The following queries are the older ones, beginning in 1996 - late June of 1997. To see more recents queries, dating from June 1997 - 1998, go to the QUERIES ARCHIVES 1997-1998
BOJAMES1@aol.com Am looking for any info on Mary REVIS-HYDE (1758-1828) m. Hartwell HYDE (1759-1833) moved from Halifax Co. NC in 1802 to TN Hartwell Hyde had 11 children, also a brother named Henry Hyde. Hartwell had 1 daughter named Letisha (eldest) m. William SPANN in TN. William is my tie to this family, SPANN'S of TN, and Mary would be my gggggranmother. Thank you for any help you could give :-)
Dandljohn@aol.com I am researching the DAVIS surname of Halifax County, specifically the Scotland Neck area. My ggrandparents resided in the area during the 1870's through the early 1900's. If you could suggest any websites or sources that would be helpful in my quest, I would greatly appreciate it!! Thank you, Diane
Zeitelhack@aol.com I am trying to find the parents of my ancestor Jacob HOLT, who was born 8-23-1794 in North Carolina. His parents were reported to be James HOLT and Lydia _______. I found a James HOLT, born about 1755 in Halifax Co. NC; he died about 1837 in Wilson Co., TN. This James Holt's wife was named Lydia READ born about 1778 in Halifax Co., NC. However, I can't find a son named Jacob (however, 8 other children are listed). Can you help me? Joy Gray Zeitelhack.
gizmo5@flash.netI am seeking info on my ggg-grandfather Abishai CHRISTY who I believe was born in Halifax Co., NC c. 1750. He married Margaret Simmons. Their daughter Martha (b. in SC) married Samuel Fitzhugh. Is anyone researching this family? Thanks, Linda Smallwood.
stgeorge@erols.com KING I am told that the King family settled in Halifax, North Carolina. Some names that I have are: Rufus Myles King, Napoleon Daniel King, and Gideon Hunt King. If you have any information about these names or can guide me in the right direction for research, I would greatly appreciate it. D.H. King
jlchurch@guate.net I am researching Simon CHURCHILL who lived in Anson Co., 1786-1826 (He apparently came from Halifax Co.) and his wife Sarah BLACKFORD. Their sons were John and Samuel B. CHURCHILL. All moved to GA in 1826 to Newton Co. Sarah BLACKFORD's father and mother were Samuel and Rachel BLACKFORD. Any help would be super. John Churchill
rena@rapidramp.com KITCHEN(S)/KITCHIN(S) I would appreciate any information regarding "Buck" KITCHEN(S) or KITCHIN(S), who settled in Scotland Neck, Halifax County,NC, in the early 1800's, and was active in politics. He is believed to be an ancestor of NC Governor, William Walter Kitchin (b1866), and another NC politician, Claude or Clyde Kitchen. "Buck" KITCHEN(S), and his brother Ephriam KITCHEN(S), my 3Ggfather, went East from Al/Ms. "Buck" went to Scotland Neck, and Ephriam eventually settled in Brevard, Transylvania, Co NC. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Rena Anderson Pittman.
willier@valley-internet.net EVANS-ROWLAND I am trying to find any information on George Napoleon Evans. He moved to Caldwell Co. from Edgecombe/Halifax, and married Hettie Rowland around 1855 in Caldwell or Watauga Co's. They had 8 children, William A., Peter, Joseph, Nancy, Mary, Hester, James and Susan. I am not sure if the last two were born in NC or not. Could someone please help? Willie Russell.
rena@rapidramp.com HAMPTON I would appreciate any information regarding the HAMPTON families that lived in Stokes (then Rowan) Co. in the 1700's and 1800's. I think some HAMPTON's lived in Halifax Co, and Rowan Co. Please contact Rena Anderson Pittman.
bugs@gnat.net RICHARDSON Looking for parents, siblings, and ancestors of Isaac RICHARDSON, and the same for his wife, Melbury (Milberry) LYNCH . They were married in Halifax Co. in 1819. If I can confirm the connection, I have a GEDCOM that I will share with any one that wants it. This is a very large family of Richardson's. Floyd Handsor.
