Hope Mills, NC
Submitted by Mary Lee Boyer
Posted May 2, 2001 / up-dated June 11, 2011 / June 24, 2016 by Myrtle Bridges.
From Raeford Rd. {401} take Hope Mills Rd. {59} or from I-95 take exit 41 Hope Mills exit. Coming from
Raeford Rd. onto Hipe Mills Rd. go all the way through town until you come to the light at Cameron rd.
Go through light and cemetery will be on the right about a 1/4 mile. Coming from I-95 off the Hope Mills
exit, go toward town. You will come to a stop light at a small bridge. Go over bridge and the cemetery will
be on the left about a 1/4 mile.
Adcox, David Hampton 11-12-1912 / 6-22-1986 -- S2 US navy WW II
Adcox, Lena Furmage w/o David H.4-12-1914 / 3-19-1993
Allen, Douglas Lee 2-10-1952 / 3-10-1971 --PVT US Army
Allen, Henry C.
Allen, Geneva W. w/o Henry C. 6-11-1873 / 2-14-1974
Arnett, Floyd 11-16-1904 / 2-1-1946
Autry, Sadie H. w/o Calvin W. Nov. 1848 / Apr. 1932
Autry, Elizabeth C. w/o Neil Archie Buie 11-10-1887 / 2-24-1971
Barr, Joy Carltem 5-5-1968 / 2-1-1969
Baxley, Annie Stanton 12-8-1912 / 8-27-1988
Baxley, Brian Daniel 4-8-1972 / 4-8-1972 son of Judy Jordan
Baxley, Clarissa P. 1875 / 1972
Baxley, Oline Hayes w/o Malcom L. 10-24-1926 / 4-24-2000 "Beloved Mother"
Baxley, Malcom Lawrence 5-16-1908 / 8-29-1959
Baxley, Fred Dalton, Jr. 8-24-1919 / 4-24-1978 -- F 1 US Navy
Baxley, Harvey G. 11-1-1900 / 8-5-1985
Baxley, Allie Jane w/o Harvey G. 7-16-1904 / 3-9-1972
Baxley, Inf. s/o Daniel M. & Judy L. 4-8-1972 {b&d}
Bayless, Mary Y. 1-14-1934 / 4-28-1993
Beasley, John Daniel 2-1-1908 / 8-13-1985
Beasley, Isabell McNeil 7-31-1911 / nothing else
Beasley, William R. 6-12-`880 / 8-22-1973
Beasley, Shirley 12-4-1934 / 6-13-1976
Beasley, Elizabeth Faye d/o Doyle & Shirley 5-18-1960 nothing else
Bennett, Teresa Faye d/o Johnny & Faye 11-4-1963 / 2-16-1968
Bishop, William Watson 1885 / 1940
Bishop, Lena Phillips w/o Wm. Watson 1897 / 1981
Blackmon, Clarence, Sr. 9-14-1906 / 7-14-1974
Blackmon, Mable Trogden w/o Clarence, Sr. 3-26-1910 / 3-5-1971
Blackwell, John Junior 6-8-1908 / 7-8-1987 Pfc US Army WW II
Blackwell, Patrick 3-15-1894 / 1-29-1985
Blackwell, Fannie w/o Patrick 3-15-1905 / 3-7-1993
Blake, James, Jr. 4-28-1928 / 2-29-1996 Pfc US Army
Brafford, James Alton 12-12-1918 / 6-12-1998 --US Navy WW II
Brafford, Anna McLaurin w/o James Alton 10-22-1921 / 12-7-1995
Brandon, Inf. 4-12-1985 {b&d} no parents listed
Britt, William Horace 6-12-1929 / 12-24-1981 -- Pvt US Marine Corps WW II
Britt, James Thomas 4-10-1932 / 6-5-1992 US Army Korea
Britt, June Herring 4-19-1937 / 7-22-1981
Britt, John Kesley 4-16-1934 / 2-13-1989 1st. Sgt US Army Korea
Britt, William Richard 12-3-1907 / 11-26-1945
Britt, Lena {see Spence}
Brown, Charles Franklin 1-31-1916 / 4-14-1986
Brown, Thomas Jefferson, Jr. 8-28-1911 / 11-18-1982 -- Cpl US Army WW II
