Contributed by Mary Lee Boyer
Revised July 11, 2002
This Cemetery is in the Grays Creek area of Cumberland Co.Take Hwy #59 {Hope Mills Rd.} through the town
of Hope Mills. Cross over the 301 & I 95 overpasses going toward Bladen Co. Right before you come to Bladen Co.
you will see the County Line Rd. sign on your left. Take this road out until you come to the church on your
right. Mary Lee Boyer. Posted by Myrtle Bridges
Allen, Willie Onray 4-3-1914 / 5-30-1972
Allen, Bessie Mae w/o Willie O. 8-12-1916
Atkinson, Rosetta M Wakefeild w/o John F. 9-29-1942 / 3-11-1969
Atkinson, Billie Floyd 12-28-1918 / 9-10-1956 NC 1st. Sgt US Marine Corps WW II PH
Carlile, Oscar L. 7-30-1904 / 1-23-2001
Carlile, Louis L. 7-30-1904 / 4-19-1977
Bass, George W. 12-22-1886 / 1-18-1973
Bass, Ina Johnson w/o Geo. W. 7-15-1887 / 4-26-1957
Bass, Peggy N. Parker w/o Howard E. 10-8-1943 / 12-6-1980
Bass, Joseph Leighton s/o Frautman E. & Ruby 10-5-1943 / 8-2-1945
Bain, Neil A. 7-12-1888 / 1-10-1962
Bain, Lezzie M. w/o Neil A. 8-10-1885 / 7-8-1967
Brock, Junious Lee 12-29-1897 / 4-16-1968
Brock, Harold b/d 10-14-1946
Brock, Esterlene L. w/o Junious Lee 10-29-1906 / 10-18-1992
Butler, Joe W. 11-23-1908 / 10-12-1976 {1970} hard to read
Butler, Nola B. w/o Joe W. 10-16-1916 / 5-2-1986
Butler, Ethel Beatrice 3-16-1921 / 9-17-1982
Butler, Sandy A. 3-29-1885 / 11-27-1965 {same stone as Nealie}
Butler, Nealie D. 4-22-1885 / 3-25-1962 {same stone as Sandy}
Cook, Pauline Veronica Hodge 4-28-1950 / 7-25-2001
Council, Margaret A. 9-28-1859 / 7-29-1936
Davis, James B. 3-7-1901 / 7-3-1951
Davis, Sharon Ann 12-30-1958 / 7-13-1972
Dawson, Thomas R. 10-3-1915 / 7-25-1977
Dawson, Ruby I.w/o Thomas R. 11-21-1918 / 1-26-1998
Edwards, Jerry Wayne 6-23-1973 / 9-19-1974
Ellis, E. F. 8-8-1884 / 1-10-1934
Ellis, Ruth H. w/o E. F. 7-1-1889 / 6-10-1956
Giles, William H. 11-25-1891 / 9-11-1955 Ohio CPL 2 HV MBL ORD Rep Shop WW I
Graham, Clifton A. 7-31-1899 / 1-25-1971
Gray, Charlie 9-25-1946 / 7-24-1966
Gray, John H. 6-11-1899 / 6-5-1965
Grimsley, C. Oakley 9-21-1910 / wed 11-26-1933
Grimsley, Sallie Cox w/o C. Oakley 2-28-1915 / 1-16-1993
Grimsley, Debra Stafford d/o Luther & Helen 12-28-1959 / 2-23-1960
Grimsley, Tammie Ann 10-11-1964 / 4-15-1965
Guillory, James Allen 1-21-1973 / 12-12-1998
Hall, Carlton E. 6-11-1875 / 4-5-1950
Hall, Nettie Jane Smith w/o Carlton E. 5-?-1883 / 1-27-1954
Hall, James Carlton 6-9-1919 / 5-1-1976
Hall, Thomas G. 7-3-1889 / 2-13-1952
Hall, William Jasper 2-25-1925 / 4-18-1987
Hall, Theda Lamb w/o William Jasper 6-4-1928 / 7-12-1997
Hall Thomas Richard 9-1-1911 / 3-3-1988
Hall, Alma Culbreth w/o Thomas R. 4-19-1918 w/o Thomas R.