a038057t@bcfreenet.seflin.fl.lib.us ANDERSON I am looking for information on a Micajah ANDERSON who lived in Edgecombe County. His daughter, Ann Elizabeth ANDERSON is my direct ancestor. I have located Micajah with his family on the 1860 census, but the one listed on the 1850 census is not him. There are several of us looking for this elusive ancestor, thinking he might be in Halifax Co. Any help is gratefully accepted. Cheryl Jones
jsm1@ix.netcom.com GILL-BURROW James Gill married Mary Burrow in 1780, Warren Co. North Carolina. James and Mary Burrow moved to Halifax Co. later. Seeking information on the Gill and Burrow families in Warren. I do not know Mary Burrow's parents. Could someone help me. Will share infromation. Janna Mayfield
{Joanne Mingia Burch} BURTON-WILLIAMS Searching for the parents and siblings of Mary Burton, who married a John Williams in Granville, N.C. on Feb. 23, 1782. The Burton and Allen families were related. Tabaitha Mine married Hutchins Burton. Her mother was Mary Hunt Minge Allen (possibly Halifax Co., area). If anyone can help with this connection, I would appreciate it. Joanne Mingia Burch
belflowr@der.1.stnet.com BELLFLOWER Seeking any information about James Bellflower (or Belflower or Belfer) who purchased land from Jonathon Cherry in Halifax County, NC in 1770 (Martin Co. after 1774?). Also seeking information about Belflower/Bellflower/ Belfer in North Carolina in general. Robert A. Belflower
73622.3551@compuserve.com FAITHFUL Looking for any information on William Faithful(l), Elizabeth Faithful, David Faithful, Louis Faithful. There may be more than one William. The Faithful surname seems to be primarily in Edgecombe/Haqlifax area dating back before 1790. Thank you, Larry Faithful
youngg@schoollink.net MACPHERSON Seeking information on Joseph MACPHERSON, who married Mary TAYLOR, daughter of John and Lucy Taylor of Halifax Co., NC. The Macphersons left NC and moved to Williamson Co., TN, about 1807. Thanks, Greg Young
doloresr@erols.com LANE-JOLLY Seek information on Jesse LANE, Jr., born 1772 Halifax Co., NC, married 1810 to Rhoda JOLLY, born 1787 Halifax? NC. Jesse Jr's parents were Jesse LANE, Sr. and Winnifred AYCOCK. Who were Rhoda's parents? Siblings? Ancestors? When and where did Jesse Jr and Rhoda die? I would appreciate any data on this couple, especially Rhoda. She had several children, one of whom was JULIAN ARTIMISSA LANE born GA 1831 died 1917. I have a small amount of material on Lane and Aycock lines. Thank you, Dolores Rajca
ejshall@msn.com CARLISLE Would like to correspond with anyone researching the Nathaniel Carlisle familly. His will was proved Aug court 1812, in Halifax Co., listing wife Lidda, several children, and two grandsons. Other families associated with this family are Whelass, Butts, Lock, Herbert, Daniels, and Wadkins. Was Nathaniel's father John Carlisle? Who was Lidda/Lydia's parent? Was Nathaniel married before he married Lydia? Thanks, Eva Hall
ejshall@msn.com LOCK(E) Need info on Susannah Lock(e)whose will was proved Feb. court 1823, in Halifax Co. Who was her husband? Who were her parents? How was she related to the William HERBERT family whose will was proved in Nov. Court 1820, naming Ann Lock as an heir? Chambles Carlisle and Nathan Carlisle were two of the witnesses. How were they related to the Herbert family? Thanks, Eva Hall
karlk@ms.ncga.state.nc.us GREEN I am looking for information on Thomas GREEN (c1765-1815) who left Halifax County in 1781/2 for Wilkes County. He married Fanny MARTIN, daughter of Isaac and Peggy MARTIN. Her brother, John MARTIN, married Elizabeth GREEN in 1776 (possibly Thomas's sister). These all moved from Halifax Co. to Wilkes Co. at the same time. The land that Thomas GREEN sold when he moved was acquired from William GREEN, possibly Thomas's father or brother (Thomas named one of his sons William). His land in Halifax was on the Peapatch Branch of Jenito Swamp. Thanks, Karl Knapp.
