Lee Co. Newspapers Names mentioned. Note: A person may be in more than one article. I have only listed the name one time.
The Carthage Blade
Thursday Feb 6, 1890 LOCAL BRIEFS Read ad of Surgical Supply Co See land sale notice by George Cockman, Commissioner. Miss Lee Jackson, of Prosperity, spent a few days in town last week. Walter H Neal, Esq, of Laurinburg, was in town this week on business. Sanford has organized a branch Building and Loan Association. So says the Express There was quite a large crowd of people in town Monday. Indeed, it looked like Court week. A large quantity of land was sold at public auction here last Monday, and the prices ranged higher than usual. FOR RENT - My store-room two doors from P.O., on Main St. - Mrs. E.S. Worthy, Carthage NC Pure N.C. Corn and Rye Whiskies and Brandies for sale by W.B. Richardson, at his store on his farm, not to be drunk on the premises. Prof Loisette’s Memory System is creating greater interest than ever in all parts of the country, and persons wishing to improve their memory should send for his prospectus free as advertised in another column. The play at the Academy last Friday night was pronounced by all as being very good. By request it will be re-produced next Friday night. We can safely assert that it will be much better. FOR SALE. A splendid farm in Warren County, 1 1/2 miles from Macon, on R. & G. RR This land is adapted to the culture of the celebrated bright tobacco, cotton and the cereals, etc. It contains 663 acres. Will sell cheap for cash H.A. Foote, Jr, Carthage, N.C. If you want Seed Oats, Bacon, Corn, Flour, Meal, Ship Stuff, Landeth’s Fresh Garden Seeds, Farmers & Planters almanacs, Sugar, Coffee, new Orleans and Porto Rico Molasses, Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, Drugs and Stationery, at lowest cash price, call on B.J. McIver A number of the “Lock Box” patrons of the Carthage Post Office have requested us to ask PostMaster Black that in opening the mails whenever practicable, they will be very glad if he will distribute the daily papers first, that they can be read while waiting for the other mail to be opened. We regret to see the statement in the Express that Messrs. McPherson & Weatherspoon, of Sanford, have failed. Their liabilities are put at $3,000, with $6,000 of assets. Bad collections is the cause. We hope they may be able to arrange their affairs satisfactorily, and resume business again. A member of Capt. McIver’s family received a letter on January 23rd which was mailed at Laurinburg on the 21st of Nov. last. Now, we would like to know where that letter had been for those two months. Somebody has flagrantly neglected their duty. And this by no means the only case of the kinds we have heard of. Letters have been ten days coming from Cameron to Carthage. TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM at the ACADEMY IN CARTHAGE on FRIDAY NIGHT NEXT, FEBRUARY 7th - Let everybody go and see this excellent play. Proceeds to aid the Academy building. Usual prices of admission, 35, 25, and 15cts. We are pleased to quote the following: The young gentleman spoken of is a son of Mr. John A. McDonald, a former resident of this county. We are gratified to learn of the successes of his son, who graduated at the N.C. University in 1887: “Mr. W.H. McDonald has been promoted to the position of manager of Heath, Springs & Co.’s business at this point, a position of great responsibility and trust, and one for which, Mr. McDonald is particularly well qualified. Mr. McDonald has been a resident of Kershaw now several months and having made a friend of every man whom he has been brought in contact, the knowledge of his deserved advancement is a matter of considerable pleasure to his friends - Kershaw (S.C.) Era. Do you desire to die? Not hardly, but you must some day, and you desire to be nicely buried. That will be an easy matter, for Mess. Jones & Kennedy, of Cameron, keep constantly on hand a nice stock of coffins, burial cases, etc. Orders promptly filled at any hour, night or day. When you need anything in their line send to them, they will treat you right. FIRE COMPANY - A petition was circulated on our streets last week praying the Town Commissioners to take some steps toward the organization of a fire company. The movement is in the right direction and we hope our city fathers’ will not hesitate in this matter. It is clearly their duty to provide protection from fire. This matter has been already too long deferred. The Court House might have been saved if we had had a well-disciplined fire company. We are sure that our Commissioners are men of sufficient brains to see the necessity of such an organization, and no time should be lost. The expense of organizing and equipping a hook and ladder company will be only about $100. Carthage is on building boom, and her people can not afford to run the risk of having the town burned down for the lack of this necessary protection. Let the company be organized before the dangerous march winds begin to blow. REGISTERED MAIL - All registered matter for Carthage has to pass through the Cameron office. And as our Cameron mail only come once a day, the registered mail is always a half day, and often a whole day, behind. This is a nuisance, of which we have heard a good deal of complaint, and it should be corrected. If we are to have two mails a day, we desire the full benefit from them. We can see no earthly necessity for the registered mail passing through the Cameron office, but if it MUST go that way; let us have two mails a day from Cameron, and require the postmaster there to open the railway mail pouch as soon as trains on the main line arrive, and send the Carthage mail by the connecting train. There is plenty time to do this, yet if mail matter for Carthage reaches Cameron on the evening train, it must lay there until next evening. We hope that Supt. Bell, of the Railway Mail Service, will make these necessary changes. OUR ADVERTISERS - It is very gratifying to us to know that our merchants who have been liberal advertisers, are doing such a prosperous business. Look at the difference in the business of the merchants who advertise and who do not. Everyone of the Carthage merchants who have been regular advertisers in the Blade report a large increase in purchases for the past six months, while those who do not advertise have greatly fallen off in their purchases. These kinds of things show what advertising will do. Mess. A.C. Kelly & Co. increased in purchases from $4,800 for the first six months of their mercantile existence, to $10,400 for the last six months. Their business is increasing all the time. Take another case, that of Mr. W. A. Hamilton, the Raket Store man. He opened business here about a year ago with a very scant stock of goods, but he advertised, and turned over his money rapidly, and today he has a handsome stock of goods, and a growing trade. Mr. W.E. Black started business last September on a very small cash capital and a few hundred dollars’ credit. He Advertised, and has several times turned his money over, has a nice stock of goods, is out of debt, and is enlarging his store preparatory to putting in a line of general merchandise. Mr. A. McMillan has not long been an advertiser, but he reports a great improvement in business since he begun. Thus it is, the world over, men who let their business be known in a neat advertisement in their home paper always outstrip their less enterprising competitor in the race to fortune. It don’t make any difference whether you like the editor or not, if you do not advertise in the home paper you’ll find yourself left. Mark these words. COMMISSIONERS’ MEETING JURY FOR MARCH COURT
Read adm’rs’ notice by Mathew Cagle. We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the new advertisements of H.M. Anderson and G.C. Graves. They are both well-known business men and will treat you OK when in need of anything in their line. TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM SALE OF LAND |
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