Swans Creek Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
Grays Creek Township of Cumberland Co.
Surveyed and contributed by Mary Lee Boyer
Posted April 22, 2002 by Myrtle Bridges.
Take Hwy 87 So. towards Elizabethtown NC. You will see a green road sign on the right that say's School Rd.,
and a sign indicating the Church in the same direction.Take this road around about 2 miles and there will be
another sign on the left pointing to the Church. This church was established in 1875.

Blocker, Margie N. 8-14-1914 / 4-28-1973
Bonds, ------ b. 1879 4---1930 {old hand written and faded out}
Bryant, A. W. 12-4-1883 / 10-6-1923
Bryant, Linwood s/o A.W. & Delilah 6-26-1912 / 3-9-1924
Bryant, Delilah G.w/o A. W. 10-24-1888 / 4-11-1974
Bullock, Marie B. 3-1-1945 / 12-11-1985
Burns, Ella M. 4-29-1935 nothing more
Burns, Floyd 10-28-1915 / 3-18-1989 NC PVT 431 Labor BN OMC Tec 5 US Army WWII
Burns, Lula 10-23-1901 / 10-23-1983
Burns, Roena 4-4-1898 / 3-13-1983
Burns, Samuel 4-10-1922 / 3-31-1984
Burns, Maria B. Dec 1847 / 5-17-1892
Burns, Jessie 2-1-1818 / 10-24-1927
Burns, Edmun Aug. 1854 / 8-31-1918 {1916} faded out
Burns, Fres 9-16-1921 / 3-26-1977
Burns, Herbert 4-27-1912 / 12-9-1984
Burnes, Rachel w/o Hesic Burns d. 2-5-1999 Age 40 Yrs.
Burnes, Lula w/o E. D. Burns 11-26-1857 / 7-19-1945 {1946 not clear}
Butler, George Robert 3-30-1897 / 10-28-1954 NC Pvt Sanitary Corps WW II
Butler, Fannie Lee 2-21-1922 / 8-20-1989
Butler, Eddie Sr. 7-12-1914 / 3-20-1990
Butler, Bertha 8-1-1904 / 8-2-1985
Butler, Willie A. 3-1-1894 / 6-29-1989
Butler, Fred Douglas s/o George Lea & Bertha 3-16-1935 / 11-20-1938
Byers, Alean Sampson 7-20-1931 / 9-7-1992
Byers, George Washington 2-22-1920 Age 87 Yrs.
Byers, Deliah w/o George W. 12-?-1916 Age 75 Yrs.
Carver, Callie Robinson 3-5-1894 / 11-10-1969
Coachman,William Rudolph 5-25-1923 / 8-10-1966 NC Tec 5 4380 Qm Trk Co WW II
Coachman, Lewis W. 5-8-1899 / 9-14-1975
Coachman, Bertha C. w/o Lewis W. 7-15-1901 / 6-17-1974
Coachman, Miss Corine 2-12-1934 / 8-12-1999
Coachman, George L. 5-17-1927 / 4-18-1987
Coachman, Warren L. 4-27-1924 / 1-19-1981
Coachman, Eureha E. 4-12-1026 / 1-23-1998
Cogdell, John M. 1-8-1879 / 1-24-1922
Cogdell, Mary Ann w/o John M. 5-5-1881 / 1-21-1949
Cox, Cellia Burns 6-15-1882 / 10-30-1981
Cromartie, Steven S. 7-30-1955 / 1-17-1988
Davis, Ivory K. 1-10-1913 / 3-9-1994
Davis, Mary H. 9-3-1917 / 1-13-2000
Davis, Anna Ruth 11-11-1919 / 5-28-1967
Davis, Robert Felix 2-18-1880 / 9-28-1960
Davis, Cattie w/o Robert Felix d. 11-1-1033 Age 33 Yrs.
Davis, H. W. 5-21-1906 / 4-21-1941
Davis, Coy L. 8-10-1911 / 6-3-1960
Davis, Thedore s/o H.L. & Delilah 1907 / 1941
Davis, Rubert L. s/o H.L. & Delilah 10-3-1909 / 11-20-1918
Davis, Elsie d/o H.L. & Delilah 1923--1935
Davis, Henry L. 9-8-1877 / 4-19-1946
Davis, Delilah Drake w/o Henry L. 1887--1957
Davis, Robert S. 5-18-1918 / 4-12-1993 US Army WW II
Davis, Etta Caroline 5-1-1923 / 8-12-1966
Davis, Henry Layton 9-22-1915 / 9-19-1866
Davis, Arlene Hodges w/o Henry Layton 8-6-1920 / 12-3-1995
Davis, Mary w/o Fortune d. May 9-1931 Age 80 Yrs.
