Research Guide


Sharpen Your Research Skills – List of helpful hints and links for genealogical research.

Cyndi’s List – Comprehensive list of online resources. Great beginner section.

NCGenWeb Consolidated List of Resources – Contains links to the special projects of NCGenWeb,  USGenWeb, as well as others.

Internet Archive – A repository of scan documents, digitized movie and audio

Local Repositories

Forsyth County Register of Deeds

Forsyth County Public Library – NC Room – Information about the collection contained at the Central Library.

Digital Forsyth – Photos and stories of Forsyth County. Provides free digitization stations  in the county to digitize media, i.e. audio tapes, slides, photos, etc.

Moravian Archives

North Carolina State Archives

Local Societies

Local societies can be very helpful to supply information about how to research in the area or where to go for information. Some may supply volunteers to lookup information, or information about others willing to research for a fee. They may have publications for sale that have been compiled and researched by their members.

Forsyth County Genealogical Society – Monthly meetings with a variety of speakers. Publications for sale. Maintains a library with other societies’ publications from around the country.

Forsyth County Historical Society

Lewisville Historical Society

Rural Hall Historical Society

African American

African-American Special Projects – Project of NCGenWeb. Many helpful links to resources.

Digital Southern Historical Collection – Finding aids with links to the digital collection of the Southern Historical Collection at UNC’s Wilson Library. Much emphasis on African-American content.

Historic Places

Old Salem

