World War II
We need your assistance to make this data accurate and complete. If you have information on a veteran from Hyde County who served during World War II who isn't listed below, or if you have additional information on any of the veterans on these pages, please let me know. This can include military data, photos of the veteran, especially during their service, stories or their service during World War II, etc., or if you have any information on any of Hyde's veterans who were Killed in Action and the circumstances surrounding their deaths, please contact me. Any information you have will contribute to honoring Hyde County's Veterans, living and dead.
Veteran's Name Rank Branch of Service Entered Service Remarks Alcox, Leonard Alton (1920-1995) Staff Sergeant U. S. Army Allcox, Maxton Marion (1927-1999) U. S. Marine Corps [see obituary] Armstrong, John Albin (1917-1993) Corporal U. S. Army Apr. 8, 1941 Australia, New Caledonia, Guadalcanal. Fiji, Bougainville, Philippines [see obituary] [see photo] Austin, Junius Perry (1917-1996) Boatswain Mate U. S. Coast Guard [see obituary] Baldasare, Edna (Gibbs) (1921-2010)
(Click on name for photo and information)Ensign U.S. Navy [see obituary] [see photo] Ballance, Clen Labin (1924-1989) Corporal U. S. Marine Corps Oct. 2, 1943 Okinawa, Tinian Island, Saipan, and Japan
[see obituary]Ballance, Gene Tunney (1926-2023) Seaman 1st Class U. S. Navy Nov. 29, 1944 Pacific Theater, China [see photo] [see obituary] Ballance, James Kirk (1916-2009) U. S. Army [see obituary] Ballance, Lawrence (1922-1995) U.S. Army [see obituary] Ballance, Leon Gerald (1917-2003) Sergeant U. S. Army Aug. 14, 1942 Panama [see obituary] [see photo] Ballance, Ronald Baum (1918-2010) T/5 U. S. Army Aug. 14, 1941 New Guinea [see obituary] Ballance, Talmadge B. (1922-2013) Staff Sergeant U. S. Army Oct. 22, 1942 Hawaii, Japan [see obituary] [see photo] Ballance, Vernon Edward (1923-2014) Private 1st Class U. S. Army July 28, 1944 France Belgium, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria
[see photo] [see obituary]Ballance, Wesley Wise (1919-2008) Sergeant U. S. Army Aug. 14, 1941 France, Belgium, Germany, Czechoslovakia
[see obituary] [see photo]Banner, Jack Lynwood (1915-2015) U.S. Army Air Force [see obituary] Barber Jr., Samuel Hobart (1924-2002) Private U. S. Army May 29, 1943 [see photo] [see obituary] Baum, Edward Tomlin (1926-1944)
[scans from Katherine Rasdorf]Seaman 1st Class U. S. Navy June 20, 1944 Killed in Action - Dutch New Guinea on Nov. 14, 1944
[see obituary] [see news clipping] [application for headstone] [military marker]Beckwith, Harold (1925-1945) U. S. Army US Army TEC 4 - 509 Port BN -Killed in Action
Cambridge American Cemetery & Memorial
See WWII Draft -Image 1 - Image 2Bell, Wilbur Rollins (1922-2004) U.S. Marine Corps [see obituary] Berry, Ben U. S. Navy Berry, Bryan Webster (1920-1946) Pharmacist Mate
2nd ClassU. S. Navy Mar. 26, 1940 Guam; Spent 44 months in a Japanese POW camp. Killed in accident on Feb. 3, 1946
[see photo] [see obituary]Berry, Garland G. (1927-1993) Seaman 1st Class U. S. Navy Oct. 2, 1945 [see photo] [see obituary] Berry, J. B. (1926-1993) Seaman 2nd Class U. S. Navy Oct. 10, 1944 [see photo] [see obituary] Berry, Jabin Gibbs (1904-1964) Lieutenant J. G. U. S. Navy [see obituary] Berry, Shelton (1918-1944) Private First Class U. S. Army May 16, 1940 Panama, France, Germany; 26th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division; Killed in Action in Belgium Dec. 21, 1944 [see photo] Berry, William Aaron (1925-2002) Major U.S. Army [see obituary] Berry, William Green U. S. Army Jan. 2, 1944 Bishop, Walter Edward (1921-2004) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Blake, James Elwood (1922-1992) U. S. Army Blake, Maxwell Lawson (1924-1985) Corporal U. S. Marines Oct. 2, 1943 Peleliu, Palau, Okinawa, Guam, Japan Blake, Russell L. (1927-2016) U. S. Navy Served on the USS North Carolina [see obituary] Blake, Travis E. Sr. (1922-2014 U. S. Army Served with the 157th Infantry; Purple Heart [see obituary] Blake, William D. Sr. (1921-1998) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Boomer, Samuel Jay (1926-2017) U. S. Army [see obituary] Bouchard, Sibyl Carawan (1920-2005) 1st Lt. Army Nurse Corps 1945 [see obituary with photo] Bowen, Elwood Boyce (1923-1999) Sergeant U. S. Army [see obituary] Bridgman, Merritt E. (1921-2009) MSgt U. S. Army [see obituary] Brinn, Burl S. (1919-1971) [see obituary] Brinn, Grady E. (1918-1995) Seaman 1st Class U. S. Navy July 11, 1941 Eniwetok, Saipan, Iwo Jima, Okinawa Brinn, Humphrey (1917-1997) U. S. Navy Brinn, James Aubrey (1926-1996) U. S. Army Brown, Charles Matthew