Microfich: C. 052-91001 State Archives Raleigh NC. - Hoke County, NC
Data submitted by Dixie Gregory Simmons. Additions Feb. 14, 2002
Posted by Myrtle Bridges

Abbreviations: Enlisted: Enl.--Discharged: Disc: Page: Pg. Company: Co. Infantry: Inf.: Battalion: Bn.
Artillery: Art.: Private: Pvt.: Battery: Batt.: Brigade: Brig. Sergeant: Sgt. Detachment: Det. Corporal: Corp.
Pg 1 Wm L. Poole 1st Sgt. 119 Inf. Enl. 3-28-1917 Goldston, NC. Disc. 1918 Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 2 Neill A. Willis Pvt. 1st Class C. Art. 2nd Bn. . Enl. 7-28-1918 Raeford Disc. 8-9-1919 Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 3 Thomas J. McGill Pvt. 1st Class School for Bakers & Cooks Enl. 5-16-1918 Raeford. NC. Disc. 11-15-1918
Pg 4 Lorondes McLester Co. C. Bn. . 156 Enl. 6-5-1917 Columbia SC. Disc. 12-3-1918 Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 5 William Preston Hawfield Pvt. Enl. 11-16-1917 Charlotte NC. Disc. 11-14-1918 Camp Jackson SC.
Pg 6 Latta S. McMillan Pvt. Co B. WOUNDED 10-5-1918 Enl. 6-10-1918 Raeford NC. Disc. 12-3-1918
Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 7 William L. Leach Pvt. Batt. C. 6TH Art. Enl. 5-28-1918 Raeford NC. Disc. 9-24-1919 Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 8 John Walters Horse Shoes 15 MGBN. Enl. 9-8-1917 Raeford NC. Disc. 7-2-1919 Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 9 Eugene Bailey Pvt. Ist Bn. 155 Brig. Enl. 5-28-1918 Disc. 4-15-1919 Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 10 Warner L. Biggs Sgt. Enl. 9-8-1917 Raeford, NC Disc. 6-30-1919 Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 11 Horace Locklear Hospital # 26 3rd CB S Det. Enl. 9-21-1917 Red Springs NC. Disc. 8-9-1919 Camp Lee, VA..
Pg 12 James McNeill Enl. 7-31-1918 Beauford NC. Disc. 12-3-1918 Camp Jackson SC.
Pg 13 Arthur Barefoot--- Wagoner Supply Co. 120 Inf. Enl. 10-5-1917 Raeford NC. Disc. 12-3-1918 Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 14 Richard McGougan Cook 2nd Class Enl. 4-1918 Raeford NC. Disc. 7-8-1919 Camp Jackson SC.
Pg 15 Wyatt P. Rush Pvt. 1st Class 160 Hoboken Enl. 5-12-1917 Charlotte NC. Disc. 12-1919 Camp Lee, VA..
Pg 16 David H. Hodgin Corp. Supply Train Enl. 5-28-1918 Disc. 7-8-1919 (Corp. 11-1-1918)
Pg 17 Angus McDuffie Currie Pvt. 2nd Class University of NC. Chapel Hill, NC. Enl. 10-2-1918 Disc. 12-9-1918
Pg 18 Arthur Adkins Wagoner Supply Co. 119 Inf. Enl. 12-15-1915 Fayetteville NC. Disc. 12-3-1918 Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 19 Lonnie C. Millikin Pvt. Field Art. 5th Co. Enl. 9-18-1917 Rockingham NC. Disc. 3-1919 Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 20 Clifton Brown Pvt. Medical Det. 1 2 Inf. Enl. 4-2-1918 Raeford, NC. Disc. 7-29-1919 Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 21 Anthony C. Gillis-Rk. Wagoner-1st Corp. 2nd BOS DGP Det.-Enl. 7-28-1918 Raeford-Disc. 8-9-1919 Camp Lee Va.
Pg 22 Thomas Sindain/Sinclair-Rk. 1st Sgt.- Inf.--Enl. 7-13-1914--Columbus, Ohio--WOUNDED 10-14-1918 France--Disc.
Pg 23 George Murchison-Rk. unkn.--Co B. 801 Inf.--Enl. 6-21-1918-- Raeford, NC.--Disc. 6-13-1919
Pg 24 John Stedman-Rk. Pvt.-H.- Co. 1st Batt. 168 Inf.--Enl.4-26-1918-- Raeford, NC.--Disc. 5-18-1919 --Camp
Lee, Va.
