The following queries are the more recent ones, beginning in late June of 1997. To see older queries, dating back to the latter part of 1996, go to the Queries Archives 1996-1997.
RLDOZIER@aol.com MILES, William (December 13, 1998) William was born in 1777 in VA and m. Mary FOLK in May, 1804; they lived in Halifax and Northamption Co., NC. Their 12 children were: Thomas Joseph, William E., Martha Miles JONES, James, Benjamin, Samuel, Julia Miles CLEMENT, George, Mary Jennette PUGH, Caroline E. Miles HARDY, and Rebecca Jane Miles HARDY. William had a sister named Rebecca Miles KING b. 1785, VA, who had a son named Allen KING who moved to GA in hte 1830's and m. Mary GRAY 1844 (Jones Co., GA). I also have cemetery inscriptions. Becky
calier@aol.com BUNN (June 28, 1997) Seeking p of Malachi BUNN of Wake and Franklin Co., NC, b ca 1815, m Margaret ROBERTSON, 17 Sep 1840, Franklin Co., NC. Malaki d 8 Apr 1864, Orange Co. Court House, VA, while serving in CSA during Civil War. Danny C. Bunn
phillips.1@osu.edu WARREN - Seek the parents of John Robert Warren, born Halifax County, NC 3 April 1836. He died in Pitt County, NC in 1898. He married Alavana HIGGS in 1863. He was a Civil War soldier, in the Scotland Neck Mounted Cavalry. In 1850, he was living with the Tempy DREW family. Any help will be greatly appreciated. G. Howard Phillips, 3700 Darbyshire Drive, Hilliard, OH 43026-2560
nduffy@patch.net PEGRAM I am looking for anyone in the area related to Pegram. I am doing a single name project tracing all descendants from Daniel Pegram who settled in Warren Co., NC in 1754. He had 4 sons, i.e. Daniel, George, Edward and Gideon. I know there are many living in the area descended from Daniel and George - both directly and through related lines. Among the families they married into I know of Egerton, Harris, Horton (Harton), Jones, Lancaster, Lindsay,Milam, Wadkins (Watkins), Riggan, Shearin, Short, Vaughan, and Watkins. I would love to find someone working on the Jones or Milam families. Daniel Pegram (b. about 1745) married Agnes Jones and Daniel (3) married Lucy Milam. Nola Duffy
dlewis@occ.treas.gov COALFIELD, JONES, LEWIS, I am researching these names in Halifax County and Cemetery Hill, N.C. Any information on where to obtain any records on families prior to 1910 is helpful. I am also interesed in any information on DICKERSON'S FARM and a gentleman by the name of Tom Petty and a slave named Liza and her daughter Josephine.
jberoan@chickasaw.com ROAN Isamuel ROAN is listed on the 1790 BLADEN Co. census. I would like to know who his wife and children were. My gg grandfather Jesse ROAN was born in 1871 in Halifax Co. NC. He died in Morgan Co. AL on May 14, 1846. He married Alcy WATERS in AL, but had a previous wife and family. My g grandfather, John ROAN was from the second family. He inherited his plantation (Enoch Winds). I would like to know who Jesse's parents were. Any information would be appreciated. The ROAN name might be listed ROANE. James E. Roan /Route 3 Box 331B /Ada, Oklahoma 74820
DeloresSLynch@juno.com LYNCH (August 31, 1997) Need information on a Richard Lynch from Halifax Co. N. C.; enlisted in the Conf. Army in June 1861 at Garysburg, N.C.; wounded at Spotsylvania Court House, Va. Born in New Orleans, La. on July 16, 1844. Need his parents' names, to make sure this is the one I am looking for. Any help will be appreciated.
dharnold@koyote.com STATEN (August 31, 1997) Seeking the parents of Thomas Staten-or Staton-and his wife Sela A-both of them born about 1825--went to Tallahatchie Co.,MS from NC in the late 1830's or very early 1840's--the 1860 Tallahatchie Co. census shows they were from NC--I was told by a lady that the bulk of the Staten,Staton,Stanton's were in this county and Caswell--Appreciate any info you can give me. I have the 1840,50,60, and 70 census of Tall co--if you need any lookups I will help-Helen Staten Arnond
swagner444@aol.com WALDEN (September 2, 1997) Searching for: Richard McCutcheon Walden b: abt. 1849 in Halifax Co., VA, m: abt. 1870+ Roxanne Snead b: abt 1851 in Halifax Co., VA; parents of William Hester Walden b: November 1873 in Scottsburg, VA, m: June 1902 in Halifax Co., VA+ Carrie Gorden Spencer b: July 1878 in Halifax Co., VA. Scott and Mary Lou Wagner, Newport News, VA
ecrb@msn.com WILLIAMS (September 2, 1997) Seeking information about the marriage (and children) of Thomas WILLIAMS (b. about 1775) to Rhoda HYDE circa 1800 in Halifax County. Later migrated to Robertson County, TN. Father was Christopher WILLIAMS. Edward Carter
robin_anderson@prodigy.com CLOYD (August 31, 1997) I am looking for any information, particularly parental info., on John Cloyd who lived in Halifax County in 1880 per Federal Census records. He was married to Maria (maiden name needed), and their children were Virginia, Joe, Mary, Elnora, Richard and Arlena Cloyd. The family moved to Desoto County, Mississippi where he died sometime after 1920. He was a former slave, but slave owner unknown. Additionally, any information on Virginia after 1920 would be greatly appreciated. Robin Anderson
jsatt94918 SATTLER (August 31, 1997) I am currently trying to locate any births recorded in Halifax or surrounding counties where Edward H. (Herbert) Sattler is listed as the birth father. Any help or direction in relation to this query would be appreciated. James E. Sattler/1803 Rolling Road, Greensboro, NC 27403. Phone number is 910-373-8032.