Jr. (1917-1999) U.S. Navy [see obituary] Brown, Elwood Boyce (1923-1999) Sergeant U. S. Army Brown, John Kenneth (1921-2014) SSgt U. S. Army [see obituary] Brown, Robert Eugene (1917-1997) U. S. Army Burrus, Andrew Jefferson (1921-1979) PFC U.S. Aemy [see obituary] Burrus, Robert Smith (1921-1992) U.S. Navy [see obituary] Burrus, Romulus V. (1921-1945) PFC U.S. Army Nov. 15, 1942 Co. B, 365 Inf. Reg.; Killed in Action Feb. 10, 1945 Burrus, William S. (1930 - 2021) Col. U.S. Army [see obituary] Bush, George Edward (1917-2000) U. S. Navy On USS Weehawken sunk in a typhoon Cahoon, George Washington (1912-1956) Private U. S. Army Company C. 78th Infantry; Eng. Cahoon, Gilbert L. (1919-1998) Boatswains Mate 1st Class U. S. Navy June 4, 1940 Atlantic Theater Cahoon, Hallet W. (1915-1983) Corporal U. S. Army Feb. 5, 1942 Suez Canal, Palestine, Egypt, Italy Cahoon, Henry Wilson (1922-1948) Seaman 1st Class U. S. Navy June 21, 1944 Cahoon, James Lawson (1925-1990) MoMM 3rd Class U. S. Navy Nov. __, 1943 Hawaii, Guam Cahoon, John Franklin (1917-2017) Sergeant U. S. Army Aug. 12, 1942 England, France [see obituary] Cahoon, Kinzie (1923-1999) U. S. Army 1943 [see obituary] Cahoon, Melvin Ransom (1924-1970) U. S. Army [see obituary] Cahoon, Oliver Winston (1921-1996) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Cahoon, Robert Bruce Jr. (1922-2006) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Cahoon, Roy Craig (1920-2005) SSgt U.S. Army Air Force 1942 European Theatre, England, France [see obituary] Cahoon, Sammie Edmon (1907-1968) 1942 [see obituary] Cahoon, Shelton Audley (1919-1991) U. S. Coast Guard 1942 [see obituary] Carawan, Charlie Eugene (1917-1995) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Carawan, Columbus Herman Jr. (1918-1988) U. S. Army Apr. 8, 1941 [see obituary] Carawan, Flavious Poe (1923-2009) U. S. Army Jan. 30, 1943 [see obituary] Carawan, James Cushing (1921-1944) Sgt. U. S. Army Feb. 16, 1942 5th Ranger Battalion; KIA in France & buried there; Purple Heart [see obituary] Carawan, Ottis Jr. (1920-2012) ENC U. S. Navy Submarine Service; Bronze Star [also served in Korea] [see obituary] Carawan, Roy Jarvis (1921-1998) U. S. Army Air Force Aug 13, 1942 [see obituary] Carawan, Wilbur Gladstone (1927-2012) SSgt U.S. Army Air Force 19th Air Repair; Victory Medal [see obituary] Clayton, Hinton Leslie (1911-2007) U. S. Navy 1942-1945 [see obituary] Clayton, Howard Edmon (1918-1990) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Clayton, William Steele Jr. (1919-1992) U. S. Navy 1939-1945 [see obituary] Collins, James S. (1922-1989) Private U. S. Army Cox, Clarence E. Killed in Action Cox, James Earl (1911-1966) CMoMM U. S. Navy Reserve [see obituary] Cox, Joseph Wilbur (1921-1997) U. S. Army [see obituary] Cox, Roy Starr, Jr. (1920-1963) Chief Gunners Mate U. S. Navy [see photo compliments of Lucinda Jennings]
[see obituary] [also served in Korea]Cox, William Harvey (1915-1981) SSgt U. S. Army 1942-1945 [see obituary] Credle, Albert Bryce (1923-2010) CPO U. S. Navy Served aboard the USS McDougal
[see obituary]Credle, Benjamin Silas (1920-2002) U. S. Army 63rd Infantry Division; [see obituary] Credle, Mervia Carlton (1918-2004) U. S. Army [see obituary] Credle, Walter Allen (1919-1991) U.S. Army Air Force [see obituary] Cuthrell, Carlos Hoover (1919-2009) U. S. Army [see obituary] Cuthrell, Curtis Braxton (1922-1986) U. S. Army [see obituary] Cuthrell, Edna Hearne Dillard (1921-2015) Yeoman 1st Class U. S. Navy (WAVES) Sept. 22, 1942 [see photo]
[see obituary]Cuthrell, Garvin Ray (1923-2001) U. S. Army May 24, 1943 South Pacific Theater; Silver Star & 3 Purple Hearts Cuthrell, George Linwood (1916-1989) Captain U. S. Army Jan. 23, 1941 92nd Arnored Field Artillery; Served in North Africa, D-Day at Normandy, across France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Served 5 years until 1946; Recalled for 17 months service in Korea Cuthrell, Guy Russell (1918-1991) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Aug. 28, 1942 Philippines Cuthrell, James Aubrey (1920-1995) U. S. Navy Sicily Invasion [see obituary] Cuthrell, Rufus Richard (1926-2000) U. S. Navy Cuthrell, Russell Earl (1924-1993) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Apr. 1, 1943 France. Wounded in Action in Germany, Feb. 27, 1945 Cutrell, Delbert T. (1923-2014) [see obituary] Cutrell, Ira Glenn Sr. (1925-2008) Army Air Corps [see obituary] Cutrell, John Bross (1917-2005) U. S. Army Awarded the Purple Heart & 2 Bronze Stars