amanda@jax-inter.net HODGE Looking for information on John Miles Hodge, born about 1725, or any HODGE Family members in Halifax County before 1800. Thanks, Amanda
carl@jps.net PHILLIPS John Phillips born about 1752, served in the Revolutionary War in the 10th.Reg. NC Line, under Col. Abraham Sheppard. Received NC land grants in Davidson Co. TN. It is believed John was from the PHILLIPS family who came from Surry Co. VA and settled in Edgecombe and Halifax Counties, NC. Believe he was related to the EXUM and SWANN families. Possibly related to Hartwell PHILLIPS and James and Robert THOMPSON. John later lived in Lawrence Co. TN and Lauderdale Co. AL. He died in 1827. Any info appreciated. Carl Phillips
normio6@worldnet.att.net PARKER I have Elijah Parker b. in Halifax County, NC died age 75, 21 Apr 1859 in Union County, NC. other family members, E A, James C., Willie H., and E.B. all PARKERs from the NC area and then into Henry County TN. Please advise, thank you. Jack
syzb12a@prodigy.com Seeking info on descendents of the Devereux Family.This was a wealthy family during the 1800's that had two plantations in Halifax; Conneconara and Hascocea. Would like to know exactly where in the county these are located and if anyone can tell me where I may find slave inventories for this family who collectively owned over a thousand slaves in Halifax,Northampton,Bertie and Martin. Sincerely, ggggranddaughter of Anthony John Devereux
samlin@webtv.netSCOTT I am seeking info on the family of Ellen SCOTT. Ellen married Littleton CHARITY and moved to New Bedford, Bristol C0., MA. She was born sometime in the early 1800s. The early census and marriage records show the Scott family living in Edgecombe, Halifax, and Northampton Counties as far back as the late 1700s. Any info on this family would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Linda Threadgill
dorothy@abts.net BULLARD I am looking for information about my Great GMother, Adeline BULLARD, who was born 1872, died 1900, buried in Lumberton. My GMother was Throny Adeline Hammons Woodell, married B. F. Woodell, lived in Whiteville. Adeline BULLARD died with her husband and three of her children from T. Fever. His name might be C.D. Hammons. Don't know these children's names who died. Grandmother Throny was raised by a Hammons family. Thanks for any help you can give, Dorothy Adeline White Brookshire
birdlegg@wimberly-tx.com NEWTON I am looking for a woman named Elizabeth ________ b. 1781 NC (possibly Halifax Co.). She married _______ NEWTON. Elizabeth NEWTON moved to KY and had a son JAMES D. NEWTON. Later they moved to IN. Thank you, John Legge
barnes@3rddoor.com BARNES Am looking for descendants of Warren BARNES. Lived in Halifax Co., but moved here from Washington or Tyrell county. I have just started my search and any help would be appreciated. Father's name : William Harvey Barnes. Thanks, David R. Barnes
raymoran@goodnet.com MORAN I have a number of Moran family members from Halifax County before 1820 and later. I am extremely interested in getting in touch with anyone with leads on Moran family members. I am willing to trade information and have a data base of about 10,000 + Moran names to search. Please let me know if you can help. Ray Moran of Fountain Hills, Arizona
fifi@cncnet.com I am looking for information on Joshua Gammon, who lived in Halifax Co. from around 1776 to 1810. Daughters Keizah Hall and Patsy Gammon, possible son Joshua, born 1775 in Virginia. I am Arthur C. Gamon. Many Thanks!!
lharvey@pscusa.com Seeking information on a Thomas Harvey living in Halifax Co., NC in late 1700's prior to moving on to Hardin Co., TN, and raising one Onesiphorus (Oney) Syprus Harvey (circa 1800). Probably a cousin to Rev. Thomas Harvey in Surry Co., NC around same timeframe. It is possible that the Halifax Co. Thomas Harvey moved or had roots in Orange Co, VA. Appreciate any help on these Harveys. Larry Harvey
GoofeyGranny@webtv.net Andrew D. Ross : Born 1814 married Delia or Delila Jones : 1848 Rockingham NC. More information on Laura Ella Skinner: daughter of William Columbus Skinner. Laura Ella married Sam J. Ross
JStrick293@aol.com STRICKLAND Seeking information on the wife and children of William Strickland who lived in Edgecombe/Halifax area from the 1730's until 1770 when he sold his property and disappeared. William was the son of Matthew Strickland, Jr. and Ann Braswell. I think he might have relocated to Duplin/Sampson or Bladen County around 1770/1771. (Please copy responses to youngg@schoollink.net) Thanks, Jim Strickland (& Greg Young)
MILESNC@aol.comJohn Iles, wife Susannah and family lived in Halifax County, NC. Records show his presence from 1750's until his death about 1812. I am looking records of his parents and where he is from. A Thomas Iles lived in York County, Virginia in 1638 until his death in 1677. Looking for a connection between the two of them and where Thomas Iles originated.