tmj@astro.as.utexas.edu WEST (August 31, 1997) Looking for info on descendants of Capt. Henry West, born in the Halifax District of N.C. Tim Jones mrs@lcc.net SIMS (August 31, 1997) Seeking information on Jesse Sims b. abt.1798 in N.C., county unknown. Moved to Middle Tenn. abt. 1820 settled in Maury, and Lewis Co. Married Jemima perhaps Hutchison. Died abt. 1881. Jemima moved to Texas with children around 1885 and died in Dallas Co.,Tx. in 1886. Any information about Jesse or Jemima's parents, siblings would be helpful. Ann Sims
marie@beaulib.dtx.net JOHNSON (August 31, 1997) My gg grandfather's name was Jessie Johnson his wife's name was Lucy (Burston) Johnson. Both were ex-slave. Both Jessie and Lucy Johnson were from Halifax Co., NC. I don't know their birth dates nor when they died. Their daugther (who was my great-grandmother) was Pattie (Johnson) Brinkley, born in Jan.22, 1887 and died Sept. 13, 1975 in Enfield, NC. I would like to know who were Jessie Johnson's and Lucy (Burston) Johnson's parents, and so forth. Any information would greatly appreciated. Donna Ricks
jwootten@usit.net WOOTTEN (August 31, 1997) I am looking for information on John Henry Wootten who married Louisa Sykes on June 5, 1854 in Halifax County, NC. He is known to have enlisted in a Confederate Calvary unit at Halifax, was captured, spent time in a Union prison, was released, and raised a family in Maryland. Joseph M. Wootten
capps@livenet.net (August 31, 1997) Searching for names of BEACH / CLARK / AND PAGE. Marilyn L. Capps
stevesm@aol.com PITMAN (September 2, 1997) Am seeking info on John Pitman, b. circa 1784 Halifax Co. married Mary (Polly) Dortch (1785-1853) Nash County, died 1831 or 1832 in Henry Co, GA. Lynn Davis-Smith
casmith@steeltoe.com HALE (September 2, 1997) Looking for information on the HALE family from Littleton. May have been affiliated with Littleton Womens College. Specifically info on Cleora Cecil Hale Smith 1867-1906, her siblings and parents. Kerrie Smith McLendon
jmartin@rapidnet.com DAVIE (September 2, 1997) Looking for a list of descendants of Governor William Richardson DAVIE. Specifically want to find a daughter named Elizabeth. Jim Martin
marie@BEAULIB.DTX.NET BRINKLEY (September 2, 1997) My gg grandfather's name was Berry Brinkley; his wife's name was Cora (Wilkins) Brinkley. (Both were ex-slaves). Both Berry and Cora Brinkley were from Brinkleyville, (Halifax Co.) NC. I don't know their birth dates nor when they died. Their son's (my ggrandfather) name was Mason Brinkley Sr. I believe Mason Brinkley died in the forties from a stroke. I would like to know who were Berry Brinkley's parents and who were Cora (Wilkins) Brinkley's parents. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Donna Ricks
lhawkins@3wave.com CARLISLE/MADRA/MADRY (September 2, 1997) HELP!! Is there anyone doing family history reseach on the Carlisle and Madra/Madry. Related family, Allsbrook. My line lived in the Scotland Neck area of Halifax County, NC. I can only go back to my 2nd great grandfather Carlisle. He is Sparkman Carlisle (b. ca 1817- ) Who were Sparkman Carlisle's parents? I have a letter written to my great grandfather, David Bennett Carlisle and his brother John Carlisle who had moved to Graves County, KY., their cousin who wrote them was Calvin Allsbrook, Scotland Neck, NC . His mother was a Carlisle. I'd be very grateful. Thanks, Lynn R. McR. Hawkins, FSA Scot./ Killyman/ 1172 Weaver Branch Road
lhawkins@3wave.com CARLISLE/STRICKLAND/MADRY/TAYLOR (September 3, 1997) Would like to hear from anyone with information of these families of the Halifax and Edgecombe Cos., NC areas. Who were the parents of Mary Ann Madry, Lorenia Elizabeth Madry, and Martha Jane Madry? They all three married Carlisle brothers. All were born either during the 1820's and 1830's. Who were the parents of Harman Strickland, Sr.? Thank you, Lynn Hawkins
TessJ2@aol.com ODOM, HARDIN/HARDEN/HARDING (September 3, 1997) Would like to hear from anyone else researching these early Halifax Co. families. What was their relationship to the same families in Duplin/Sampson CO., NC? I would also like to know the names and birthdates of the siblings of Sion HARDIN and who his parents were.T. Jones
JKHowell@beaches.net KING - HOBGOOD (September 3, 1997) Charles KING died in 1826 in Halifax Co. leaving a will naming wife, Ruamuth, and sons: William, Micajah and Drew. John HOBGOOD died in 1783 leaving a will naming wife, Frances, and children: Lemuel, Elijah, Micajah, John, William, Elizabeth, Pherebe Turner and Ruthanah. Ruthanah may be wife of Charles KING. Some of the KING and HOBGOOD descendants migrated to Anson Co., NC by 1830, Tischomingo Co., MS by 1850 and Lauderdale Co., MS by 1860. KING names were Charles, George Wade, and James. HOBGOOD names were Theophilus, Charles H., Micajah, James T. I would love to discuss these people with descendants! Jeanette Howell
phillips.1@osu.edu WARREN (September 3, 1997) John Robert WARREN born in Halifax County 3 April 1936, died in Pitt county in 1898. He married Alavana HIGGS in 1863 while on leave from the military. He was a civil war soldier. In 1850, he was living in the household of Tempy DREW. Any help would be greatly appreciated. G. Howard Phillips
slthalma@getnet.com HUDMAN (September 3, 1997) John Hudman, born abt 1740/1750. Married Mary Massey abt 1779. John Hudman is found in Bute, Bertie, Franklin, and Warren Counties. His children are: Garrett, Dicy Sarah, Daniel, Hezekiah, Mary, William, and Thomas. I am looking for information on any of the above-mentioned names. Specifically, I am looking for proof that John Hudman married Mary Massey. Was she the Mary Massey, widow of Ricard Massey and daughter-in-law of Hezekiah and Lydia Massey, or was she the daughter of Hezekiah and Lydia? Stephanie (Hudman) Thalman
tthill@onslowonline.net HILL (September 2, 1997) Looking for information on Moses HILL, son of Thomas HILL whose will was probated in Halifax County, NC in Feb. 1769. Moses was also son of Comfort ____ and brother of George, Slaughter, James, Nancy, Amos, Thomas, William, Elizabeth and Nanny. Thomas T. Hill
bobney@dockingbay.com GLASGOW, KEETER, PEPPER, WARREN, BASDEN, NEVILLE and HERBERT (September 2, 1997) Looking for these families of Halifax Co., NC. I am also willing to share the information I have on these families. Betty Neyer
acolburn@tyler.net FLEWELLEN (September 2, 1997) Would like to exchange information with descendants of William FLEWELLEN and Richard FLEWELLEN, who arrived in Halifax Co. in 1763. whose will was probated in Halifax Co. in 1786. Children were Howell, James, William, Taylor, Alexander, Abner, shadrack, Nancy and Edward. First deed to William FLEWELLEN in Halifax Co. was in 1763.Archie L. Colburn
jrbice1@airmail.net RIDLEY (September 3, 1997) Looking for possible descendants and ancestors of GEORGE RIDLEY who lived in Halifax County 1750's. He married 1)ELIZABETH WEATHERFORD 2) SARAH VINCENT. Moved to Sullivan Co. TN then Davidson Co. TN by 1790. Related to JOHN BUTLER family of Amelia Co. VA. Please contact Janie Ridley Bice
CHopkooooo@aol.com ZOLLICOFFER (August 29, 1997) I need information on John Jacob Zollicoffer the son of Captain George Zollicoffer. My mailing address is Craig Hopkins; 2318 Zev Ct. Owensboro,Ky. 42301. Thanks!
