Contributed by Mary Lee Boyer on July 4th, 2002
This cemetery is located in the town of Fayetteville in Cumberland Co. off Bingham
Rd. From Raeford Rd. take Hope Mills Rd. down about 5 miles until you come to
Cumberland Rd. At the light at Cumberland Rd. take a right and go about 4 miles,
the Cemetery will be on your left. This is a very old {but still in use} large
cemetery and requires a lot of walking. There are many feild stones and many hand
made stones that are barely readable and some un-readable. Most of these stones are
laid off in family sections. If you see names on here that look familiar and wonder
why some might be missing they may be there but have an unmarked site. Going into
the second entrance {the oldest section} as you pull in you will see a clump of very
large and old trees to the left. Under these trees is many readable and un-readable
Smith family stones. Some of the trees have grown up through the stones and either
moved or cracked them. Some are laying in peices around the tree roots. A small
distance from the Smith family site is a Vaughan family site, many are unreadable
and many have just names with no dates. With the eroded conditon of some of these
stones there may be a few mistakes. If you have the corrections please let me know.
Mary Lee Boyer. Posted by Myrtle Bridges
Allen, Tina Bell 6-23-1898 / 11-19-1950
Allen, David V. 12-13-1915 / 3-30-1918
Allen, James Lloyd 1-25-1876 / 8-17-1951
Allen, Sarah Ann Dean w/o James L. 5-28-1876 / 6-26-1964
Allen, Luther P. 11-25-1918 / 7-28-1971
Allen, Nellie Tyler w/o W. F. died 4-21-1921 Age 19 Yrs.
Allen, Leroy Sr. 1937 --1980
Alley, Max W. 4-30-1921 / 5-23-1991
Alley, Ruth R. w/o Max W. 8-2? 1926
Ammons, D.D. 10-9-183 / 5-6-1908
Arnett, S.J. 3-30-1890 / Age 4? Yrs.
Arnett, William Calvin s/o S.J. & S.D. 12-6-1877 Age 17 Das.
Atkinson, Marshall E. 1929 / 1992
Atkinson, Wynille S. w/o Marshall E. 1934
Autry, Haywood Benjamin 2-26-1879 / 11-21-1947
Autry, Haywood Benjamin, Jr. 6-21-1916 / 5-4-1921
Autry, William B. 8-9-1870 / 8-16-1942
Autry, Alice Grady 7-18-1872 / 12-6-1900 (1st w/o Wm. B. Autry) (corrections made April 09, 2005)
Autry, Charlotte 9-20-1844 / 11-13-1933
Autry, Elmer Lenox 2-19-1905 / 12-29-1939
Autry, Daniel James 1-6-1882 / 12-25-1949
Averitte, John C. 5-14-1921 / 8-14-1971
Averitte, Gertrude 9-27-1915 / 9-1-1999
Averitte, Flossie Elmore 1-1-1889 / 5-24-1951
Bacot, William Henry 2-14-1890 / 2-24-1969
Bacot, Mary S. w/o Wm. Henry 9-5-1890 / 2-6-1972
Baker, Violet T. 11-2-1941 / 7-31-2000
Baker, Penny died 10-6-1914 Age 82 Yrs.
Baker, Sally 1874 / 1941
Ballard, Lottie Guiton 3-6-1900 / 5-16-1989
Ballard, Roby Lee 1-22-1887 / 5-14-1962 NC Pvt Co F 6 Ammunition TN WW I
Ballard, Roby Lee, Jr. 1-10-1928 / 3-25-1971
Ballard, Gentry J. 8-14-1913 / NC PVT 102 Inf 26 Div
Ballard, Tilitha Sept. 1884 21 Yrs.
Ballard, W.J. 6-10-1900 Age Abt. 45 Yrs.
Ballard, Little Melba E. 4-28-1898 / 8-15-1900
Ballard, Adie M. 5-9-1889 / 1-28-1907
Ballard, Ida C. 9-12-1883 / 11-13-1901
Ballard, J.C. 2-9-1885 / 4-11-1910
Barbee, Allen 1-22-1879 / 6-28-1940 ----66 Co. Coast Artillery
Barbee, Sallie died 3-21-1964 age 6 yrs. {metal marker}
Batton, Sadie Wilkins 7-9-1916 / 2-26-2002
Batton, Fenniemore C. 7-26-1899 / 2-2-1963
Batton, Elbert R. 6-27-1897 / 6-3-1957 General Building Contractor
Batton, Willa Lee w/o Elbert Roy 5-7-1903 / 8-3-1971
Batton, Armathia West 6-13-1898 / 12-5-1922 (daughter of Angus Archie West and Ruth Ella Dean West)
Batton, L.J. 5-9-1852 / 9-27-1921
Batton, Colin {unreadable} 190?
Batton, Josephine Dean w/o L.J. 7-19-1872 / 11-23-1956
Batton, Mildred Jacquline 8-11-1941 / 3-26-1943
Bauchman, James L. 12-25-1935 / 4-6-1988 CW 2 US Army Vietnam
Bedsole, Mishoe Lee 1-26-1868 / 12-12-1945
Belcher, Arthur Varner 5-7-1925 / 5-23-1987 US Army WW II
Belcher, Mildred J. w/o Arthur V. 12-24-1927
Bell, John Russell 1-19-1915 / 4-28-1987
Bell, Marlyn 4-2-1916 / 11-29-1999
Bell, Marvin Lee 2-13-1932 / 1-29-1987 PVT US Army Korea
Bickel, Walter W. 7-22-1926
Bickel, Catherine w/o Walter W. 2-18-1928
Biggs, Inf. s/o J.S. & S.R. "B & D" 11-27-1906
Biggs, Maggie Mae 6-12-1902 / 3-?-1909
Biggs, James B. 2-11-1868 / 2-20-1905
Biggs, Mattie Nordon w/o James B. 12-2-1871 / 10-5-1947
Biggs, Hobart A. s/o J.B. & Mattie 10-27-1899 / 12-19-1953
Biggs, William 1805 / 1870
Biggs, Alex 10-8-1835 / 2-19-1905
Biggs, Martha J. w/o Willian 9-30-1852 / 4-26-1912
Blackwell, Cornelia F. 4-19-1859 / 12-19-1927
Bledsoe, Robert Wayne 11-25-1938 /11-25-1985 US Navy
Blue, James Carlo 1-30-1973 / 4-9-1992
**Bollinger, Helen Mae 12-9-1941 / 5-25-1998**
**Loving Mother of , Ricky, Glenda, Jimmy, Sharon**
Bolton, Steve Ronnie 9-24-1954 / 10-30-1985
Bolton, Jessie 8-9-1915 / 1-8-1990
Bolton, Valr Valena 1-15-1884 / 6-10-189? {1891}
Bolton, William Rufus 12-??-1818 / 9-1-1898
Bolton, Jane Bradshaw w/o Wm. Rufus 2-3-18?0 / 2-21-1893
Boxley, Lula T. 9-30-1886 / 8-3-1961
Brady, Futurel L. 8-7-1892 / 10-24-1955
Brady, Howard F. 5-8-1923 / 7-10-1968
Brady, Dora 10-6-1872 / 4-20-1914
Brady, John Handcock 1861 / 5-14-1941
Brady, Robert 10-10-1810 / 9-5-1898
Brady, Francis 11-13-1844 / May 1882
Brady, Flossie Graham 9-6-1893 / 3-16-1968
Brewer, Andrew 5-28-1916 / 6-25-1996
Brewer, Annie Kinlaw w/o Andrew 9-5-1919 / 1-8-1990
Brewer, Grady 3-22-1911 / 3-10-1987
Brigman, Talton B. 9-5-1898 / 3-?-1973
Brigman, Ada O. 3-11-1901 / 8-1-1960 w/o Talton B.