Edwards, Yvonne 9-18-1947 / 8-16-1989
Edwards, Thomas E. 4-22-1944 / 4-2-1999
Fairley, Henry d. 5-15-1911 Age 84
Fairley, James 9-29-1971 {nothing more}
Fisher, Lynwood 4-16-1930 / 3-8-1994
Floyd, Woodrow W.3-17-1919 / 6-13-1988
Foy, Herbert Edward {dates are buried in ground} Tech 5 US Army WWII
Foy, Herbert E. 4-4-1923 / 10-31-1990
Foy, Veloa 3-10-1906 / 3-14-1981
Foy, Lannie C. 11-15-1948 / 1-4-1980
Foy, June B. 4-10-1910 / 4-20-1976
Foy, Goldia G. 1-20-1911 / 5-9-1991
Foy, Clarence S. 1-12-1908 / 3-6-1969
Foy, Johnnie 5-8-1932 / 2-15-1995
Foy, Double Stone with Alexander Jr. & Mary {can't read}
Foy, Robert T. 1-1-1922 / 1-1-1996 US Army WW II
Foy, Pete Sr. 12-24-1898 / 3-6-1971
Foy, Theodosia w/o Pete Sr. 2-20-1902 / 2-10-1953
Foy, Martha W. 11-17-18822 / 6-6-1947
Foy, Hector 5-25-1856 / 10-11-1947
Foy, Alexander 3-26-1894 / 5-31-1970 Pvt US Army WW II
Foy, Raddie L. d/o Hector & Martha 2-2-1914 / 3-8-1944
Foy, Lacy 3-13-1919 / 4-17-1972
Foy, Neil 12-21-1912 / 5-26-1979
Foy, George 9-5-1901 / 4-30-1979
Foy, Jonas Hessie 11-6-1892 / 10-18-1970
Freeman, Eugene 4-29-1933 / 10-9-1986
Freeman, Maggie Nora 5-21-1927 / 2-27-1966
Freeman, Miranda A. 12-28-1966 nothing more
Freeman, Mattie B. 10-4-1925 / 7-13-1998
Fuller, Charlie 4-28-1919 / 8-23-1974
G---ford, Pauline d/o Walter & Amanda 7-16-1909 / 7-18-1911
Gadie, Eldora McNair {no dates}
Gaddie, David Jr. 12-31-1941 / 10-4-1970 NC SSG CO L 503 INI 173 ABN BD1 Vietnam
Gaddie, Dorothy Bonds 7-3-1911 / 10-20-1946
Gaddie, Tommy C. 4-27-1940 / 3-20-1989
Gaddie, J. E. 3---1878 / 12-- {crudley hand written on upright stone, rest unreadable}
Gaddie, David L. 3-5-1913 / 11-11-1994
Gadson. Jethro June 1851 / 12-30-1916
Gilmore, Armetter 11-11-1884 / 9-13-1971
Gilmore, Hezekiah 2-13-1924 / 5-8-1982
Glover, Eula M. Burns 8-23-1903 / 4-14-1989
Glover, Sonya Wright 11-29-1967 / 11-10-1992
Glover, Lou William 1911 / 1979
Glover, Fred D. 9-9-1919 / 6-17-1976
Glover, Willie Ann 2-15-1881 / 2-2-1949
Huges, Sarah McMillian w/o J.S. McNair Nov. 1864 / Aug. 1892
Huges, John E. 9-30-1920 / 9-30-1999 NC Pvt Co B 1321 Engr GS BN WW II
Hughes, {Huges} Floyd 10-20-1915 / 3-18-1989
Hunt,Velma M 6-10-195 / 4-30-1998
Hunt, Robert 12-16-1906 / 4-25-1986 US Army WW II
Jackson, Caroline d. 5-15-1915 Age 60
Jackson, Andrew h/o Sarah 3-22-1835 {1885 not clear} 4-15-1911
**Jackson, In Memory of Deacon F. Jae. of which he was a member
by the Church {no dates}**
**Jackson, In Memory of Frances Jackson 1st. Deacon & Co-Founder of
Swans Creek Missionary Baptist Church Established 1875 {no dates}**
Jessup, Charlie 10-16-1963 Age 57 {hand carved on a large boulder}
Johnson, Mrs. Arthur Ann 6-2-1881 / 4-25-1974
Jones, Andrew Lee, Jr. 7-5-1884 / 8-17-1951
Jones, Mrs. Myrtle J. 1941 / 2001
Jones, George Clarence 10-7-1936 / 9-17-1992
Jones, Rev. John A. 6-15-1912 / 2-9-1992
