Bible Records
Lee Co. Bible Records- transcribed from digital images at NC. State Archives - GILMORE-POE - JOHNSON-JACKSON Bible owned by Larry Coyle Thomas, Sanford, NC
JOHNSON-SPIVEY BIBLE Bible belonged to: L Roderick Franklin Johnson, son of William J (Jackson?) Johnson and wife (Martha?) of Moore and Lee Co.,NC and R. F.'s wife Cora Lee Spivey, daughter of Wilson & Cathrin (Hughes?) Spivey, of Chatham and later Lee Co., NC Marriage: R. F. Johnson & Cory Spivey married on the 1st of Feb. 1831, at Wilson Spivey's. Witnesses: John Gunter? & L. B. Spivey N. G. Yarborough, J.P. Births:
.Submitted by Bette Burgess Crouse of Burlington, NC, great grand daughter ____________________________________________
HINTON FAMILY BIBLE This is a Moore Co. bible, but some of the families are also Lee Co. (Surnames included: Perry, Carr, Lewis Richmond, Randolph) Marriages: Charles L. Hinton and Ann Perry - 27 Dec 1820 David Hinton and Mary Boddie Carr, 31 Mar. 1852 Ann Perry Hinton & John W.? Lewis, 4 Jan 1855 Nathaniel Richmond and Lizie Lewis, 28 Oct, 1874 Jane Hinton and William Randolph Watson, 14 Oct 1897, at Midway Edward Irvine and Jane F. Lewis 15 Dec 1847, at C. L. Hinton's in Raleigh Laurens Hinton and jane Contance Miller, 24 Sept 1857
Births: Annie, dau. of N. Richmond and Lizzie Lewis was b. Dec 2, 1875 Nathaniel Richmond son of N. and Lizzie Richmond was b. 31 Dec. 1878 Lizzie Mayfield? the child of N. Richmond and Lizzie Richmond was b. 2nd Dec 1879 Charles L. Hinton b. 18 Jan 1793 Ann P. Hinton b. 10 Apr, 1803 Mary Jane Hinton b. 25 Sept 1821 Cornelia Ann Hinton b. 22 Nov 1823 David, son of Charles Lewis Hinton and Ann P. Hinton b. 31, Mar 1829 Green Perry son of Charles L and Ann P. Hinton b. 31 Mar 1831 Charles Lewis, son of David and Mary Hinton was born 15 June 1853 Betsy Hinton dau. of David and Mary Hinton born 1 Oct 1855 David son of David and Mary Hinton b. 26 July 1861 Charles Hinton Lewis Jr. son of Charles Hinton and Betsy Lewis was b. 3 Dec. 1943 Elizabeth Ann and P and John W. Lewis b. Nov 24, 1855 Annie Hinton, dau. of Jno W. and Annie H. Lewis b. 2 June 1857 Mary H. Hinton dau. of David nd Mary Hinton b. 7 June 1869 David son of Charles L. and Bessie L. Hinton b. Sept 1883 James Cain, son of Charles L. and Bessie L Hinton b. 27 Feb. 1885
Deaths: Mary Jane Hinton, d. Oct 29, 1822, Cornelia Ann Hinton, d. Jun 19, 1924 Green Perry Hinton, son of Charles and Ann Hinton d. June 8, 1852 Ann Perry Hinton departed this life on 22 Dec 1832 Charles L. Hinton, son of Charles and Ann Hinton, d. 29 June 1835 Annie Hinton Lewis, d. June 1857, Wife of John W. Lewis Charles Lewis Hinton, son of David and Mary (Carr) Hinton d. at Midway Plantation 12:05, a.m., Nov 19, 1930, age 77 yrs, 5 mos and 4 days. David Hinton d. 10 Oct 1850 aged 80 yrs, 4 days
SOME NSDAR BIBLES RECORDS FOR NC: Digital images in NC State Archives
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