Currituck County Court Records
(Currituck County Court of Pleas and
Quarter Sessions Minutes)
State of North
At a Court held
for the County of Currituck at the Court house in Currituck on the last ___day in February 1822 Being the 25th day of February.
Justices Present:
Caleb Etheridge, John
Forbes, Caleb Forbes, Enoch
The sheriff returned the following jurors to serve at this term.
1. William Melson | 16. Dennis Malbone |
2. Thomas Lindsay | 17. Samuel Thompson |
3. Latimer Wilson | 18. John Gray |
4. Dory Bright | 19. James Waterfield |
5. Thomas Whitehall | 20. Davis Fancher |
6. Jno. N. Wilson | 21. James McHorney |
7. Thos. Dudley | 22. Peter Chittum |
8. Tully Dozier | 23. Andrew Bray |
9. Hollowell Williams | 24. William Jarvis |
10. Thomas Poiner, Junr | 25. Samuel Eady |
11. Caleb Moore | 26. Wm. Litchfield |
12. Samuel Simmons | 27. Joseph Rolph |
13. Thomas Williams | 28. Jacob Litchfield |
14. Thomas Waleton (?) | 29. Elijah Hunnings |
15. Benjamin Waterfield | 30. Caleb Sanderson |
Out of which number the following were chosen as Grand Jury
1. Joseph Rolph | 8. John Gray |
2. William Melson | 9. Davis Fancher |
3. Thomas Lindsay | 10. James McHorney |
4. Latimer Wilson | 11. Peter Chittum |
5. Thomas Waleton | 12. Wm. Lechfield |
6. Benj. Waterfield | 13. Jacob Leichfield |
7. Samuel Thompson | 14. Elijah Hunnings |
Ordered that
William Woodhouse have until May Term to make his guardian account.
Ordered that Enoch
Ball Esquire have until May Term to make his guardian account.
Ordered that David
Jones have the right of administration on the Estate of Gideon Mackey decd
qualified and entered into bond with Lemuel Taylor and John Williams securities
in the sum of £200. Ordered that the adm. sale the perishable part of decd
The last will &
Testament of William Beasley was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath
of Andrew Capps a subscribing evidence thereto and as the same time Malachi
Beasley and William Beasley Exor. Therein named qualified.
Ordered that
Thomas Luffman have until May Term to make his guardian account.
Ordered that John
Eady be appointed overseer of the public Road from the head of the bay Road at
the main Road to the Great Ditch for the present year in the Room & stead of
Lemuel Ball the late overseer Resigned and that he act therein according to Law.
Ordered that
Thomas Poyner Exec of Jarvis Allen sell the perishable estate of said deceased
that is not given away in his last will.
Ordered that John
Bunnel son of Edward be appointed overseer of the Road in Tulls creek district
in lieu of Caleb Morse and that he work onto the draw _____ of Tuls creek
Ordered that
Patrick Northern be appointed overseer of the road in Moyock in stead of John N.
Melson former overseer.
Deed from Thomas
B. Jarvis to John Mercer, Junr dated Oct 5, 1820 was proved in open
Court by the oath of Thomas Lindsay a subscribing witness thereto and ordered
Lean (sic) from Leven
Sawyer to Thomas Allen dated Feby. 12, 1822 proved in open Court by the oath of
Thomas B. Jarvis a subscribing witness thereto and ordered Registered.
Lean from Isam
Huter (?) to Leven Sawyer dated Sept. 22d 1821 was proved in open
Court by the oath of Thomas B. Jarvis a subscribing witness thereto and ordered
Deed of Gift from
Julia Harrison to William S. Harrison dated Feby 16, 1822 was acknowledged in
open Court according to Law & ordered Registered.
Deed of Gift from
Julia Harrison to Alfred Harrison dated Feby. 25, 1822 was acknowledged in open
Court according to Law and ordered Registered.
Deed of Gift from
Julia Harrison to Joshua Harrison dated Feby. 25, 1822 was acknowledged in open
Court according to Law & ordered Registered.
Deed from Jess (?)
Mercer to John Mercer Junr. dated Mar 19, 1821 was proved in open Court by the
oath of Thomas Lindsay a subscribing witness thereto and ordered Registered.
Deed from Enoch
Ball to James Spry dated Jany. 4, 1822 was acknowledged in open Court according
to Law and ordered Registered.
Deed from Nathan
H. Gregory to Joshua Harrison dated Aug 17, 1821 was proved by the oath of
Spence Hall a subscribing witness thereto & ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from
Spence H. Gregory and Lovey Gregory was proven in open Court by the oath of
Spence Hall a subscribing witness thereto dated Feby. 6, 1820 and ordered
Deed from Kader J.
Marchant to Malachi Jones dated April 1, 1821 was proved in open Court by the
oath of John B. Jones a subscribing witness and ordered Registered.
Deed from James Spry to William Everton dated Jany. 18, 1822 was proved in open
Court by the oath of John B. Jones a subscribing witness and ordered Registered.
Deed of Gift from Abraham Waterfield and Ama(?) Waterfield to Lewis Simpson
Waterfield, Sally Watefield, and Sanders Waterfield dated Sep 21, 1821 was
proved in open Court by the oath of John B. Jones a subscribing witness thereto
and ordered Registered.
Ordered that Julia Harrison Guardian to Lucinda Harrison orphan of Z. Harrison
decd be exempt from returning any Guardian account.
Thomas Luffman ) Petition to) Ordered that Thomas Luffman have liberty to sell
negro boy Lewis belonging to the Estate of _____________.
To )
sell negro )
The Court ) Granted
Abel Owens) Petition for
Owens) Ordered that the Sheriff summon a Jury of good
& lawful men to go the premises ______ _____ ____ to the petition her dower in
right as a ____ and make report .
To )
in right of his wife )
The Court )
Ordered that the Court adjourn until tomorrow 10 O’clock
Tuesday Feby 26 1822 Court met according to adjournment
Justices Present: Thomas ?. Casey, Caleb
Etheridge, John Forbes and Samuel Etheridge - Esquires
On motion Ordered that the County trustee pay to Emma G___d the sum of Six dollars for ___ blank books for the state Docket and minute Docket.
Wm. Jarvis )
Jury ____ 1. John N. Wilson 2. Thomas Dudley 3. Tully Dozier
vs. ) 4. Hall Williams 5. Thomas Poyner
6. Caleb _____ 7. Samuel
Jonathan Lindsay) Simmons 8. Thomas
Williams 9. Dennis Northern 10. James
11. Wm. Grives
12. Samuel Edy. Impannelled and sworn say that the defendant did not appear
and . . . . . in favor of the defendant
George Griggs) Jury (same as in ___)
Impannelled & sworn find . . . in favor of the
plaintiff and assign his damage to six dollars.
vs. )
Elihu Hall )
Ordered that Caleb Etheridge, John Forbes Esquire and Captain Benjamin Taylor
audit and settle the accounts and vouchers of the estate of Will. Etheridge decd
and Andrew Duke adm. of the deceased and J__at Etheridge and make Return
Ordered that John Cox have until May Term to return his guardian accounts
Ordered that Elizabeth Gregory have until May Term to return her Guardian
Thomas White was allowed to administer on the estate of William Gregory decd who
qualified & entered into bond with John Heath, Samuel Gregory in the sum of One
hundred pounds.
Ordered that Wm. Gennet have the right of administration on the estate of
Aseneth Farrow decd who qualified and Entered into bond with Bannister Midget
and John Walker as securities in the sum of £200
Ordered that Foster Jarvis have the right of administration on the Estate of
John McHorney decd who qualified and Entered into bond with securities.
Ordered that Spence Hall have the right of
administration on the Estate of John Garret who qualified and Entered into bond
with securities.
Ordered that John L. Hampton have the right of
administration on the Estate of Alexander Berry.
Ordered that Wm. G. Mercer and Dennis Thompson have
liberty to retail Spirits and Liquor by the _____ Mercer on the public Ground at
the Court house.
Ordered that Samuel Ferebee, Caleb Etheridge and
Thomas Williams audit and settle the accounts & vouchers of Mitchel Simmons as
Guardian to the orphans of John Sears decd against his wards John Sears & Polly
O’Neel and make return.
Ordered that Wm. Bray senr., Sam. B. Land, David
Morse & Jeremiah Land audit & settle the account of John Ship adm. of Lydia
Bowen decd and make return.