Brown, Lena P. 7-15-1903 / 11-22-1948
Brown, Ila H. 11-7-1916 / 5-17-1997
Bryant , Thomas Elias 5-1-1933 / 2-26-1995 -- US Air Force Korea
Bryant, Daniel 7-9-1905 / 11-14-1959
Bryant, Ethel w/o Daniel 12-28-1908 / 11-10-1986
Buie, John Gilbert, Sr. 9-16-1909 / 3-15-1964
Buie, Howard 9-20-1927 / 8-9-1994
Buie, Rachel w/o Howard 4-17-1930
Buie, Neil Archie 9-29-1874 / 11-23-1923
Buie, Elizabeth C. Autry w/o Neil A. 11-10-1887 / 2-24-1971
Bullard, Lairon C.S. 5-18-1907 / 12-4-1972
Bullard, Annie Ruth w/o Lairon C.S. 9-16-1912 / 11-13-1971
Butler, Sanford O. 4-28-1916 / 7-20-1969 -- Virginia Tec 4 304 Sta. Hospital WW II
Butler, Peggy Perdue 7-3-1905 / 8-7-1995
Butler, J. C. 9-7-1890 / 3-19-1958
Bynum, Alton L. 3-15-1893 / 6-8-1941
Bynum, Ruth A. w/o Alton L. 1-3-`898 / 7-15- 1975
Bynum, Alton LeRoy, Jr. 1919 / 1978 -- Pfc US Army WW II
Bynum, Mabel M. 2-15-1925 / 5-5-1994
Bynum, Thomas C. 10-7-1882 / 1-30-1955
Bynum, Joseph C. 1878 / 1947
Bynum, Anna Bethune w/o Joseph C. 1882 / 1923
Bynum, Cassie E. 4-4-1885 / 10-5-1972
Campbell, Thomas C. 4-4-1895 / 12-23-1981 --Federal Employee
Campbell, Georgia Butler w/o Thomas C. 9-13-1898 / 3-24-1991
Campbell, Daniel M. 9-19-1881 / 7-25-1978
Campbell, Lottie W. w/o Daniel M. 8-31-1885 / 7-25-1978
Carter, Grady 1-21-1900 / 10-2-1992
Carter, Ruby B. w/o Grady 6-14-1906 / 6-15-1995
Carter, Bobby Grady 2-2-1932 / 9-18-1995 -- Pfc US Army Korea
Carter, Andrew F. 3-29-1895 / 12-8-1971
Carter, Mattie S. w/o Andrew F. 12-27-1897 / 2-5-1970
Carter, Kathleen {see Huggins}
Cashwell, Larry C. 8-2-1945 / 2-19-1992
Cashwell, Luther Henry 10-21-1922 / 4-2-1989 {wed 10-4-1941}
Cashwell, Irene Spence w/o Luther Henry 3-26-1922 / 11-24-1988
Caulder, Shelby Smith 10-17-1935 / 2-4-1997
Caulder, Cheryl Sue 1-30-1966 / 11-1-1971
Caulder, Jimmy 8-21-1945 / 12-28-1998 -- ADJ 2 US Navy
Caulder, John Lester 5-22-1906 / 2-2-1994
Caulder, ??? Ballard w/o John Lester 7-13-1906 / 7-24-1963
Caulder, Junior L. 1-22-1929 / 9-20-1984
Caulder, Margie S. w/o Junior L. 5-14-1931 / 2-10-1982
Caulder, Lee Edward 5-28-1934 / 1-2-1987
Caulder, Allie D. w/o Lee Edward {no dates}
Chaber, Jan 2-18-1914 / 10-24-1994
Clark, Charles L. 1923 / 1993 {marker}
Curl, John B. 3-14 1934 / 7-31-1998
Curl, Ruth M. 6-8-1934
Davis, Lester W. 2-6-1884 / 2-11-1943
Davis, Waco Brown w/o Lester W. 7-2-11888 / 8-23-1973
Davis, Catherine A. d/o L.W. & Waco
Davis, Alice M. 11-5-1925 / 4-18-1994
Davis, Kenneth R. 9-25-1923 / 10-27-1960 NC Tec 5 1102 Engr Combat Grp WW II
Davis, James Alex 10-14-1914 / 6-19-1990
Davis, Kate Ross w/o James Alex 5-20-1919
Davis, Ella Glover 4-12-1890 / 2-2-1967
Davis, Alex A. 12-13-1888 / 11-1-1959
Davis, CPL 209 Military Police Co. WW II {nothing else}
Davis, Donald Louis 8-9-1921 / 4-24-1951
Davis, John Alexander Inf./o Lana & Donald Louis 6-8-1969 {b&d}