Pg 25 Wattas H. Busby/Beasley-Rk. Sgt.- Medical Department, Camp Hosp.--Enl. 9-2-1917--Red Springs, NC.
Disc. 5-14-1919--Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 26 Fosterr G. Leach-Rk. Pvt.-2 Co. 1 Bn.-- Enl. 7-22-1918--Raeford, NC.--Disc. 4-15-1919--Raeford, NC.
Pg 27 William B. Green-Rk. Pvt.-Co. 8-54 Reg. of Inf.--Enl. 5-10-1918-- NC--. Disc. 12-27-1918--New York
Pg 28 Clayton R. Biggs-Rk. Pvt.-Batt. B. 3rd Reg.--Enl. 8-27-1918--Raeford, NC. --Disc. 11-4-1918--Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 29 Sherman Thomas-Rk. Pvt.-Enl. 5-1-1918--Rockingham, NC.-- Disc. 12-7-1918--Langley Field, VA.
Pg 30 William B. McNeill-Rk. Pvt.-Salvage Co. Quartermaster Corp.--Enl.-5-28-1918--Raeford, NC. --Disc. 11-15-1918
Camp Sevier, Greenville, SC.
Pg 31 Herbert McKiethan-Rk. Corp.-Medical Department--Enl. 8-30-1918--Raeford, NC.-- Disc. 10-1919--NC.
Pg 32 Lawrence Campbell-Rk. Pvt.-309___Batt.--Enl. 8-11-1918--Laurinb. NC.--Disc. 12-4-1918
Pg 33 Latta S. McMillian-Rk. Pvt. Co B.(Bn.156 DB)--Enl. 6-10-1918--Raeford, NC.--WOUNDED IN ACTION 10-5/17-1918
France--Disc. 12-3-1918--Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 34 Napier Humphrey Balfour-Rk. Sgt.-1st Corp. Arty. Corp.--Enl. 3-2-1918--Red Springs, NC.--Disc. 7-1919
London, Eng.
Pg 35 Robert L. Murray-Rk. Corp--317 FA.--Enl.5-28-1918--NC.--Disc. 6-19-1919--Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 36 General Wilson Ray-Rk. Pvt.-316-Bn. 3rd BS. Det.--Enl. 7-10-1918--Raeford, NC.--Disc. 8-5-1919--Camp Lee,VA.
Pg 37 John A. Harris-Rk. Pvt.-874 AL-Corp. 2nd B & S Det.--Enl. 8-1-1918--Raeford, NC.--Disc 7-11-1919--Camp
Lee, VA.
Pg 38 Wm. T. McKay-Rk. Pvt.-Batt.F. 302 FA--Enl. 6-26-1918--Fayetteville, NC.--Disc. 5-15-1919--Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 39 Paul A. McDuffie-Rk. Sgt.- Machine Grade 119 Inf.--Enl. 4-21-1914--Raeford, NC.--Disc. 4-1919--Camp
Jackson, SC.
Pg 40 P. J. Bod__in/Bodkin??-Rk. Pvt.-155 R. Brig--Enl. 7-17-1918--Raeford, NC.--Disc. 3-30-1919--Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 41 James Sessoms-Rk. Pvt.- Batt. 3rd Reg.--Enl. 8-27-1918--Raeford, NC--Disc. 12-11-1918--Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 42 Elbert McLeod-Rk. Pvt.-Medical Dept.--Enl. 7-28-1918-- Raeford, NC.--Disc. 3-15-1919--Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 43 Hall W. Wright-Rk. Pvt.- Inf.--Enl. 5-28-1918-- Raeford, NC.--Disc. 6-25-1919--Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 44 Frederick Marshall-Rk. Pvt.- "307" Bn.--Enl. 8-1-1918--Wadesboro, NC.--Disc. 6-14-1919--Camp Lee, VA.
Pg 45 Robert Edwards-Rk. Pvt.- Batty. E.--Enl. 7-12-1918--Wadesboro, NC.--Disc. 12-3-1918--Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg 46 James L. Butler-Rk. Pvt.- Co G. Inf.--Enl. 5-11-1914--Raeford, NC.--Disc. 8-7-1917
Pg. 47-Clarence McNeil-Rk. Sgt-119 Inf.--Enl. 5-1-1916-Lumber Bridge, NC.--Disc. 4-7-1919-Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg. 48-James D. Tapp-Rk. Pvt.-1st C. --Enl. 7-22-1918 -Raeford, NC.--Disc. 1-10-1919--Medical Dept.--Camp Green, NC.
