Lee Co. Newspapers The following are items taken from 'The Carthage Blade' in the column entitled Local Briefs. Names mentioned. Note: A person may be in more than one article. I have only listed the name one time.
The Carthage Blade X The Cross (x) Mark opposite your name indicates that your subscription is due, and carries with it an invitation for you to settle up arrears and renew. If you want the paper any more, and desire to avoid trouble, you will do well to heed this notice. After this week we are going to mark off the dead-heads and proceed to collect under the Postal Laws. We notified you about six weeks ago of your indebtedness to Jan 1st, 1890. Send us the amount and your renewal for 1890 by return mail, if want the paper any longer. Hereafter, our terms will be strictly cash in advance and every paper discontinued at expiration of time paid for. Spite work don’t pay. See changes in McMillan’s ad. Work on the Court house is going right ahead. Miss Angie Poe, of Pittsboro, is in town visiting relatives. Read A. C. Kelly and Co.s new advertisement in this issue. Miss Sallie Kelly is on a visit to Sanford and Jonesboro this week. Misses Kate and Mary Lee Seawell, of Jonesboro, are visiting in town. Mr. D.A. McDonald will soon begin the erection of a dwelling on Barrett St. Mr. Jas. McRae and sister, Miss Effie, of Stewart’s Station, are visiting Capt. McIver’s family. He--Wilt thou mine become? She--Imbibest thou rum? No. Masticatest thou gun? Dr. G. McLeod will move his family into town this week. They will occupy the S.T. Fry house. County Commissioners met in regular session last Monday. Full account of the proceedings elsewhere. Mr. Duncan McLeod and family moved into town this week, and are occupying the D.C. Barrett house on Barrett St. Have you noticed the handsome new sign hanging out in front of the BLADE Office? It is the work of that artistic painter, Mr. H.S. Frizelle. HANDS WANTER! - We want to hire a number of good hands to chip turpentine boxes and do other work. A.C. Kelly and Co., Carthage, N.C. Pure N.C. Corn and Rye Whiskies and Brandies for sale by W.B. Richardson, at his X-Roads store, or at his farm, not to be drunk on the premises. Mr. Jno. W. Hunsucker left yesterday for Candor, where he will do a general merchandise business. John is a clever fellow, and we regret to lose him as a citizen. We wish him abundant success. We inadvertently failed to mention in last week’s issue the death of little Claude, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Grimm, which occurred the day before Christmas. He was a bright little fellow, and was the pet of the household. Particular attention is called to the advertisement of Mrs. O.S. Jones’ Grocery store. She has a real nice stock, and is daily receiving new goods. She is entitled to a fair share of the patronage, and we feel confident that our people will accord it to her. Ingram Branch School opened its 6th session Monday. It is one of the best schools in this section. Mr. S.D. Cole, the principle, has no other occupation that that of teacher, and devotes his entire time to his pupils. The school is situated in a healthy, moral neighborhood. See ad. When you get angry with the editor and want to break down his paper by the withdrawal of your patronage, just stick your finger in a tub of water, then pull it out and look for the hole. One will have as much effect as the other. One man can’t make a paper, neither can he break it. Parents will do well to read the advertisement of White Oak Springs Academy. This is the leading school of Moore County, and we feel no hesitancy in advising our town people, as well as those of the county generally, to send their children there if they desire them carefully and thoroughly instructed. Mr. Hankins, the principal, graduated at Wake Forest with honors, and is highly recommended as a man of fist class abilities, &c. Your children will not lack attention if you send to him. MURDERED - Mr. Geo Lemon, of Lemon Springs, a guard on the C.F. & Y.V.R.R. was shot and killed by another guard at some point on the line of the road a few days ago. It seems that Mr. Lemons had been employed in place of the man who did the shooting. This so incensed him that he deliberately did murder. He was captured.
If there’s anything worries a woman,
It’s something she ought not to know, Bet you be she’ll find it out, anyhow, If she gets the least kind of show; Now we’ll wager ten cents to a dollar, This poem she’s already read-- We knew she’d get at it somehow If she had to stand upon her head. (this poem was printed upside down!)
We are informed by the principal that Liberty High School begun its Spring Term last week with more students than ever before. We are gratified at this fact. There are few schools in the State, and none in this section, so well equipped, and that offer such educational advantages. If the Moore County people wish better school advantages than are afforded at home, Liberty is the place to send their boys and girls. This is the way the Goldsboro Headlight addresses itself to delinquents: ‘Dear, darling, delinquent! Our precious subscriber in arrears! When you see a red cross mark before your name, this week, it is to remind you that we are still waiting and watching for thee, to hear thy gentle footsteps on the stairway; and long to hear the silver ring of the happy dollar within our office.’ We hope our delinquents will take the hint from the foregoing and pay up. MARRIED - On Wednesday, the 2nd inst, at the M.E. Church at Johnson’s Grove by Rev. Mr. Currie, Mr. M.D. Shaw to Miss Nannie Patterson. The following young ladies and gentlemen were attendants: Mr. J.B. Vick and Miss Mary Shaw; Mr. B.C. Thompson and Miss ‘Manda McPherson; Mr. A.M. Shaw and Miss Fettie Thompson; Mr. W.R. McDonald and Miss Minerva J. Thompson. Cor. CO. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION - The Moore County Sunday School Association met
in the Baptist Church in Carthage at 10 1/2 o’clock, Jan. 7th, 1890. Exercises
were opened with Praise Service, conducted by President J.D. McIver, after which
the following delegates were enrolled: A.D. Muse and A.M.D. Williamson,
Carthage, Methodist Church; T.J. Shaw and L.P. Tyson, Carthage Presbyterian;
Mrs. R.A. Honeycutt and Geo L. Matheson, Carthage Baptist; J.K. McIver, Manly
Baptist; Daniel Hannon and D.A. McCallum, Bethlehem; Dan’l McNeill and Jno L
Currie, Union Church Presbyterian; G.B. Caddell, Jonesboro Methodist. COMMISSIONERS’ MEETING - At the County Commissioners’ Meeting Monday for the
following business was dispose of: *Mrs. Sarah Ann Brown allowed $8 per month for support of her husband and
daughter, paupers
‘THE DAVIS MEMORIAL VOLUME.’ - Dr. J. William Jones closed on yesterday a contract with B.F. Johnson & Co., of this city, for the publication at an early day of the “Davis Memorial Volume.” which will be published with the full approval of Mrs. Davis (who will receive a royalty on every copy sold) and in which will be gathered choice selections from the editorials, resolutions, speeches, &c., which have made our Southland’s tribute to our dead Chief. The book will also contain a brief outline of his life and character, together with reminiscences, anecdotes, letters, some of his best speeches, &c, &c. It will be beautifully illustrated and gotton up in fine style, making a souvenir which all lovers of the name and fame of the great Confederate will be glad to have.--Richmond Dispatch, Dec. 22, ‘89. |
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