long@bright.net LONG (August 29, 1997) I am interested in any information on Col. Nicholas Long who lived in Halifax Co. during the Revolutionary War and his descendants. I am trying to determine the relationship between Col. Long and my gggrandfather Samuel Long of Perquimans Co., N.C., a land and slave owner prior to the Civil War. I have a publication describing the link called Makers of America, Pub. by B.F. Johnson, Inc.,Wahington,D.C., 1922. George Washington Long(b. 11/19/1856,Woodville,N.C.),son of Samuel Long (of Perquimans Co.N.C.,d.12/24/1884),son of James Long (b.10/12/1806,Hertford,N.C.) relative (cousin, brother?) of George Washington Long(m. Sarah C. Jones 5/1802), son of Col. Nicholas Long. I have much information on Samuel Long's descendants, and the family has some pre-Civil War era portraits of Samuel and his wife Margaret A. Reed (from another Revolutionary War family). Dwight Earl Long
RonGriffin@aol.com BYNUM - Looking for someone who may have information on William Bynum, Jr. and James Bynum residing HalifaxCo up until the 1800 census. Halifax wills indicate they were connected through marriage with WHITEhead and ALSOBROOK families. Trying to establish where they may have relocated to after 1800. Ronald G. Griffin
john247@web-net.com RHYMES, RYMES (September 7, 1997) Jesse RYMES and William RHYMES are said to be listed in the census of 1790 as being in the Halifax District of Halifax or Northampton County, NC. If you could tell me anything about them or their family, I would very much appreciate it.John L. Rhymes
WDKing@msn.com LEWIS (September 6, 1997) I am looking for information on Elvy LEWIS, born about 1790 in VA or NC, who married Nancy, born about 1796 in NC. He was listed on the 1810 census for Halifax County, the 1820 census for Hertford County, and the 1830 Census for Halifax County. Children included Joseph J. Lewis and Elizabeth Lewis. By 1851, Elvy and Nancy and the two children named above had moved to Barbour County, Alabama, where he became a large landowner in an area now in Bullock County, Alabama. William D. King
mBruce9681@aol.com CARTER (September 7, 1997)Looking for Vincent CARTER b. Feb. 22 1803 Halifax NC parents unknown. Came to Smith Co. TN in 1806. He married first Sarah Patterson. 2nd Elizabeth Rose. Mara Harris
:kaduststm@bigfoot.com GROVES (September 5, 1997) Thomas GROVES was born 1754 in England or Nasemond Co., VA, and died November 1814 in Sumner Co., TN. He married Eady HARROD daughter of John HARROD and Sarah. Thomas purchased land in Halifax Co., NC from Wood HAMLIN, recorded in Deed Book 17 page 563. The couple had eleven children and moved to Sumner Co., TN abt 1786. The children were Thomas, b. 1774, NC; d. 18 NOV 1845, Paris, Monroe County, MO, Allen, b. Abt. 1780, NC, Gelly, b. Abt. 1782, NC, Elizabeth, b. Abt. 1784, NC, Mary, b. Abt. 1786, NC, Isaac, b. 1787, NC, Sally, b. Abt. 1788, NC, David, b. 12 FEB 1788, NC, d. 29 DEC 1844, Robertson Co., TN, Leah (Millissa) b. 1791, NC, Rhonda, b. 1792, NC, John, b. Abt. 1797, TN. Of the children I have some information about the families of Thomas, Leah, David and John. I am looking for any information about any family members but especially about ThomasAEs siblings, parents or ancestors. I will share any information I have with anyone researching this family.
EM5310@aol.com GARLAND (September 5, 1997) I am lookng for Samuel GARLAND who married Mary HARPER. Their son, Ambrose was born in Halifax County, North Carolina. Also Wells PENNINGTON born in North Carolina who married Elizabeth STRUNK who was born in Maryland. Emogene Tindall
:suzietimball@worldnet.att.net PARE or PAIR (September 2, 1997) Bethel PARE was married to Anny and had children named Mary, Winney, Nancy, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Sally, Jones, David, Eli. Bethel died about 1811 in Halifax Co. Bethel's mother was Rebecca BETHEL and his father was William PARE who lived in Sussex VA and died about 1757. Descendants of the PAIR/PARE family married HARRISONS and moved to Rowan and Davidson Co NC. I welcome any correspondence from others being familiar with these names. Suzie Ball
edom@texramp.net GIBSON (June 30, 1997) Seeking information on John GIBSON who served in Revolutionary War as private in Thompson's Company in Continental Army, enlisting Jan 20, 1777. He received payment for service rendered at Warrenton in 1786. Does anyone know if this John GIBSON was the same John GIBSON born in Middlesex Co. Virginia in 1739, with brothers Churchill and Henry, sons of James and Isabel GIBSON? And if he was the same John GIBSON in Edgefield Co. S. Carolina 1790 Census; and the same John GIBSON in Warren Co. Georgia by 1793, who died in Campbell (Fulton) Co. Georgia in 1829? His children were: Nancy GORMAN, Sarah TUCKER, John Jr., Churchill, and Henry. Any information would be greatly appreciated. David Brown
:gyoung@crosslink.net HARPER (June 30, 1997) Reuben HARPER, born ca 1737, married a woman named Elizabeth (Betty) of unknown surname. They lived in Halifax Co.,N.C. until about 1786 when they moved to Orange Co.,N.C. The children of Reuben HARPER made reference to an Aunt Margaret POWELL. Since Reuben apparently had no sisters married to a Powell, it seems probable Reuben's wife had a sister married to a Powell or was herself a Powell. They lived neighbors to the large Powell family of Halifax County. Does anyone know which Powell during the 1780's had a wife named Margaret? Gary E Young
:gyoung@crosslink.net CHAMBLESS (June 30, 1997) David CHAMBLESS arrived in Halifax Co., NC about 1790 marrying in that year to Catherine HARPER. Who was her father? This couple had only one child: Martha Parsons Chambless often called Patsy or Patty. How did she obtain the middle name PARSONS? David CHAMBLESS was born in 1762 in Brunswick Co., Va. He died ca 1794 in Halifax Co.,N.C. Gary E. Young .