The Last Will and Testament of Samuel Salyear Senr.
decd was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Thomas Poyner Esqr &
Charles W. Hardy the ___ qualified in open Court.
Ordered that Samuel Ferebee Senr., Samuel Williams,
Joseph Rolph, Gideon C. Marchant and Thomas C. Ferebee or any three of them
audit and settle the acts. And vouchers of Peter Barnard Exor. of James Dozier
Junr. and make Report.
Ordered that Joseph Cowell be appointed overseer on
the public Road from Tuls Creek to Harris’ place.
Ordered that Jesse Lee be appointed overseer for
the public Road in the Tuls Creek district for the present year.
Ordered that Davis B. Morse, ___ Doxey, Moses Bunnel. Wm. Bray Junr. or any
three of them settle the accounts and vouchers of Wm. Mathias adm. of James
Henry deceased and make Return.
Julia Salyer) Ordered that the Sheriff
summons a Jury of good & lawful men to go on
the premises and ____ with the petitioner her right of Dower according to the
prayer of the petitioner
The Court)
Ordered that Willoughby D. Basnet, Tuly Bell,
Samuel Williams & Enoch Nash or any three of them audit and settle the accts.
and vouchers of Samuel Wilkins adm. of James Wilkins decd and make report.
Ordered that Joshua Baxter have the liberty of
marking the timber that if damaged on the lands of Samuel Alcock’s orphans.
Ordered that the County trustee pay unto the Clerk
of the superior Court of
County sixty six dollars & four cents for an Indictment.
Ordered that John Shipp, William W. Read & Jeremiah
Plummer be apt. Comms. to settle the estate of Sally Heath decd with Willis
Dozier her admin.
Ordered that Elijah Hunnings, Wm. Jarvis & Thomas
Jarvis be appointed patrols for Poplar branch district.
Ordered that an order issue to Willis Sikes to sell
the negroes belonging to the estate of Robert B. Poyner decd
Ordered that the County trustee pay unto Samuel
Ferebee twenty five pounds, thirteen shillings and Eight pence for superior
Court costs.
Ordered that Isaac Baxter, Enoch Ball, Samuel
Salyear and John Forbes or any three of them audit and settle the accounts and
vouchers of Isaac Casey exor. of Lovey Poyner decd & make report.
Ordered that Thomas Poyner and Thomas Whitehall
Esquires take the private examination of Dorcas Forbes touching her free consent
to a conveyance of Land from Richard Bray.
Ordered that John N. Wilson, Philip Northern, Stephen N. Daley, and Edward
Bright be appd patrols for Moyock district.
Julian O’Neal) On motion ordered that the
sheriff summon a Jury of Good & lawful
men to allot and set apart to the petitioner the fight of dower according to the
prayer of the petitioner.
To )
The Court )
Ordered that Samuel Ferebee Senr., Samuel Williams,
Joseph Rolph & Gideon C. Marchant or any three of them audit Settle the a/c
vouchers of Peter Barnard adm. of Samuel Dozier and make report
On motion ordered that Samuel Etheridge pay the sum
of Fifteen dollars on a/c of the expenses of a bastard child begotten by him on
the body of Anney Smith.
Deed from Wm. Melson to Patrick Northern, John Cox
and I. C. Ballentine dated
Mar 24, 1821 was acknowledged in open Court &
Ordered Registered.
Deed from Elijah Gibbs to Reuben Taylor dated Feb.
5, 1820 was proven in open Court by the oath of Andrew Duke a subscribing
witness thereto and ordered Registered.
Deed from John Acklin to Griffin Poyner dated Feby
23, 1822 was proven in open Court by the oath of Isaac Casey a witness thereto
and ordered Reg.
Deed from Lemuel Tucker & Kader Davis to John
Tucker dated Sept 1821 was proved in open Court by the oath of Ezekel ___tman a
witness thereto and ordered Registered.
Deed from Latimer Wilson to Thomas Brooks dated
January 3d 1822 was acknowledged in open Court and ordered Registered.
Deed from Thomas Luffman to Daniel Lee and Linton
Lee ___ dated
20 November
was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Solomon Bright a
subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered to be Registered.
Deed from Amay Wright to John Sanderson dated the
3d day of January 1822 was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of
Jesse Bernard a subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered Registered.
Deed from Josiah Joliffe to Latimer Wilson dated
October 19, 1821
was exhibited in open Court and acknowledged by Josiah Joliffe in due form of
Law and on motion ordered to be Regitered.
Deed from Hadley Woodhouse to Zebulon Beacham dated
January 19, 1822 was exhibited in open court and proved by the oath of Elihu
Hall a subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered to be Registered.
Bill of Sale from Davis Ballentine to Edith Wilson
dated the 4th day of December 1821 was exhibited in open Court and proved by the
oath of Josiah Joliffe a subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered to be
Deed from Thomas Forbes and Dorcas Forbes to Majeck
Sawyer dated the 19th January 1822 was exhibited in open Court and proved as to
Thomas Forbes by the oath of Elihu Hall a subscribing witness thereto and on
motion ordered that Thomas Poyner and Thomas Whitehall Esquires be appointed
Commissioners to take the private examination of Dorcas Forbes feme Convert and
that the Clerk ____ a Commission to them for that purpose agree ____ to act of a
_____ in such case__ and provided and that they report at the next court.
Deed of Gift from John Shipp to James ?. Morse and
Malachi N. Morse dated November 5th 1821 was exhibited in open court and
acknowledged by John Shipp in due form of Law and o motion ordered to be
Deed from Caleb Simmons and Lucy Simmons to Thomas
Simmons dated the 30th January 1822 was exhibited in open Court and acknowledged
by C. Simmons and Lucy H. Simmons in due form of Law and on motion ordered to be
Deed from John Heath to Julia Heath dated the 2d
day of February 1822 was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Jesse
Barnard a subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered to be Registered.
Deed from Jeremiah Plummer to Frederick Bowen dated the 23rd of November 1821
was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Fanny H. ____land a
subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered to be Registered.
Deed from
Thomas Brooks and Julia Brooks his wife to Davis Ballentine dated 8 day of
February 1822 was exhibited in open Court and acknowledged by Thomas Brooks and
Julia Brooks was taken before the Court separate and apart from her husband and
in a private examination by the said Court and on motion is ordered Registered.
Bill of
sale from Augustus Linton to Patrick Northern dated the 6 1821 was exhibited in
open Court and acknowledged in due form of Law and on motion ordered Registered.
Bill of
Sale from Thomas Forbes to Daniel Sanderson dated 12th day of January
1822 was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Elihu Hall a
subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered Registered.
Deed from
Thomas Etheridge to William Lee dated 7th day of Sept 1821 was
exhibited in open Court ordered to be Registered after being proved by the oath
of W. D. Barnard a subscribing witness thereto.
Deed of
Gift from Lydia Jarvis to John B. Jarvis dated the 20th day of
December 1821 was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Dennis
Simmons a subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered to be Registered.
Deed from
Samuel Douglass to Latimer Wilson dated July 7 1821 was exhibited in open Court
and on motion ordered to be Registered after being proved by the oath of Philip
Northern a subscribing witness thereto.
Deed from
William Denbeigh to Latimer Wilson dated the 12th day of July 1821
was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Josiah Joliff a
subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered to be Registered.
Deed from
Caleb Simmons and Lovey H. Simmons his wife to Frederick Bowen dated the 25 day
of Feby. 1820 was exhibited in open Court and was acknowledged as to Caleb
Simmons, and Lovey H. Simmons was privately examined separate and apart from her
husband and acknowledged her free consent to the said conveyance and on motion
it is ordered to be Registered.
Deed from
William Bunel to Nathan H. Gregory dated 23 day of Feby 1822 was exhibited in
open Court and proved by the oath of Caleb Forbes a subscribing witness thereto
and on motion is ordered to be Registered.
Deed from
David Wilson to Josiah Joliff dated 1 of September 1821 and exhibited in open
Court and proved by the oath of W. S. Wilson a subscribing witness thereto and
on motion is ordered to be Registered.
Deed from
Latimer Wilson to Thomas Brooks dated 23d day of January 1822 was
exhibited in open Court and acknowledged according to Law & on motion ordered to
be Registered.
Deed from
James Spry to Samuel McHorney dated the 18th January 1822 was
exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Enoch Baxter a subscribing
witness thereto and on motion ordered to be Registered.