[see obituary]Cutrell, Joseph W. (1923-2007) U. S. Army 88th Division; POW [see obituary] Cutrell, Millard Willis (1922-1978) [see obituary] Cutrell, Rufus Richard (1926-2000) USN [see obituary] Cutrell, Russell Earl (1924-1993) U.S. Army Purple Heart [see obituary] Cutrell, Willie Earl (1916-1989) U.S. Army [see obituary] Daniels, Thomas Carroll (1917-____) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Oct. 22, 1942 Davis, Claude David (1919-2006) USN [see obituary] Davis, Fred Ollie (1919-2006) USN [see obituary] Dawson, Thomas Henry (1903-1942) Fireman U. S. Navy No. 2, C. I. Douglas, Harry Harrison (1914-2006) Sergeant U. S. Army Air Corps Feb. 1942 China-Burma-India Theater Dudley, Samuel A. (1916-1969) Corporal U. S. Army Aug. 15, 1941 France, Belgium, Germany, Czechoslovakia Dunbar, David Henry (1908-1996) U. S. Army European Theater Dunbar, Edgar L. (1912-1953) Private Engineers Elkins, Jesse Lee (1925-1994) Boatswains Mate 3rd Class U. S. Navy Also served in Korea and Viet Nam; 20 year veteran English, James Mileham (1915?-1982) U. S. Coast Guard [see obituary] Evans, Thurman Martin (1921-1993) U. S. Army [see obituary] Farrow, Carl Graydon (1911-1993) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Flowers, Cecil Lloyd (1926-1980) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Apr. 25, 1945 Italy; Korea Flowers, Harvey Jarvis (1914-1987) U. S. Army [see obituary] Flowers, Max D. (1920-2000) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Flowers, Ronald D. (1922-2002) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Garrish, Irvin Scott (1916-1997) U. S. Coast Guard
USA Corps of Engineers[see obituary] Garrish, John Elbert (1926-1994) U. S. Army [see obituary] Garrish, Leslie F. (1914?-1991) U. S. Coast Guard [see obituary] Garrish, Richard Powers (1925-1996) U. S. Navy Purple Heart [see obituary] Garrish, Willard J. (1915-1998) U. S. Navy Atlantic and PacificTheaters; 26 years service
[see obituary]Garrish, William Potter Sr. (1910-1982) U. S. Coast Guard [see obituary] Gaskill, Anthony Thurston (1903?-2000) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Gaskill, B. Owen (1915-2000) U. S. Army [see obituary] Gaskill, Christopher Farrow (1909-1991) [see obituary] Gaskill, Enoch Clayton, Sr. (1918-1994) U. S. Navy
Quarter Master Corps[see obituary] Gaskins, John (1924?-2006) U. S. Army [see obituary] Gaskins, William Joseph, III (1920-1945) TEC 5 U. S. Army 5th Head Quarters Company, 18th Infantry Division; Killed in Action Gibbs, Alton A. (1919-1998) U. S. Coast Guard [see obituary] Gibbs, Arthur Killed in Action Gibbs, Bernell U. S. Army Gibbs, Chesley Lee (1918-2005) U. S. Army [see obituary] Gibbs, Cornel (1925-____) Private 1st Class U. S. Army June 22, 1944 France; Wounded in Action in Germany on Apr. 2, 1945 Gibbs, David Lee (1927-1999) U. S. Army [see obituary] Gibbs, Ellis Benjamin (1921- 2008) T/5 Civilian CCC
U. S. ArmyJan. 8, 1941 France, Belgium and Germany Gibbs, Edmond (1921-1965) Private 1st Class U. S. Army 357th AAA SLT Battalion; CAC Gibbs, Jr., Edward Carlton (1925 - 2001 U. S. Navy [see obituary] Gibbs, Flave Farrell (1921-1974)
Contact: Kay F. GibbsCarpenters Mate 1st Class U. S. Coast Guard Sept. 10, 1942 On LST-763 at Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and Japan
[see obituary]Gibbs, Sr., Floyd Guy (1917-1996) U. S. Army [see obituary] Gibbs, Francis Benjamin (1921-2011) U. S. Navy Spring, 1942 [see obituary] Gibbs, George Thomas (1914-1997) T/4 U. S. Army Apr. 8, 1941 New Caledonia, Guadalcanal, Fiji. [see obituary] Gibbs, Gerald Windley (1917-1990) U. S. Army [see obituary] Gibbs, Guy A. (1909-1991) U. S. Army [see obituary] Gibbs, Hallett W. (1911- 2003) Machinist U. S. Coast Guard May 26, 1930 Atlantic and Pacific Theaters [see obituary] Gibbs, Harold Bride (1921-1980) MM 2nd Class
Bos'nU.S. Coast Guard
Merchant MarineJun-Dec 1942
Mar. 17, 1943Sandy Hook, NJ and Freeport, NY
Atlantic/Pacific/European Theaters
[see obituary]Gibbs, Henry Brian (1921-1996) Staff Sergeant U. S. Army Aug. 12, 194 2 New Guinea, Philippines, Japan [see obituary] Gibbs, Herbert Sadler (1919-2015) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Gibbs, Hugh Blair (1914-1996) Corporal U. S. Army Aug. 15, 1941 France, Belgium, Germany [see obituary] Gibbs, Sr., Hugh Linwood (1915-2003) U. S. Coast Guard
Merchant Marines