raymoran@goodnet.com MORAN I have a number of Moran family members from Halifax County before 1820 and later. I am extremely interested in getting in touch with anyone with leads on Moran family members. I am willing to trade information and have a data base of about 10,000 + Moran names to search. Please let me know if you can help. Ray Moran of Fountain Hills, Arizona
jkbrown@mont.mindspring.comBURT Looking for descendants of the Joseph BURT family who lived in Halifax County from about 1740 to 1820, both as planters and merchants. Joseph was born 1731 in Gloucester Co., VA and died 1788 in Halifax Co. His wife is believed to have been Elizabeth WALTON. Children were John, Joseph, William, Stephen, James, Zacheus, Mary, Sally, and Elizabeth. Several of the boys married daughters of William BURT, Sr. I am a descendant of Joseph BURT, Jr. b. 1770, who married Ann READ. They migrated to Autauga Co., AL in 1821. Related families are MARSHALL, COLEMAN, FLUELLEN, MATHEWS, and HUNT. Any information about this or related families will be appreciated. John K. Brown
marie@beaulib.dtx.netTHORNE My great-grand parents' names were Walter Thorne and Elizabeth ( Williams) Thorne. She died in 1936: their daughter was my grandmorther Ethel (Throne) Brinkley who died March 4,1996. They all were from Halifax County, NC. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jacqueline
jknowles4@juno.comWATSON Cozette Lillian WATSON (my paternal grandmother) married Edgar Stanford CARR (1858-1931) in 1889 and had three children: Lillian Stanford, Mabel Eunice, and my father, Edgar Stanford,Jr. (later somehow his named changed to Edgar Harold). My father was born March 23,1906 (d 1939) in Waxhaw, Union Co, and when he was a year old the family moved to Tillery, Halifax Co, NC. Cozette died a short time later on June 6, 1907. After her death my grandfather moved with his three children to Wallace, Duplin Co,NC where he married Sarah Jane Boney(1864-1945). This is all I know about her. Can anyone give me any information at all about her? Many thanks, J. Knowles
jeannibb@warwick.net My Name is Laura: I am searching the "DANIEL" family from Halifax N.C. My Family has lived there since the 1700's.
rlblack@vsta.com WINTERS, WILLIS Looking for information on James W. WINTERS. He was born in 1773 in Halifax Co. NC. His parents were Joseph WINTERS and Mary WILLIS. Any information on either of these families would be greatly appreciated. Will gladly exchange info.Robert L. Black
puggy8888@aol.com MILLS I would like to know more about Thomas I. MILLS and his wife Nancy. They are listed on the North Carolina 1860 census as living in Littleton P.O. Thomas was born about 1818. He and Nancy were married before 1846 in Alabama. Carrie Rodell
rena@rapidramp.com KITCHEN(S) / KITCHIN(S) I would appreciate any information concerning Stephen (Steve) KITCHEN(S), born 1760 Iredell, NC according to LDS information. He is listed as the father of Ephriam KITCHEN(S), born (c)1786, my GGGgrandfather. Ephriam lived in Buncombe, Henderson and Transylvania Counties, and was married to Mary Glazner. Ephriam's brother, Buck, settled in Scotland Neck, Halifax Co, where he became active in politics. Other places of residence for all three is unknown. The name has been spelled all four ways listed above in the same family. Any information appreciated. Please contact Rena Anderson Pittman
Braven@Coastalnet.com I am trying to trace my family history. I know my family use to live in halifax N.C. in the early 1900s. The name is Lynn. The family was Willis P. and Nettie H. Lynn they had 12 kids and as far as I know all 12 kids were born in halifax. I know my father was born in halifax in 1919 his name is Ben B. Lynn. If you or anybody else has any info. on this family it would be of great importance if you would E-Mail it to me.alnet. Thanks a lot my name is Ben B. Lynn Jr.