Britt, William carl 9-18-1964 / 10-4-2000
Brock, Lillian Frances Inf. d/o Ralph & Addie {no dates}
Brock, Beulah Mae 11-16-1918 / 10-18-1988
Buie, Gilbert Taylor 6-12-1917 / --{wed 9-23-1940}
Buie, Agnes Brady w/o Gulbert T. 8-4-1916
Bundy, Robert O. 8-13-1940 / wed 6-29-1969
Bundy, Rota A. w/o Robert O. 3-8-1949 / 9-14-1992
Bunnells, William R. 1-28-1935 / 6-22-1963
Butler, Mary Neomi d/o T.M. & Isabel 12-5-1916 / 2-23-1918
Butler, Carol 12-5-1949 / 2-12-???? {metal marker} Age 47 Yrs.
Cain, Pauline S. b. June 19, 1923 d. Dec. 15, 2004
Cain, Wesley W. Jr. b. Sept. 15, 1926 d. June 17, 1996
Calhoun, Duncan A. 10-17-1876 ---
Calhoun, Sallie w/o Duncan A. 6-12-1887 / 12-18-1953
Campbell, Kevin Terrell 3-8-1970 / 4-4-1994
Cameron, Esther Townsend 5-3-1917 / 8-13-1997
Canady, Geoge Allen 3-19-1902 / 1-14-1980 PVT US Army WW I
Canady, Ruth McKinnion Canady Jordan 3-6-1911 / 3-26-1994
Carter, Norman Troy 10-31-1916 / 11-1-1972 NC S 1 US Navy WW II
Carter, Sarah Player 1921--1988
Carter, Tresa Ann 6-4-1959 / 3-20-1965
Carter, Woodrow E. 1-30-1912 / 6-3-1987
Carter, Mary K. w/o Woodrow 8-28-1916 / 7-1-1972
Carter, Henry Woodrow Jr. 6-27-1952 / 8-21-1993
Carter, James Douglas 3-27-1923 / 10-10-1992 US Army WW II
Carroll, Douglas Ann w/o Alton Register {Carroll ??as written} 4-16-1936 / 7-8-1988
Cashwell, Neil Henry 7-19-1898 --
Cashwell, Nellie Koonce 4-11-1900 / 1-11-1955
Cashwell, James R. s/o N.H. & N.R. 5-10-1927 / 3-13-1928
Cashwell, Sarah 1872 ---1944 {hand made stone}
Cashwell, Thomas 1864 -- 1935
Cashwell, Oscar 1902 -- 1942
Clardy, Bertha Lee 8-21-1912 / 4-19-1979
Clark, Nellie {no dates very old}
Clark, Fannie {no dates very old}
Clifton, John W. s/o E.A {R.L. ?}& Susie J. 11-31-1900 / 9-3-1901
Collins Glennie H. 4-27-1913 / 4-5-1976
Collins, Daisy N. 3-17-1924 / 1-1-1978
Collins, Bernie s/o J.O. & E.A. 4-18-1910 / 2-9-1913
Collins, James A. 3-30-1884 / 9-8-1961
Collins, Fannie w/o James A. 8-18-1888 / 2-5-1948
Collins, Gilbert J. s/o J.A. & Fannie 5-16-1908 / 11-29-1923
Corney, Bobby R. Jr. b. Jan. 1, 1962 d. May 7, 1986
Corney, Flonnie A. b. July 2, 1917 d. June 4, 2002
Corney, Thomas Calvin 9-4-1945 / 5-10-1975
Corney, Thomas Noie 7-23-1913 / 2-11-1977
Corney, Ollie Mae 6-14-1889 / 1-24-1956
Corney, Tate Henry 6-4-1890 / 8-17-1950
Corney, Tate Henry 10-16-1946 / 5-27-1960
Corney, Thelma Sue 6-14-1944 / 1-29-1945
Coward, Clayton 7-21-1912 / 10-8-1985
Cox, Dora E. 5-5-1906 / 9-13-1985
Creswell, Mary C. 4-19-1910 / 2-7-1981
Crisp, Boyd Guyer 4-22-19-- / 8-2-1990 CM 3 US Navy WW II
Croft, Pearl Bliss 8-2-1896 / 3-20-1984
Culbreth, Lawrence A. 4-17-1900 / 10-8-1947
Culbreth, William H. 9-14-1862 / 9-26-1933
Culbreth, Katie McLeod w/o William H. 8-8-1869 / 6-3-1940
Danczkay, Margaret 3-19-1908 / 4-4-1986 {metal marker}
Danford, Mildred Marie 2-14-1931 / 2-19-1996
Davanport, {Leond ?} 12-6-1933 / 2-3-1993 {metal marker-paper insert faded}
Davis, Carl L. 1-10-1012 / 3-11-1973 NC PVT US Army WWII
Davis, Arthur Thomas 6-19-1874 / 5-13-1936
Davis, Margaret Ann w/o Arthur T. 2-5-1870 / 3-26-1930
Davis, Lizzie d/o A. & M.A. 7-22-18?? / 10-27-1914 {see Smith}
Davis, Jerry Wayne 6-2-1948 / 2-27-1991
Davis, John Cleaveland 11-3-1884 / 4-3-1949
Davis, Gertrude Phillips w/o John C. 9-11-1887 / 3-6-1929
Davis, John Sampson 5-22-1903 / 2-27-1948
Davis Ada Everitte w/o John S. 9-14-1912 / 7-10-1993
Dawsey, Ellis Brady 2-2-1935 / 8-11-1999 SSGT USAF Marine Corp Korea
Dawsey, Joseph 8-25-1909 / 9-20-1969
Dawsey, Connie Mannis 5-18-1939 / 9-23-1962 NC AIC USAF
Dawsey, Dollie Brady 10-10-1910 / 12-20-1989
Dawsey, Joseph Michael 9-21-1933 / 4-15-1958
Dawsly, Inf. s/o Lydia & Austin 12-21-1942
Dean, Robert Malcolm 1-20-1939 / 3-25-1988 PFC US Army
Dean, Edward D. 5-4-19?6 /
Dean, Kenneth W. 11-12-1942 / 12-27-1991
Dean, W.D. 10-21-1921 Age 72
Dean, Eliza Jean 8-4-1881 / 4-26-1941
Dean, Sarah Cathern w/o W.D. 1840-1905
Dean, Hazel Mc. 6-11-1923 / 6-7-1989
Dean, ? Willis 11-25-1918 / 2-?-1968 NC 1149 SVC Comd Unit WW II
Dean, William O. 3-13-1878 / 11-8-1956
Dean, Helen J. w/o W.O. 4-2-1885 / 4-18-1921
Dean, Ernest C. 1-17-1906 / Oct. 1907 Age 1Yr. 9 Mo.