Deed from
Nathan Poyner to Levi Poyner dated the 25 day of Feby. 1822 was exhibited in
open Court and acknowledged in due form of Law and on motion it is ordered to be
The Last
Will and Testament of Joseph Baxter was exhibited in open Court and proved by
the oath of Samuel Ferebee a subscribing witness thereto. Isaac Baxter the
Executor qualified.
that Cartwright Bell have until next Term to return his _____ Accounts.
that Thomas Poyner Esquire, Thomas Whitehall, Lancelot Woodhouse and Daniel
Sanderson or any 3 of them audit and settle the accounts of Zachariah Bray admr.
of Mary Jarvis Dedd.
Hall) On motion ordered that an order ___end to Spence Hall admr.
of John Gamil
decd to sell negro Primey according to the
_____ of the petitioner and make Return of the same.
To )
The Court )
that Joseph J. Ballentine,
Ballentine, Thomas Luffman Esqr. and John Cox audit and settle the a/c and
vouchers of Dempsey Northern admr. of James Northern decdand that
they make report to next Court.
that Thomas Williams, Reuben Taylor and Thomas Northern be appointed patrol in
the Coinjock district they acting there agreeably to the Law for one year.
Ordered that the Court adjourn until tomorrow 10 O’clock Wednesday Feby 27, 1822
Court met according to adjournment. Justices Present: Caleb Etheridge, John Forbes and Caleb Forbes
that William Bray be allowed until next Term to return his Guardian accounts.
that Thomas Williams, Thomas Walsten and Reuben Taylor be appointed patrols in
Robert H.
Smith) Jury (same as in ___19) Impannelled and sworn find
all the ____ in favor of the
plff. Judget according to
specially filed.
vs. )
Dozier )
Perry ) Jury 1. Jno. N. Wilson 2. Thomas Dudley
3. ____ ____ 4. Caleb
_____ 5. Samuel Simmons 6. Dennis Northern 7. James Waterfield
8. M. Jarvis 9. Samuel Edy 10. Samuel Bell 11. George Griggs
12. Wm. Etheridge.
vs. )
Impannelled & sworn say that they find
all the ip___ in favor of the dependant. Rule for new trial. On argument by the
Court the rule set aside.
that Philip Dauge be allowed until May Term to make his guardian Return.
that Thomas Poyner Esqr. have the right of adm. on the Estate of John Mercer (?)
Jr. decd qualified & Entered into Bond with Daniel Lindsey Jr. &
Caleb Sanderson securities in the sum of one thousand pounds.
that James Melson have until next Term to make his return.
Wm. E.
Baxter adm. ) 1. John Wilson 2. Thomas Duaby 3. Caleb Morse
4. Samuel Simmons
5. Thomas Williams 6. Dennis Malbon 7. James Waterfield 8. Wm.
Jarvis 9. Samuel Eady 10. Samuel Eady 11. James
Bell 12. George Griggs
vs. )
Impannelled & sworn say that they find . . . in
favor of the plaintiff and assess his damages to $37.10 __ cents
Kader J.
Marchant )
The name Samuel Eady was listed twice.]
that Caleb Forbes Esqr. and James Melson have until May Term to return their
Guardian accounts.
that Alfred Perkins have until May Term to return his guardian account.
Deed from
Caleb Etheridge to the warden’s of the ____ dated 20th day of January
1822 was acknowledged in open Court in due form of law and on motion Ordered
and Receipt from
__ Tucker dated 21 June 1821 was proved by the oath of Joseph Rolph a
subscribing witness and on motion ordered Registered.
Bill of
Sale from Edward Hardy and Lydia Hardy to Dorcas Jasper was dated 8 day of June
1821 was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of John B. Jones a
subscribing evidence thereto and on motion ordered Registered.
Deed from
Jesse Bray to Jesse Janyer(?) dated the 1 day of December 1821 was exhibited in
open Court & was proved by the oath of Wm. Gray a subscribing witness that and
on motion ordered Registered.
Deed from
Samuel Powers to Alfred Ritter dated 18 of February 1822 was exhibited in open
Court and proved by the oath of John D. Powers a subscribing witness thereto and
on motion Ordered Registered.
Deed from
William Ferebee to Samuel Forbes dated 22d day of February 1822 was
exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Thomas C. Ferebee a
subscribing evidence thereto & on motion ordered Registered.
Deed from
Lydia Poyner to Seth Halstead dated 28 Jany 1822 and Exhibited in open Court and
proved by the oath of Caleb Etheridge a subscribing Evidence thereto and on
motion Ordered Registered.
Bill of
Sale from Jeremiah Mercer to Samuel Ferebee dated 24 July 1820 was exhibited in
open Court & proved by the oath of Thomas C. Ferebee a subscribing witness and
on motion Ordered Registered.
Deed from
Davis Ballentine to Thomas Brooks dated Feby. 21, 1822 was exhibited in open
Court & acknowledged in due form of Law & on motion ordered to be Registered.
Deed from
Polly Allen to William Everton dated Feby. 14, 1822 was exhibited in open Court
and proved in due form of Law and on motion Ordered Registered.
Bill of
Sale from Jonathan Lindsay to Nancy Mercer dated Feby 22, 1822 was exhibited in
open Court and proved in due form of Law by the oath of Jesse Barnard a
subscribing evidence thereto & on motion Ordered Registered.
Bill of
Sale from James T__ to Thomas Etheridge dated Feby. 27, 1822 was exhibited in
open Court and acknowledged in due form of Law and on motion ordered Registered.
Deed from
Jehy Hall and Lovey his wife to Caleb Etheridge dated May 5 1818 was exhibited
in open Court and proved by the oath of David Jones in due for of Law and on
motion ordered Registered.
Deed from
Cornelius Forbes and Polly his wife to Caleb Forbes dated dec. 29, 1820 was
exhibited in open Court and acknowledged before Jonathan Lindsey, Willis Gallop
Esqr. apt. by order of Court to take the private examination of ___ and on
motion ordered Registered.
Deed from
David Melson to Josiah Joliff dated Sep 21, 1821 was exhibited in open Court and
proved by the oath of N. S. Wilson a subscribing evidence thereto in due form of
Law and on motion Ordered Registered.
Bill of
Sale from Dennis Simmons to Evan Jones was exhibited in open Court & proved by
the oath of S. Simmons a subscribing witness thereto and on motion ordered
Deed from
Caleb Balance & Lydia Balance to Andrew Duke dated 15 November 1821 was
exhibited & acknowledged in open Court in due form of Law Ordered Registered.
Signed: C. Etheridge JP
S. Etheridge JP
D. M. Simmons JP
September 14, 1834
by A. C. Ehringhaus
State of
North Carolina
At a Court held
for the County of Currituck at the Court house in Currituck on the Last Monday
in May 1822 being the 27th day of May
Justices Present: John B. Jones, Willis Gallop, Thomas Luffman, Josiah Joliff, Moses Bunnell
- Esquires
The Sheriff returned
the following Jurors summoned to serve at this time--
1. Wm. D. Barnard 2.
Malachi S. White 3. Wm. White 4. Joshua Gibbons 5. Jesse Sawyer 6. Enoch
D. Ferebee 7. Woby. West 8. Benj Taylor 9. Nathan Poyner 10. Thomas
Everton 11. John Walker 12. Thomas Harvey 13. Jesse Coffee 14. John
Litchfield 15. Malachi Beasley 16. Samuel O’Neil 17. Caleb Sears 18.
Zachariah Simpson 19. Tully Dozier 20. Isaac Casey 21. Joseph Ballentine
22. Francis Snowden 23. Daniel Sanderson 24. Thomas Etheridge 25. Thomas
C. Ferebee 26. Steward Williams 27. Thomas Snowden 28. Levan Dunton 29.
Sanford Doxey 30. Mason W. Parker
Out of which number the
following were drawn as a Grand Jury
1. Thomas C. Ferebee 8. Tully Dozier
2. Francis
Snowden 9. Mason W. Parker
3. Joshua
Gibbons 10. Malachi Beasley
4. Zachariah
Simpson 11. Nathan Poyner
5. Joseph Ballentine
12. Thomas Everton
6. Willoughby
West 13. Thomas Harvey
7. Levin Dunton 14. Wm. White
Wm. Doxey, Senr., Constable
Ordered that Samuel Salyear,
Spence Hall, Caleb Etheridge audit and settle the a/c and vouchers of Spence H.
Gregory adm. of Jno. M. Hall, decd.