Davis William s/o Lillian Buie & D. Davis 5-15-1945 / 5-18-1945
Deaver, John M. 9-14-1885 / 10-13-1942
Deaver, Della faircloth w/o John M. 8-6-1885 / 9-19-1968
Deaver, John M. s/o J.M. & Della 10-28-1922 / {b&d}
Deaver, Ralph 11-24-1908 / 1-26-1961
Deaver, Keleis Evans, Sr. 4-19-1904 / 3-24-1959
Dean, Clark G. 11-10-1932 / 4-23-1979
Dean, Pearl W. 11-25-1929 / 5-13-1996
Dean, Kelly Denise Inf. d/o Ernest & Carolyn 8-2-1964 / 8-4-1964
Dean, Ernest Phillips 12-13-1934 / 5-31-1978
Dean, Joseph Tillman 6-13-1928 / 3-12-1977
Dean, Joseph Gibbs 4-10-1906 / 2-19-1962
Dean, Mattie Farris w/o Joseph Gibbs Dean 11-13-1909 / 4-28-1962
Dean, Edward L. 4-13-1932 / 12-12-1995
Dean, Mary Rebecca d/o Edward & Deloris 4-3-1962 {b&d}
Dees, Stanley Ray 6-4-1936 / 5-18-1993 "We Love You Palsy"
Dees, Raymond 11-2-1913 / 2-14-1996
Dees, Lela Anderson w/o Raymond 8-10-1912 / 6-10-1983
Dine, Elsie G. 10-8-1910 / 5-?-? --Virginia Cpl Womans A. Corp WW II
Duncan, Fred J. 6-7-1899 / 5-24-1981
Duncan, Mary A. Williamson w/o Fred J. 9-17-1984 / 3-2-1957
Duncan, Wadus Reese 9-17-1926 / 5-8-1973 -- NC DK 2 US Navy Korea
Durden, Danirl E. 2-21-1963 / 4-28-1990
Durden, Levi 6-10-1917 / 2-22-1990 --WW II & Vietnam
Durden, Levi, Jr, 8-24-1944 / 9-10-1980
Durden, Graham 10-6-1918 / 12-12-1977
Durden, Carvin Earl 6-7-1947 / 2-3-1970
Dusenbury, Dove T. 3-19-1890 / 11-29-1941
Edge, Isaac Lee, Jr. "I.L." 8-30-1927 / 10-14-1998
Edge, William 7-3-1915 / 6-28-1943 -- NC ARMD Reg 1 ARMD Div WW II
Edge, Raudie W. 11-5-1918 / 11-18-1999
Edge, Myrtle C. 6-6-1923 / 9-21-1957
Elkins, Bessie 10-18-1889 / 7-25-1965
Faulkner, Carson Len 9-14-1962 {b&d}
Frye, John Cameron 3-22-1927 / 8-27-1988 -- US Navy WW II
Frye, Kathleen T. w/o John C. 2-26-1930 / 8-8-1982
Franks, Fred 3-13-1907 / 2-14-1967
Franks, Judy w/o Fred 2-2-1911 / 10-6-1994
Fuller, Ruth Roberson w/o Scott A 1897 / 1968
Gallagher, Brooke Renee 10-7-1997 / 10-9-1997 Twin
Gallagher, Courtney Jane 10-7-1997 / 10-10-1997 Twin
Gilbert, John T. 9-?-1912 / 6-14-1947 -- NC Sgt 190 OR D Co. WW II
Gilbert, Dr. J. C. 12-3-1872 / 4-27-1920
Gilbret, Alice Lilly w/o Dr. J.C. 1-29-1876 / 9-7-1954
Gough, Monzo H 2-11-1907 / 8-25-1979
Gough, Bertie B. w/o Monzo H. 6-8-1906 / 9-13 1977
Graham, Billy K. 10-29-1930 / 8-26-1983 "Humanitarian"
Graham, William, J. 8-14-1900 / 7-11-1960
Graham. Tressie Biggs w/o Wm. J. 8-8-1903 / 7-8-1980
Graham, Lera Buie Johnson 10-29-1915 / 3-20-1993
Gregory, Jonathan Andre 3-3-1982 / 9-14-1990
Grice, Vara L. 10-3-1917 / 7-11-1991
Grice, George Norman 8-10-1907 / 3-27-1967
Grice, Elsie N. 2-25-1918 / 5-9-1986
Grice, Grady P. 10-12-1911 / 9-3-1965
Grice, Robert T. 12-17-1936 / 2-7-1974
Hair, Elizabeth Sibbett 6-28-1924 / 5-25-1987 {w/o Jack L. Hampton} see Hampton
Hair, Tommie H. 10-9-1913 / 10-12-1982
Hair, Minnie May 4-22-1921 / 1-13-1979
Hair, Mary Ann 10-23-1942 / 1-1-1969