Dean, Ada Gertrude Riley w/o Wm. O. 2-3-1895 / 10-6-1967 & d/o William & Elizabeth Hales Riley
Dean, Paul s/o W.O. & H.J. 4-12-1921 / 8-20-1921
Delaney, Faith Rose d/o Floyd & Mina 2-26-1968
Donaldson, John David 8-3-1988 / 5-16-1989
Dorris, Julian E. 12-9-1920 / 8-17-1986 PVT US Marine Corp WW II
Draughon, George A. 4-26-1907 / 9-22-1984 {wed 10-13-1924}
Draughon, Sarah W. w/o George A. 3-12-1908 / 12-3-1979
Driggers, Thomas Neil 1890 / 1949
Driggers, Evelyn Cariff {Gariff ?} w/o Thomas N. 9-30-1897 / 3-21-1959
Driggers, Mary 6-8-1908 / 2-19-1927
Dunn, Sallie Townsend 4-13-1920 / 5-6-1972
Dutton, David J. 1-6-1936 {nothing else}
Edwards, James E. 3-25-1939 / 4-9-2002
Farifax, Stephen L. 1-8-1956 / 8-28-1997
Fairfax, Henry L. 10-26-1931 / 8-27-1985 PFC US Army Korea
Faircloth, Jean C. 12-23-1931 / 6-6-1992
Farrar, Nelson Berry 10-27-1912 / 1-15-1989
Farrar, Nelson Berry 10-27-1912 / 7-15-1989 {metal marker}
Fields, John Paul 7-31-1899 / 10-22-1973
Fields, Myrtle Ila May w/o John P. 4-5-1894 / 8-23-1958
Freeman, John C. 9-26-1879 {nothing more}
Freeman, Annie Bell w/o John C. 5-1-1875 / 12-24-1949
Freeman, Roland K. 1933-2000
Freeman, Lula Strickland w/o Roland K. 1937-1999
Frye, Joseph Weldon 4-17-1891 / 1-16-1979
Frye, Nancy C. Cameron w/o Joseph W. 1-19-1895 / 2-27-1977
Frye, Joseph Bruce 1-19-1921 / 12-18-1989 AMM 3 US Navy WW II
Gales, Oliver K. 11-1-1900 / 4-24-1972
Gales, Hazel Tolar w/o Oliver K. 7-1-1909
Gardner, Jessica Ann 11-5-1977 / 7-8-1984
Gardner, Cleaveland 12-20-1924 / 2-24-1964
Gardner, Susan Elizabeth w/o Cleaveland 5-31-1928 / 4-5-1983
Garner, Eva Riley d/o R. B. & Ethel w/o Nabor 9-1-1913 / 4-2-1999
Garner, Neill Archie s/o George E. & Mary Ling Garner 6-3-1915 / 2-23-1958
Gasque, Willie L. 12-13-1927 / 3-?-19?? US Army
Gaydds, Mary Elise died1-25-1988 Age 83 {metal marker}
Gentzler, Kelly Rae Inf. d/o Jane Marie 3-21-1988
Gisclair, Katherine 8-31-1934-3-29-1990
Gore, Jimmy C. Inf s/o Hildreth & Madlin 3-10-1938 / 3-11-1938
Gothia, Dina Joyce 3-8-1958 / {home made stone}
Gough, W.H. 1-9-1875 / 2-7-1927
Gough, Millie B. w/o W. H. 9-9-1876 / 6-27-1952
Grimes, Velma R. 11-24-1914 / 8-18-1985
Grimes, Clarence E. 5-25-1921
Guiton, ? F. 1871-19??