:phillips.1@osu.edu WARREN (July 2, 1997) Seeking the parents of John Robert Warren, born 3 April 1836 in Halifax County, NC, died 29 Oct. 1898 at Pitt Co., NC. He married 22 March 1863 Alavana Thomas Higgs. He was in the Scotland Necked Mounted Rifles during the Civil War. Seek the parents of John Robert WARREN, born 3 April 1836 in Halifax County, died 29 Oct. 1898 in Pitt Co., NC. Married 22 March 1863 Alavana Thomas HIGGs. G. Howard Phillips
wac@wave.netCOOK (June 29, 1997) Looking for the father of Mark Cook. Wife is believed to have been Rachel Elizabeth (Gunderson). Unknown county in North Carolina. Bought and sold land next to Malpass,Stanton and Jerral Swamp in 1772. Also bought land on the North side of Deep Creek..Bought and sold land in Halifax County in 1772,1778 1782 and 1783.W. Cook
MJB@EDGENET GRAY - BRYANT (July 2, 1997) I am looking for any information on these families in Bertie Co.: George GRAY, Wilkes Co. in 1800; Elizabeth BRYANT, Wm. BRYANT both in Bertie Co. Geo. GRAY was possibly the son of Wm. and Frances (LEE) GRAY. Also, Sterling WRIGHT in Halifax Co. My ggg gm was possibly a GRAY or WRIGHT from NC; moved to Lincoln Co., TN. If you have more info pls. let me know. Mildred J. Brown
ledmondson@livenet.net EDMONDSON, GRIFFIN, MANNING, MATTHEWS (October 26, 1997) I am researching the EDMONDSON family from Craven, Pitt, Martin, Edgecombe and Halifax counties in North Carolina. I have EDMONDSONs in two lines on my fathers family however I have not been able to connect the two lines. My Grandfather was Leland Leon EDMONDSON (b. 1899, d. 1967) s/o Nathan T. EDMONDSON, (b. abt. 1847, d. 1921) s/o Reuben EDMONDSON (b. abt. 1802, d. abt. 1865). My grandmother was Katherine E. EDMONDSON (b. 1894, d. 1942) d/o John Wallace EDMONDSON (b. 1860, d. 1946) s/o James EDMONDSON (b. abt. 1825, d. abt. 1865) Any assistance or insight you might be able to provide would be greatly appreciated. I have a great deal of information on EDMONDSONs in and around these areas going back to the 1740's which is when I believe the first EDMONDSONs migrated to North Carolina from Essex County, Virginia. Despite the mass of information I have, until I can connect Reuben EDMONDSON and James EDMONDSON with earlier EDMONDSON lines I am somewhat stuck. I have just begun searching the GRIFFIN, MANNING and MATTHEWS lines and therefore have very little to go on in those lines at this point.Lee Edmondson
Mrclean66@AOL.COM GADDEY (November 8, 1997) Thomas Gaddey and his wife Lucy moved from Brunswick County, VA in 1760 and it is believed that they settled in Halifax County. Thomas was born in 1729 in New Kent Va. I think he had two children when he arrived in Halifax and six more were born there. Wife was Lucy but last name is unknown. He purchased property in Edgecombe County in 1783. Any information on the Gaddey family between 1760 and 1783 would be greately appreciated. Anyone else searching the Gaddey/Gaddy name please contact me for exchange of information.Thanks. Bob Gaddy
edom@texrampGIBSON (July 2, 1997) Seeking information on Churchill GIBSON listed as being in Halifax Co. at least from 1783 to 1786. Does anyone is this Churchill GIBSON was the same Churchill GIBSON born Apr. 15, 1751 in Middlesex Co. Virginia; brothers John and Henry; sons of James & Isabel GIBSON. And was he the same Churchill GIBSON in Edgefield Co. S. Carolina 1790 Census; and in Warren Co. Georgia before 1800, dying there in 1808. Any information would be greatly appreciated. David Brown
ddharris@hotmail.com HARRIS (November 8, 1997) need informaton on ELIAS HARRIS b.1745/1747 Brunswick,VA d.1788 Halifax,NC m.1763 Halifax NC wife was SILVIA CHAMBLISS b. 5 dec 1743 Price George Va d. 1799/1800 Davidson Tn. Children:JOHN ABNER, SALLY, CATHERINE, LUCY, ASA, FRANCES, PHOEBE, MARY, HUGH*, AUTHUR all born Halifax Co NC between 1765-1799 Went to Tennessee Abt 1800 living Davidson,tn/Clarksville,Montgomery,Tn Any informaton on this family you can reach me at Dale Harris 104 Pacific,Bakersfield,CA 93305
jrbice1@airmail.net RIDLEY (July 27, 1997) Looking for possible descendants and ancestors of George RIDLEY who lived in Halifax County 1750's. He married 1)ElizabethWEATHERFORD and 2)Sarah VINCENT. Moved to Sullivan Co. TN then Davidson Co. TN by 1790. Related to JOHN BUTLER family of Amelia Co. VA. Please contact Janie Ridley Bice
stevesm@aol.com PITMAN (August 1, 1997) Am seeking info on John Pitman, b. circa 1784 Halifax Co. married Mary (Polly) Dortch (1785-1853) Nash County, died 1831 or 1832 in Henry Co, GA.Lynn Davis-Smith
casmith@steeltoe.com HALE (August 1, 1997) Looking for information on the HALE family from Littleton. May have been affiliated with Littleton Womens College. Specifically info on Cleora Cecil Hale Smith 1867-1906, her siblings and parents.Kerrie Smith McLendon . rayder2@maxinet.com STEWART (August 1, 1997) I am seeking to discover the Ancestry my Grandfather's mother, NANCY JANE STEWART, who married WILLIAM SIZEMORE, 12/5/1827, Stokes County,NC. She was pobably born in Stokes County, NC. I have no information about her parents or grandparents, but they could be from Stokes County, NC or surrounding counties in NC or VA. I do not know where William & Nancy are buried, but they may be buried in Barry County, MO. They were last shown on 1970 census in that County with their son Rounzel. I am likewise seeking to discover the Ancestry of my Grandmother's mother, POLLY P. HAYNES, who married JOHN I. SCOBEE, Jr. 12/25/1832 Callaway County, MO. She was probably born in Stokes County, NC. I have no information about her parents or grandparents, but they too could be from Stokes County, NC or surrounding counties in NC or VA. John Scobee, is reputed to have been born in Clark County, KY, so Polly's Ancestry could be from that State. Both John and Polly are buried in Adair Co., MO, Morelock Cemetery. Help finding the above ancestry of my g grandparents will be greatly appreciated. Ray F. Snider, Jr.