Hall, Johnnie B. 10-9-1898 / 12-26-1958
Hall, JoAnna McDonald w/o Johnnie B. 3-2-1906 / 2-13-1988
Hall, Carrie 5-18-1888 / 4-30-1958
Hall, T. L. 1-18-1870 / 3-8-1919
Hall, Angus W. 7-1-1923 / 8-8-1997
Hall, Caroline E. {on same stone as Angus W.} 7-27-1917 / 2-1-1960
Hampton, Jack L. 7-28-1921 / 9-29-1959 -- West Va. Pfc 17 Co 10th. Spec. Forces Gp. WW II
Hampton, Nola K. 5-4-1894 / 4-17-1964
Hanks, Deborah d/o Pierie H. & Marjorine 9-2-1953 / 10-10-1959
Harris, Jannette L. 1-2-1962 / 10-24-1995
Harris, Marshall L. 7-25-1905 / 5-25-1967
Hathcock, John M. 11-11-1918 / 10-11-1965 -- NC Tec 5 169 QM Truck Co. WW II
Hathcock, Annie M. 6-12-1916 / 1-1-2000
Hathcock, J. W. s/o J.M. & Annie 6-13-1943 / 3-30-1950
Hathcock, david W. "D.W." 5-7-1940 / 9-23-1997
Hathcock, David 9-15-1911 / 1-3-1995
Hathcock, Yvonne 9-13-1944 / 8-30-1953
Hathcock, Mrs. Peadia 12-11-1907 / 11-20-2000
Hathcock, Walter H. 7-10-1874 / 10-29-1940
Hathcock, Emma Clyde w/o Walter H. 5-5-1876 / 5-21-1956
Hardee, Margie w/o J.H. Register 12-15-1876 / 9-24-1947 {see Register}
Hewett, Phillip Austin 4-26-1936 / 1-26-2001
Hewett, Mary Helen Pat w/o Phillip A. 10-13-1935 / 7-9-1987
Hobbs, Raymond E. 1-13-1931 / 5---1982 -- Ssg. US Army Korea & Vietnam
Hobbs, Larry Wayne s/o Raymond & Rovina 9-29-1958 / 5-21-1969
Hobbs, Ronald Lee s/o Hubert & Mary 9-2-1956 / 10-12-1968
Hobbs, Alan s/o Hubert & Mary 5-12-1961 / 2-10-1963
Hobbs, Alfred 2-4-1936 / 3-29-1981
Hufham, Howard E. 10-1-1919 / 8-3-1964 {vault}
Hufham, M. Antly 8-3-1894 / 11-30-1982 {vault}
Hufham, "Little Baby" 2-12-1967 / 8-4-1970
Hufham, "Babe"11-17-1971 {age 9 yrs.}
Hufham, Duke 12-4-1972 {age 5}
Huggins, Kathleen Carter 5-3-1921 / 6-26-2000
Hurley, William Lawrence 9-25-1885 / 12-6-1938
Jackson, Stewart Ward s/o J.W. & Gail 12-29-1966 / 8-8-1967
Jackson, A. Vance 2-12-1901 / 2-9-1956
Jackson, Sarah Dean w/o A. Vance 9-18-1905 / 9-19-1970
Jackson, Georgana 12-6-1886 / 3-30-1961
Jackson, Frank McCoy s/o Paul C. & Elaine Jackson 1-6-1961 {nothing else}
Jacobs, Andrew 5-17-1909 / 6-1-1995 US Army WW II
Jacobs, Edward 1876 / 1962
Jacobs, Delia Cole w/o Edward 1883 / 1968
Johnson, Myrtle C. 2-16-1916 / 10-13-1981
Johnson, Ernest 11-30-1895 / 11-15-1980 -- IS Army WW II
Johnson, Lillie Ivy w/o Ernest 9-18-1905 / 9-28-1939
Johnson, Raymond S. 6-28-1915 / 12-8-1958
Jones, George J., Sr. 8-12-1923 /
Jones, Jean M. w/o Geo. J., Sr. 5-3-1926 / 12-17-1990
Jones, Donna {no dates}
Jones, Flossie Melvin 8-1-1901 / 7-12-1963
Jones, Alvin Donald 5-17-1935 / 11-11-1952 -- NC SR US Navy
Jones, Ernest Lee, Jr. s/o Ernest Lee & Mary M. 8-5-1958 / 9-30-1958
Lancaster, Carl D. 12-06-1897 / 12-5-1952
Lancaster, Victoria Hurley w/o C.D. 9-2-1913 / 3-10-1977
Children of Carl & Victoria: Judy Millie Jordan; Thomas Lacy Lancaster; Victor Hurley Lancaster; Carl D. Lancaster, Jr.