Guiton, Fannie E. Braddy w/o ? F. 1877 - 1942
Guiton, William F. 5-9-1905 / 8-7-1989
Guiton, Mattie B. w/o Wm. F. 5-12-1909 / 2-5-1981
Guiton, William Kirnsey s/o John D. & Mary 1-11-1923 / 9-19-1937
Guyton, Loyd Layton ?-5-1911 / ?-1-1911
Hair, Netta Hales 2-29-1894 / 9-14-1964
Hair, Charlie 6-20-1884 / 2-28-1964
Hales, William J. 5-23-1885 / 2-15-1954
Hales, Ida Smith w/o W.J. 9-15-1885 / 9-24-1940
Hales, Sophia A. Jordan w/o William J. 8-2-1896 / 7-15-1979
Hamel, Donald 10-11-1965 / 10-1-1989 SN US Navy
Hamilton, Herbert E. 12-24-1918 / 9-6-1973 CPL US Army WW II
Hamilton, Joseph Lee 3-29-1913 / 4 {1 ?} -11-1986
Hardee, Bonnie Kate Townsend 11-13-1917 / 3-18-1992
Hester, Barbara L. 12-29-1942 / 5-27-1981
Hill, Ruby C. 12-12-1938 / 4-26-1979
Hillard, Kate Wade w/o G.W. 2-25-1840 / 2-10-1917
Honeycutt, Martha d/o Martha H. Johnson {no dates}
Hopkins, Charles Hampton 8-18-1932 /3-24-1995
Hardin, Ocanous T. 6-12-1935 / 2-26-1973 TSGT US air Force
Hardman, Gary W. 1-31-1959---nothing else--
Harris, George, Sr. 12-14-1928 / 8-24-1988
Harris, Ester Johnson w/o George, Sr. 6-11-1929---
Harris, George, Jr. 3-11-1950 / 7-3-1986
Hart, Betty 1869 / 1942
Hill, Ruby C. b. Dec. 12, 1938 d. April 26, 1979
Hodges, Dao 5-6-1948 / 7-10-1991
Hodging, Jane w/o H.H. 6-2-1831 / 3-18-1862
Hodging, Jane Inf. d/o H.H. & Jane 3-12-1862 / 4-16-1862
Hodging, Roxanna d/o H.H. & Jane July 1853 / 3-21-1857
Holmes, Sherwood C. 8-17-1938 / Wed 1-25-1959
Holmes, Brenda N. w/o Sherwood C. 4-4-1942 / 4-11-1993
Holland, Jack Lewis 11-9-1912 / 4-23-1991
Holland, Mary E. w/o Jack L. 7-21-1915
Houston, Ruth A. "Winky" 2-26-1960 / 1-8-1990
Howell, Sherry 6-11-1967 / 6-23-1967
Howell, Annie 1845---Mar. 1919
Huckabee, Lynn 10-15-1970 / 1-29-1989
Huggins, Jimie s/o J.M. & Lillie Mar -/ 3-25-1926 {broken stone}
Ivey, Edgar Jr. 8-11-1928 / May 25, 1985
Ivey, Anne Ruth w/o Edgar Jr. 8-18-1928 Dec. 10, 1997
Ivy, Joseph Andrew 1965-1991
Ivy, Eldridge L., Jr. 10-1-1953 / 4-8-1999
Ivy, David Anthony 8-19-1954 / 8-10-1989
Jackson, Leslie E. 5-3-1928 / 7-21-1007
Jackson, Betty M. w/o Leslie E. 10-14-1920 / 6-3-2001
Jacobs, Robert Lee 4-18-1955 / 10-17-1994
Jarvis, Darwin 12-22-1921 / 2-20-1998 US Army WW II
Jarvis, Lena 5-13-1940 / 11-8-2001
Johnson, Paul V. 12-20-1920 / 12-5-1983
Johnson, Addie Mae Hales 12-15-1904 / 1-30-1956 {1955}
Johnson, Howard 6-27-1940 "B& D"
Johnson, Paul 6-27-1940 "B& D"
Johnson, David P. 6-15-1889 / 10-4-1949
Johnson, Ida 6-11-1882 / 8-24-1965
Johnson, Inf. s/o Joel & Olivia 10-1-1916
Johnson, Olivia Stricklans 3-5-1891 / 11-22-1916
Johnson. Tammy J. 3-6-1962 / 3-10-2001
Johnson, Wellington E. 10-11-1891 / 7-24-1953
Jones, Calvin 7-17-1910 / 12-20-1990
Jones, Walter L. s/o J.H. & Carrie 3-22-1924 / 5-26-1924
Jordan, Edward S. 7-18-1905 / 8-11-1973
Jordan, Fannie P. 11-3-1899 / 12-29-1977
Kelly, Linda Kay 3-14-1947 / 1-4-1993
Kelly, Preston Lee 6-6-1915 / 6-15-1991 USAF USN WW II
Kelly, Lydia B. 3-10-1905 / 11-21-1942
Kelly, Preston L., Jr. "B& D" 11-20-1942
Kelly, Kenneth R. 5-8-1941 / 7-26-1941
Kelly, Martha McLeod Jackson 9-7-1876 / 9-3-1941
Kelly, John 6-1-1872 / 10-29-1937
Koonce, Mary Overton 11-9-1882 / 6-13-1954
Koonce, Benjamin F. 4-30-1911 / 1-18-1987
Koonce, Annie B. w/o Benjamin F. 10-2-1908 / 4-25-1987
Koonce, Lillie Jane d/o J.C. & S.A. "B& D" 1-30-1900
Koonce, John Weldon 1-24-1933 / 1-28-1979 USMC Korea
Koonce, Nettie Lewis 9-22-1898 / 11-18-1960
Koonce, Angless Jarmon 4-27-1895 / 2-4-1975
Koonce, ??ster s/o J.G. & Minie 9-7-1907 / 3-10-1928
Koonce, ? ? s/o J.C. 9-18-18?? / 4-20-1920
Knott, Gertrude Brady 9-29-1904 / 3-29-1930
Lanier, Isaac O {Q ?} 1-10-1952 / 7-8-1984 US Air Force Vietnam
Lee, Yound A. 6-19-1910 / 12-31-1986
Lee, Rosa N. w/o Ypung A. 10-11-1913 / 7-25-2001
Leggette, Minnie Ma 10-13-1917 / ---1994
Lewis, Weldon Wade, Sr. 2-4-1908 / 1-20-1981
Lewis, Mildred 3-10-1942 / 1-25-1988
Lewis, Elizabeth Jane 3-10-1910 / 6-4-1973
Lewis, Weldon, Jr. 6-4-1953 / 6-12-1990 US Army Korea
Lewis, D.E. 9-5-1850 / 8-5-1924
Lewis, Bobby Elton 1-1-1943 / 1-13-1987
Lewis, D.E. 3-11-1858 / 2-8-1933
Lloyd, Mary Frances Batton 3-27-1920 / 2-12-1995
Lovett, Allice d/o N.A. & M.A. 3-8-1885 / ----1890
Lovick, Walter V. 8-1-1897 / 9-7-1964
Lovick, Jessie Batton w/o Walter V. 4-16-1900 / 5-19-1979
Lovick, J.R. 1907 / 1942
Lovick, George A. 8-15-1886 / 6-15-1934
Lovick, Lou Ella 9-10-1887 / 11-28-1927
Lovick, M. 1905--
Lovick, Alton Fredrick 9-5-1937 / 3-15-1971