CCC[see obituary] Gibbs, Ira B. (1916-1997) Boatswain Mate 2nd Class U. S. Coast Guard Mar. 29, 1939 Guadalcanal, Tulagi, Mindanao, Bougainville Gibbs, Israel Spruill (1915-1967) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Air Corps 812th Base Unit [see obituary] Gibbs, Jack Blount (1925-2004) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Gibbs, James Elwood (1918-2005) U. S. Army Received a Purple Heart [see obituary] Gibbs, Jenness C. (1915-2000) U. S. Coast Guard [see obituary] Gibbs, John Bannister ((1920-1951) Boatswain Mate 1st Class U. S. Coast Guard [see obituary] Gibbs, Joe B., Jr. (1911-1986) Ordinary Seaman Merchant Marine 1939 Lost at Sea while on board ship on Jan. 18, 1942 Gibbs, John S. (1923-____) T/5 U. S. Army Feb. 6, 1945 Gibbs, Joseph A. (1925-1946) Staff Sergeant U. S. Army Oct. 20, 1943 Marshalls, New Guinea, Philippines, Japan; Wounded in action on Leyte. Died July 28, 1946. Gibbs, Lem Leon (1919-1995) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Jan. 8, 1941 Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany; Wounded in France, May 13, 1944 [see obituary] Gibbs, Marvin Ferris (1928-1979) U. S. Navy Gibbs, Max Edward, Sr. (1922-1999) Sergeant U. S. Army [see obituary] Gibbs, Nathan Killed in Action Gibbs, Otis Carem (1920-1952) Private 1st Class U. S. Army 395th Infantry Gibbs, Paris William (1912-1942?) U. S. Navy Buried at Sea Gibbs, Ronald E. (1915-1981) U. S. Army [see obituary] Gibbs, Shirrell W. (1924-____) Coxswain U. S. Navy Mar. 13, 1943 Pacific Theater Gibbs, Sullivan Grant (1922-1993) U. S. Navy U.S.S. West Point, Pacific Theater [see obituary] Gibbs, Tom U. S. Navy Gibbs, Verna Gray (1923-1991) U. S. Army & Merchant Marine Gibbs, William Arvel (1923- 2000) U. S. Army [see obituary] Gibbs, William Bernice (1913-1976) U. S. Coast Guard [see obituary] Gibbs, William Selby (1927-1999) U. S. Coast Guard [see obituary] Gibbs, Willis K., Jr. (1916-1997) U. S. Army [see obituary] Gilliam, Harvey (1916-2014) U. S. Army [see obituary] Groce, Sr., James David (1923-2004) Gunner's Mate U. S. Coast Guard
U. S. NavyAlso served during Korean War [see obituary] Guthrie, Bruce Midyette (1914-1984) 1st Engineer Merchant Marine [see obituary] Guthrie, Cecil Max (1910-1992) Merchant Marine [see obituary] Hardison, Beverly Oren (1921-1957) Machinist Mate 2nd Class U. S. Navy Reserve Hardison, Graham Berch (1925-1993) Seaman 1st Class U. S. Navy Dec. 7, 1943 Atlantic & Pacific Theaters Hardison, John M. (1924-1995) T/5 U. S. Army Feb. 12, 1943 North Africa, Sicily, Italy, France, Belgium and Germany Hardy, Carroll Edward (1926-2010) European Theater see obituary] Harris, Cecil Reuben (1912-1999) Merchant Marine Harris, Earl Dunning (1910- 1986)
(Click on name for more info)U. S. Army Jan. 1941 In the MPs, went overseas twice to bring back American Prisoners of War Harris, Elbert M. (1916-1999) [see obituary] Harris, Frank Odell (1918-1977) Corporal U. S. Army Air Corps Aug. 1, 1942 North Africa and Italy [see obituary] Harris, Frank Woodruff (1919-1945) Private U. S. Army Killed in Action; Buried in Belgium; Purple Heart Harris, Henry Craven (1926-1962) Seaman 1st Class U. S. Naval Reserve Sept. 6, 1944 Caribbean, Atlantic, Pacific Theaters Harris, Julian Franklin (1907-1990) Merchant Marines
USCG & U.S. Army[see obituary] Harris, Marion A. (1921-1979)
(Click on name for more info)July, 1942 In Medical Corps Harris, Milton (1925-2011)
(Click on name for more info)
Article: "Crossing the Po"Private 1st Class U. S. Army July 1943 Served in Italy 10th Mountain Division in 1944 and 1st Cavalry Division in Korea 1950-1951 [see obituary] Harris, Robert R. (1915-1988)
(Click on name for more info)Master Sergeant U. S. Army 1935 13th Field Artillery Brigade; in North Africa in 1942, then Sicily and Italy Harris, Seth Blount, Jr. (1918-1996) U. S. Army Air Corps [see obituary] Harris, Shadrac Harold (1913-1962) MoMM 1st Class U. S. Coast Guard Reserve Harris, Warren Lee (1903-1957) Private U. S. Army Battery, 601st Field Artillery Battalion Harris, Warren Spencer, Jr. (1916-1988) Staff Sergeant U. S. Army Apr. 4, 1944 Harris, William Edgar (1922-1963) Boatswain Mate 1st Class U. S. Navy June 4, 1940 Atlantic and Pacific Theaters Harris, William Geofrey (1917-____)
(Click on name for more info)Major U. S. Army Nov. 1939 Ordinance in Italy; received a battlefield commission Hodges, Bruce Lee (1920-1993) Staff Sergeant U. S. Army July 31, 1942 France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, and Austria Hodges, James Warren (1918-1996) U. S. Army [see obituary] Hodges, Roy S. (1923-2017) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Hooker, Milton (1926-1990) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Howard, Charles Thomas (1924-2015) U. S. Army [see obituary] Howard, Curtis Edward (1920-1980) U. S. Navy