The last will and Testament
of Wm. Jarvis decd. was Exhibited & proved by the oath of John Jarvis
a subscribing witness thereto and at the same time Spence Hall & Lemuel Hall the
Excr. therein named qualified in open Court
State ) Jury 1. Will.
D. Barnard 2. Benj. Taylor 3. Samuel O’Neal
Caleb Sears 5. Thomas Williams 6. Edward Bright 7. John Wheatly
8. Lenton Lee 9. Robert Etheridge 10. Andrew Capps 11. Jesse
Coffee 12. Edward Baum
vs )
Moses Bunnell)
Impannelled & sworn say the defendant not guilty.
Ordered that Frances Snowden
have leave to _____ Liquors and entered into Bond with John Cox and Joseph
Ordered that Willis Gallop
Esqr. have adm. on the estate of Uriah Butt decd. qualified & entered
into bond with Caleb Etheridge & John B. Jarvis in the sum of $500.
Ordered that Willis Gallop
Esqr. adm of Uriah But decd. sell all the perishable Estate of said
Ordered that Jesse Coffee
renew his ordinary Lease & Entered into bond with John B. Jones & Andrew Capps
Ordered that John H. Dough
and Daniel Baum be appointed patrols on Roanoke Island.
Ordered that Daniel Meekins
be appointed overseer of the public Road he acting therein agreeable to Law.
Ordered that Moses Austin be
appointed overseer of the Cape Hatteras road he acting therein agreeable to Law.
Ordered that James Midget be
appointed overseer of the Kenekeete Road he acting therein agreeable to Law.
Ordered that Augustus Linton
be discharged from his guardianship to the orphans of Obediah Capps decd.
Thomas Gibson)
Granted -
Ordered that the Sheriff summons a Jury to go on the premises ___ a _____ to the
vs. )
The Court )
Ordered that Moses Bunnel be
discharged from his guardianship to Thomas Midget he being of the age of __
Ordered that William Doxey,
Wm. Bray Jr., Caleb Etheridge and John W. Hughes or any three of them audit &
settle the a/c & vouchers of Patsey Bunnel adm. of Catharin Bunnell
Ordered that Hezekiah B.
Dauge orphan of Benj. Dauge decd. be bound unto Hezekiah Baum as
apprentice to learn the art of a _______
Ordered that Betsey Jarvis
be discharged from her Guardianship to Ivy & Polly Jarvis orphans of Samuel
Jarvis decd.
Ordered that Frances Sanders
be discharged from his Guardianship of Nancy Poyner orphan of Wm. Poyner dedd.
John N. Melson) Petition to
sell Negro Milley
To ) Granted - Ordered that he sell said
negro on a Credit of 6 months
The Court )
Sally Best ) Petition for years
To ) Ordered that an order ______ to Abraham
Baum, Esqr., Spence Hall, Daniel Lindsay, Mathias
_____ and that they make Report.
The Court )
Samuel Ferebee)
To ) Petition for a Read. Granted.
The Court )
Ordered that the sheriff summon a Jury to go on the premises & that they make a Report to next Court.
Justices present: 1. Willis Gallop 2. Jesse Barnard 3. ____ Styron 4. Dennis Simons 5. Caleb Etheridge 6. John B. Jones 7. Mitchell Simmons 8. Samuel Etheridge 9. John Forbes 10. Andrew Duke 11. John ?. Hampton 12. Wm. Smith 13. Thomas Luffman 14. Caleb Forbes 15. Abraham Baum 16. Enoch Ball and 17. Thomas Poyner who proceeded to Elect a sheriff when Isaac Baxter was duly Elected.
Thomas Morse came into open
Court and Registered his office as County surveyor.
The Court proceeded to Elect
a County surveyor when Enoch Ball Esqr. was duly elected.
Alfred M. Gatlin was allowed
Twenty dollars for his extra service for 1821 and 1822 up to May Term 1822.
Isaac Baxter was allowed
Sixty dollars for his Last years Extra services up to May 1822.
Ordered that the County tax
for 1821 be laid at 3 cents on each poll & 10 cents on Each $100 valuation of
Ordered that the poor tax
for the purpose of paying . . . . . . . be levied at 75 cents on Each per. & 25
cents on each $100 valuation of Land.
Ordered that 25 cents be
laid on each poll to maintain the poor in the _____ and 7 cents on each $100
valuation of Land.
Ordered that the Court adjourn until tomorrow morning 10 o’clock May 28th
Court met according to adjournment
- Justices Present :Enoch Ball, Caleb Etheridge, John B. Jones
On motion it is ordered that
Christian Pugh administer on the estate of William Pugh decd. who
qualified and entered into bond.
On motion it is ordered that
Zelphia Paine Administrator on the estate of Joseph Pain dedd. who
qualified & entered into bond with Nathan Oneal & William Muny(?) in the sum of
$200 & qualified.
Lemuel Hoskins ) Jury: Jesse Sawyer, Enoch D. Ferebee, Banjamin Taylor, Samuel
O’Neal, Caleb Sears, Thos. Etheridge, Thomas
Williams, Thomas Sanders, Sanford Doxey, Wm. Bray, Elijah Hunnings and
Caleb Sanderson
v. )
William Mathias)
Impannelled & sworn say the obligation de_______ __ the deed of the
defendant, that there is no payment as setoff and assess the plaintiff damages
in Interest to $39.32 value of obligation $302.53
Ordered that Jonah Stack pay
unto Polley Randolph the sum of fifteen dollars for the maintenance of a Bastard
Child begotten on her Body by said Stack.
Ordered that Thomas Douglas,
Nathan O’Neal, Jeremiah Meekins, ____ Northern allott and set apart unto Zelphy
Paine widow of Joseph Paine the one years provisions.
Emerson Gould assignee(?)) Jury Imannelled and sworn say they find the obligation
declared on the act and deed of the defendant, that there is no payment ____
____ and assess the pltff. Damages by way of Int. to $33.75 amt. of . . .
. . . . $500
Jury as follows M. D. Barnard, Jesse Sawyer, Enoch D. Ferebee, Benj. Taylor, Samuel
O’neal, Caleb Sears, Thos. Etheridge, Stuart Williams, Thomas ____den, Sanford
Doxey, W. Bray & Elijah Hunnings
Tully Bell
Wilson Holloway
Williams) Jury (as above) Impannelled and sworn say the
obligation declared on is the act & deed
of the defendant there is no
payment or ______ and assess the plff. Damages to Judgment for $400 to be discharged on payment of $200 with Int.
from 17 June 1820
vs. )
Jeremiah Etheridge, etal )
Joseph Tatum
) Jury (as above) Impannelled & sworn say the obligation declared
E. Gould Real Plff.
) on is the act & deed of the defendant, there is no payment or
Vs ) ______ assess the full damage to $50
by way of Int. amt of
Wm Mathias et al ) principal $440.50
Ordered that Robert Williams
be appointed overseer of the main Road from Thomas Williams Gate to Deep Branch
and half of the ____ Swamp in the stead of Wm. Ball late overseer.
Ordered that Elihu Hall
renew his ordinary Bond and entered into bond with J. Lindsay and J. Douglas as
_____ Mann adm.
) Petition to sell negroes: Naney, Dave, Ned, Kate and Durant
To ) Granted. Ordered by the Court that said
negroes be sold by Mr.
The Court ) Mann the adm. agreeably to the petition.
Ordered that James Douglas
have leave to Robert . . . . . . by giving bond.
Last Will and Testament
of Willoughby Basnett decd was exhibited in open Court and proved by
the oath of Wallis Styron a subscribing Evidence and Wallis Styron the Exr.
therein named qualified in open Court.
Ordered that Tully Bell be
appt overseer from the _____ by Caleb Bells to the north River bounds
in the stead of W___y Wilkins.
Ordered that James Baxter
furnish stands, weights & measures for the County of Currituck and return his
a/c to Court.
Ordered that Sanford Doxey
be discharged from his guardianship to William Doxey his son.
Ordered that Thomas Farrow,
Wm. Gennit, Silas Farrow & James O’Neal audit & settle the a/c 7 vouchers of
Peter Bray adm of Joseph Williams.
Ordered that Alexander
Whitehall be appointed overseer of the Road from Poplar Branch to Ann Sanderson
in steed of Elihu Hall.