Lovick, William McK. 10-2-1910 / 11-13-1971
Lovick, Letha E. 1-7-1910 / 3-30-1988
Lovick, J.R. 1907 -- 1942
Loving, Herman L.S. 7-20-1930 / 10-15-1997
Loving, Patrica R. 4-1-1994 / 1-11-1999
Maples J.D. 6-30-1864--nothing else
Maples Orpie w/o J.R. 3-15-1890 / 10-19-1957
Marshall, Gordan L., Sr. 9-18-1925 / 9-21-1987 PFC US Army WW II
Matthews, Alice 8-21-1911 / 12-14-1998 {metal marker}
Matthews, Grover 1915
Matthews, Lester C. 10-27-1892 / 7-13-1937
Matthews, W.A. 9-9-1866 / 6-26-1931
Matthews, Fannie 10-23-1870 / 12-16-1937
May, Lillie Irene 3-30-1903 / 7-25-1947
McCaskill, Robert E. 7-22-1913 / 8-12-1982
McDale, Roy Lee 5-11-1919 / 3-1-1988 SP5 US Army Korea Vietnam
McDougald, Alex Douglas 12-25-1872 / 4-27-1941
McDougald, Sarah Jane, w/o Alex D. 5-31-1880 / 5-20-1938
McDougald, Treva Mae d/o A.D. & S.J. 9-16-1912 / 3-25-1938
McDougald Carl James s/o A.D. & S.J. 1-7-1907 / 9-13-1925
McDougald, s/o Alex & Sarah 8-25-1905 / 3-2-1968
McDougald, Emeline w/o A.C. 6-7-1838 / 3-12-1924
McKinnion, Moses Pink 4-7-1875 / 7-25-1949
McKinnion, Lillian Springs 9-20-1884 / 11-26-1912
McKinnion, A.A. 8-8-1852 {1862 ?} 12-20-1920
McKinnion, Martha 3-10-1862 / 2-26-1928
McKinnion, John F. 7-6-18?? / 12-28-19?8
McKinnion, Jessie J. 11-15-1901 / 6-9-1902
McKinnion, Martha Julia 11-5-1909 / 11-26-1961
McKinnion, Mary Lillie d/o L. & M.J. 2-6-1885 / 1-8-1904
McKinnion, Earl Dallas 3-29-1913 / 4-28-1977 S Sgt US Army WW II
McKinnion, Bud Ausey 4-11-1877 / 10-19-1958
McKinnion, Julia Allen w/o Bud A. 7-5-1874 / 5-11-1925
McKeithan, George D. 10-25-1888 / 1-29-1939
McKeithan, Geneva H. w/o George D. 11-28-1891 / 11--1951
McKeithan, Carl D. 9-22-1928 / 9-24-1928
McKeithan, Kenneth O. 6-22-1923 / 12-21-1923
McKeithan, Bessie & Lessie Inf. ds/o G.D. & Geneva 9-17-1909 / 11-22-1909
McKeithan, Paul D. 3-1-1921 / 7-7-1922
McKeithan, George D.10-25-1888 / 1-20-1939
McKeithan, Geneva H. 11-28-1891 / 11-9-1951
McKeithan, Thelma d/o G. D. & Geneva 8-5-1912 / 9-28-1912
McKeithan, -----s/o Willie & Rebecca 12-1-1882 / 5-12-1896
McLaurin, Gary A. 1944 / 1999
McLaurin w/o Gary A. 1948
McLeod, Sarah 7-8-1802 / 1-7-185?
Melton, Charles M, 9-23-1908 / 9-29-1958 Ala Fld Ck US Marine Corps Res WW II
Melvin, Graland Houck 6-2-1934 / 2-24-1994 {metal marker}
Milleken, Lorenzo D 6-22-1921 / 2-21-1994 PVT US Army WW II
Miller, Eugene Lee 9-13-1907 / 12-9-1978
Miller, Willie Mae w/o Eugene L. 6-27-190 / 4-22-1982
Miller, George Kenneth s/o Mr.& Mrs. David M. 7-16-1976 "B& D"
Miller, James A. III 7-8-1958 / 5-20-1994
Misklow, Joseph A. 6-6-1923 / 10-16-1989
Morales, Francisco E. 4-15-1910 / 8-3-1997 US Coast Guard WW II
Morris, Marian Odessie 7-30-1918 / 1-1-1945
Morrison, Dewy D. 10-1-1898 / 12-12-1955
Morrison, Lula Yarborough died March 28, 1984 w/o Dewy D. 5-7-1903
Morrison, Delores "B& D" 7-12-1940
Morrison, Margaret Collins 11-14-1930 / 2-12-1964
Morrison, John 7-12-1858 / 5-15-1935
Morrison, Sallie 5-7-1867--nothing else
Moore, James R. 5-19-1947 / 6-17-1988
Morse, Hartley Edmund 2-20-1948 / 9---1986 SGT US Army Vietnam
Moseley, William Corbett 10-4-1907 / 3-14-1970
Moseley, Alma Koonce w/o William C. 5-10-1914
Musslewhite, Lewis G. 3-15-1910 / 8-18-1972 Georgia PFC US Army WW II
Nobles, Royce Lee 12-23-1949 / 5-14-1988 PFC US Army
Nordon, Eva Mae Oct. 1895 / 7-17-1936
Nordon, Caroline 7-16-1854 / 8-3-1939
Pait, Debra A. 2-23-1971 / 8-2-1991
Painter, Mary Koonce ?-?-1939 / 6-4-1992 {metal marker, faded paper insert}
Pardue, Alex 2-28-1888 / 3-19-1952
Pardue, Anna McLemore w/o Alex 8-22-1900 / 6-30-1968
Pardue, Georgianna 7-28-1892 / 5-16-1974
Pardue, W. J. 5-30-1864 / 7-9-1939
Pardue, Lizzie w/o W. J. 5-7-1865 / 9-28-1920
Pardue, James Patrick 12-4-1869 / 2-16-1949
Pardue, Betsy Black w/o W. Alex 1831 / 1926
Pardue, Cora Lee, w/o J.P. 4-1-1882 / 9-21-1920
Pardue, Dora L. d/o J.P. & C.L. 9-20-1920 / 10-21-1920
Pardue, Dorothy L. d/o J.P. & C.L.9-20-1920 / 10-21-1920
Pardue, Mina Parker 7-12-1891 / 5-25-1964
Parker, Rev. James Franklin 11-17-1918 {1915}
Parker, Annie Thompson w/o Rev. James F. 10-2-1918 / 10-10-{30?}-1997 {1991?}
Parker, James ? s/o J. F. & A.C. 10-10-1936 / 1-28-1937
Parsons, James Edward 1-23-1929 / 8-21-1979 SSGT US Army Korea Vietnam
Pattishall, Malcome 12-6-1853 / 8-6-1913
Pattishall, Inf./o J.B. & C.S. "B & D" ?-10-1877
Pattishall, George McNeill s/o J.B. & C.S. 8-20-1874 / 11-25-1876
Pattishall, Hesperann 1841 --4-16-1916 d. unm. See her photo here.