Seabee[see obituary] Howard, Edgar H. (1905-1990) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Howard, Irvin Macklen (1925-2004) [see obituary] Howard, James (1921-1990) Private U.S. Army Howard, Lawton Wesley Sr. (1912-2002) U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers[see obituary] Howard, Lindsey (1909-1990) U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers[see obituary] Howard, Marvin Wyche (1897-1969) Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Army Captain of Seagoing Dredge Chester Harding in European Theater Huddleston, Hambrick Oliver (1925-2002) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Hudson, William Wallace (1912-2000) U. S. Army Stationed in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese Hunnings, Willie B. (1914-2000) U. S. Army [see obituary] Jackson, George Guthrie (1922-2005) U. S. Army [see obituary] Jarvis, David Wilson (1921-2019) U. S. Navy Also served in the Korean War
[see obituary]Jarvis, Foster Linwood (1921-1993) Senior Chief Petty Officer U. S. Navy Also served in Viet Nam in 1968. Served 26 years [see obituary] Jarvis, Henry Lincoln (1919-2000) Chief Warrant Office-4 U. S. Navy Served on battleship Missouri in WW II. Served 23 years [see obituary] Jarvis, Joseph H., Jr. (1926-1991) Technical Sergeant U. S. Army June 30, 1944 India Jarvis, Warren (1928-2013) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Jennette, Garland Windley (1916-2002) U.S. Army Iwo Jima [see obituary] Johnson, Henry Vanderbilt (1920-1991) SP5 U.S. Army [see obituary] Jones, Herbert S., Jr. (1926-1991) U. S. Navy Also served in Korea Jones, Williams Jay (1925-1943) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Kelly, Eugene Lafayette (1914-1982) Machinist U. S. Navy Apr. 8, 1936 Atlantic, Salerno & Anzio, Italy, Pacific Theater
Also served in KoreaKight, John Fisk (1916-1991) U. S. Army Served 30 years Lee, Bonner Reginald (1910-1984 U. S. Navy [see obituary] Lewis, Erdis L. (1917-2003) U. S. Navy Aug. 26, 1942 [see obituary] Litchfield, Claude Davis (1926-1997) U. S. Marines Wounded on the beach of Iwo Jima. Discharged May 6, 1946
[see obituary]Liverman, Henry Joseph (1925-2003) U. S. Navy Also served during the Korean War
[see obituary]Lloyd, Earl William (1920-2009) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Long, George Aubrey (1927-____) Junior Engineer /
PrivateMerchant Marine /
U. S. ArmyFeb., 1945 /
Apr. 13, 1946Atlantic Theater Long, Mendall H. (1920-2008) Chief Engineer Merchant Marine Feb. 1941 Atlantic, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Pacific Theaters. [see obituary] Lowe, Edison Bryan (1926-2000) U. S. Army Air Corps [see obituary] Lupton, Cecil Rhodes (1924-2002) QM 1st Class U. S. Navy [see obituary] Lupton, Charlie Rouse, Jr. (1921-1944) Sergeant U. S. Army Air Corps 859th Boomer Squadron stationed in England; Killed in Action on Aug. 6, 1944 while serving as a turret gunner on a B-24 when returning from a mission over enemy territory.
[see obituary]Lupton, Leewood Allen (1926-2014) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Mackey, Herman (1897-1976) Private U.S. Army Mackey, William Edward Sr. (1926-2003) U. S. Army [see obituary] Mann, Joseph (1907-1985) Captain Merchant Marine Mann, Leondis (1918-2000) U. S. Army May '41-Oct '45
Sept '50-May '52[see obituary] Mann, Thurston Jefferson (1920-2006) Lt. U. S. Navy [see obituary] Mann, Walter Burrus Sr. (1925-2016) Private U.S. Army [see obituary] Mann, William Austin (1922-2008) Merchant Marine [see obituary] Manning, Edward Dunn (1919-1944) Lt. U.S. Army [see obituary] Killed in France Manning, Floyd Poe Sr. (1925-2016 U. S. Army Air Corps [see obituary] Marshall, Arthur Bruce (1920-2009) U. S. Navy Pearl Harbor Survivor [see obituary] Marshall, Charles Henry (1914-1945) TEC 5 U. S. Army Field Artillery; Killed in Action Marshall, Samuel Shirrell, Sr. (1921-2000) U. S. Army [see obituary] Martin, Florence Peterson (1919-2004) Nurse U. S. Navy [see obituary] Mason, Alfred Milton Sr. (1927-2001) SSgt U. S. Army [see obituary] Mason, Fred Ayers (1908-1996) U. S. Army New Guinea, Phillipines [see obituary] Mason, Edmond Otis (1909-1979) U. S. Army [see obituary] Mason, Jack Nicholson (1915-1971) U. S. Army CP Head Quarters SVC Company, 323rd Engineers; BM [see obituary] Mason, John Jesse (1921-2013) Colonel U. S. Army Air Corps [see obituary] Mason, Sr., Kenneth Russell (1922-2015)
(Click on name for photo and information)Petty Officer 1st Class U. S. Navy Oct. 23, 1940 USS Arkansas (1940-1942)
USS San Juan (1942-1944)
USS Pasadena (1944-end of war)
[see obituary with photo]Mason, Marie (1916-2021) 1st Lt. Army Nurse Corps 1943-1946 [see obituary] Massie, Otis Howard (1915-1966) Private 1st Class U. S. Army McClaud, Elmo (1919-1980) Private 1st Class U. S. Army July 14, 1942 McCuller, Froza (1922-2007) Private 1st Class U.S. Army Nov. 27, 1945 [see obituary] [see St. Lydia Cemetery] McGowan, David Foy, Sr. (1915-1987) Captain U. S. Marines Served as Supply Officer in Pacific Theater [see obituary] McKinney, Earl Gray (1927-2012) U. S. Army [see obituary] McKinney, Edward Horace (1920-1943) U. S. Army Killed in Action McKinney, Elbert Oliver (1915-2002) U. S. Army [see obituary] McKinney, Grafton Odette (1917-1975)