Jones, Ella M. 6-10-1896 / 9-5-1983
Jordan, Olden 12-20-1915 / 6-15-1988 US Army WW II
Jordan, Mrs. Bertha Hill d. 6-23-1998 Age 68 {metal marker}
Loftis, John 1927 / 1987
Long, Robert {can't read}
Long, Rena {can't read}
Marsh, Celia Fairley 6-22-1894 / 4-28-1985
Maxwell, Eliza Fay 3-23-1913 / 8-28-1996
Maxwell, Dueitta 7-1-1973 / {nothing more}
McDonald, Annie Melvin 8-13-1898 / 5-2-1981
McFayden, Mrs. Hattie Lee 1-30-1933 / 6-3-1998 {metal marker}
McKoy, Fannie R. 5-2-1896 / 7-3-1967
McMillian, Eddie Jr. 8-7-1932 / 12-14-1988 Pvt US Army Korea
McMillian, Essex G. 9-22-1914 / 9-5-1985 US Army WW II
McMillian, Ruth 5-24-1925 / 1-21-1994
McMillian, Nathaniel W. 3-9-1909 / 12-25-1984 TEC 5 US Army WWII
McMillian, Mary d. 6-9-1918 Age 86 Yrs.
McMillian, Amanda d/o George & Eliza d. 1-25-1959 Age 87 Yrs.
McMillian, Rias B. 3-26-1876 / 2-9-1960
McMillian, Sarah Gertrude Melvin w/o Rias B. 8-21-1881 / 7-16-1948
McMillian, Mark Menner 9-24-1910 / 11-23-1967 Sgt US Army WW II
McMillian, Grant 8-7-1872 / 1-20-1937
McMillian, Caroline w/o Grant 1-6-1874 / 6-28-1913
McMillian, Janie B. w/o Grant d. 10-10-1930 Age 49 Yrs.
McMillian, Essie T. 5-11-1886 / 12-?2-1935 {nothing more}
McMillian, A.R. Born 1916 / 7-12-1918
McMillian, Twins Marjorie--Marie {hand written-broken in several pecies-dates missing}
McMillian, Iolus 1-29-1909 / 1-12-1934
McMillian, Daniel 6-10-1923 / the rest is un-readable
McMillian, George 8-25-1812 / 3-14-1940
McMillian, Lafayette 12-11-1917 / 2-12-1975
Mcmillian, Charles A. 3-26-1900 / 5-20-1932
McMillain, ?ander L. 2-1-1863 / 6-7-1987
McMillian, Neal Archie 12-22-1895 / 4-6-1979
McMillian, Emma E. McNair w/o ?ander L. 7-26-1873 / 9-12-1940
**McMillian, Alex s/o Dick & Lizzie {no dates}**
**McMillian, Bodie s/o Dick & Lizzie 6Yrs. {no dates}**
**these two are on the same stone**
McMillian, Lula E. 1-8-1908 / 9-10-1963
McNair, Rev. John A. 7-27-1877 / 9-22-1956
McNair, Charity Ann w/o Rev. John A. 11-5-1876 / 2-25-1958
McNair, Hector 1928 NC {rest unreadable}
McNair, Hannah June 8, 1846 / October 28, 1932 w/o Mark McNair
McNair, Mark June 13, 1841 / July 22, 1931
McNair, Mary Abt. 1889 {broked hand carved, barley readble}
McNair, W. B. Jan. 1884 / 1959 {crudley hand carved on a stone}
McNair, Marcus 9-8-1891 / 2-18-1963
McNair, John D. 1875 / 1891
McNair, Leanna M. 1890 / 1943
McNair, Neal Archie 1901 / 1979 {metal marker}
McNair, Neil Archie 1901--1979 metal marker
McPherson, James 2-9-1880 / 12-12-1952
McPherson, Delia 7-11-1880 / 1-10-1967
McPherson, Minnie d/o Jamesz & Delia 10-8-1904 / 1-20-1928
Melvin, William I. 12-17-1878 / 12-22-1950
Melvin, Dicey Fairley w/o William I. 8-20-1878 / 2-10-1968
Millian, Johnnie Lee M. 9-9-1935 / 10-1-1993
Percell, William J. 8-8-1843 / 11-1-1912
Pinkey, John D. 10-2-1918 / 10-7-1992
Purdie, Nellie w/o G.L. d. 8-9-1916 Age 30 Yrs.