Pattishall, Fanny Robinson d/o J.B. & C.S. 9-26-1881 / 5-2-1882
Pattishall, Catherene Smith d/o ??& Patti & w/o Can't read ?-15-1844 / 5-11-1900
Pearson, Gary Ray 12-23-1965 / 5-7-1986
Phipps, Cecil Sr. 1-3-1935 / 1-12-1999
Phipps, Katherine West 7-31-1929 / 6-17-1985 {on back of stone reads, Oscar Jr., Barbara, Delores Bunnells,
Bill Wilkes {Wilkins ?} Hathie Wilkins}
Perdue, Leroy WW II Veteran
Pilcher, Betty 8-26-1929 / 6-23-1987
Phipps, Peggy 12-23-1941
Platt, Flora Atkinson Lovin d/o Daniel James & Catherine L. Atkinson 11-24-1868 / 4-18-1942
Player, William Fordon 11-8-1907 / 12-7-1991 PVT US Army WW II
Player, James Alex 4-19-1904 / 5-5-1975
Player, Viola T. 12-30-1909 / 9-6-1996
Player, Issac Alexander 5-22-1877 / 10-22-1947
Pridgen, Albert Q. 9-20-1894 / 4-23-1966 NC PVT 321 H INF WWII
Pridgen, Fannie M. w/o A. Q. 9-11-1893 / 4-2-1965 {56?}
Porter, Robert D. Jr. "Reb" 4-14-1970 / 11-4-2000
Powell, Roy Lee, Jr. 9-3-1943 / 2-26-1988
Powell, Melinda {very old--no dates}
Powell, William Boyd 4-6-1943 Wed 3-25-1963
Powell, Ann L. 10-28-1947 / 11-11-1995
Powell, John C. 5-8-1902 / 2-26-1951
Powell, Grace T. Allen w/o John C. & Eddis Smith 4-12-1904 / 7-18-1992
Powell, Arthur Lester 5-8-1902 / 6-24-1972
Powell, Sana Swain w/o Arthur L. 1-5-1911 / 5-24-1959
Powell, Mary Margaret 4-19-1870 / 6-1-1945
Powell, Benjamin F. 2-21-1898 / 2-4-1965 NC PVT CO E 9 INF WW II
Powell, Clement C. 11-18-1873 / 6-30-1943
Powell, Mattie Gibson w/o Clement C. 4-2-1892 / 2-27-1962
Powell, Mary d/o C.C. & Mattie 6-10-1907 / 5-23-1908
Powell, J. Oliver 5-8-1901 / 9-12-1971
Powell, Cora T. 11-1?-1902 / 2-21-1972
Powell, William Frank 4-15-1918 / 3-24-1961
Powell, Maude C. w/o Wm. F. 1-17-1919---
Radford, Robert L. 2-12-1934 / 4-2-2000 SP 3 US Army
Riley, James William 5-6-1865 / 1-31-1934
Riley, Rasbird s/o William & Elizabeth Hales Riley 8-14-1888 / 9-5-1968
Riley, Ethel Lovin w/o Rasbird 3-7-1895 / 10-26-1949
Riley, Joe B. 11-30-1923 / 2-1-1998 SI USCG WW II
Riley, Vera B. 2-18-1925 w/o Joe B.
Ringled, Richard Sr. 4-30-1933 / 10-30-1987
Robinson, Donald Fred 1-19-1937 / 11-28-1989 MSG US Army Vietnam
Robinson, William J. 5-25-1853 / 8-31-1914
Robinson, Mary Geneva d/o W.J. & M.C. ?-?-1880 / 5-30-????
Robinson, Roby James s/o W.J. & M.C. 2-14-1877 / 5-20-1897
Rose, Ralph Lee, Jr. 5-27-1930 / 12-7-1958 NC PFC US Army Korea
Rose, Lona Autry 9-10-1908 / 3-24-1988
Rowell, Jerry Michael 11-1-1968 / 11-1-1985
Rushing, Ralph 2-21-1924 / 9-13-1988
Rushing, Annie West w/o Ralph 11-5-1921
Sawyer, George W. 1-6-1935 / 2-17-1985 SS6 US Army Korea Vietnam
Scott, Walter A. 6-3-1922 / 8-10-1989 {metal marker}
Scott, Mary Louise w/o Walter A. 1920 / 1991
Sessoms, J. Grady 8-10-1893 / Nov. 12, 1957
Sessoms, Hilda R. 5-5-1927 / 4-18-1999
Sessoms, Lessie B. 9-13-1897 / 5-11-1968
Sessoms, Edith w/o Hoarce 11-16-1919 / 3-27-1940
Sessoms, Inf. s/o Hoarce & Edith W. Sept. 1939
Sessoms, Inf. s/o Hoarce & Rosie "B & D" 9-16-1943
Shantly, Pamela C. 10-20-1961 / 4-3-1997
Smith, Betty H. 12-16-1924 / 12-26-1924
Steadman, David Brady 11-15-193? / ?-17-1998 US Navy Korea
Steadman, Dorcas H. 1-22-1915 / 11-10-1995
Steadman, Willie I {T} 2-17-1914 / 6-3-19??