acteer@e-tex.com RICHARDSON (August 1, 1997) Seeking family.of John and Rebecca RICHARDSON, lived in Montgomery Co. before moving to Madison Co. Tn.There children were Elam, Samuel, Alvina, Tanier, Sarah, Elizabeth, Thomas, George (born in Tn.) Thanks, Karen Teer
rupreed@execpc.com AVERETT (AVERIT or AVERY), HAMLIN,BRYAN. (August 3, 1997) All these families intermarried the oldest names I have right now are Sir Ernest BRYAN Alexander AVERETT abt 1690 - 1700. please connect if you have any information. Deborah Black Reed
jwootten@usit.net WOOTTEN (August 5, 1997) I am looking for information on John Henry Wootten who married Louisa Sykes on June 5, 1854 in Halifax County, NC. He is known to have enlisted in a Confederate Calvary unit at Halifax, was captured, spent time in a Union prison, was released, and raised a family in Maryland. Joseph M. Wootten
:long@bright.net LONG (August 17, 1997) I am interested in any information on Col. Nicholas Long who lived in Halifax Co. during the Revolutionary War and his descendants. I am trying to determine the relationship between Col. Long and my gggrandfather Samuel Long of Perquimans Co.NC, a land and slave owner prior to the Civil War. I have a publication describing the link called, Makers of America,Pub. by B.F. Johnson, Inc.,Wahington,D.C., 1922. George Washington Long(b. 11/19/1856,Woodville,N.C.),son of Samuel Long(of Perquimans Co.N.C.,d.12/24/1884),son of James Long (b.10/12/1806,Hertford,N.C.) relative (cousin, brother?) of George Washington Long(m. Sarah C. Jones 5/1802), son of Col. Nicholas Long. I have much information on Samuel Long's descendants, and the family has some pre-Civil War era portraits of Samuel and his wife Margaret A. Reed (from another Revolutionary War family). Dwight Earl Long
AslanJ@aol.com MARSHALL (September 8, 1997) We are searching for the family of Robert L MARSHALL, b ca 1775 near Halifax Co, NC, d Halifax Co, NC, m Elizabeth Martin, widow (maiden name was possibly GOODWIN. Their children were: Thomas, Jesse, Frances Goodwin, Alexius G. Frances Goodwin MARSHALL b 1811 Halifax Co, NC, d Sept 2, 1878 in Camden Co, SC. Graduated from Raleigh Academy. She married Oct 10, 1826, James LEGRAND, Col, NC State Legislator in Halifax Co, NC. The family tradition is that Robert L MARSHALL was a cousin of Chief Justice John MARSHALL. We cannot prove this, as we do not know who Robert L MARSHALL's parents were. We do know this: On Feb 4, 1815, Robert L MARSHALL was the Executor of the will of Hardy Nevill in Halifax Co. Hardy Nevill's will was proved in Nov Ct 1823. Can you help us find our MARSHALL family? Judy Canant
petedick@ix.netcom.com DICKERSON (September 10, 1997) Seeking families known to be in Granville County in the 1700-1800 time frame. Did these families come from Virginia or did they come from eastern NC. Particularily interested in William/Willie/Wiley DICKERSON (b:1776 in NC, d:1850-1852 in Surry County, NC) who married Nancy Lamon in Franklin county, NC on 1 Jan 1812. They probably moved to Surry County that year as they appear on the 1812 Surry County Tax List. Pete Dickerson
SYZB12A@PRODIGY.COM ANTHONY (September 12, 1997) Seeking info on the ANTHONY surname in Halifax and Northampton.Seeking info on Martha Anthony Devereux's b 1830 parents;she was thought to be a servant on either JOHN or WHITMEL ANTHONY'S Plantations.ANY ANTHONY INFO would be appreciated. Seeking info also on a NED or CELLA ANTHONY b. circa 1830s either native american or african american. Elva Belsches
walden1@sisna.com BELFORD (September 12, 1997) My gg grandfather was Samuel Lock BELFORD. I am searching for information about his parents. His father was William BELFORD b. 10 Nov 1789 in NC(?). His mother was Elizabeth DANIELS b. 12 Dec. 1795. Any help would be appreciated.Charlotte Walden
mcswain@compuserve.com BRADFORD (September 13, 1997) Searching for information on the family of Rev. Henry BRADFORD (b.4 Dec 1761 d.14 Mar 1833)who was a pioneer Methodist minister in Halifax County, NC. His parents were Col. John BRADFORD and Patience READE who were also well known in the county. I have information on the descendants and would like to share with others researching this family. George McSwain
:UZBV13C@prodigy.com CAPPS - SPARROW (September 13, 1997) I am looking for information on my ggrandparent Henry CAPPS who married Alberta SPARROW. They had my grandfather Junius Elmore CAPPS in 1920 in Durham county NC. He married my grandmother Rollon Mae PIERCE who was born in Halifax County NC. I have no other information on my ggrandfather, other than they think his father's name Hezekial CAPPS. Anyone with information please contact me. Tiffany Birkner
13ncinf@msn.com HAWKINS (September 13, 1997) I wish to contact anyone with HAWKINS lines in Warren or nearby counties of NC. Warren, Halifax, and Bertie counties had the largest proportion of HAWKINS surnames in the 1790 through 1820 Federal census of NC and I am attempting to link my Hawkins line from Mecklenburg Co NC to this area. My earliest ancestor is James W. Hawkins, b. NC ca. 1800 and his wife Mary b. NC ca. 1806, both probably died in Charlotte after 1870. Please get in touch if you can help. I will trade information and assistance. Ken Hawkins
:keye@io.com KEY - GAINES (September 14, 1997) Researching William KEY and Elizabeth GAINES, who were married in Halifax Co, NC in 1793. Any information would be appreciated! Key Gresham-Blab
mancillas@juno.com WHELESS (WHEELESS, WHELAS, WELASS) (September 15, 1997) Seeking this family of Halifax Co. both JOSEPH SR and JR lived there. I have copies of their wills. There is no spouse mentioned for Joseph Sr. It just mentions his sons JOHN, JAMES and JOSEPHJR. and his daughter ELEZABETH. JOSEPH Jr's will says his wife was named MOLLY, it also mentions his sons HARDY and SION and his daughter CHRISTIAN BRUCE. Does anybody have any info on these people? This is NOT the Benjamin Wheless side of the family! Deborah Mancillas
carole04@mail.gte.netSUMNER (September 15, 1997) Isaac b 1771 Northampton Co; d 1793 KY mar FUTRELL, Martha M "Patsy" b `773 Northampton Co.; had 7 children: Joel Calvin mar Catherine Miles 1822; Redderick mar Gincey Miller 1822; Elizabeth mar Shadrach Williams 1825; Martha mar Joseph Miller; Gincey mar Josiah Calhoun; Marcella mar Richard Ricks 1809; Mary mar John Murdin 1814. Carole
wshytle@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net MULLEN, TANT, BELL, BNN, LAMM AND HARRIS (September 15, 1997) Looking for anyone with these surnames. I have heard that some of these surnames came from Virginia and migrated through Halifax County. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Joan Mullen Shytle
ccrawle@magicnet.net CRAWLEY (September 17, 1997) I am looking for information regarding Jarrett Crawley born in 1799 probably in Halifax County. Connie Mack Crawley, Sr.