Purdie, Woodrow 3-15-1918 / 6-12-1973
Purdie, Pearl 2-14-1913 / 10-28-1972
Purdie, Tom 7-6-1879 / July 1969
Purdie, Bessie H. Oct. 1950 {nothing more}
Purdie, Abednego 3-5-1895 / 2-19-1956 NC Pvt 349 Labor BN OMC WW II
Purdie, Sylvester 5-20-1947 / 1-6-1992
**Purdie, Sarah 3-24-1906 / 3-27-1906**
Children of Tom & Bessie
**Purdie, John W. 2-9-1910 / 6-9-1914**
**these two are on the same stone**
Purdie, Mr. Hardie 11-16-1922 / 9-12-2000
Purdie, Clarice Marie 5-30-1963 / 5-30-1988
Purdie, Evelyn 1-10-1929 / 5-16-1991
Purdie, Woodrow 3-15-1918 / 6-12-1975
Purdie, Aligue Jr. 6-2-1957 / 9-11-1957
Purdie, Ron A. 6-20-1970 / 1-22-1971
Ray, Kevin Dishon 8-22-1979 / 8-21-1994
Ray, Hester 10-27-1917 / 4-5-1976
Ray, Maggie 1879 / 3-8-195? {hand writtn--faded out}
Ray, Carrie L. 2-20-1960 / {nothing more}
Ray, Jasper L. 10-15-1912 / 2-4-1981
Rhods, Dan 12-9-1931 ?-?-1987 {cement stone crudley hand written}
Richardson, Nettie 1916--1984
Robinson, Hattie 1894 / 1968
Robinson, Alnzo H. Jr. 10-5-1954 / 6-29-1986
Robinson, Mr. Lonzo J. d. 3-3-1962 Age 27
Sampson, James C. 9-30-1895 / 10-5-1966
Sampson, Lula B. w/o James C. 11-15-1894 / 7-6-1983
Sampson, Mother Mary 10-13-1872 / 8-28-1951
Sampson, Willie L. 8-7-19-- / 10-6- {unreadable}
Sampson, Willie {old hand written and fades out}
Spearman Mary 11-14-1902 / 3-25-1986
Spearman, Elijah 1908--1948
Spearman, Mary L. w/o William d. 11-14-1903 Age 21 Yrs.
Spearman, Essie May d/o William & Julia 8-4-1917 / 8-9-1917
Spearman, David 2-20-1911 / 10-11-1990
Spearman, William, Jr. 8-4-1919 / 1-12-1967 NC Tec5 4001 QM Trk Co WW II
Spearman, Allen Carnell 8-30-1934 / 4-26-2001 SP3 US Army Korea
Standleer, Infant, Jordyn C. 4-23-2000 B&D
Sutton, Robert B. 4-20-1896 / 12-19-1972
Sutton, Ellen w/o Robert B. 7-4-1898 / 7-20-1974
Sutton, Pauline B. 1917 / 1983
Sutton, Robert V. 1922 / 1974
Sutton, Jessie 4-4-1918 / 2-18-1971
Sutton, Eliza w/o William d. 4-5-1918 Age 40 Yrs.
Thomas, Lawrence 5-8-1910 / 8-27-1938
Thomas, Lawrence T. 2-20-1959 / 9-10-1987
Thomas, Edna P. 5-10-1891 / 8-10-1970
Thomas, Sylvester 7-5-1919 / 5-10-1964 NC TEC 5 3551 OM Truck Co WWII
Thomas, Mary Annette Jones 10-20-1956 / 3-12-1982
Warren, Doris C. 4-3-1932
Warren, Freeman 7-7-1926 / 2-3-1991
Whitted, Lillian 6-18-1926 / 6-11-1973
Williams, Ophelia 3-17-1925 / 1-24-1998
Williams, Agusta June 1891 / 6-27-1916
Womack, Charlotte 12-24-1869 / 9-25-1951
Womack, Venus 7-15-1890 / 4-17-1975 PVT US Army
Womack, Mr. Joe 4-21-1908 / 12-20-1975
Wright, Saphronia 12-5-1898 / 3-3-1989
Wright, Jum G. 1877 / 4-25-1955
Wright, Albert William 1939 / 1996

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