Stedman, Henry F. 4-17-1927 / 5-23-1984
Stedman, Elizabeth P. w/o Henry F. 9-5-1932
Stewart, Dorothy Joyce 5-4-1951 / ---2001
Stricklin, James Franklin NC PVT WW I 2? Eng. {can't read dates}
Smith, Adolphus Marten 7-17-1899 / 3-18-1970
Smith. Ella Calcutt w/o Adolphus M. 9-10-1908 / 11-16-1983
Smith, Maude 5-1-1909 / 5-3-1909
Smith, Nellie 11-24-1897 / 3-16-1947
Smith, Helen 9-31-1886 / 10-15-1905
Shaw, Tray A. 6-16-1935 / 9-10-1989
Smith, Margaret w/o W.A. 1848-1905
Smith, Clem 4-10-1905 / 4-12-1971
Smith, Vester W. 11-17-1906 / 9-7-1984
Smith, Mary Lee 7-15-1915 / 2-8-1988
Smith, Carolyn 12-9-1959 / 7-22-1989
Smith, Luther McNeil 2-22-1888 / 6-26-1936
Smith, Lizzie w/o Luther McN. 7-22-18?? / 10-27-1914 {see Davis}
Smith Inf. s/o Mr & Mrs L.M 11-20-1936
Smith, Ralph NC PFC HQ&HQ Co SO AAF WW II {dates sunken in ground}
Smith, Walter H. 7-28-1926 / 5-10-1983
Smith, Brady Willard 3-28-1928 / 1-23-1993 USA Korea
Smith, Merle Powell w/o Brady W. 5-4-1918 / 6-18-1998
Smith, Basil Fulton 5-2-1916 / 10-21-1998
Smith, Joe Brady s/o Basil & Lena D. 10-12-1943 / 5-13-1944
Smith, Mae 4-15-1903 / 6-14-1903
Smith, can't read ---12-23-1876 / 12-21-1881
Smith, can't read--- 11-1-1876 / 9-18-1978
Smith, Inf./o Jesse & May {Mary ?} "B & D" 8-26-1873
Smith, Mary H. 8-28-1872 / 6-16-1873
Smith, Jas. A. 2-18-1869 / 1-10-1870
Smith, Carrie L. 1-3-1883 / 7-17-1883
Smith, Malids 5-1-1909 / 5-3-1909
Springs, Margaret Webster 2-22-1849 / 7-26-1938
Springs, Thomas B. 6-12-1836 / 7-16-1902
Springs, Lillian 9-20-1884 / 11-26-1912
Stewart, Michael Seavy 7-16-1956 / 8-26-1986
Stewart, Linda Painter w/o Michael S. 12-5-1956
Strickland, Clyde H. 6-10-1893 / 4-16-1934 CPL Co D 119 Inf
Strickland, Samuel 5-9-1933
Strickland, Betty Lou 3-9-1942
Strickland, J. F. 8-17-1856 / 1-30-1924
Strickland Inf s/o J.W. & Rosie 1-11-1935 / 1-14-1935
Strickland, Doris d/o J.W. & Rosa 8-22-1929 / 11-29-1929
Strickland, Coy s/o J.W. & Rosie 9-18-1931 / 8-4-1970 NC M Sgt USAF Korea Vietnam
Strickland, William Clyde 2-17-1942 / 10-14-1997 {metal marker}
Strickland, Junior Worth 5-4-1896 / 10-10-1946 PVT COB 306 Eng
Strickland, Rosie A. w/o Junior W. 10-15-1907 / 7-16-1973
Strickland, Nealie w/o J.F. 1-10-1867 / 6-10-1931
Strickland, William H. 12-1?-1880 9-22-1954
Strickland, Kenneth died2-12-1892 Age 85
Strickland, J.W. 10-?-1853 / 6-5-1927
Strickland, Lucy Ann w/o J.W. & d/o J.A.& Martha Brewer 1-2-1856 / 1-10-1910
Suggs, Leo 12-12-1918 / 10-16-1962
Suggs, Marvin D. 1885---1953
Suggs, Marvin s/o M.D. & Lizzie 7-7-1921 / 7-7-1942
Suggs, Cleveland 3-19-1924 / 5-24-1957 {1987 ?} PFC US Army WW II
Suggs, Helen Melvinw/o Cleveland 5-16-1926 / 7-16-1980
Suggs, Lizzie Hyatt w/o Marvin D. 1892---1961
Sums {Sams} William A. 12-10-1859 / 5-6-188?
Swain, S. L. 2-14-1872 / 6-11-1930
Swain, Mittie w/o S. L. 5-10-1889 / 11-28-1924
Swain, Lester Carson, 11-1-1907 / 6-30-1951
Swain, Geneva H. w/o L.C. 6-7-1912 / 3-30-1985
Swain, Glenda Fay & Brenda Kay Inf. ds/o L.C.& Geneva 1-15-1951
Sykes, George T.7-8-1860 / 2-19-1905
Sykes, Mary Brady Sykes Horrell w/o Geo. T. 1-24-1870 / 6-30-1950
Sykes, Alexander s/o G.T. & Mary 10-22-1896 / 5-3-1918
Sykes, George B. s/o G.T. & Mary E. 12-20-1898 / 7-7-1906
Taylor Jean R. "simply"1930
Tew, Hardy B. 1869 - 1931
Tew, Roberta Culbreth w/o Hardy B. 1-2-1878 / 11-29-1945
Tew, Mollie J. d/o Hardy & Rebecca 10-24-1906 / 3-26-1934
Tew, Inf. Donnie Gibson 6-9-1937 "B & D"
Tew, Joyce Anne 6-22-1958 / 1-14-1959
Tew, Arthur Gibson2-14-1914 / 5-9-1963 NC S2 USNR WW II
Torres, Mercedes R. 4-17-1923 / 4-6-1993
Townsend, Alvin Pickett 9-15-1904 / 2-26-1990
Townsend, Inez R. 9-5-1912 / 4-12-1999
Townsend, R.I. 7-23-1909 / 11-9-1990
Townsend, Stephen B. 8-16-1912 / 5-6-1949
Townsend, Dollie Frances 4-19-1867 / 8-24-1911
Turlington, Clarence H. 1905 -- 1988
Turlington, Almeia C. 1989 -- 1957
Turlington, Fulton H. 7-9-1929 / 9-2-2000
Turlington, John W. Sr. 8-20-190?-8-1-199?
Turner, Alice w/o D.T. 1872 / 1934
Turner, John W. 12-4-1892 / 9-8-1974
Turner, Martha J. 5-5-1894 / 8-27-1974
Turner, Vander B. 11-30-1911 / 11-11-1973
Turner, Earl Edwin 7-23-1934 / 12-24-1977
Vanderslice, Kathy 9-20-1852 / 6-9-1993
Vaughn, Sarh Elizabeth w/o R.J. Vaughan 2-5-1849 / 11-19-1876
Vaughan, R. J.