bencinsum@mindspring.com MARCHMAN/MARCHMENT/BARNES (September 17, 1997) I am researching the family of CHARLES MARCHMAN and his wife TABITHA. They are shown on the 1790 census of Edgecombe Co., NC. In 1792 they sold land which had originally been patented to a JACOB BARNES. Again in 1796 they sold original Barnes land. One of the Marchman children married a Barnes and moved to Baldwin County, Georgia. In the 1805 Ga. Land Lottery TABITHA MARCHMAN drew for the orphans of Charles and four Marchman sons also drew. They were Ebe, John, James and Steven. Also William Riley Marchman. A STEVEN MARCHMAN was killed in the Battle of King's Mountain in the Rev. War. I believe the Barnes/Marchman connection goes back prior to 1790; it is possible that Tabitha Marchman was TABITHA BARNES and I would like to hear from anyone who any information on these lines. An ELIZABETH BARNES (Elizabeth Marchman) was named in JETHRO BARNES 1813 estate. And TABITHA BARNES was a buyer in Jesse Barnes 1817 Edgecombe Co. estate sale. Family tradition states the Marchmans were from Maryland. Cindy S. Brown
KEdmonson1@aol.com BULLOCK (July 6, 1997) I am researching the BULLOCK line. Daniel Bullock served from the Halifax District in the Rev. War. He married Mary WHITEHURST, although I don't know the exact date or place of that marriage. I would be interested in any information on either of these lines including parents and siblings. I am also interested in the OLIVER surname which has roots in NC - exact county unknown. However, Sarah Bullock did marry an Oliver in 1833 in Putnam Co., GA. Karen Edmonson
KEdmonson1@aol.com OLIVER (July 6, 1997) I found an entry concerning an original will of William Oliver filed with the County Clerk of Granville Co, NC in 1762. I would appreciate any information on this line. I am the gggranddaughter of William Benjamin Franklin Oliver born about 1812, whose ancestors came from NC. He possibly could have been born in NC.
cstowe@oro.net BOONE (7 Nov 1997) Need information on Thomas BOONE b. 22 Apr 1760 Halifax Co., NC, d. 9 Mar 1836 Clark Co., IL, m. Mary ODGEN. children: Willis W. BOONE b. 1791, m. Rachel WALKER in KY; Solomon O. BOONE, d. massacre in Texas; Isaac BOONE, killed by Indians in KY at age 16; John BOONE b. 9 Mar 1806 KY, d. 22 July 1863 Douglas Co., IL. Who were the parents of Thomas BOONE.Charles Stowe
MattB03@aol.comCARLISLE/WADKINS (7 Nov 1997 ) I am looking for info on Mary WADKINS who married Jesse CARLISLE. Any info on who Mary's parents are? They married in Halifax Co. in 1825. They later moved to Greene Co TN. Please Help!
famgen@hotmail.comHEWLITT (6 Nov 1997) Looking for HEWLITT family in Halifax Co. NC. Frances HEWLITT was the father. Had daughter named Sarah HEWLITT that married a BAKER. Sarah b. abt 1738 possibly in Halifax Co. Jackie Smith
Joanne Mingia Burch MINGIA (July 11, 1977) Searching for the parents of Ambrose and Dudley Minga. T.H. MINGIA was born in Nash Co. This sir name is spelled many ways: MINGA,MINGAY,MINGEA,MINGIA, MINGY,MINGE,MYNGE and others. This family probably originated in the US in Va. (Charles City Va) and filter into NC,Tenn, Ala, Ga, Miss, La. Any information would be appreciated Joanne Mingia Burch
wsmorganv@aol.com PORTIS (November 8, 1997) Seeking info/ancestry of John PORTIS, who died in Halifax County, NC, in 1794. Any help greatly appreciated. William Morgan/3626 Bobolink Lane/ Orlando, FL 32803-2406
RWESTIII@aol.com STATON (October 27, 1997) Whatever happened to Winfield D. STATON,Jr.? Family tradition says he killed his wife and fled to Europe. Winfield D. Staton, Jr. b. ca. l830 m. l2 JAN 1858, Halifax Co., NC to Sarah Eliza House b. ca. 1838. 1860 census finds them in Edgecomb Co., NC with one child, Annie Matilda, age l. The 1870 Martin Co., NC census finds Matilda STATON , l0; Charles STATON, 7; Reddin (Reginald) STATON, 5 in the housewhole of Duke HOUSE, Hamilton township. Would appreciate help with this mystery. Carolyn L. COMPTON
bruceah@pfi.com HOLT (October 8, 1997) I am researching the ancestry of James HOLT, b. 1804 in Halifax County. If you have any information, please e-mail me. Thanks! Bruce A. Holt
:pzek81a@prodigy.com WARD, Phillip d bef 1777 in Bertie co., NC Had the following children: William d 1793 in Paskeqeatank co., NC md Elizabeth James b 1727 md Nancy BROWN Daniel, George, Michael, Elizabeth md SWAIN, Mellsent md BELOTE, Sarah md ANDERSON, Phillip, Mary md William ANDERSON William and Elizabeth had the following children: Patience md Wm LANIER Stellar, James md Nancy LANIER, John, Ann, William, Mary, Sarah, Hannah, Winford, Millie The family lived in the area of Pitt, Edgecombe. Martin areas along with Chowan, Paskequtank, Bertie. Many of the family migrated to the west, GA< TN< KY< and other parts. Linda Harris
WDKing@msn.com LEWIS (October 11, 1997) I am searching for any information on Elizabeth LEWIS, born 10 May 1820 in NC, her brother Joseph J. LEWIS born about 1826 in NC, or their father Elvy LEWIS, who resided 1810 in Halifax County, 1820 in Hertford County and 1830 in Halifax County, NC; on Elizabeth's father-in- law Henry KING, born 1792 in NC, county unknown; on Necy LEWIS, born about 1810 in NC ( a Necy (or Nicy) LEWIS witnessed the will of Nathan KING, made in Cumberland Co, NC, 19 Aug 1829, admitted to probate March Term 1834, recorded in Book B of Wills, p.235), or Joseph THIGPEN, born about 1800 in NC. All of these persons were in Barbour County, AL by 1850, in an area cut off into Bullock County, AL in 1866.William D. King
ecrb@msn.com WILLIAMS (August 18, 1997) Seeking information about the marriage (and children) of Thomas WILLIAMS (b. about 1775) to Rhoda HYDE circa 1800 in Halifax County. Later migrated to Robertson County, TN. Father was Christopher WILLIAMS. Edward Carter
cstowe@oro.net BOONE (November 07, 1997) Need information on Thomas BOONE b. 22 Apr 1760 Halifax Co., NC, d. 9 Mar 1836 Clark Co., IL, m. Mary ODGEN. children: Willis W. BOONE b. 1791, m. Rachel WALKER in KY; Solomon O. BOONE, d. massacre in Texas; Isaac BOONE, killed by Indians in KY at age 16; John BOONE b. 9 Mar 1806 KY, d. 22 July 1863 Douglas Co., IL. Who were the parents of Thomas BOONE. Charles Stowe
RonGriffin@aol.com BYNUM (October 28, 1997) Looking for someone who may have information on William Bynum, Jr. and James Bynum residing HalifaxCo up until the 1800 census. Halifax wills indicate they were connected through marriage with WHITEhead and ALSOBROOK families. Trying to establish where they may have relocated to after 1800. Ronald G. Griffin
MattB03@aol.com WADKINS, CARLISLE (7 Nov 1997) I am looking for info on Mary WADKINS who married Jesse CARLISLE. Any info on who Mary's parents are? They married in Halifax Co. in 1825. They later moved to Greene Co TN. Please Help!