Pg. 49-Arthur D. Gore/Gose-Rk. Wagoner -1st Corps--Enl. 2-28-1918-Raeford, NC.--Disc. 8-10-1919-- Camp Lee, VA.
Pg. 50- Issac W. Key-Rk. Pvt.- Medical Dept--Enl. 8-26-1918 - Salisbury NC.--Disc. 7-17-1928 --Wash. DC.
(Discharge papers may not have been filed unitl 1928)
Pg. 51-Alex G. Leach-Rk. Pvt.- 169th Inf.-- Enl. 5-28-1918 -Raeford, NC.--Disc. 5-3-1919 --Camp Lee, VA.
Pg. 52-James McCormick-Rk. Pvt.-Co. B. --Enl. 7-31-1918 Raeford, NC.--Disc. 3-3-1919--Camp Green, NC.
Pg. 53-James Mc Fayden-Rk. Pvt.- Co. F. 120 Inf.--Enl. 9-19-1917 -Raeford, NC.--Disc. 7-11-1918--SC.
Pg. 54-Robert Murray-Rk. Corp.- 3 BNS DG.--Enl. 5-1-1918- Greensboro, NC.--Disc. 6-20-1919--Camp Lee, VA.
Pg. 55-Will Batten- Rk. Pvt.- 2nd Co.--Enl. 8-22-1918- Lumberton, NC. --Disc. 12-31- 1918--Camp Green, NC.
Pg. 56-Craig Richold-Rk. Wagoner Supply Co.--Enl. 6-22-1919 -Germany--Disc. 7-15-1920--Ft. Slocum, NY
Pg. 57-Neill Purcell-Rk. Pvt.- Co C.--Enl. 8-1-1818 -Clinton, NC.--Disc. 3-5-1919--place not given
Pg. 58-James Brausm/Brown??Rk. Pvt. -6th Co.--Enl. 7-31-1918 -Raeford NC.-- Disc. 4-27-1931--War Dept.
Wash. DC (Discharge papers may not have been filed until 1931)
Pg. 59-Arthur McKinnon-Rk. Pvt.- 339th Bn.--Enl. 6-31-191? - Lumberton, NC.--Disc. 7-18-1917/19--Camp Lee, VA.
Pg. 60-Paul Robeson-Rk. Unk.- Co. B. 423 Batt.--Enl.7-31-1918 - Raeford, NC.--Disc. 2-8-1919
Pg. 61-Lessie McQueen-Rk. Pvt.- Co B.--Enl. 4-27-1918 - Red Springs, NC.--Disc. aft. 6-23-1918
Pg. 62-Joseph D. Dunn-Rk. Pvt.- 119 Field Hospital--Enl. 3-30-1918 - Rockingham, NC.--Disc. 4-7-1919--Camp
Jackson, SC.
Pg. 63-Duncan McLaughlin -Rk. Pvt- Student Army Training Corps. Univ.--Enl. 7-13-1918 - Raeford, NC.-- Disc. 12-21-1918--Bloomington, Ind.
Pg. 64-Parth? Baker-Rk. Pvt. -Co. D 334 Labor Batt. --Enl. not given--Disc. 6-10-1931-- Washington, DC.
(Discharge papers may have not been filed until the year 1931)
Pg. 65-James. S. Currie-Rk. Pvt.- MTC. Co C.--Enl. 10-19-1918- Atlanta, Ga.--Disc. 3-24-1919--GA.
Pg. 66-Wallace Galbraith-Rk. Pvt.- Co. B. 18th Inf.--Enl. 7-31-1918 -Hoke Co. NC.--Disc. not given
Pg. 67-Henry C. Roberts-Rk. Corp.- 2nd B & G. Det.--Enl. 12-1917- Ft. Thomas ??KY..--Disc. 6-4-1919-- Camp Lee, VA.
Pg. 68-John M. McBryde-Rk. Pvt. US. Marine Corp.--Enl. 12-11-1917-Paris Island, SC.--Dis. 6-20-1919- Quantico, VA.
WOUNDED IN ACTION-7-19-1919 -Pacey Tighey-Probably France
Pg. 69-Neill A. Maxwell-Rk. Pvt. Co B. 306 Engineers--Enl. 5-28-1918-Raeford NC.--Disc. 6-20-1919-
Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg. 70-James S. Poole-Rk. Pvt. Quartermaster Corp.--Enl. not given--Disc. 4-4-1927
Pg. 71.-Issac J. Holland-Rk. Wagoner Co C. 56 Engineer--Enl. 9-18-1917-Camden SC.--Disc. 5-1-1919
Camp Lee, VA.