Ordered that Reuben B___ny,
Zachariah B___ny, Wallis Styron and Robert Styron be appointed to lay off and
set apart unto Amelia Quidly her years provision from the estate of Wm. Quidly
Ordered that Wm. Gennett,
Peter Brady, Pharow Farrow & Silas Farrow audit and settle the a/c & vouchers of
Thomas Farrow ___ of Amy Williams dedd.
Ordered that there be a
Committee of Finances be appointed consisting of Caleb Etheridge, Mitchell
Simmons, Samuel Etheridge and Samuel Williams to examine the County Treasurers
Ordered that Joab Dozier be
appointed overseer of the public road from ________ Mill out to Peter Morse’s
decd in the room & stead of Willoughby West.
Last Will and Testament
of Demecy Lee was exhibited in open court & proved by the oath of Jasper Dauge a
subscribing witness and Jeremiah Sawyer the Exr. therein names qualified in open
Ordered that Jeremiah Sawyer
sell the perishable estate of Demsey Lee decd
Ordered that Edny Bell be
discharged from his Guardianship as to his daughter Polly Bell.
Ordered that Thomas Taylor
be appointed constable in the Coinjock district who qualified and entered into
bond with John Forbes & Samuel Salyear his securities.
Ordered that Enoch Ball be
appointed overseer of the main Road in the room & stead of John (NOTE:
nothing further is given in this order.)
On motion it is ordered
that Wallis Styron have administration on the Estate of Cornelius Austin senr.
dedd who qualified and entered into bond with security ___ Peter
Brady & Robert Styron in the sum of $500.
Ordered that the Court adjourn until tomorrow morning.
Wednesday Court met according to adjournment. Justices present: Samuel Etheridge, Caleb Etheridge and Caleb Forbes.
On motion ordered that Thomas Ba___s have administration on the estate of John Ba___s who qualified and entered into Bond with Valentine Tol_y and Jacob Midget securities in the sum of $1000. (NOTE: This name may be Barnes but it is very difficult to read.)
Elizabeth Gregory ) Jury Willoughby D. Barnard, Jesse Sawyer, Enoch D. Ferebee, Benj.
Taylor, Samuel O’Neal, Baleb Sears, Thos. Etheridge,
Stuart Williams,
Thomas Snowden, Sanford Doxey, Dosey Dozier, Joel Caps.
vs. )
Impannelled and sworn
say the defendant did a_____ and assess the damages to ten dollars.
Caleb Forbes, Guard. )
Elizabeth Gregory )
Jury (same as above) Impannelled & sworn say that the deft. did a_____
and find all the issue in favor of the defendant.
Caleb Forbes
Winford Tatum appeared and gave up the Guardianship of Peter L. Tatum.
On motion it is ordered that Caleb Etheridge, Samuel Salyer, John Forbes, & Thomas Simmons or any three of them audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of Thomas Williams admr. of Ben Barnes decd.
John Mackey )
Jury 1. Elijah Hunning 2. Philip Dauge 3. James Holmes 4. James Poyner
5. James Melson 6. Griffen Walker 7. Gideon Bonney
8. Moses ___ 9. Thomas Lindsay 10. Thomas Jarvis 11. Foster Jarvis
12. John Heath
) Impannelled & sworn say that the
defendant did not assume & find all the ___ in favor of the defendant.
Solomon H__gh )
Ordered that Caleb Etheridge, John W. Hughes, John Forbes & Enoch Ball audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of Samuel Salyear former Guardian to the orphan of Nathan & Polly Tatum with Saml. Salyear Jr. & Jasper Poyner the present Guardian.
Jasper Picket )
Jury 1. _____ Barnard 2. J____ Dauge 3. Enoch D. Ferebee
4. Benj. Taylor 5. Samuel
O’Neil 6. Caleb Sears 7. Thomas Etheridge 8. Stewart
Williams 9. Thomas Snowden 10. Sanford Doxey 11. (nothing written)
12. Joshua Baxter.
v. )
Ordered by the Court that there was such __ judgment. Jury impannelled & sworn say that they find all the ____ in favor of the defendant.
The Court granted an appeal and . . . . . . and C. Etheridge securities.
Thomas Miller )
Ordered that Caleb
Etheridge, John W. Hughes, John Forbes & Enoch Ball audit & settle the a/c &
vouchers of Samuel Salyer former Guardian to the orphan of Nathan & Polly Tatum
with Saml Salyer Jr. & Jasper Poyner the present Guardian.
Ordered that Jesse
Poyner be appointed Guardian to Betsy Tatum orphan of Nathan Tatum decd. &
entered into Bond with Sam’l. Salyer and Caleb Etheridge for $50.
Ordered that
Samuel Salyear be apt. Guardian to Wm & Sally Tatum orphans of Nathan Tatum decd.
and entered into bond with Jesse Barnard security.
Ordered that Sam
Ferebee, Dennis Dauge, Joseph Ralph and Caleb Etheridge audit and settle the a/c
& vouchers of Thomas Mann admin of Peter ____ decd.
(There are numerous court records here that are very hard to read)
Ordered that James
Poyner be released from the Guardianship to his son James.
Ordered that Isaac
Baxter work the timber Injured by the late storm to pay the tax of the land
owned by Andrew (blank) & make report.
Ordered that Enoch
Ball Guardian to Nancy Gray orphan of Griffin Gray be released from his
Ordered that Enoch
Ball be appt . guardian to Isaac P. Holloway orphan of Barshaba
Holloway decd. and entered into bond with John W. Hughes & Abraham
Baum securities.
On motion it is
ordered that Abraham Baum Esqr. Daniel Lindsey & Willis Gallop be
appointed P_____ of north Banks district.
On motion it is
ordered that Spence Hall Caleb Forbes Esqr & Nathan H. Gregory be
appointed professionals from the end of the point to Poplar Branch.
Ordered that Saml.
Ferebee, Caleb Etheridge, Hollowell Williams & Jno. W. Hughes audit and settle
the accounts and vouchers of Davis Ballentine & Davis Morse Exrs of Francis
Morse decd.
Ordered that
Wallace Styron, Joseph Quidley, Zachariah Bonney, ____ Austin and Robert Styron
be appointed to lay off and set apart unto Zelphia Austin widow of Cornelius
Austin decd. her years provision.
Bill of Sale from
E___iel Trotman to Isley Simmons dated 30 day of April 1822 was exhibited in
open Court and proved by the oath of I. Ball a subscribing witness and ordered
Deed from Henry
Spence to A. H. Melson dated 1 day of September ___ 1822 and acknowledged in
open Court in due form of Law & ordered Registered.
Deed from Stephen
Beasley to Ba_____as Beasley dated 2 day of April 1822 was Exhibited and proved
by the oath of a Subscribing Evidence thereto and ordered Registered.
Deed from M.
Sawyer to Thomas Oneal dated the 8 of February 1822 was exhibited and proved by
the oath of Joseph Best a subscribing witness thereto and ordered Registered.
Deed from Ivey
Oneil to Polly Gregory dated the 12th January 1822 was Exhibited in
open Court & proved by the oath of John Whilby a subscribing witness and ordered
Deed from James
Fisher to Maximillian Fisher dated 23 April 1821 was exhibited in open court and
proved by the oath of Thomas Simmons a subscribing witness & ordered Registered.
Deed from Jeremiah
Land to Melissa Gould dated 10th day of March 1822 was Exhibited &
Acknowledged in open court in due for and ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from
Abraham Baum to Edward Baum dated 8 May 1822 was exhibited in open Court &
proved by the oath of S. Salyear a subscribing witness thereto & ordered
Bill of Sale from Jesse Caffe to Jno. B. Jones dated 1 day of December 1821 was
exhibited in open court and acknowledged in due form of law. Ordered
Bill of Sale from James Old admin. to Aaron Bright dated
7 day of June 1815 was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of John
Cox a subscribing witness and ordered Registered.
Deed from William Toulson to Thomas Austin dated 5 day
April 1822 and exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of W. Styron a
subscribing witness & ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Isaac Baxter Shff. To Willis Gallop
dated Nov 1821 was exhibited and acknowledged in open Court in due form &
ordered Registered.
Deed from Nathan O’neal to Christopher O’neal dated 6
July 1821 1821 was exhibited and acknowledged in open Court in due form &
ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Major Whitehurst to Luke Whitehurst
dated 22d April 1822 was acknowledged in open Court & proved by the
oath of Benjamin Wakefield a subscribing witness thereto & ordered Registered.
Deed from Willoughby Barnell to William Melson dated 13
day August 1821 was exhibited in open Court & proved by the oath of John Whidby
a subscribing witness thereto and ordered Registered.