Hall, N. {W.?} Edward 3-15-1921 / 9-27-1983
Hall, Clara H. w/o N. {W?} Edward 6-29-1926 /
Hayes, Linda Marie 4-6-1949 / 3-2-1993
Hodge, J. Murtie 6-3-1913 / 2-19-1995
Hodge, Pauline 6-18-1918 w/o J. Murtie
Holland, C. Ellis 8-12-1939 / 9-16-1954
Holland, Percey Vernon 3-21-1878 / 1-28-1952
Holland, Bessie Willis w/o Percey V. 1-6-1883 / 10-8-1951
Holland, Clarence Vaden 3-13-1913 / 9-21-1981
Holland, Mildred E. 9-28-1913 / 3-14-1993
Holland, Ellis 8-12-1939 / 9-16-1954
Horne, John Milton 10-23-1944 / 7-2-1968
Hulin, Jesse R. 8-8-1885 / 12-20-1962
Hulin, Ida B. w/o Jesse R. 6-1-1892 / 3-28-1971
Hulin, Myrtle 7-25-1920 / 6-30-1921
Hulin, Milton H. 9-15-1912 / 5-15-1975
Hulin, Jesse ? 4-?-1919 / ?-7-197? {hard to read}
Johnson, John Frank 6-21-1902 / 2-22-1946
Johnson, Margaret Ruth Smith w/o John F. 9-7-1904 / 6-27-2000
Johnson, Allen 7-15-1887 / 4-26-1957
Johnson, Ina w/o Geo. W. BAss 12-6-1897 / 4-6-1962
Johnson, Rufus Warren 11-2-1956 / 10-13-1976
Johnson, Evelyn Renee 8-10-1965 / 11-28-1965
Johnson, John Franklin Jr. 2-7-1925 / 9-15-1985
Johnson, Mary Alice Coleman w/o John F. 4-15-1927 /
Kinlaw, Ralph W. 1-17-1895 / 5-23-1983
Kinlaw, Mary Alice w/o Ralph W. 11-11-1909 / 4-9-1983
Lewis, Glyn M. 1-15-1910 / 11-10-1993 CPL US Army WW II
McKeller, Elva B. Hall w/o John C. 8-20-1915
McKeller, John Cecil 12-24-1919 / 11-8-1990 CM SGT US Air Force WW II Korea Vietnam
McLean, Harold L. 6-10-1939 / 12-31-1999
McLean Peggy J. w/o Harold L. 5-27-1938
Musselwhite, Thomas A. 10-28-{18?} 1917 / 3-20-1985 NC PVT 3 ? 4 FASF Unit WW II
Musselwhite, Elbert H. 11-??-1928 / 1-7-19?? NC Quartermaster Corps Korea
Musselwhite Duncan C. 11-27-1885 / 9-27-1960
Musselwhite, Elbert H. 11-28-1928 / 1-7-1970
Musselwhite, Flora J. w/o Duncan C. 4-15-1886 / 4- {1?}-1961
Musselwhite, Merlean 12-31-1935 / 9-23-2001
Musselwhite, Margie Bell d/o Mr & Mrs J.M. 10-6-1916 / 3-18-1949
Musselwhite, John M. 4-2-1870 / 5-16-1957
Musselwhite, Allie Graham w/o John M. 11-1-1894 / 11-29-1983
Musselwhite, John Calvin 5-15-1964 / 8-10-1970
Musselwhite , John Duncan 7-24-1926 / 8-18-2000
Musselwhite, Thomas A. 10-23-1917 / 3-20-1985--NC 3704 BASE Unit AAF WW II
Musselwhite, Ailene McDonald w/o John D. 21-1-1938 / 5-28-1979
Norton, Eugene 10-9-1914 / 5-11-1976
Norton, David Allen Inf. s/o Eugene & Shirley 2-5-1947
Owens, Willie C. 11-27-1882 / 11-17-1966
Owens, William H. 4-14-1921 / 11-7-1983
Owens, Maggie D. w/o Willie C. 9-28-1886 / 9-10-1963
Potts, Timothy Karl 8-1-1966 / 1-23-2001
Potts, Angela Marie w/o Timothy Karl 11-13-1958
Rehard, Wilbur Lyle 2-25-1914 / 2-1-1983 CFCS US Navy WW II Korea
Rehard, Edna R. 6-19-1929
Rehard, Clara Mae 6-5-1954 / 6-20-1961
Riddle, J. Carlos 11-6-1898 / 11-7-1932
Riddle, William C. 6-11-1859 / 1-29-1938
Riddle. Lena Blanch 8-2-1894 / 4-1-1973
Riddle, Howard H. 6-5-1889 / 3-20-1915
Riddle, Rebecca Council w/o William C. 10-13-1857 / 7-8-1953
Riddle, Charles Edmond 10-7-1927 / 11-8-1991
Riddle, William Britt 3-10-1897 / 7-16-1988 US Army WW I
Riddle, Alberta C. 4-9-1903 / 3-9-1977
Rozier, Thomas L. Sr. 1-22-1902 / 7-4-1993
Rozier, Mary A. 3-17-1910 w/o Thomas L.
Rozier, Norwood 3-28-1935 / 7-3-1961
Rozier, Robert A. 5-5-1932 / 1-9-1977
Sessoms, Wilbur M. 11-25-1922 / 6-29-1963 NC PVT Co D 320 INF WW II
Sessoms, Robert A. 1-5-1930 / 5-12-1973
Sessoms, Emmit M. 4-19-1888 / 11-11-1960
Sessoms, Tishie S. Sessoms w/o Emmit 1-13-1895 / 7-23-1950
Smith, Annie R. 10-24-1923 / 9-6-1994
Smith, Henry P. 3-26-1917 / 9-17-1970 PFC US Army
Smith, Wayne Henry 8-20-1958 / 7-20-1972
Terry, Oscar 12-13-1918 / 3-27-1970
Venable, Julia A. 2-6-1970 / 7-17-1994
Williams, Herbert Edward s/o Edward & Alma 12-16-1954 / 12-17-1954
Willis, ?ela Bell 3-8-1915 / 4-4-1958

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