Linton, Annie Sibbett 9-9-1920 / 3-5-1973
Lynch, Vernon T. 11-23-1903 / 2-3-1972
Lynch, Daniel E. 6-6-1896 / 5-21-1963
Mabe, Lee Edge 6-9-1912 / 3-28-1999
Mabe, William Fred 3-16-1918 / 8-16-1989 -- Tec 4 US Army WW II
Madison, Ethel L. 7-23-1887 / 3-16-1976
McAfferty, Eloise Strickland 4-18-1926 / 12-17-1993
McClaren, Gleen Edward 4-18-1923 / 3-23-1993 -- Pvt US Army WW II
McLaurin, Neil A. 8-4-1893 / 4-14-1965
McLaurin, Thelma B. 10-6-1902 / 7-4-1979
McLeod, Marlen Y. d/o N.J.McLeod & Ruby Lee Woodle 7-4-1945 / 12-20-1945
McNeill, Daniel A., Sr. 1-1-1914 / 5-6-1981
McNeill, Daniel A. 11-13-1859 / 8-5-1916 "Joined Pheonix Lodge No 8 AF & AM 1887"
McNeill, Lillie J. 12-17-1877 / 2-19-1947
McPhail, John D. 1-3-19?? / 3-8-1974 -- NC RMCA US Navy Korea--Vietnam
McPhail, Kathy Louise d/o John D. & Magdeline 3-9-1963 / 4-26-1963
McPhail, Willie T. w/o Elmer M. 2-7-1909 / 4-4-1970
McPhail, Elmer Malcom 10-14-1903 / 7-12-1959
McQueen, William Alton 11-21-1898 / 5-5-1955
McQueen, Annie J. Cashwell w/o Wm. Alton 8-30-1905 / 8-3-1955
Newton, John William s/o J.G. & Eva 4-22-1920 / 5-12-1936
Newton, Gaston 11-3-1883 / 12-8-1961
Newton, Eva Virginia Graham w/o John Gaston 10-25-1887 / 11-16-1965
Newton, Inf. d/o John & Eva 11-11-1915 {nothing esle}
Nobles, Carson L. 7-11-1919 / 3-17-2001
Nobles, Cecil E. 8-24-1912 / 10-21-1987
Nobles, Samuel Welton 2-4-1924 / 3-15-1980 Cpl US Army WW II & Korea
Nobles, Katrine Tester w/o Samuel W. 12-4-1926 / 3-24-1977
Nobles, Eugene E. 1918 / 1958
Nobles, Elizabeth Parker w/o Columbus E. 12-13-1890 / 12-26-1968
Nobles, Columbus E. 7-17-1886 / 3-27-1961
Nordan, Alvin L. 8-18-1909 / 10-?-1981 US Army WW II
Nordan, Cleo ? 11-11-1885 / 11-12-1938
Nordan, Lillian H. 9-24-1911 / 1-22-1995
Norton, Lacy E. 12-31-1933 / 5-22-1947
Norton, Lacy L. 1-25-1906 / 9-9-1972
Norton, Stella 12-14-1909 / 4-26-1968
Norton, Raymond O'Neil 8-15-1932 /9-30-1974
Norton, Raymond O'Neil, Jr. 9-22-1955 / 3-5-1996
Norwood, Richard C. 5-3-1950 / 1-5-1998
Odom, William Ira 9-8-1904 / 12-2-1973
Odom, Margaret P. 4-11-1877 / 11-3-1956
Parker, W. Carl 8-22-1896 / 5-5-1946
Parker, Sarah V. w/o W. Carl 8-11-1894 / 1-3-1966
Pate, Joseph Warren 1-7-1897 / 8-21-1956
Pate, Elizabeth Gilbert w/o Jos. Warren 6-30-1899 / 8-18-1981
Pate, Lucillle S. 9-5-1899 / 8-22-1993
Pate, Joseph Cavines 5-21-1902 / 3-11-1972
Pate, James H. 5-1-1898 / 4-20-1946
Pate, Allie Martin 8-23-1898 / 5-2-1976
Payne, Nat Terry 12-10-1917 / 7-3-1969 -- Kentucky, Sgt. US Army WW II
Payne, Terry Bynum d/o Nat T. & Baily Bynum Payne 6-12-1944 / 10-26-1944
Peay, Emily Caulder 3-26-1936 / 7-9-1983