(Click on name for more info)Seaman 1st Class U. S. Navy Mar. 14, 1944 USS Bradford (DD-545) [see obituary] McKinney, Harold E. (1915-1980) U. S. Army McKinney, Horace Robert (1924-2007) U. S. Navy see obituary] McKinney, Hyatt J. (1916-2005)
(Click on name for obituary)U. S. Army 1940 108th Reserve Division; North Africa, Normandy; Battle of the Bulge; 7 medals McKinney, Noah Robinson (1919-2008) U. S. Army Air Corps [see obituary] McKinney, Robert E. (1917-1999) U. S. Navy [see obituary] McKinney, Romulus O. (1911-1993) U. S. Army [see obituary] McKinney, Sherrill U. S. Navy Buried at Sea McKinney, Victor Astor (1925-2002_ U. S. Navy [see obituary] McKinney, William Forrest (1915-1968) TEC 5 U. S. Army Ordinance Department [see obituary] Merrick, John Riley (1920-1999) Sergeant U. S. Army Air Corps Midgett, Cardell (1928-1995) U. S. Army [see obituary] Midgette, Charlie Edward (1920-1991) U. S. Army [see obituary] Midgette, Ellis T. (1925-2009) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Midgette, John Nuby, Sr. (1897-1971 U. S. Army
USCG[see obituary] Midgette, Julian Mann (1905-1975) [see obituary] Midyette, David Pell (1916-1997) U. S. Army [see obituary] Midyette, Eugene Mallard (1922-1996) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Midyette, Gerald Monroe (1916-2006) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Midyette, Hassell Elwood (1917-1989) Technical Sergeant U. S. Army June 4, 1941 Hawaii, Guam [see obituary] Midyette, John Vernon (1920-2004) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Midyette, McWaters Alexander (1922-1999) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Midyette, William Gleason (1918-1996) U. S. Army Stationed in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor attacked by Japanese [see obituary] Miller, Edward Clement, Jr. (1913-1957) Corporal U. S. Army Head Quarters Detachment, Quarter Master Depot Mooney, Clifton Hudson, Jr. (1924-1999) U. S. Marines Oct. 2, 1943 1st Marine Division in South Pacific
[see photo]Mooney, Golden (1913-1999) Private U. S. Army July 31, 1942 [see obituary] Morris, Hugh (1912-1978) [see obituary] Morris, Warren Comelis (1917-1993) U. S. Navy Wounded at Pearl Harobr; Purple Heart [see obituary] Mutro, Theodore (c1921-2009) USCG [see obituary] Neal, Royden S. (1921-1980) Sergeant U. S. Army Aug. 12, 1942 [see obituary] O'Neal, Arthur N. (1884-1956) USCG [see obituary] O'Neal, Benjamin Lee (1919-2004) Staff Sergeant U. S. Army Apr. 7, 1941 Battery B, 72nd Field Artillery; At Guadalcanal and South Pacific O'Neal, Calvin J. (1926-2013) U. S. Army [see obituary] O'Neal, Charles Morris (1922-2005) US Army Corps of Engineers [see obituary] O'Neal, Elbert Wilford (1923-2011) U. S. Army [see obituary] O'Neal, Harry Jr. (1912-1974) US Army Corps of Engineers [see obituary] O'Neal, Jack Dempsey (1920-1975) Major U. S. Army Also served in the Korean War
[see obituary]O'Neal, John Freeman (1920-1994) U. S. Navy [see obituary] O'Neal, John Thomas Sr. (1924-2007) U. S. Army [see obituary] O'Neal, Joseph (1904-1963) Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Army Captain of Seagoing Dredge "Russell" in European Theater [see obituary] O'Neal, Leon Gray (1927-1968) TEC 5 U. S. Army O'Neal, Leslie Jack (1917-1958) Staff Sergeant U. S. Army Oct. 23, 1941 [see obituary] O'Neal, Major Warren (1925-2009) USAF [see obituary] O'Neal, Ralph Byron (1910-2002) USCG
1931-1934[see obituary] O'Neal, Robert Fowler (1921-2009) USCG Served on Cutter Walnut & sent to Pearl Harbor immediately after it was bombed. [see obituary] O'Neal, Robert Glenn (1918-1947) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Field Artillery [see obituary] O'Neal, Ronald Thomas (1929-2011) USCG [see obituary] O'Neal, Sam Barber (1924-2011) Private 1st Class U. S. Army June 22, 1944 France, Belgium, Holland, Wounded in action in Germany, Apr. 1, 1945
[see obituary]O'Neal, Steve Monroe (1926-1976) U. S. Army [see obituary] O'Neal, Thomas Gregory (1922-1992) Machinist Mate 1st Class U. S. Navy June 17, 1941 Pacific Theater, Philippines