Ann_Crumpton@tamu-commerce.net I am researching the following families in Halifax Co. NC ALSOBROOK, WOMACK/WOMMACK, HARRIS, KING
Ann Lindsey Crumpton
P.O. Box 307
Cumby, TX 75433
adam2@goodnet.com I am researching the surname MORGAN in NC, specifically Halifax Co., and New Hanover Co. Please respond.
Ray Moran
14808 N. Alamosa Circle
Fountain Hills AZ 85268
fifi@cncnet.com Arthur Gamon, 1644 Biggs Avenue, Oroville, Ca. 95965, is seeking information about GAMMON's who lived in Halifax County, NC in era of 1775-6 to 1850.
fifi@cncnet.comI am looking for information on the GAMMON family in Halifax county. My dad dropped an "M" from our surname in a "tiff" with his family in Georgia. Thanks. Arthur Gamon MRlles@compuserve.com ILES Looking for origin of John ILES who lived in Halifax Co. from1760's to death in 1812. Thomas ILES lived in York County, VA from 1638 until death in 1677. Looking for connection between John and Thomas and origin of Thomas. Michael R. Iles
mitymous@apci.net PERRY Who was Patience, wife of James PERRY? She left will in 1771 in Halifax County. Need parents and siblings, dates and places. Audrey Clark Thomas.
Simunneg@widomaker.com WHITTINGTON Richard WHITTINGTON,(Sr) received Land Patent #3896, on Nov 20, 1739, on the south side of Burncoat Swamp. Richard left a verbal will in Edgecombe Co, 9 Dec 1760. Edward WHITTINGTON purchased land (lot 165) in the town of Halifax, 1760. David and wife Penelope (lot 115), and Leonard WHITTINGTON (lot 115) sold their lots in the town of Halifax 1764. Appreciate inf. on any early Whittington's and inf. about lots 115 and 165 in Halifax. Diane Bollert
sandonn@worldnet.att.net BRINKLEY - MATHEWS Need info on a Sarah Brinkley and James Mathews who were married about 1766 in Halifax, NC. Sandi Heath fenris@netport.com STRICKLAND I am hunting for info on John Arrington Strickland born in 1920's in Hobgood N.C. I am his grand daughter. Thanks for help, Sondra Threlfall.
marie@beaulib.dtx.net THORNE My great-grandfather's name was Walter Thorne. His wife's name was Elizabeth (Williams) Thorne. Elizabeth Thorne died in 1937 or 1938 in Enfield,N.C.(Halifax Co.) I believe Walter Thorne died in the 1920's. Both of my great-grandparents were probably born in the 1880'-1890's. Their daughter, which was my grandmother Ethel (Throne) Brinkley, died March. 4,1996 in Enfield. Any information on my great-grandparents or their parents would be helpful.Jackie Samuels
lharvey@pscusa.com HARVEY Seeking info on my GGF John Robert Harvey, born 1824 - Unk and died 1900 in Clay Co TN. Now believe he may have been born in Halifax Co., NC before the Harvey migration west to Hardeman,Dickson and Montgomery Co.'s TN after 1814. Best guess for his father is one of the three sons William, Rolley and John Harvey, descended from Col Thomas Harvey's second son, Thomas Harvey (married to Nancy Porter). Can anyone with access to 1810/1820 census data for Halifax Co. locate the three sons before their father and his brother Onesiphorus left for TN following Sarah Ann (Williams) Harvey's death in 1814? Appreciate the help, Larry Harvey
zanetti@interpath.com AXSOM I am trying to establish a link between a MARY AXIM of Halifax County whose will was probated in 1794 and Joseph H. AXIM/AXOM/AXSOM who settled in Surry Co., NC in the early 1800s. It is not known where Joseph was born or who his parents were. Joseph would have been born ca. 1778. MARY AXIM named two sons in her will: Joseph Hudman AXIM and William Jones AXIM. No other documents have been found that would identify Mary's spouse, parents, etc.. Or, to prove a relationship between Mary and Joseph Axim of Surry County. No documents have been found in Surry County that spelled out Joseph's middle name (just Joseph H.). PHILIP AXUM who served in the Revolutinary War (Halifax District) is also a possible link, but no other info on him either. Norma Axsom Zanetti
avbj@esper.com BARNHILL Am seeking information on all BARNHILLs in Edgecombe and the surrounding counties. I am in the process of updating a book on the BARNHILLs that I published in 1994 and would like to include as many of the Eastern North Carolina BARNHILLs that I can locate. You may contact me at A. Virgil Barnhill, Jr., P. O. Box 22621, Knoxville, TN 37933.