Pearsall, John Robert 1-13-1949 / 11-25-1972 --NC Pfc Co. E 2 Engr BN 2 Inf Div Vietnam
Pearsall, Davis LeRoy 4-21-1966 / 7-4-1969
Pearsall, Mrs. Romona 1928 / 2000
Pettit, Daniel James s/o Jim & Linda 5-15-1971 / 6-3-1997
{Beloved Son & Grandson---Grand Parents Jim & Ann Bradford / Grand Parents Max & Jane Pettit}
Philips, Maggie 7-28-1890 / 4-12-1970
Preston, Alford Wilson 1-20-1940 / 7-11-1979 -- Sfc US Army
Price, Hazel Marline 4-18-1922 / {nothing esle}
Price, Onita Kate 3-25-1924 / {nothing esle} on same stone with Hazel M.
Reynolds, Marvin L. 11-26-1900 / 8-26-1974
Reynolds, Mamie B. w/o Marvin L. 2-23-1914 / 3-3-1997
Ross, Jack 6-16-1908 / 11-8-1972 -- N.Y. Sgt. US Army WW II
Ross, James Q. 4-11-1933 / 4-7-1997
Ross, Mary M.Hardee w/o James Q. 10-23-1937 / 8-15-1998
Ratley, Vance 2-12-1901 / 2-9-1956
Ratley, Floyd Lacy 3-19-1926 / 11-30-1970 NC Pvt Co 8 40 Inf TNG BN WW II
Ratley, Floyd Lacy, Jr. s/o Floyd L. & Frances 9-23-1960 /1-28-1961
Ratley, Inft. s/o Floyd & Frances {b&d} 12-7-1948
Ray, Essie D. 10-14-1910 / 12-25-1977
Ray, Samuel Lacy 11-18-1928 / 4-25-1969 --NC PVt Harbor Craft Co. WW II
Ream, William 3-8-1921 / 12-7-1986
Ream, Mary E. Register w/o William 10-12-1922 / 10-7-1983
Ream, William Gary s/o Wm. & Mary 7-26-1956 {b&d}
Ream, Charles s/o Wm. & Mary 1-12-1966
Reeves, Dr. James L. 3-13-1915 / 8-11-1952
Reeves, Nola Willis w/o Dr. James L. 2-7-1984
Register, James T. 4-4-1908 / 5-12-1986
Register, Katie M.w/o James T. 9-8-1913 / 10-12-1985
Register James H. 9-25-1874 / 10-16-1973
Register, Margie Hardee 12-15-1876 / 9-24-1947
Sawyer, Lillian Davis Buie 7-29-1911 / 9-3-1982
Sawyer, James H. 8-10-1900 / 1-12-1980 Capt US Army WW II & Korea
Shankle, Arthur Garfield 3-3-1879 / 10-29-1961
Shankle, Bettie W. Norton 1-31-1886 / 12-15-1942
Sibbett, Neill A. 3-24-1918 / 8-22-1974 RM 2 US Navy
Sibbett, Mary E. 9-9-1888 / 3-25-1951
Sibbett, Grace F. 2-10-1913 / 12-25-1991
Singletary, Roy Amos 11-22-1914 / 9-2-1998 --Sgt. US Army WW II
Smith, Ebbie Duncan 8-7-1901 / 1-17-1957
Smith, Cora Bell 8-14-1906 / 3-2-1971
Smith, Reece d/o Eunice 5-25-1924 / 5-28-1980
Smith, Noah J. 1-6-1881 / 8-29-1953
Smith, Alice R. 7-13-1892 / 9-40-1974
Smith, Rlee {or R. Lee hard to read}10-10-1907 / 8-29-1958
Smith, Vergie w/o Rlee 4-16-1909 / 12-24-1997
Smith, Jasper Jack 5-26-1964 {only}
Stanton, Charlie 9-4-1891 / 3-27-1963
Stanton, Mary Ann d/o Mr. & Mrs. Charlie S. {b.&d.} 3-27-1963
Stanton, Reginald Charles 4-12-1893 / 8-5-1981
Stanton, Julia Betty Adkins w/o Reginald C. 4-26-1899 / 8-5-1971
Stone, Thelma M. 11-18-1924 / 2-16-1989
Stone, Robert Newman 10-24-1912 / 1-5-1983 -- MM2 US Navy WW II