Vaughan, Flora Jane w/o R.J. 6-1-1858 / 5-13-1901
Vaughn, Lillie B. Inf. d/o L.P. & A ? 8-8-18?5 / 7-18-18?? {broken stone]
Vaughn, Duncan {no dates}
Vaughn, Albert {no dates}
Vaughn, Telitha {no dates}
Vaughn, E.D. 8-12-1882 / 8-6-1943 {scratched into stone}
Vaughn, O.S. 6-7-1880 / 10-19-1947 {scratched into stone}
Vaughn, Isabelle d/o Step. & Marg. 1869 / 1900
VonCannon, Grady L. 8-25-1920 / 7-22-1983
VonCannon, Charlotte w/o Grady L. 8-1-1921 / 2-10-1998
Wade, Lois Alene 2-26-1917
Wade, Lila Biggs 11-18-1895 / 12-1-1987
Wade, Bettie 8-7-1851 / 1-12-1928
Wade, Rosco Layton s/o Albe ?? & ??Lucy 7-8-1902 / 10-12-1902
Wade, Jack ? s/o A. & Lucy 9-20-1818 / 7-1-1820
Wade, Rebecca w/o Alvin 9-25-1816 / 4-3-1904
Wade, Ada 3-4-1878 / 3-19-1917
Wade, Mary Ann 7-12-1842 / 7-18-1930
Wade, Julia 4-25-1854 / 10-2-1934
Wade, David 12-14-1848 / 2-13-1916
Wade, Emma Autry w/o David 4-1-1878 / 8-3-1913 (corrections made April 09, 2005)
Wade, Rebecca d/o David & Emma 1890-1930
Wade, Carrie L. 1872 - 1934
Wade, RoRo O. 11-17-1876 / 9-29-1958
Wade, Mary Alice w/o R.O. 1-18-2875 / 7-26-1949
Wade, George R. 5-20-1888 / 9-30-1958
Whitley, Stephen L. 7-1-1910 / 9-27-1991
Walden, James T. 12-23-1905 / 10-18-1988 {wed 12-24-1925}
Walden, Pearl C. w/o James T. 2-20-1905 / 12-13-1995
Walker, Katie w/o H.C. 4-15-1901 / 1-12-1938
Walters, Laura J. 9-28-1928 / 11-4-1985
Wallace, Rachel E. 3-20-1930 / 10-4-1990
Ward, John Clifton 8-3-1904 / 4-4-1946
Ward, J.C. 7-9-1876 / 7-12-1938
Weaver, Inf. s/o Frank & Elsie 7-22-1934
Webster, Elizabeth K. 8-13-1893 / 4-14-1941
Webster, Timothy 2-12-1894 / 2-12-1931
Webster, William J s/o Timothy "B & D" 9-30-1925
Webster, Anne Murphy Webb --new stone--no dates
Webster George, 1858 / 192--
Webster, Garland L. 4-14-1916 / 1-3-1988 US Navy
Webster, John Marvin 3-8-1889 / 11-20-1965
Webster, Nillie Worrell w/o John M. 4-4-1897 / 3-24-1968
Wescott, Mary C. 8-10-1926 / 10-11-1975
West, John Anthony 10-21-1948 / 10-23-1948
West, Robert Dennis 8-5-1936 / 6-23-1984 HTC US Navy Korea
West, Mary E. Frye 3-27-1914 / 4-1-1996
West, William E. "Freddie" 7-1-1946------nothing else
West, J.B. 10-26-1861 / 3-22-1880
West, Carl D. s/o Angus Archie & Ruth Dean West 8-10-1904 / 2-27-1988
West, Eula Riley w/o Carl D. 3-26-1911 / 6-19-1997
West. Neil Archie 3-20-1891 / 10-27-1966
West. Henry Tillman 7-3-1902 / 9-6-1971
West, Rosey Mae Parker w/o Henry T. 12-17-1910 / 8-7-1970
West, Angus Archie 8-9-1869 / 2-21-1940
West, Walter F. 12-16-1896 / 2-16-1984 PVT US Army WW I
West, Rebecca J. w/o Walter F. 6-26-1895 / 1-11-1978
West. Archie C. 11-12-1947 / 11-16-1947
West. James T. 3-17-1942 / 4-23-1942
West. Ruth Ella dean w/o Angus A. Dec. 1870 / 8-28-1939
West, John D. 3-12-1861 / 10-3-1941
West, Hattie N.w/o John D. 12-6-1867 / 12-8-1961
White, Nathaniel McDonald 6-12-1927 / 6-22-1996
White, Averitte 4-25-1928 / 8-9-1990
White, Woodrow 8-19-1921 / 3-8-2000
White, Mittie B. w/o Woodrow 2-16-1923
White, Woodrow Jr. 7-19-1945 / 12-14-1945
White, Eugene 2-23-1943 / 2-26-1943
White, Cora Lee 7-15-1887 / 8-24-1948
Wenskunas, Onnie Ruth 7-15-1938 / 4-22-1989
Westerfield, Margie L. Crawford 12-12-1932 {mother of Terry, Lee & Alan }
Wilking, Betty L. 7-5-1942 / Nov. 1986
Willoughby, Timothy Gary 4-9-1972 / 4-26-1972
Willoughby, Richard 10-24-1884 / 2-5-1914
Woodell, James Alfred s/o Will & Bertha 3-13-1928 / 6-12-1928
Woodell, Lola d/o Will & Bertha 11-9-1920 / 1-31-1923
Worrell, Cyrus Leroy 5-3-1892 / 1-12-1927
Worrell, Elisha 12-23-1851 / 11-6-1911
Worrell, Sarah V. w/o 7-18-1865 / 4-3-1914
Worrell, Fred Bundy 8-24-1894 / 11-23-1947
Worrell, ?? w/o E.W. 5-6-1838 / 3-22-1861
Worrell, Louis L. 7-10-1864 / 6-14-1935
Yarborough, Florence W. 7-30-1877 / 12-21-1956
Yarborough, E.G[aston]. 3-17-1844 / 6-8-1925
Yarborough, Ethel W. [West] 11-10-1906 / 11-10-1990 Second wife of John Yarborough, sister to
Fannie C. Yarborough John B. Yarborough Jr.
Yarborough, John B. Sr. 1908 / 1966
Yarborough, Fannie w/o J.B. 11-3-1909 / 7-17-1941
Yarborough, W. Lonnie Jan. 01, 1905 / June 12, 1925
Yeargin, Nathan Winslow 12-10-19?4 / 2-1-1990
Young, Zettie A. 5-27-1906 / 10-13-1987
**Double Stone** Wilkes --- Cordus
Byron W. 1-10-1879 ---Mae W. C. 12-4-1898 ----George C. 1-17-1914
**Double Stone** Townsend---Ammons
*William C. 4-21-1938----Percy"Pink" 9-8-1923 / 10-27-1995*
*Mary J. w/o {broken stone--missing parts}*
*Horner {?} Linda Gale 5-2-1950 / 5-3-1950* was hard to read
*Leatrice Lewis {Turlington ?} 6-16-190? / 5-10-19??*
*Elmore ?? s/o W.H. & J.E. "B & D" 3-8-1916*

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