My name is Myrtle Bridges and I am the coordinator
for the Hoke County, North Carolina USGenWeb Project.
Hoke was formed in 1911 from Cumberland and Robeson Counties. It was
named in honor of Robert F. Hoke, a major-general in the Confederate States
Army. It lies in the southeastern part of North Carolina, bounded by Cumberland,
Harnett, Moore, Robeson, and Scotland counties. Raeford is the county seat.
has many historical cemeteries, most situated on our Fort
Bragg military reservation. With it's two hundred and
thirty two identifiable graves Longstreet Presbyterian
Church Cemetery provides much genealogical information.
As a researcher at the NC Department of Archives and History, I know the difficulty in
obtaining needed information in a limited amount of time, especially if one is a non-resident of
North Carolina. The USGenweb project is an excellent resource
which only works when people share their knowledge. I am always
happy to post information
pertaining to this county and encourage you to contact
Myrtle here.
Please share your records with others and experience the joy that comes in helping
someone find his Hoke County roots.

Please share your Hoke Genealogical Research with others.
Contact Myrtle. Thanks!

Whats New in Hoke Go here first.
Hoke County Queries 2009 - 2016
Search all Queries by Surname
Index to Hoke Genealogies
Hoke County Church & Cemetery Records
Obituary of Thomas McBryde - 1918
History of Birth; James Mason Gray
Hoke County Girls at Meredith College 1928 - 1929
1842 - Last Will and Testament of Randall Currie
1898 - Last Will and Testament of D. Biggs
Index to Military Records
Hoke County Historical Maps showing formation from parent counties
Mrs. Ed Boykin Photo
Interesting Links
Argyll Colony Plus
Disclaimer please read!
Please Identify Unknown Soldier
Mary Raye Casper Photo Collection
1928 School Photo
1932 Antioch School Photo
Early Relationships Defined
1919 Property Map Index - Hoke County
Download 1919 property map here
Sandhill Families Publication
Go to 1884 Map of Robeson includes part of Hoke County
The northwest corner of this map became part of Hoke County at its formation.
Thanks to Larry Bethune who drew and shares this great digital map.
North Carolina GenWeb Page - Links to all North Carolina County Pages
The Neighbors
Go to 1884 Robeson/Hoke County Map Index to Places

The Raeford-Hoke Museum is located on 111 S. Highland Street in Raeford, North Carolina.
It is located on a park-like site comprising almost an entire block near downtown Raeford. It
is a large two and one half story Southern Colonial Revival residence with a one and one half story
kitchen wing attached to the rear. The house was the former home of large State Senator John W.
McLauchlin and his wife Christian. It was built in 1905 as a wedding gift to each other.
The house was purchased in 2002 for a museum. It contains Government, Military, Church, Farm
displays and many early life memorabilia. The museum is open on Sundays from 3 to 5 o'clock and
Monday from 10:00 to 2:00. The admission is free. Joyce Monroe, Chairman.

Guide to Research Materials in the North Carolina Archives
State Archives of North Carolina
Visit the NCGenWeb Project
NCGenWeb Military Project
North Carolina Newspaper Digitization Project
North Carolina Cemeteries Project
USGenWeb Census Project
Go to USGenWeb Project
USGenWeb Archives
Search the USGenWeb Archives
Visit The WorldGenWeb
NC FamilySearch
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
Know Your DNA
Types of DNA Testing guide Contact: Molly Smith Community Outreach | KnowYourDNA 121 South Orange Avenue Orlando FL 32801
I hope you enjoyed your visit to Hoke County. If you have any comments
or suggestions, or if you just want to say hello, please email me.

If you find any links not working, please let me know. URL's
change from time to time, and sometimes I don't hear about it.
Best of luck with your research. Come back to see us soon!

These pages are copyrighted in the name of the NCGenWeb Project and/or the submitters and webmaster of this project.
They may not be used, housed or copied by any for-profit enterprise. Fair Use Doctrine allows for excerpting limited portions.
©Copyright 1997 to present by Myrtle N. Bridges
Updated: 11/22/2020
Last updated: March 29, 2022