Mrclean66@aol.com GADDEY (November, 1997) Thomas Gaddey and his wife Lucy moved from Brunswick County, VA in 1760 and it is believed that they settled in Halifax County. Thomas was born in 1729 in New Kent Va. I think he had two children when he arrived in Halifax and six more were born there. Wife was Lucy but last name is unknown. He npurchased property in Edgecombe County in 1783. Any information on the Gaddey family between 1760 and 1783 would be greately appreciated. Anyone else searching the Gaddey/Gaddy name please contact me for exchange of information. Thanks. Bob Gaddy
ddharris@hotmail.com HARRIS (October 30, 1997) need informaton on ELIAS HARRIS b.1745/1747 Brunswick,VA d.1788 Halifax,NC m.1763 Halifax NC wife was SILVIA CHAMBLISS b. 5 dec 1743 Price George Va d. 1799/1800 Davidson Tn children:JOHN ABNER,SALLY,CATHERINE,LUCY,ASA,FRANCES,PHOEBE,MARY, HUGH*,AUTHUR all born Halifax Co NC between 1765-1799. Went to Tennessee Abt 1800 living Davidson,tn/Clarksville,Montgomery,Tn Any informaton on this family you can reach me at ddharris@hotmail.com or Dale Harris 104 Pacific,Bakersfield,ca 93305
famgen@hotmail.com HEWLITT (6 Nov 1997) Looking for HEWLITT family in Halifax Co. NC. Frances HEWLITT was the father. Had daughter named Sarah HEWLITT that married a BAKER. Sarah b. abt 1738 possibly in Halifax Co. Jackie Smith
clifjack@direclynx.net JACKSON (November, 1997) Benjamin Jackson, b July 1759 in Halifax Co, NC, married Jane WAGNER probably in Halifax CO in 1780's, moved to Warren Co., NC aroungd 1786 and later to Chester CO, SC in 1799. Parents MAY have been JAMES JACKSON and ANN Jackson. James died in 1761 and had listed children: Tkhomas, James, John, Ann, Lucy, Jacob, Elizabeth, and Richard. NO REFERENCE TO BENJAMIN JACKSON, but there would not be if will was done prior to July 1759. James Jackson's will also alludes to moneys owed by one TURNER JACKSON of Charles City CO, VA, and the "Turner" given name figures prominently in Benjamin's descendants.
jkhowell@beaches.net KING - DUNCAN - HOBGOOD - DREW (October 25, 1997) Ely KING married Mary DUNCAN on 16 July 1833 in Halifax Co., NC with Thomas King, bondsman. Charles KING died in 1826 in Halifax Co., NC naming wife, Ruthemah (HOBGOOD), and sons: William, Drew and Micajah KING. Thomas DREW is related to these people somehow. Is anyone interested in these people? Write me! Glad to share! Jeanette K. Howell
Dsazmnlync@aol.com LYNCH (October 11, 1997) I am researching the name LYNCH. Gr grand father Richard C. Lynch. Born July 16, 1844 in New orleans, he then moved with parents to N.C. Served in the Civil War. received information from Wash. D. c. archives that a James Lynch served in the Civil wAr from Halifax Co. but I wasn't given any birth date. He enlisted at Garysburg, N. C. on June l, 1861 under company officer, W. a. Johnston. Can you help me with information on how I can get more information on this Richard Lynch or his family.?? any help will be appreciated.>send reply to DeloresSLynch@juno.com
nunleyrs@sisna.com NUNNALLY (all spellings)/HEWITT (02 Dec 1997) Searching for Anderson NUNNALLY, possibly son of Peter NUNNELLY and Sarah HEWITT. Resided in Halifax, NC, middle 1700's. There may have been an earlier Anderson NUNNALLY, also in Halifx, NC. Any information appreciated. Sandra Nunley NUNLEYRS@SISNA.com
jpartin@ebicom.net PARTIN (December, 1997) John PARTIN Seeking info on his parents' identity, birth date, birth place, marriage date and his wife Mary's maiden name. The info that I have is: John Partin b. ca 1722, d. Jul 1795, Halifax Co.; marr. Mary ? b. ca 1740, d. ca 1805, Halifax Co. Children were: Robert; Brasel b. ca 1770, d. ca 1835, Sumter/Kershaw Co., SC; Barnabas b. 29 Aug 1773, d. 24 Mar 1855, Wilkinson Co., MS; David; Charles; Lucy; Sarah; Mary; Priscilla; and Elizabeth. John owned 100 acres joining Great Darlling Swamp, purch. from William and Ann Hux, 11 Aug. 1767. Jim Partin
wsmorganv@aol.com PORTIS (Nov. 8, 1997) Seeking info/ancestry of John PORTIS, who died in Halifax County, NC, in 1794. Any help greatly appreciated. William Morgan/3626 Bobolink Lane/Orlando, FL 32803-2406
jmoor@swbell.net PULLEN (Nov. 21, 1997) Chaney PULLEN, born 1773, Halifax Co., d/o William PULLEN Sr. and Charlotte MATTHEWS. She marr her cousin William PULLEN, s/o of John PULLEN and Ann TURNER abt 1797 and their first son Leroy was born in 1799 in Halifax Co. I need a marriage date for Chaney and William PULLEN. Chaney's father's will is dated 25 Aug 1794 and he names children: Chloe, Leroy, Chaney, William Jr, Clary, Ludwell, Charlotte, Eaton, Willie & Rhoderick (Ricky). Is there anyone in the area related to any of these PULLEN families? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Jan Morrison
XX ROBERTS-Searching for anyone researching Elias ROBERTS who shows up in the Halifax District census of 1790. I am looking for the father of Wiley ROBERTS b abt 1800 in NC and migrated to southern IL. Linda Roberts
>AustinART@aol.com RODGERS (November 17, 1997) RODGERS, William b abt 1797 perhaps in Halifax Co, NC, m abt 1815 in Anderson Co, SC to Sarah Elizabeth b abt 1793 SC. He may be the son of William RODGERS b 1767 Halifax Co, SC and Sarah Elizabeth DUCKWORTH who came to Anderson Co, SC abt. 1798. Perhaps he is the desc of Thomas RODGERS (1730-1790) of Bertie and Halifax Co NC. I would like to hear from someone who has information about the RODGERS families of Halifax and Bertie Co, NC. to help with linkage.
