
Welcome to the new Duplin County NCGenWeb site.  Your county host is Myra Lanier.  She and her husband Keith will be quite busy these next several weeks working adding material to the site to help with your Duplin County research.

Some of the current information on the site includes:

  • transcriptions for 100+ cemeteries; many with pictures! The cemetery photo archive has more than 1,000 photos currently available. If you wish to browse the photo archive directly,  be warned that names have not been attached to all the pictures just yet – that will take some time so bear with us 🙂
  • a new, searcheable deeds database.  Myra & Keith have transcribed hundreds of Duplin county deeds.  Currently, there are only about 30 deeds in the new database, but over time  more will be added
  • this is not unique to the NCGenWeb project, but did you know that you can search the website of the Duplin County Register of Deeds for vital records information going back to the early 1900s?  Links to the database are provided on the Births, Marriages, and Deaths pages
  • Directories are a great way to understand & get to know the businesses and people of the past.  Via the Internet Archive project, there are several NC business directories available for online viewing – we link directly to the Duplin county portions for your convenience on the Directories page.

More content is also planned to help with  your research, so  continue to keep track of our progress.  How do you stay up-to-date? You have three options:

a) sign up to receive email alerts whenever a new announcement is made

b) subscribe to the RSS feed and add us to you favorite news reader

c) come back to http://www.ncgenweb.us/duplin and explore — be sure to click on the What’s New link to come back to this blog and see the updates

Many thanks to Doc Adams for letting us use his photo of the Duplin County courthouse!  He was so tickled by our request that he let his Flickr friends know about it :-).  Doc takes great pictures so be sure to look at his other work.

Please consider contributing any information you may have on your Duplin County ancestors & relatives.   This site relies on your contributions to further grow.