bamelt@dixie-net.comLooking for information on Joseph Winborn born abt. 1800 married Elizabeth Valentine in Halifax abt.1822. I believe these to be the parents of William Valentine Winborn b.1827 in Alabama. Wm.Valentine Winborn is my paternal great-great grandfather (my father's mother's line). Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
SmoqenJoe@aol.comRequest info re: family history on " SOLT "..... Charles Joseph Solt, Jr; dob:100472; post office box 46 - old sr 209; middleport, penna 17953-0046; German Heritage
m.ward@worldnet.att.net WARD I am seeking information on WARD's in Halifax Co., NC, around the 1778-1786 time frame. Does anyone know of an ELIAS WARD who was the son of Mary and James WARD of Halifax Co.? One land record (Deed Book 14 1060-(671)) shows ELIAS WARD selling land to Samuel FOREMAN with Mary WARD relinquishing dower. Another (552-(558) 1 NOV 177?) shows James and wife Mary selling land to Elias WARD, witnessed by Chaina(?) WARD et al. Has anyone looked at this deed? Could CHAINA from the transcription possibly be SARAH? Also, there is mention during this time frame of David WARD, Jr., up to 1777, and only David WARD thereafter. This David WARD seems to be linked strongly to the WYATT's in this area. Any information on any of these items or other WARD's in Halifax during this time frame would be appreciated. Mark Ward
lharvey@pscusa.com HARVEY - Need help locating birth information on a John Robert HARVEY probably born in Halifax County, NC, in 1824, possibly grandson of Thomas and Nancy PORTER Harvey. Believe his family left NC circa 1829 for TN. All help appreciated in identifying his immediate parents. Larry Harvey
JDAHBARK@aol.com FOREMAN Researching and seeking information on Benjamin and Elizabeth FOREMAN whose son, William FOREMAN, in 1762 (Halifax Deed Bk 8), deeded to sisters Hester Foreman, Pharoby Foreman, and Lucy Foreman 400 acres known as Dominah Survey on South Side of Mill Swamp. Hester FOREMAN married William SCOTT. Jack Barker
a038057t@bc.seflin.org PRICE I am trying to locate information on the family of Whitmell/Whitmore PRICE. He was born circa 1790-1800 possibly in or around Halifax County, NC. He married Julia SOREY in 1819 and had several children. I descend from Peyton PRICE, who married Sarah Elizabeth HOWARD, Any and all help is appreciated. Cheryl Jones
les@hollywoodsound.com HARRISON Jethro Harrison of Edgecombe Co. late 1700's, died 1810-1811, Wife-Mary?, Children- William Henderson d. 1865 Alabama, Jethro d. 1843 Alabama, Dempsey d. after 1843 Alabama, Mourning d. before 1811 North Carolina?, Nancy, Polly, Temperance, Elizabeth, Milbreay. Are they related to Thomas Harrison of Tarboro-1760? Les Harrison
MIIX1@aol.com i am seeking info about john cooper,who died in halifax co,nc in1813. John had a son isles cooper,born1767. isles married a lady named Nancy Edwards. Isles died in 1812. Isles had a son , James Franklin Cooper Sr. born 1802 and apparently migrated to Pleasant ridge,Big Sandy, benton county,tn. trying to find the orign of john cooper,who may have came from scotland..thanks. Grady B Cooper email miix1@aol.com; 882 S Schenley; Youngstown, oh 44509
miix1@aol.com COOPER Inquiring about John COOPER, born in Scotland, died in Halifax Co., 1813. John had a son , Isles COOPER, b. 1767, married Nancy EDWARDS, died in 1812. Thanks Grady B. Cooper[Queries prepared by Greg Young, former coordinator.]
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