ROBESONIAN - February 4, 1909 Issue
Contact: Myrtle Bridges
The proposed county of Hoke is, it is said, to be named after Gen. R.F. Hoke, the ranking Confederate general in the State.
It was ar first proposed to name the county after ex-Governor Glenn. The Fayetteville Obseerver says that the advocates of Hoke
county, which proposes to take in parts of Cumberland and Robeson, are spending and will spend no little money to get the new
county established and that a strong lobby has been employed to work for the bill.
The boundaries of the proposed county are given by The Observer as follows:
"Beginning at the southwest corner of Blue Springs township in Robeson county, running thence up Lumber river, the boundary
line between the counties of Robeson and Scotland, and continuing with Lumber river to the west corner of Cumberland; thence
northeast with the line dividing Cumberland and Moore counties to the Harnett county line; thence with the line of Cumberland
and Harnett counties to the run of Hector's creek; thence down the run of Hector's creek to where it empties into lower Little
river; thence a direct line to the head of Little Rockfish creek in Seventy-First township, Cumberland; thence down the run of
Little Rockfish creek to the Central Plant road, near the residence of D.A. Blue; thence a direct line to the old corner on Big
Rockfish creek below Davis' bridge, established between the counties of Cumberland and Robeson in 1786; thence a direct line
south-westerly to the crossing of the public road at Graham's mill prong of Big Raft swamp in Robeson county; thence a direct
line nearly west to the beginning."
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