Deed from N. Styron to Richard Winslow dated 10 December
1821 was exhibited in open Court & acknowledged in due form & ordered
Deed from James O’neal to Dennis Simmons dated 23d
Feby 1821 was exhibited in open court and proved by the oath of John B. Jones a
subscribing witness & ordered Registered.
Deed of Gift from Selah Sanderson to Betsy Forbes dated
13 May 1822 was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Thomas
Whitehall a subscribing witness & ordered Registered.
Deed from Willis Lee to Henry Spence dated 9 Nov 1821
was exhibited in open Court and acknowledged in due form and ordered Registered.
Deed from Francis Bot__ chal to Israel Fisher dated 3d
Oct 1821 was exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of William Fisher &
Tully Dauge subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Jasper Dozier to W. P. Barnard dated
26 Feby 1822 was exhibited in open Court & proved by the oath of Tully B.
Fancher a subscribing witness thereto & ordered Registered.
Deed from Samuel Mann to William Etheridge dated 30 July
1822 was exhibited in open Court & proved by the oath of W. A. Dough a
subscribing witness thereto & ordered Registered.
Deed from Gideon Jones chals to Caleb Simmons dated 15
Jany 1822 was exhibited in open Court and acknowledged in due form of Law &
ordered Registered.
Deed from Norris Daniel to William Daniel dated 20 Nov
1821 was exhibited in open Court & proved by the oath of Abraham Baum a
subscribing witness thereto & ordered Registered.
Deed from Norris Daniel to Amos Etheridge dated 23 Nov
1821 was exhibited & proved by Abraham Baum & ordered Registered.
Deed of Gift from John Cox to Philis Culpepper dated 20
december 1821 was exhibited and acknowledged in open Court & ordered Registered.
Deed from E. Stephens to Trimigan Taylor dated 21 May
1822 was exhibited in open Court in due form & acknowledged. Ordered
Bill of Sale from William Thompson to Benj. Taylor dated
1 April 1822 was exhibited & proved in open Court by the oath of E. Ball &
ordered Registered.
Deed of Gift from Abraham Baum to William Etheridge
dated 11 day Sept. 1820 was exhibited and acknowledged in open Court in due form
and ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from John N. Wilson to John Cox dated 11
August 1821 was exhibited and acknowledged in open Court in due form & ordered
Deed of Gift from Richard Dough to Susannah Murrill
dated 14 Apr 1821 was exhibited and proved in open Court by the oath Frederick
Deed from Major Whitehurst to Dennis Simmons dated 20
Sep 1820 was exhibited and proved in open Court by the oath of John D. Bowen &
ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Davis Fancher to Thomas Luffman dated
3 August 1821 was exhibited and proved in open Court by oath of John Cox &
ordered Registered.
Deed from Malachi Corbell to John B. Jones dated 5
October 1821 and exhibited & proved in open Court by the oath of Arther Mann and
ordered Registered.
Deed of Gift from Mo___ Allen to Miles G__den dated 26
November 1821 was exhibited and proved in open Court by the oath of Wm. Smith &
ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Joseph Allen to William Smith dated 15
March 1822 was exhibited & acknowledged in open Court in due form and ordered
Deed from Zachariah Bray to Daniel Lindsay dated 22
January 1821 was e4xhibited & acknowledged in open Court in due form and ordered
Deed from Jacob Litchfield to Mary Carrol dated 30 day
June 1821 was exhibited & proved by the oath of Joseph Grimstead a subscribing
evidence thereto & ordered Registered.
Deed from Michelas Allason & Gideon Hayman to John Cox
dated 24 day of August 1821 was exhibited & proved by the oath of D. Bright &
Henry Ballentine subscribing Evidences thereto & ordered Registered.
Deed from Nicholas Allason to John Cox dated 24 August
1821 was exhibited & proved by the oath of D___ Bright & Henry Ballance
Subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered Registered.
Deed from James
Thomas to Thomas Whitehall dated 24 March 1821 and exhibited & proved in open
Court by the oath of D. Lindsay a subscribing witness there to and ordered
Bill of Sale from William White to Daniel Lindsay dated March 1822 was
exhibited and acknowledged in open Court in due form and ordered Registered.
Deed from Jacob Beasley to Samuel Davis dated 22 January 1822 was exhibited &
proved in open Court by the oath of Saml. Ashbee a subscribing witness thereto
and ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Evan Jones to Dennis Simmons dated 17 Aug 1821 was Exhibited
in open Court by J. Simmons a subscribing witness thereto and ordered
Deed of Gift from Abraham Baum to Samuel Baum dated 21 May 1822 was exhibited
and proved in open Court by the oath of T. Hilleloin(?) a subscribing witness
thereto and ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from William Mercer to M. D. Barnard dated May 4 1822 was
Exhibited in open Court and acknowledged in due form & ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Jacob Sawyer to Jesse Sawyer dated 24 day of August 1819 was
Exhibited & proved in open Court by the oath of Tho. Poyner a subscribing
witness thereto and ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Major Whitehurst to Leven Whitehurst dated 22 April 1822 was
exhibited and proved in open Court by the oath of Benj. Wakefield a
subscribing evidence thereto & ordered Registered.
Deed from Zebulon Bencham to John Cuty(?) dated 11 February 1822 was exhibited
& proved in open Court by oath of Joseph Best a subscribing witness and
ordered Registered.
Deed from Lydia Sanderson to Sally Sanderson dated 30 May 1821 was exhibited &
proved in open Court by oath of Thos. Poyner a subscribing witness there &
ordered Registered.
Deed from Dennis Capps & Anna Capps to Mary Carrol dated 27 May 1822 was
exhibited & acknowledged in open Court in due form and ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Lydia Jones & John B. Jones to Jesse Caffee dated 8 December
1821 was exhibited & proved by the oath of John B. Jones as to Lydia Jones and
acknowledged as to his part & ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Marick Allen to John Gordon dated 20 Nov 1821 was exhibited
and proved in open Court by the oath of William Smith a subscribing witness
thereto and ordered Registered.
Deed from M. Waterfield to Richard Waterfield dated 14 April 1822 was
exhibited and proved in open Court by the oath of Samuel Beasley a subscribing
witness thereto and ordered Registered.
Deed from Jonah Taylor to William Thompson dated 27 March 1822 was exhibited &
proved in open Court by the oath of E. L. Stephens a subscribing witness and
ordered Registered.
Deed from Norris(?) Daniel to Bailey Daniel dated 4 Sept 1820 was exhibited
and proved in open Court by the oath of Abraham Baum a subscribing witness
thereto and ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Edward Baum to Samuel Baum dated 1 Jany. 1822 was exhibited
and acknowledged in open Court in due form & ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from Isaac Baxter Shff. To Danl. Lindsay Sen. Dated May 1821 was
exhibited and acknowledged in open Court in due form & ordered Registered.
Deed of Gift from Abraham Baum to Polly Davis dated 27 May 1822 was exhibited
& acknowledged in open Court in due form & ordered Registered.
Signed: C. Etheridge JP, E. Ball JP, Abraham Baum JP
Transcribed September 16, 1824 by A.P. Ehringhouse
State of North Carolina At a Court held at the Court house in Currituck on the last Monday in August 1822 being on the 26th
Justices Present: Caleb Etheridge, Andrew Duke, Willis Gallop, Esquires
1. Willis Sikes | 16. Mary Tatum |
2. James Bray | 17. James Pearson |
3. James Douglas | 18. John Marchant |
4. Elihu Hall | 19. James Ballance |
5. Richard Dozier | 20. Caleb Sanderson |
6. Augustus Linton | 21. Philip Dozier |
7. James Brable | 22. James Whitehurst |
8. Samuel Thompson | 23. Wm. Etheridge |
9. Henry Bright | 24. Thomas Brumsey |
10. Lemuel Gregory | 25. John Brable, Sen. |
11. John Cox | 26. Robert White |
12. John Morse | 27. Hillary White |
13. Andrew Bray | 28. Samuel A. Dowdy |
14. N. Bray Jr. | 29. Thomas Gibson |
15. John G_____ | 30. Joel Capps |
Out of which the following were drawn as Grand Jurors.