Strickland, John Spurgeon s/o Dock & Zellie 3-23-1924 / 6-14-1994
Strickland, Dock C. 10-15-1903 / 1-1-1976
Strickland, Zellie R. 12-1-1904
Spence, Lena Britt 1-20-1910 / 8-18-1990
Taylor, Lela Powell 7-4-1906 / 8-16-1967
Taylor, Leighton Ed 1918 / 1987
Taylor, Leighton H. 7-28- 1900 / 3-25-1959
Taylor, Maggie C. w/o Leighton H. 7-4-1907 / 9-24-1964
Thames, Frank Webster 9-27-1892 / 3-4-1937
Thames, Kate Petty w/o Frank Webster 3-12-1896 / 10-27-1967
Thames, Jack 11-13-1926 / 12 - 1982 s/o Frank Webster Thames and Kate Petty Thames (His grave is in the back, left-hand side
of the plot as one stands facing the headstones of Frank Webster and Kate Petty Thames.)
Starling, Warren G. b? d. Jan. 28, 1958 son-in-law of the Thames is buried in a plot beside the Thames. Data by Daughter of Warren G. Starling
Thomas, Daniel washington 7-17-1876 / 9-28-1955
Thompkins, Eli "Buddy" April 10, 1930 February 18, 1983. He is buried with his father and stepmother. When you enter the cemetery
just follow the path to the right. He has a brick square around their plot. Tammy Thompkins.
Thompson, Leslie Evans 11-12-1908 / 3-25-1956
Thompson, Eliza N. w/o Leslie E. 4-25-1914 / 9-25-1995
Thompson, Donald Ray Alton 12-29-1969 / 3-9-1977
Thompson, Roy L. 3-14-1909 / 4-18-1982
Thompson, Ella w/o Roy L. {no dates}
Trogden, Amanda Dee 5-6-1994 / 5-10-1994
Trogden, James H., Jr. 4-24-1934
Trogden, Daisy 3-11-1936
Trogden, Herman F. 8-28-2907 / 10-17-1984
Trogden, Elva Mc {nothing else}w/o Herman F. 4-27-1906 / 6-14-1987
Vanburg, Nancy Faye 9-8-1953 / 3-9-1977
Wade, Edna S. 5-23-1946 / 6-28-1988
Wade, Michael Jay s/o Jack J. & Elizabeth 9-8-1950 /1-4-1951
Walker, William O. 10-3-1926 / 7-14-1972
Wilkes, Alex Currie 9-21-1911 / 7-7-1980
Wlikes, Edna Iona West w/o Alex C. 11-20-1916 / 4-9-1962
Wilkes, Albert C. s/o Alex & Edna I. 11-23-1934 / 7-12-1994
Wilkes, Terry Renee Inf. s/o Gene & Patsy 5-13-1960 / 5-15-1960
Woodle, Carl Jarvis 10-11-1926 / 10-18-1999
Woodle, Merle Caulder 7-29-2931/ 4-21-2000
Woodle Bertha Riley 9-22-1892 / 11-25-1980
Woodle, William 4-1-1890 / 4-118-1969
Woodle, Ernest C. 2-17-1923 / 12-18-1972 --NC Cpl US Army WW II & Korea
Woodle, Ruby Lee 5-24-1929 / 3-16-1999 "Beloved Sister"on stone beside Ernest C.
Zeiler, Lance Eugene {g.gr. s/o Ebbie D. Smith, see Smith} 2-19-1967 / nothing more
Lucille Taylor Crocker Born April 7, 1930 Died November 18th, 1990
Maggie C Taylor Born July 31 1907 Died September 24 1964
Leighton H Taylor July 28 1900 March 25 1959
Leighton Ed Taylor 1938-1987 Thank you Ashley Barbour! June 24, 2016
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