M. 4-17-1879 / 6-6-1941
Sessoms, Thaddius A. s/o H.M. & Sylvia 7-18-1894 / 11-7-1895
Sessoms, Harvey S. s/o H.S. & Sylvia 11-6-1900 / 9-25-1902
Sessoms, Mary Bell d/o H.S. & Sylvia 2-25-1917 / 4-4-1933
Sessoms, Lawernce E. "DOCK" 1-11-1894 / 9-6-1954
Sessoms, Letha Glover w/o L.E. "Dock" 4-5-1908 / 2-8-1983
Sessoms, Daniel J. 3-7-1859 / 5-30-1925
Sessoms, Bettie w/o D.J. 1867 / 1944
Shellman, Ester Christina 3-7-1906 / 3-6-1991
Shore, Trugby Carrol d/o J.T & Inez 3-6-1943 / 10-5-1948
Simmons, Nellie Green 1-21-1906 Halifax Co. 6-4-1994 Cumberland Co.
Skipper, Lisa Ann 3-13-1966 / 12-14-1983 {age 17}
Slate, Gerald Lewis 9-16-1939 / 10-20-1998 -- US Army Vietnam
Smith, Albert H. 2-12-1860 / 1-3-1907
Smith, Mary Kate w/o A.H. 3-12-1866 /8-10-1949
Smith, Betty Jean d/o Clarence and Sadie Mae Smith 7-7-1927 / 7-7-1930
Smith, Justin Bryce, Sr. 1-18-1926 / 1-18-1993 -- SI US Navy WW II
Smith, Betty Jean Cain 9-13-1931
Smith, Bert H. 9-15-1889 / 9-5-1927
Smith, Lena H. 1907 / 1936
Smith, "Baby" 1941 {nothing else}
Smith, Waverly Otto 8-10-1898 / 7-14-1979
Smith, Viola L. Plante w/o W.Otto 11-29-1894 / 5-9-1983
Smith, Robert E. 11-1-1907 / 10-7-1987
Smith, Lillie B. w/o R.E. 2-26-1915--blank {wed. 6-9-1946}
Smith, Morris Vance 10-21-1918 / 2-5-1995 ---US Army WW II
Smith, Margaret Hattie w/o M.V. 8-19-1918 / 2-7-1993
Smith, Bobby James 7-18-1943 / 12-22-1972 --- NC SA US Navy
Smith, Luther B. 6-30-1899 / 5-10-1965
Smith, Emma Suggs w/o L.B. 7-12-1915 / 10-27-1988
Springs, Connie C. 11-8-1881 / 2-28-1944
Springs, Robert Gary 7-11-1904 / 9-20-1984
Springs, Fannie Norton 4-29-1884 / 9-22-1965
Springs, W. David 8-23-1908 / 3-6-1969
Springs, Linda Marie 3-17-1946 / 9-27-1977
Starling, Roy Demas 9-14-1910 / 9-24-1989
Starling, Mitchell Dale 4-21-1963 / 3-13-1996
Starling, Alice Johnson , w/o Roy Demas 12-25-1909 / 6-10-1996
Stewart, Eliza 10-28-1877 / 9-10-1909
Stewart, Jennie w/o J.F. Stewart 4-16-1869 / 8-26-1908
Stone, Ila M. 6-14-1898 / 1-20-1986
Stone, Julia Clyde w/o Ila M. 7-9-1901 / 4-27-1990
Stone, Jefferson J. 11-4-1861 / 7-6-1946
Stone, Mamie Hamilton 2-2-1873 / 12-22-1962
Storm, Ann C. Porter w/o James Storm 12-11-1808 / 6-20-1864
Strickland, Daisy S. 7-14-1902 / 1-24-1986
Strickland, Marion Keith 11-14-1967 / 10-30-1979
Strickland, John Rodney 7-11-1965 / 8-20-1983
{M.Keith & J. Rodney are on same stone---brothers}
Thomas, Zenas Wilbur 8-5-1917 / 12-31-1986
Thomas, Zenas Lester 11-2-1956 / 12-14-1983
Thomas, Peggy Ann 9-12-1933 2-23-2000
Thomas, Roy Brabson 9-4-1918 / 1-5-1999 US Army
Thompson, Robert W. 2-2-1931 / 9-28-1990 -- Lt. Col. US Army Korea -- Viet Nam
Townsend, Sallie 1-22-1838 / 10-25-1918
Vaughn, Eunice Bynum 5-28-1915 / 12-24-1983 {flat stone beside flat stone of Dward--could be his wife}
Vaughn, Edward McDonald V. 4-22-1913 / 3-16-1969 {this is a Vaughn-McDonald plot--look for others in McDonalds}
Wallace, Quentin R. 6-9-1920 / 10-9-1987
Wallace, Ma Pearl D. w/o Q.R. 7-28-1920
Ward, Harry Skinner grd./s of Miles B. Fort {both on same stone} 4-7-1901 5-27-1902 {look in Fort, for Miles}
Walker, Mary Ann d/o Lawton & Annie W. 12-11-1941 / 12-12-1941
Walters, Thomas Earl 1-27-1924 / 7-21-1979
Walters, James A. 10-3-1895 / 1-26-1964
Walters, Ila E. 7-24-1900 / 8-29-1981
Walters, James David 9-10-1928 / 12-29- 1981
Walters, James David, Jr. 10-2-1960 / 11-22-1979
Walters, Sarah Hazel d/o James A. & Ila E. 11-15-1921 / 4-3-1990
Weber, Donald Lee 7-9-1972 / 8-17-1889 "To My Friends, Never Say Goodby"
West, Pauline d/o N.W. & Docia 10-6-1907 / 4-23-1901
West, Alice d/o N.W. & Docia 12-6-1900 / 7-30-1901
Wheeler, J.W. 7-5-18-1854 / 1-10-1928
Wheeler, Harriett J. w/o J.W. 7-31-1851 / 1-6-1921
Wheeler, Meater d/o J.W. & H. J. 10-10-1883 / 2-23-1910
Wheeler, Inf. s/o J.P. & B. 6-24-1906
Willey, Helen M. 1-22-1935 / 7-24-1981
Williams, A.J. 3-13-1841 / 6-9-1925
Williams, Sallie B. 1876 / 1911 {nothing else}
Willis, Lloyd Harris, Sr. 11-16-1922 / 11-12 1999 ---USCG WW II
Woodell, H. Seavy 7-20-1902 / 1-24-1991
Woodell, Daisy J. w/o H.S. 4-20-1903 / 7-29-1983
Woodell, "Baby" 1928
Woodell, "Baby" 1930
Woodell, "Baby" 1932 {all of H.S. & D.J. Woodell}
Woodell, Henry W. 1870 / 1923
Woodell, Lorena F. w/o H.W. 1870 / 1934
White, James C. s/o C.M. & M.L. 10-4-1918 / 5-4-1919
Yarborough, James L {very old stone, can't read dates}
Yocum, Howard 4-4-1908 / 11-27-1970 --- Pvt US Army WW II
Yocum, Trudy mae w/o Howard 9-11-1908 / 7-17-1982
Yocum, Zanewsky William 1-11-1919 / 1-24-1997
Yocum, Helen w/o Wm. 10-11-1913 / 4-16-1987
Zemke, Donald R. 11-16-1964 / 7-15-1995
Zemke, Janie "Faye" 9-12-1943 {nothing else-both on same stone}

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