Pg. 72-Hosia V. McCormick-Rk. Pvt. served NY. Gen. Bn.--Enl. 4-1-1918--Disc. 12-9-1918-New York
Pg. 73-Dan S. Carter-Rk. Pvt 1st Class 347 BN.--Enl. 9-22-1917-Lumber Bridge, NC. --Disc. 3-19-1919-
Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg.. 74-Martin Burney-Rk. Pvt. 347 BN.--Enl. 8-3-1918 -Raeford, NC.--Disc. 7-14-1919-Camp Lee, VA.
Pg. 75-Willie Hair-Rk. Recruit 316th Field Artillery-National Army--Enl. 9-19-1917-Raeford, NC.--
Disc. 9-24-1917-Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg. 76-Malcolm S. Hare/Haire-Rk. Pvt. 9th Co. Ist. Batt.-National Army--Enl. 5-28-19??-Raeford, NC. Disc.
9-5-1918-Camp Sevier, SC.
Pg. 77-Daniel W. Odom-Rk. Pvt. 221st MP Co. E--Enl. 10-10-1917-Raeford, NC.--Disc.6-26-1919-Camp Lee, VA.
Pg. 78-Al R. Currie-Rk. Cpl. 1st Corps.-- E. 228--Enl. 2-28-1918-Raeford, NC.--Disc. 8-1919-Camp Lee, VA
Pg. 79-Franklin Everleigh-Rk. Pvt. Co A.E.--Enl. 5-28-1918 Raeford, NC.--Disc. 5-1919-Camp Lee, VA.
Pg. 80-Robert H. Balfour-Rk. Sgt-Ist. Corps.--Enl. 3-2-1918-Red Springs, NC.--Disc. 7-19???-London, England
Pg. 81-Neill E. Townsend-Rk. Wagoner--Enl. 5-28-1918-Raeford, NC.--Disc. 6-25-?? Camp Lee, Va.
Pg. 82-James R. Goodman-Rk. Pvt. Co 2 365th Inf--Enl. 4-1-1918-Raeford, NC.--Disc. 3-13-1919-Camp Lee, Va.
Pg. 83-John Shaw-Rk. Cook Medical Hosp.--Enl. 3-6-1918-Fayetteville, NC.--Disc. 2-12-1919-Hosp.
Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg. 84-Matt Choat-Rk. Pvt. Co A--Enl. 9-24-1918-Independence, Va.--Disc. 12-1918-Camp Lee, Va.
Pg. 85-George A. Monroe-Rk. unknown-1st Co. 1st BN.--Enl. 6-4-1918-Raeford, NC.--Disc. 4-15-1919-
Camp Lee, VA.
Pg. 86-Ralph Hilton-Rk. Pvt. Inf. E.--Enl. 6-23-1918-Arlington, VA.--Disc. 5-9-1919-Camp Maske? Md.
Pg. 87-Peter A. Webb-Rk Sgt. 322 Inf.--Enl.9-5-1917-Winston Salem, NC.--Disc. 6-25-1919-Camp Lee, Va.
Pg. 88-Tig Kearns-Rk. Pvt. Co. B--Enl. 7-31-1918-Raeford, NC.--Disc. 3-3-1919-Camp Greene, NC.
Pg. 401-James Al. Clifton-Rk unknown 119 Inf. --Enl. unknown--Disc. 5-19-1919-Camp Jackson, SC.
Pg. 402-John Walter Walker-Rk. 1st Lt. Inf.--Enl. unknown--Disc. 2-8-1919-Hancock, GA.
Pg.???-Angus Neill Cole/Cole Neill Angus(name was written both ways) --Enl. 4-1917-Va. --Disc. 7-18-1919-
Norfolk, Va.
Pg. 455-Joe Knight-No Record
Pg. 456-Daniel Silas Jones-Rk. Apprentice Seaman--Enl. 10-15-1918-Raeford NC.--Disc. 11-1-1919-Norfolk, VA.-
Pg 457-Neill Sessoms-Rk. Seaman--Enl. 4-1917-Raleigh, NC.--Disc. 2-19-1919-Norfolk, Va.
TO BE CONTINUED VOLUME 2,3,4-Which will go into WW2
Index to Military Records
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