My name is Melissa Henderson. My father was stationed at Pope AFB near Fayetteville NC in 1969 and we lived
in a subdivision called Cottonade. I was 12 years old. Some neighborhood children showed me a graveyard about a mile
from Cottonade, in the woods, near a lake, which I seem to remember as being on land owned by a Sutherland family.
Looking at current maps, I think the body of water was a pond formed by Beaver Creek.
For the last 48 years I have been carrying around the transcripts of the headstones, hoping to find descendants. So
far, I have only found in-laws of the McQueens. There was also another graveyard in the vicinity, near a housing development
named LaGrange. They seem to be relatives of the Cottonade cemetery occupants. Many of the older decedents were b. on the Isle
of Skye. Contact Melissa Henderson if you have information or questions.
Note: The McIntyre Cemetery which includes a small McDonald Cemetery was posted February 2010. It describes the condition
of the head stones in a cemetery Melissa calls 'Cottonade', which she transcribed almost fifty years ago. Many thanks
Melissa; the world needs more folks like you! Contact: Myrtle Bridges
(Posted February 2010)Seventy-First Township, probably mid 19th to early 20th century. Located on private land in a wooded area
next to Ft. Bragg, approximately 1200' west of Stewart's Creek (260' contour) and 1300' northwest of Lake Hutaff. The cemetery is
about 2,112' east of the approach road to the ammunition supply point and about 100' south of Ft, Bragg's boundary road.
The cemetery has been badly vandalized leaving approximately 17 looter holes and broken stones strewn about. Only two headstone
base fragments and seven footstones and footstone fragments remain in place. The presence of eleven other headstones and seven other
footstones are indicated by the remaining fragments lying on the ground surface, for a total of thirteen head and fourteen footstones.
The markers, looter holes, and marker fragments cover an area approximately 110'N/S and 35' E/W. There are two partial death dates:
Neill McDonald who died in 19__ and an unidentified woman who died in 190_. Two birth dates are indicated:
1808 (Nancy McDonald) and 184_ (unidentified).
The name Lauder is found on the bottom of one stone indicating the cemetery was in use while he was in business between 1845 and
1888. All of the markers are white marble with the headstones facing to the east and the footstones to the west. Measurements of this
cemetery's stones were taken in an attempt to match up fragments (w=width, t=thickness).
1 White marble headstone base in the ground (14"w x 2"t).
(month)s. (partial letters)
6 White marble marker with flat arch top on the ground in 3
pieces (161/2"w x 2"t).
wife of Malc(olm) McDonald
Mar(ch) (1)808
July (18__)
7 Top, left corner of low gabled white marble footstone
(originally 7"w x 2"t). On ground surface.
A.M_(probably Mc or McD)
13 White marble headstone base in ground and 3 fragments on
ground surface (141/2"w x 2 1/4"t). The base is blank but
fits to the bottom fragment of the broken pieces. The top
is missing.
(Di)ed in ____
Aged, 76 (years)
wife (of)
John McD(onald)
14 White marble headstone flat arch top fragment on ground
surface (10" x 9" x 21/4"t). Possible shooting or crowbar
damage in upper right corner. Maybe part of #13.
_____N CA____
21 White marble headstone with low arch top, on ground
surface in 4 pieces (161/4"w x 21/4"t). The headstone base
is in the ground to the north. The footstone has a flat
top and is in the ground (6"w x 2"t).
Sept. 19__
Aged ab(out)
85 years
Our father
Note: The remainder of the tombstones are illegible.
Begin transcriptions from Melissa Henderson July 23, 2017
A.D. McDonald b. 1809 d. Oct 25, 1851 42 years
Elizabeth, wife of A.D. McDonald b. 1803 d. Aug 6, 1878 75 years
John Murphy b. 1776 d. Dec 1844 68 years
Edward E. McKay b. Sep 14 1848 d. Sep 8, 1852 3 years
James F. McKay b. Feb 3, 1816 d. Apr 15, 1862 46 years
Nancy McKay, wife of A. McCurrie b. Nov 1849 d. Apr 1 1885 35 years
Christian Caroline McDonald b. Dec 19, 1840 d. Apr 4, 1866
Nancy McDonald, wife of Malcom McDonald b. Mar 1808 d. Jul 12 1888
Malcom McDonald b. in Isle of Skye, Scotland on Nov 1796 d. in Cumberland County, NC on May 8, 1870
Ann, relict of Donald McDonald, a native of Isle of Skye, emigrated to North Carolina in 1802 d. Jul 20, 1855 Aged 87 years & 6 months
Donald McDonald, a native of the Isle of Skye, who departed this life Jan. 25, 1840 Aged 79 years
John McDonald, a native of the Isle of Skye, Scotland But for 47 years a Resident of N.C. d. Apr 1, 1849
Nancy McCaskill, wife of Kenneth McCaskill and daughter of John and Margaret McDonald d. Mar 9, 1829 Aged 32 years
Margaret McDonald A native of the Isle of Skye, Scotland and wife of John McDonald who d. August 1, 1846 Aged 94 years
Catherine McDonald, sister of Malcom McDonald b. in Isle of Skye, Scotland in 1801 d. in Cumberland NC July 1869
Christian Furgeson, wife of John Furgeson d. Aug 1883 Aged 90 years
Neill McQueen Came from Scotland in 1793 Aged about 75 years at death
Effie, wife of Neill McQueen d. 1853 Aged about 90 years
Neill McQueen d. Sep 19, 1887 Aged about 85 years
Elizabeth McQueen ( headstone broken )
Mary McQueen b. Mar 16, 1854 d. Dec 1854
Sara McQueen b. Oct 28, 1855 d. Jul 18, 1857
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This page created July 23, 2017 by Myrtle N. Bridges