[see obituary]O'Neal, Van Henry (1915-1993) [see obituary] O'Neal, Walter Miller (1922-2008) U. S. Army [see obituary] O'Neal, William Arthur, Jr. (1926-1996) U. S. Army [see obituary] Overton, Earl K. (1884-1942) Marines? [see obituary] Payne, Alton Warren (1918-1992) Commander U. S. Navy July, 1941 Flight School, received wings Aug., 1942. 38th Scouting Squadron, SAS, Unit II Payne, Archie Melling (1927-2017) Seaman 2nd Class U. S. Navy July 11, 1943 [see obituary] Payne, Durwood Wallace (1913-1963) USAF [see obituary] Payne, George Speilman (1926-2006) T/5 U. S. Army Feb. 16, 1945 Philippines, Japan [see obituary] Payne, New Holland (1921-1942) Seaman 1st Class U. S. Navy U.S. Naval Station, Elizabeth City, NC Payne, Spencer E. (1923-1974) T/4 U. S. Army Jan. 6, 1943 New Guinea, Philippines, Japan Pedrick, Willis Leroy (1922-2011) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Peterson, Curfield (1924-2016) Army Air Transport Command [see obituary] Peterson, James Thomas (1923-2006) U. S. Army [see obituary] Pledger, Melvin T. (1927-____) Technician 5 U. S. Army Feb. 1, 1946 Germany Pugh, Carl Jennings (1911-1983) Boatswain Merchant Marines Aug. 25, 1943 Mediterranean. Middle East, North Africa, European Theaters Pugh, Carnie David (1914-1974) U. S. Army [see obituary] Pugh, Earl Dawson, Sr. (1906-1993) Boatswain Mate 1st Class U. S. Navy July, 1941 Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Japan; USS Missouri. [see obituary] Pugh, James Audry (1917-1998) U. S. Army [see obituary] Pugh, John Thomas Jr. (1910-1993) Corporal U. S. Army Oct. 23, 1942 [see obituary] Pugh, Jr., Joseph James Madison (1922-1999) U. S. Navy North Atlantic; Served 20 years
[see his obituary with photo]Ramon, Edward Charles (1915-1994) Sergeant Major U. S. Army Also served in Korea; Served 28 years
[see obituary]Rayburn, Daniel Webster(1911-1967) Sergeant U. S. Army Air Corps 24th CBT Mapping Squadron Rhem, William Arthur (1918-1965) Technical Sergeant U. S. Army Aug. 14, 1942 30th LC; England, Scotland. Also in U.S. Air Force in Korea Rhodes, Rebecca Jarvis (1924-1990) USCG [see obituary] Rice, James Morgan (1921-2004) [see obituary] Robinson, Willard A. (1907-1968) Staff Sergeant U. S. Army Rose, Fred Edward (1918-1994) Merchant Marines [see obituary] Rush, Wolford E.A. (1921 TX -1954) European Naval Commucations Agency USCG [see obituary] Sadler, Emmett Darrell (1924-2006) Private U. S. Army July 25, 1944 France, Belgium, Wounded in Action in Germany on May 5, 1945 Sadler, Guy (1918-1984) Private U. S. Army July 31, 1942 Panama, South America Sadler, Hiram (1915-1987) Private 1st Class U. S. Army July 7, 1945 France, Germany Sadler, James Milton (1920-1992) U. S. Army [see obituary] Saunderson, Romulus W. (1909-1966) Private U. S. Army Battery K, 202th Coastal Artillery Sawyer, Calvin (1921-2007) U. S. Army [see obituary] Sawyer, Gilbert Ellis (1922-1988) U. S. Army [see obituary] Sawyer, Joseph Leon (1918-1997) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Sawyer, Ormond Dempsey , Sr. (1922-1963) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Company A, 28th Infantry; Purple Heart Sawyer, Vernon Lupton (1922-2018) U. S. Army Air Corps [see obituary] Scarborough, Jack U. S. Navy / U. S. Coast Guard Sears, Frank William, Jr. (1919-1995) U. S. Army [see obituary] Selby, David Hubert (1906-1983) CBM U. S. Navy July 20, 1941 Iwo Jima, Okinawa [see obituary] Sewell, Aubrey Christopher (1925-2004) U. S. Army [see obituary] Sewell, Keith (1916-2008) U. S. Army [see obituary] Shaffer, John Allen Sr. (1926-2017) Medic U. S. Army [see obituary] Sheridan, Dennis P., Jr. (1921 - 1945) Captain U.S. Army May 7, 1942 12th Quartermaster Regiment Philippine Scouts; Southwest Pacific Theatre: Philippine Islands; Missing in Action; Purple Heart Simpson, David Robert (1919-1991) 1st Lieutenant U. S. Army Smith, Bernie Leighton (1927-____) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Dec. 19, 1945 France, Belgium, Germany Smith, David Ross (1923-1990) U. S. Navy Smith, Mark L. (c1928 - 2009) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Smithwick, Archie Rupert (1920-1971) Radarman 2nd Class U. S. Navy 1939-1945 Served on the USS Ranger [see his photo] Spencer, Branch Allen (1918-2011 ) Sergeant U.S. Army Air Corps Oct. 15, 1941
to Dec. 8, 1945Spencer, Dayton Ralph (1903-1965) CBM U. S. Navy Reserve Spencer, Edward W. (1922-2014) MoMM 1st Class U. S. Navy Sept. 3, 1942