1. James Brable | 10. James Pearson |
2. Willis Sikes | 11. Thomas Gibson |
3. Elihu Hall | 12 Lemuel Gregory |
4. Thomas Brumsey | 13. W.? Bray, Jr. |
5. John Morse | 14. James Bray |
6. Caleb Sanderson | 15. Henry Bright |
7. James Whitehurst | 16. Hillary Whitet |
8. John G______ | 17. James Balance |
9. Andrew Bray | 18 Joel Capps |
Ordered that Joshua Guard pay unto Nancy Beals twenty four
dollars for one years maintenance of a child begotten on her body by said
Guard to be paid quarterly.
Samuel S. Sawyer
Esquire produced his license to plead in the County Court of Pleas and quarter
Sessions – where __ on permission was granted him to plead in this Court.
Ordered that Burkett
Guard have administration on the estate of Zebulon Bencham who qualified &
entered into Bond with Thos. Tillet & J. Lindsay securities in the sum of
Ordered that Burkett
Guard sell the perishable part of the estate of Z. Beacham.
Ordered that Danl.
Lindsay Jr. have the right of adm. on the estate of John Murrell dec’d
qualified & entered into bond with Thos. Tillet & J. Lindsay securities in the
sum of £250.
Ordered that D. Lindsay
Jr. sell the perishable part of the estate of John Murrell decd.
Ordered that Jacob
Aydelett pay unto Peggy Hunnings quarterly the sum of Twenty dollars for the
second year support of a Bastard child begotten on her body.
Betty Beacham
petitions the court for her yrs. provision. Ordered that Abraham Baum Esqr., Thos. Tillet, Caleb Toler,
Mathias Toler, & Barna__ Beasley be appt comm. Granted.
Ordered that James
Scarborough be appt overseer of the Cape Road in the Room of Wm.
Deed from Richard
Dozier to Elias Dozier dated 1 Aug 1822 was exhibited & acknowledged in open
Court in due form & ordered Registered.
Deed from J. J.
Ballentine to Jno. W. Wilson dated 20th Day June 1822 was
acknowledged in open Court and proved by the oath of Tho. BN. Jarvis a
subscribing witness thereto and ordered Registered.
The Court adjourned until tomorrow 10 O’clock
The last will and Testament of Sampson Etheridge was Exhibited in open Court and proved by the oath of Nat. H. Gregory a subscribing witness thereto the Executrix therein named qualified ______ Court.
Tuesday August 21 1822
The Court met according to adjournment. Justices Present: Caleb Etheridge, Andrew Duke & Enoch Ball, Esquires
Ordered that Mary Ann Pugh be discharged from her Guardianship to her children Samuel M. Pugh, Benj. D. Pugh & Clarissa R. Pugh
Sikes ) Jury 1. James Douglas 2. Samuel Thompson 3. John Marchant 4.
William Etheridge 5. John Brable 6.
Robt White 7. Wm. White 8. Griffen Walker 9. Thomas Miller 10. Benj. Parker 11. Thomas
Brooks 12. Alfred Perkins
vs. ) Verdict for the
plaintiff $30.
Jonathan Lindsay)
Northern E. Gould
_____ff )
Vs. )
Edward Bright et al )
Jury as above. Impannelled & sworn say the obligation
declared on in the act & due a ____
defendant that there is no sch__ff,
that there was a payment 19 June 1821 of $54 and ___ of $62.18 on 5
July 1821 that the residue amt to $510.90 is unpaid & assess the plaintiff damages by
way of Interest to $33.51.
Ordered that Nathan H.
Gregory have leave to renew his constable bonds and entered into bond with
Jacob Aydelette & L. H. Gregory securities.
Ordered that Thomas
Jarvis Jr. have leave to renew his constable bond and entered into bond with
Jacob Aydelett & N. H. Gregory securities.
Gallop ) Jury as above
v. ) Verdict
Daniel B. Lindsay)
Rollins) Jury as above – Except Mark Douglas in the Room
of Wm. White
v. )
Samuel Salyear) Verdict for Plff.
that a commission ____ to Thomas Poyner and Thomas Whitehall Esquires to take
the private examination of Berry Cason wife of William Cason and that they
report at next Term with the deed.
that Abel Owens be appt Guardian to Eliza & Alice Garrett orphans
of John Garrett dedd who entered into bond with Cabel Forbes and
James Melson.
that Reddick Ward be Appt Constable on Roanoke Island who qualified
& entered into bond.
that Thomas Lindsay be appt Constable in Narrow Shore district who
qualified & entered into bond.
It is
moved by Sarah Bennet by her atty. that a rule be entered against Joseph Rolph
to show cause if any he has why he should not be removed from the Guardianship
of Amanda Ballentine which motion & Rule was accordingly granted by the Court
& ordered by the same that he the said Joseph Rolph appear at the next County
Court to show cause why this rule should not be made absolute & that a copy of
this Rule be served on him.
Cartwright Bell ) Jury 1. James Douglas 2. Samuel Thompson 3. William
Etheridge 4. John Bable
5. Robert White 6. Mark Douglas 7. Griffin Walker 8. Thomas Poyner 9. Thomas
Brooks 10. N. Cox 11. Andrew Capps 12. Thomas Snowden
v. )
Williams )
______ withdrawn.
Wilson ) Ordered that an order _____ to John Wilson to sell
negro Sam belonging to the
estate of Caleb Wilson deceased agreeable to the _____ of the ______.
To )
Court )
that Nichol___ Allison pay the sum of Forty shillings to Polly McPherson
formerly Polly Etheridge for the seventh year maintenance of a Bastard child
begotten on her Body to be paid quarterly.
that Christian Pugh have the right of adm. on the estate of Wm. Pugh dedd
who entered into bond Wm. Me__y and Mary Ann Pugh.
that Thomas Poyner Esqr., Daniel Lindsay Jr., Spence Hall and Abraham Baum be
appt auditors to audit the a/c of Jane Davis admr. of Nancy
that Edward Baum be appointed overseer on Roanoke Island from reedy Branch to
the south end.
that James Bell, Samuel Etheridge Esqr., Dennis Dozier and Joab Dozier or any
three of them audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of Wm. Etheridge adm. of
Josiah Etheridge.
that Dempsey Northern, Josiah Joleff, Thomas O. Casey & Joseph Ballentine
audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of N. Sikes adm. of the estate of Robt. B.
motion of Benj. Dauge by his atty. that a Rule _____ on Samuel Ferebee admr
of Thomas Baxter decd to show Cause why the E__ at the Instance of
Thomas Baxter Ex. of Francis Halstead decd v. Benj. Dauge should
not be set aside & further ordered that the Execution Issue no more until the
decision of this Rule.
that Caleb Etheridge, Jeremiah Mal___ to repair the jail & employ some
carpenter to perform the work and make Return to next Court and have it
completed by the superior Court.
that Julia Beals a Colored child now in the poor house about 4 years of age be
bound an apprentice to Major Whitehead until she is 21 years of age and for
him to bond at
next Court.
that Isaac Baxter, Thomas Williams & William Cowell audit the a/c & vouchers
of Polly Kinsey adm. of Peter Kinsey.
that Samuel Ferebee, Thomas C. Ferebee, Dempsey Northern, Patrick Northern &
Josiah Joliff audit & settle the a/c & vouchers of E. D. Wilson adr. of Lemuel
Wilson Decd.
that John Brable Jr. be appt overseer of the public Road from Court
house to Thomas Williams Gate in the Room & stead of George A. Ferebee.
that Caleb Morse, Jesse Sawyer, Joshua Harrison & Benj. Evans audit and settle
the a/c & vouchers of S. H. Gregory adm. of N. Hall decd.
that Lewis Dacus(?) be appt. overseer of the main Road from the
head of
Bay Road
to the great ditch in the room and stead of Enoch Ball.
that James M. Morriss be appt. overseer of the Powells
Point Road agreeable thru Boundaries in the Room & stead of N. H. Gregory.
that Jacob Aydelett, Jonathan Lindsay, Daniel Lindsay Jr. and Jesse Sawyer
audit and settle the a/c and vouchers of Thomas Jarvis adm. of Wm. Hill decd.
that Thomas Brooks be appt. overseer of the Public Road in Moyock
district from
to the Virginia line in the Room & stead of Davis Ballentine Jr.
Ordered that Thomas Poyner Esq., Caleb Forbes Esqr., Daniel Lindsay Jr. and
Jesse Sawyer audit & settle the a/c and vouchers of James Melson Guardian to
the orphans of John Murrel decd.
Ordered that Joseph Vangorn be appt. overseer of the main road from the
Virginia line to Knotts Island & as far as the District may Run.