bmcclenny@wcn.net RUSSELL (November 10, 1997) Jeffrey RUSSELL enlisted in the Revolutionary War in Mecklenburg County Virginia, however, one of his sons, Lewis/Louis RUSSELL was born 17 Jan 1788 in North Carolina. Lewis married Jane DAVIDSON. Anyone have any info regarding this family? Barbara Keist McClenny
KashlynCov@aol.com TAYLOR (November 03, 1997) I am trying to find out more on Ahab W. Taylor who was in Halifax Co in 1830. This could very well be my A. W. Taylor who appears in Gibson Co, TN in 1836. He had sons named Doctor W. b.1828 and Isaac M.b1832 and a daughter Lucy Ann b.1836 in TN. Other possible sons were Jasper M.b.1825 and William P. b.1816. My A. W. Taylor died c1847 with no will. Only the minor children Doctor, Isaac and Lucy are mentioned in court. William apprears as guardian to Isaac and Lucy, but at different times. The three children were split on the death of their father. I am very interested in locating Ahab in Halifax so that I can then search tax records and see if he moved c1832-36. This could confirm him as my A.W. especially if he used the initials. Your help on this or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Kashlyn Covington/Las Vegas, NV
jtr38@earthlink.net TAYLOR (October 26, 1997) Any Taylors with links to Hilliard Taylor, d.1892 or maybe any of his children , Jesse, William D., Cornelius, Nancy, or Mary? Perhaps Hilliard's father, Elza Taylor? These Taylors originated in Edgecombe and Nash Counties. Hilliard was a Primitive Baptist preacher turned Circuit Rider. Thank-you, Joyce Taylor Raper
MattB03@aol.com WADKINS, CARLISLE (November 07, 1997) I am looking for info on Mary WADKINS who married Jesse CARLISLE. Any info on who Mary's parents are? They married in Halifax Co. in 1825. They later moved to Greene Co TN. Please Help!
dlparks@hamilton.net WINTER (December, 1997) I'm looking for information on Joseph WINTER who left a will in Halifax Co. 26 Dec 1794. His wife was Sallie. Four daughters, Betsy, Ruthie, Polley and Penny. One son, William WINTER. Thanks, D. L. Parks
jhaisty@tcac.com HAMLETT (January, 1998) I am looking for information on Mary Ann HAMLETT or HAMLET born in Halifax Co. in 1833. Her father was William HAMLETT and her mother was Frances HARVEY. The family left Halifax County in December 1842, reaching Tennessee (probably Hickory Valley in Hardeman County) in January of 1843. She was married in 1855 in Tennessee to Jesse Sherwood HARVEY, possibly a relative on her mother's side. Jesse Sherwood HARVEY may have also been born in Halifax County and their families traveled together to Tennessee(my great grandparents). Any information will be most appreciated. Carolyn Haisty
casaamador@worldnet.att.net McMULLEN (January, 1998) Eli - Would like information of Eli (William) MCMULLEN found in Halifax County. I believe he was the father of my gggg grandfather James MCMULLEN m. Sarah MINTON abt. 1781-82. and served in the Revolutionary War. James and Sarah moved to Georgia. James died bef. August 5, 1794. Ann Pearson
HEAVY-D210@WORLDNET.ATT.NET JONES (January 31, 1998) My grandfather was born in Halifax Co. around the year 1882 and worked for the railroad. He moved to Beaufort Co. and had several sons. His name is Frank E. Jones and was 39 when my father Frank E. Jones Jr. was born in Beaufort Co. Was wondering where to start - your help is appreciated. Donnell Jones/210 Warren Road/Augusta, Georgia 30907
ANNE1857@aol.com DICKENS (January 31, 1998) Seek info on Benjamin Dicken(Dickens) in Halifax Co. census 1784-1787. Thank you for any help.
hazen@c3net.net COOLEY (February 1, 1998) Looking for info on Theodrick P. COOLEY/COLEY, married Polly Johnson in Guilford Co., NC 10/17/1833. Who were Polly's parents? I found Theodrick P. as COLEY in the 1810 census in Halifax. I would appreciate information about him. Where was he before that? He and Polly had a son named Theodrick Hall COOLEY and after 1840 the son and father are in KY. What happened to Polly? The son married Nancy Elizabeth Hardin in KY.
sgt1@centuryinter.net GARLAND (February 5, 1998) TABITHA.GARLAND. Halifax.Co, NC.is one of the counties that listed Garland in 1790 The only Garland listed was Joathan, with one male-six females, inclunding his wife. TABITHA just might be one of the six females. Please let me know any thing that you might find on her. Sgt J. Garland.
RJBloom@ix.netcom.com SIKES (February 8, 1998) Any information about Joel SIKES and his family. He lived in Halifax County in 1779 with a family of six boys and three girls. Also a Joel SIKES who was listed in Halifax County in 1800 but who had no children. Are both these the same person or is the second Joel perhaps one of the sons of the first Joel? Did either Joel Sikes have a son named Joseph Benjamin Sykes who, on July 7, 1829, married Sarah Yarborough from Franklin County? Any leads will be appreciated.
murquhar@bellsouth.net FENNER (February 19, 1998) Need info on Kate Nelson FENNER (1890-1956), her two sisters, Florence FENNER, and Elizabeth FENNER, all born in Halifax, NC. Parents: Lillie Lee NELSON (b 1864) and Dixie Coddington FENNER (b. 1859). Kate's maternal gparents were Katherine Anne HALE (1832-1890) and Thomas Wilton NELSON (b 1830);maternal ggparents were Lucy SIZER (1813-1881) and James HALE; maternal gggparents were Nancy FLOURNOY (1788-1854) and Samuel SIZER. maternal ggggparents were Mary ASHURST and John FLOURNOY. Kate's paternal gparents were William Eaton FENNER (1827-1903) and Elizabeth Rebecca DOGGETT (1833-1880); paternal ggparents were John H. FENNER (1798-1871) and Rebecca EATON (d 1840); paternal gggparents were Robert FENNER (1745-1816) and Mary HOUSON (HOUSTON?). I believe that all her ancestors lived in or near Halifax. I appreciate any information on these families. Molly Urquhart[Queries prepared by Greg Young, former coordinator.]
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