to Nov. 9, 1945In invasions of North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Okinawa Spencer, Edwin Keith (1926-1997) Corporal U. S. Marines Apr. 7, 1944 Spencer, Elmer C. (1914-1992) Sergeant U. S. Army Feb. 5, 1942 Philippines, Japan Spencer, Elwood Lamar (1918-1965) TEC 4 U. S. Army 384th Field Artillery Spencer, Flave F. (1923-1986) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Jan. 29, 1943 Philippines, Okinawa, Guam Spencer, John L. (1928-2024) Staff Sgt. U. S. Marines Pacific Campaign Spencer, Leslie Arthur (1921 -2005) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Spencer, Warren Gray (1924-2017) SMSgt U.S.A.F. 1943-1964 Also Korean War & Vietnam [see obituary] Spencer, Woodrow (1919-1981) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Oct. 9, 1942 France, Belgium, Germany Styron, Floyd M. (1920-1971) Private U. S. Army Styron, Pelig Garland (1924-1995) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Swindell, Hal Gray (1922-2017) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Swindell, Kenneth Monroe (1916-2000) [see obituary] Swindell, Lee Thomas (1916-1989) Seaman 1st Class U. S. Navy June 24, 1941 Okinawa, Japan Swindell, Palmer Lee (1916-1972) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Nov. 22, 1942 France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Iwo Jima, Saipan, Japan [see obituary] Swindell, Thurman Randolph (1919-1942) Aviation Machinist
Mate 1st ClassU. S. Navy Apr. __, 1938 Pacific Theater; Killed in Action at the Battle of Midway, June 4, 1942 Teeter, Frank Dwayne Sr. (1923-1994) Master Chief Engineer USCG [see obituary] Thompson, George Norman (1922-2009) U. S. Navy Also served in Korea [see obituary] Tolson, Charles S. (1891-1963) Fireman 2nd Class U. S. Navy Reserve Force Tunnell, Fred S. (1913-1976) T/4 U. S. Army Aug. 14, 1940 France Tunnell, Gilbert Bernard, Sr. (1918-1969) Master Sergeant U. S. Army Air Corps Aug. 14, 1940 North Africa, Italy; 739th Boomer Squadron Tunnell, Robert Edward (1914-1966) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Head Quarters Company, PAC Sect. SIGC Waits, Joseph Alexander (1909-1964) Major U.S. Army 4th Civil Engineer Squadron Ward, Lee Marion (1920-2003) MSgt USAF [see obituary] Wardlow, Frank (1917-1997) U. S. Army Air Corps [see obituary] Warner, Otis Filmore (1907-1987) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Warner, Ottis Williard (1923-1969 U.S. Army [see obituary] Watson, Donald Bain (1917-1957) CCS U. S. Navy Nov. 1935 Atlantic Theater; Philippines, Palaus, Okinawa Watson, George Israel (1919-1987) 2nd Lieutenant U. S. Navy Nov. 1942 France, Belgium and Germany as a Mechanized Infantry platoon leader with the 5th Armored Division He retired from the US Army Reserves as a Lt Colonel, moved back to the homeplace [Lake Landing area] where he lived for the last 5 years of his life, and is buried in the family plot at Amity Church. [Information kindly provided by his son, Bill Watson.]
Watson, James Rufus (1924-1959) TEC 5 U.S. Army 1880th Engineers; AVNBN Watson, John Israel (1920-2006) CGM U. S. Navy Jan. 18, 1939 New Georgia, Bougainville, Peleliu, Leyte, Lingayen, Okinawa
[see obituary]Watson, John Lloyd Sr. (1918-2001) Hospital Corpsman U. S. Navy [see obituary] Watson, Roy (1925-1991) U.S. Army [see obituary] Watson, Samuel Benson (1911-1990) U.S. Army Watson, William David (1914-1945) Private U.S. Army Infantry Webster, Essie Pugh McAllister (1919-2020) Medical Corpsman U.S. Army [see obituary] Weston, Clifford Clary (1925-1997) Corporal U. S. Army Air Corps Aircraft Engineer, China, Burma, India Theater Weston, Lawrence B. (1907-1952) Seaman 2nd Class U. S. Navy Reserve [see obituary] Whitfield, William Arnold (1916-1994) U.S. Army [see obituary] Wibiral, Rev. Frank Walter (1909-1991) Chief Musician U. S. Navy [see obituary] Williams, Cecil Byrum (1921 -2015) U. S. Army Aug. 26, 1942 Williams, Cecil O. (1922-2000) T/3 U. S. Army Dec. 4, 1942 France, Belgium, Germany; Philippines Williams, Chester Stafford, Sr. (1925-2000) Private 1st Class U. S. Army Feb. 16, 1945 Philippines, Guam, Marianas
[see obituary]Williams, Effron Avery Jr. (1918 - 2016) Captain U. S. Army Air Corps Mar. 3, 1942 Pacific Theater [see obituary] Williams, Joseph Odell (1925-1993) Private 1st Class U. S. Army May 18, 1944 France, Belgium, Germany
[see obituary]Williams, Melvin Wright (1924-2017) U. S. Army [see obituary] Williams, Olian Riggs Sr. (1921-2010) U. S. Army [see obituary] Williams, William Joseph Jr. (1921-2012) U. S. Army [see obituary] Williams, William Wallace, Sr. (1922-1995) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Willis, Jack Carroll Sr. (1920-1997) U. S. Navy [see obituary] Windley, Marion Leroy (1900-1959) CMoMM U. S. Navy Womac, Ulysses Levi (1923-2000) USCG [see obituary] Young, Willie E. Sr. (1922-2007) U. S. Army [see obituary]
In Memory Of... An Index to Hyde County Cemeteries by Martha Rebecca Swindell and R. S. Spencer, Jr.
Hyde County History by the Hyde County Historical Society
Hyde Co., NCGenWeb - Hyde County Newspaper articles by Kay Midgett Sheppard
Hyde Co., NCGenWeb - Hyde County Messenger by Kay Midgett Sheppard
Hyde Co., NCGenWeb - Hyde County obituaries
Contributions by various Hyde County researchers, mainly Margie Brooks
Copyright 2023