Ordered that Caleb Etheridge, David Jones, Thomas Daniel & _ ___ ________
audit and settle the a/c and vouchers of the Baxter Exr. of Francis Halstead.
Ordered that the Clk of this Court issue to Caleb Sanderson his ticket for
sundry attendance as a witness in a suit Z. Harrison Exr. J. Pickett.
Ordered that the Clk issue to Jno N. Hughes sundry constable ticket for
services attending on the Court.
Deed from Tully Dauge to James Cowell dated Sept 1820 was exhibited and proved
by the oath of Mitchell Simmons and ordered Registered.
Bill of Sale from John Goodin to Caleb Etheridge dated 10 May 1821 was
exhibited and proved by the oath of Joshua Baxter & ordered Registered.
Rules, Regulations and Restrictions under which the Patrols shall be governed.
Article 1. They shall go through their District once in every fortnight as
secret as possible to apprehend things.
2. When they go to a Kitchen and find all asleep and in peace
they are not to trouble them without it is such as the owners require them to
search .
3. They are not to trouble negro men at the Kitchen nor
plantation where their ____ ____ ____ going to nor from the same such as
the overseer give them orders to do otherwise or they Ketch them in some
4. They are to Trouble no negro at Preaching or prayer meeting
nor going to or from the same Except such as their _____ give them orders to
do otherwise or they Ketch them on some misdemeanor.
5. They are to give no negro more than 15 lashes with his shirrt
on that they Ketch without a pass.
6. They are to carry all the negroes they Ketch stealing or with
stolen goods before a Justice of the Peace for judgment.
Deed from Grandy Davis and wife to Isaac Baxter 27 Aug 1820 was acknowledged in due form in open Court and ordered Registered.
Court adjourned until the Court in ______ which comes on the Last Monday of
November 1822.
C. Etheridge JP, M. Simmons JP, And. Duke JP
The Court proceeded to draw the following Jury to serve at Superior Fall Term 1822
1. Charles Griggs | 16. Peter Parker |
2. Noah Walker | 17. Spence Chaplin |
3. Enoch Ball | 18. Thomas Evans |
4. Wm. Bonney | 19. James O’Neil Jr. |
5. Thomas Whitehall | 20. William Bray Sen. |
6. Lemuel Sanderson | 21. William Everton |
7. Mathias Davis | 22. Benj. Evans |
8. John Beasley | 23. Thos. Snowden |
9. Joel Poyner | 24. Nathan Robertson |
10. Francis Snowden | 25. Gideon White |
11. Tully Dauge Jr. | 26. Hollowell Williams |
12. Benj. Waterfield Jr. | 27. Carson Morriset |
13. Elijah Hunnings | 28. Jasper Ballentine |
14. Moses Bunnell | 29. J. Hunnings |
15. Joseph Tatum | 30. Lemuel Gregory |
State of North Carolina - At a court held at the Courthouse on the 25th day of
November 1822
Justices of the Peace present Andrew Duke, John Forbes, Wm. Smith and Dennis
Simmons, Esquires
Ordered that M. Sawyer be appt. overseer of the main Road on the
North Banks in Room and stead of Barnaba Beasley Former Overseer.
motion Ordered that Mr. Smith have administration on the estate of Samuel
Etheridge decd. who entered into Bond with Dennis Simmons & Jno. B.
Jones in the sum of $2000 & qualified.
motion ordered that Harvey Luten be bound an apprentice to David Olds until he
is 21 years.
motion ordered that Abraham Baum Esqr., Spence Hall, Daniel Lindsay audit and
settle the a/c and vouchers of Caleb Forbes decd.
a/c of James Twiford for keeping Chloe Francis Gamel be allowed which is $20.
Ordered that William Griggs be appointed overseer of the Public Road on the
Laurel Swamp in lieu and stead of Sanford Doxey former overseer.
Nath. Toller ) Ordered that the petition be dismissed with
Costs _____ which
the petitioners pray an appeal which is granted
v. )
Maria Toller et al.)
The Guardian )
Ordered that Julia Beals a Col. Child be bound an apprentice to Dennis Dauge and wife Betty until she is 21 years now 5 years.
Smith ) Petition to sell a negroOrdered that an order extend to sell a negro
v. ) Ordered that an
order extend to sell a negro girl
The Court proceeded to draw the Jury for February Term 1823.
N. Fentres, John Forbes, Elijah Freeman, Fenjamin Taylor, Senr., Thomas
Etheridge, J. Eady, Mason N. Parker, Zacharias Simpson, Jesse Sawyer, Thos.
Eurington, Evan Jones, James Moriss, Patrick Northern, Jno. Chaplin, Samuel
Simmons, Caleb Simmons, James Doxey, Wm. Bray Senr. Jerimah Plummer, Isaac
Casey, Jesse Coffee, Joab Ling, John Grieves, Joseph Simmons, Stewart
Williams, Henry White, Jon_ Bonney, James G. Hall
Ordered that the Court adjourn until tomorrow 10 o’clock.
Tuesday November 26, 1822
Court met according to adjournment.
Justices of the Peace Present: Mitchell Simmons, Dennis Simmons, Andrew Duke and John B. Jones
Smith & wife _hal ) Ordered that an order extend to Dennis Simmons.
Jno. B.
Jones, Edward Hardy, Andrew Duke, Henry White & Caleb Etheridge to
divide the real estate of Samuel Etheridge, deceased to the prayer of the
To )
The Court )
G. C.
Marchant) Ordered that an order extend according to the
prayer of the
To )
The Court )
that John Bunnel(?) be allowed for the _____ a Bastard child for the fifth
year begotten by Arthur Etheridge on the body of Susan Williams.
that Josiah Joleff Esq., G. _. Marchant, Jno. Cox and Wm. S. Wilson be
audit the ____ of Edward D. Wilson decd.
that Justin H. Peel(?) Jailer be allowed the sum of seventy four dollars the
fee due him for keeping Moses Fuller in Pasquotank Jail.
that ___asley Bright be allowed to renew his constable Bond who entered with
Joseph J. Ballentine & Thomas Brooks.
that Thos. C. Casey, Demsey Northern, Davis Ballentine and John Cox or any
three of them audit and settle the accounts and vouchers of Joseph J.
Ballentine admr. of Dennis D. Ballentine decd.
that Tully Bell be appt. overseer of the road leading from the sign
post near
Town by Tully Bells to Camden in the Room and stead of Lemuel Wilkins former
that Polly Sanderson be appt. Guardian to James & B. Sanders,
Thomas Sanderson, & H. D.
Sanderson orphans of Thomas Sanderson decd.
Douglas) Ordered that an order extend to sell negro Sarah, Joe &
Harriet according
to the prayer of the petitioner.
To )
The Court )
that Joseph Sawyer have the right of administration on the estate of John
Church decd. who qualified and entered into Bond with Moses Bunnell
and Tully Francher in the sum of $500.
by the Court that each man guarding the Jail shall have $.25 cents for each 24
hours finding his own Rations.
appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Joseph Rolph has refused or failed
and neglected to come forward and renew his bond as Guardian to Amanda
Ballentine and it is therefore ordered by the Court that the said Joseph Rolph
be removed from the Guardianship of the said Amanda. It is further considered
by the Court G. C. Marchant be appointed Guardian to the said Amanda.
Ordered that Griffin have leave to Keep an ordinary at his own house.
Fisher) Ordered that an order extend to John Forbes, Caleb
Etheridge, Doxy
M. Simmons and D. Balance as commissioners to divide land according to the
prayer of the petitioner.
To )
Court )
Court proceeded to establish the following Rates
1 ___
of West India Rum 51/4 Warm Breakfast 20¢
with loaf sugar 121/2 Relish(?) 121/2
1 ___
of American _____ rum 61/4 Warm Di____
If s____ 61/4 Supper 183/4
1 __ __
Rum made in punch 153/4 Lodging each
night 51/4
French Brandy the same Each
_____ of oats or corn 61/4
1 __
best wine 61/4 Bundle of __ Blade fodder 61/4
1 ___
____ 4 Pasturing
or stabling a horse 24 hours 61/4
1 quart
cider 61/4
Transcribed September 17th 1824 by A. C. Ehringhaus
These court records were abstracted / transcribed by Jean Schroeder from microfilm of the original records. No part of these records may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, I would strongly suggest that you look at the microfilm on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!
© 2017 Kay Midgett Sheppard