ROBESONIAN - June 21, 1935 Issue
Contact: Myrtle Bridges
Angus Wilton McLean of Washington and Lumberton, NC, former Governor of North Carolina, died today at Emergency hospital here.
He was 65 years old. Death was attributed to a blood clot in his right lung. He had been ill for several weeks.
Gov. McLean was brought here on May 17 from Atlantic City, N.J., in a coast guard ambulance plane. He was stricken April 19 when
enroute from Washington where he maintains a law office. Mrs. McLean came here from Lumberton to be with her husband.
Angus Wilton McLean, former Governor of North Carolina, banker, business man, lawyer and farmer, was born April 20, 1870, upon a
farm in Robeson county, a section now in Hoke county, son of Archibald Alexander McLean and Caroline Purcell McLean. He attended
free school in the old Buck Pond school district, spent 2 years at McMillan Military academy and completed his secondary schooling
under Prof. W.C. Quackenbush, famous old schoolmaster, at Laurinburg. Mr. McLean clerked for a while in a country store and at the
age of 17 taught a public school at a salary of $25 a month. Afterwards he studied law at the University of North Carolina and was
licensed in 1892.
While very little information has been received, Mr. A.T. McLean said that he gathered from Mrs. McLean's phone message that Gov. McLean
was sitting in a wheel chair, closed his eyes and fell asleep, and soon ceased to breath.
His death came as a great shock to this entire community as well as to the family. Recent news from his bedside indicated that his
condition was better than it had been since he became ill. [additional, w/picture]. See Robesonian.
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